Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 310 The Eve of Departure

"Captain, the door-knocking ghost incident has happened several times in China, and the headquarters of the related ghost files are there. With the ability to remove the spirit society, there is no reason why they can't get it, but they insist on asking you to do it, Captain. There must be some secrets in it. He didn't say that." Rowling said.

Luo Yi changed his posture and lay down on the chair, "You have considered well. The door-knocking ghost is terrifying enough, the ghost domain is strong enough, and the most important thing is that the ability to wander is also outstanding. From all aspects, it is the best among all A. In super events, its sense of presence will not be weak, if such a ghost is not handled well, it will easily cause many complicated supernatural events, and then it will not be a ghost that is dealt with, but a group of ghosts."

This phenomenon is a bit like the ghost painting incident. If Li Jun and others want to deal with the ghost painting, they not only need to face the source ghost, but also need to face all kinds of evil spirits involved in it.

Ghost masters are different from evil ghosts. The ability of ghost masters to withstand erosion has a limit. It is very likely that they will die halfway before finding the source, and when the ghost masters die, their evil ghosts will die again Resuscitate, make things worse.

If this snowball continues, the situation will become more and more complicated, and it will become more and more difficult to deal with it. The current island country has encountered such an embarrassing situation.

This is why Luo Yi is not optimistic about the headquarters' handling of the ghost painting incident. Without it, you don't have enough bargaining chips to wrestle with the evil ghost in the ghost painting. How can you win?

"Since the captain knows it well, why bother taking risks for a few pieces of ghost porcelain?" Rowling said. Even with the strength of the city, they dare not refute it.

"Ghost porcelain is actually not important. After I master the restart, there are very few opportunities to use this kind of supernatural items." Unless the surrounding environment is as special as an endless cemetery, or the supernatural power of evil ghosts is too terrifying, it will Interfere with Luo Yi's restart, otherwise a restart will be far better than Guici.

Of course, if it is a long-term confrontation, ghost porcelain and surrogate dolls are still quite effective. After all, the time for restarting is very limited. If the time point of returning is also seriously injured, it will be ridiculous.

"For me, when I went to the island country this time, a few pieces of ghost porcelain are just incidental. The real purpose is the evil spirits they have imprisoned for so many years." Luo Yi never forgot how he started his family. Sitting in town, there are a bunch of kings in the west. If I go to rob them, I will probably be beaten by gangs, but the island country is different. They have few top ghost masters, and they are soft persimmons, so it is naturally more convenient to pinch.

"Besides, you invited me to go. I helped you and robbed you once. Isn't that too much?" Luo Yixin said.

Rowling saw that Luo Yi had expected it, and she felt a lot more relaxed. It can be said that they are all attached to Luo Yi, a big tree. Naturally, they don't want to see him have problems. This is a kind of trust, The multiple binding of faith plus interests is much more reliable than a signed contract with only legal effect.

"Captain, why don't you take two of your own people with you? You don't know the place over there. Although you are very capable, you must be cautious. There is nothing wrong with being careful." Rowling suggested.

Luo Yi thought about it, and felt that what Rowling said made sense, but this time the situation was special, and he had originally planned to go there with the intention of robbing. If he brought someone with him, it was hard to say whether it would become a drag.

"Forget it, tell Zhang Han to go to the ghost post office to make a stop. When I come back, I will start cleaning the dregs in the ghost post office and occupy this spiritual place as a training ground in Yuzhou City."

It is difficult to form a ghost land, but it is not difficult to grab an ownerless one.

The emergence of ghost paintings is an important turning point in the mysterious revival of the world. The number of terrifying evil spirits that appeared after this is far more than that of the previous period. This is the credit of ghost paintings, and it also shows the rules set by the people of the Republic of China With the gradual collapse and intensified recovery, the evil spirits that appeared became more and more terrifying, and the situation was about to get out of control.

This is an unchangeable trend, just like a wave. Before reaching the highest point, the waves will only get faster and faster. If you don’t want to be beaten to death by the waves, you can only stand at the top of the waves. cutting edge.

The more Luo Yi understands, the more obvious this feeling becomes. Just like two or three years ago, the person who controls a ghost can become the person in charge of a big city, and those who live for three months can be called seniors. , but in the present, the one who controls a ghost is at most a bigger ant, stuffed into the recent incident of evil spirits, it can't even make a fuss.

His current strength is indeed very powerful compared to the ghost master, but it is not enough compared to the existence of the ghost ship, let alone the Yin-Yang Road in the future.

Therefore, the closer to this critical point in time, the more we need to speed up and amplify our advantage over the same period step by step, from surpassing, surpassing, to leading, leading
Luo Yi has never thought about lying flat, even with his ability, lying flat can easily live him for hundreds of years, and he doesn't have to worry about evil spirits coming back, but the experience of the forest ranger in his previous life told him that even under the law In a sound, stable and harmonious society, you don't know which will come first, tomorrow or the accident.

Not to mention, the world order has begun to disintegrate, and there are countless evil spirits.

In a world full of ghosts, lying flat is a luxury!
This is a sense of crisis and a sense of urgency!
Luo Yi waved his hand, "You go down first, if you have anything to do later, you can come upstairs, there will be someone waiting for you here!"

Rowling nodded, and walked out the door with her suitcase. She knew that after today, it was Luo Yi who was waiting upstairs, but Luo Yi was not him.

On the other side, Wang Xin was arranging the departure in an orderly manner. He first made a phone call to the headquarters of the Spirit Elimination Society, and reported the situation here, including the conditions, process, results, and his initial understanding of Luo Yi and the forces in Yuzhou City. The report of observation [-] was sent to the president.

He didn't add too much oil and vinegar, and he didn't overemphasize his bravery and the difficulties of the process, because he knew that these were low-level tricks, and the real success of great things cares about the results. No one cares about your sadness and difficulties in the process. .

If it is done, it means that it has outstanding ability, and fame, status and beauty are at its fingertips; if it cannot be done, it means that there is a problem with ability.

This is the reality of the supernatural circle. There is only power, but no justice. It is as cruel and cruel as tens of millions of years ago, in the bloody and naked Amazon jungle. All survival of the fittest, the fist is the greatest truth.

"Xinjun, don't you think Luo Yi agreed too smoothly?" In the headquarters of the Spirit Society, a man said in a low voice while holding a phone.

In the previous operation, the Lingshe Society once wanted to invite a team of top foreign ghost masters to deal with the starving ghost incident, but when the other party read the files, they refused without hesitation. According to Wang Xin's report, Luo Yi agreed directly without even reading the files. This contrast made him a little uneasy.

Wang Xin thought for a while and said: "President, I have read the intelligence analysis of Luo Yi by the Chuling Society. He acts decisively and domineeringly, and he is not a person who likes to care about everything."

Excellent and outstanding ghost masters are especially valued by every country. This kind of importance does not even distinguish national borders. Take Dajing City Headquarters as an example. , personality, and will also pay attention to outstanding ghost masters from other countries, analyze their characteristics, and designate countermeasures for preparation.

It is also commonly known as the imaginary enemy emergency plan.

The same is true for the Spirit Elimination Club in the island country. They not only pay attention to their own country, but also pay attention to the top experts in the spiritual world such as Luo Yi and Li Leping.

"Having said that, I still feel a little unsafe." The man said, and he invited strong foreign aid at an expected price, which was somewhat beyond his expectations.

Wang Xin didn't speak, he felt a little dissatisfied. The four pieces of ghost porcelain were the bottom line given to him by the Spirit Elimination Society, but not the bottom line of the Spirit Elimination Society. .1's Luo Yi shot, it's a bit unbelievable, but how did they know, for this invitation, how much energy we spent, how many people died, even myself", Wang Xin touched his left shoulder, there was a Empty sleeves.

"Forget it, I'll see him in person when he arrives tomorrow." The man made a decision, and he paused for a moment before saying, "You've done a good job this time. Please ask Luo Yi for a relatively reasonable price. , The spirit-removing society rewards you, even if you want to grow an arm again, it's not impossible."

Hearing this, Wang Xin's thoughts came alive. No normal person would want to be a one-armed Yang Guo. Brother, I can't hold on to the iron.
After getting the promise, Wang Xin became more active in doing things.

The younger brother at the bottom looked at him with a piece of plaster hanging on him, with a lewd smile on his face, all felt his hairs stand up, and felt that he had some kind of indescribable masochism.

After Wang Xin finished his report, he began to contact the airport in the island country. He wanted to apply for a special plane to fly directly from Kobe to Yuzhou City, and tried to get Luo Yi to leave today so that he could devote himself to the supernatural event tomorrow.

If Luo Yi knew what he was thinking, he would definitely regret that he just chopped off his arm at that time. If he did it again, Luo Yi would definitely cut it clean for him, the kind that he couldn't find with a magnifying glass!

Never underestimate the energy of a ghost master's headquarters. In just a few minutes, after two phone calls, a plane in Kobe City canceled the flight, and even the big boss who had already boarded the plane in the first class They were all politely "invited" off the plane by a group of burly men with guns on their waists, not to mention the civilians in the economy class behind them. This kind of brutality naturally aroused some people's awareness of Western freedom.

Some people started to take pictures and videos, but it was useless at all. One piece of equipment counted as one piece, and they were all confiscated by force. Those who cooperated with the crowd honestly changed their tickets, and those who did not cooperate went to the hospital and lay down in prison. .

But maybe there were too many troublemakers and constant protests. In the end, this group of vicious men in black gave a reason: the plane was malfunctioning.

Hundreds of people in the airport watched helplessly that the plane, which could not perform the flight mission due to mechanical failure, slid off the runway and rushed into the sky amidst the sound of rumbling and rolling.

For a while, the country continued to curse, and the eighteen generations of Wang Xin's family ancestors were greeted all over the place.

Wang Xin didn't take it seriously at all. He was a widow and his whole family was dead. If you scolded his relatives, wouldn't it be the same as not scolding them?
Besides, if being scolded a few times can lead to a promotion and salary increase, then he must give this group of people a big red envelope, encouraging them to be more fierce and angry.

A few hours later, Wang Xin returned to the top floor of the building after multiple notifications, where he saw the pale man again.

Because of his words, the energy of the entire Exorcism Society began to operate, hundreds of people began to serve him, and tens of thousands of people were waiting for him to save. It can be said that at this moment, Luo Yi's image should be glorious and majestic. Yes, especially for a Kobe native.

But in Wang Xin's eyes, what he sees is power, a power that influences a region or a country with every word and deed.

As night fell, ambitions grew wildly.

But how did he know that behind this ambition is not a smooth road to the sky, but an endless abyss.

Standing at the door, Wang Xin took a deep breath, switched his respectful side, smiled, and said softly, "Captain Luo, the plane is ready, please move."

Luo Yi didn't even look at him, "Fly to Kobe now, what time?"

"According to the plan, it is estimated to be 11 o'clock in the evening." Wang Xinxin estimated.

"11 o'clock, heh", Luo Yi chuckled, with obvious indifference, "Do you want me to deal with the knocker all night?"

Wang Xin also noticed Luo Yi's dissatisfaction, and quickly hid the word "of course" that he wanted to say in his heart, and said respectfully, "No, it's because our company has heard the name of Team Luo for a long time and admires Team Luo very much, so we can't wait. "

Seeing that Luo Yi's complexion did not improve, Wang Xin hurriedly said: "We have arranged the best reception banquet in Kobe, and there are also a lot of local specialties, which will make Team Luo feel at home."

"I agreed to sell in order to complete the transaction, not to become your wage earner, so that you have the right to arrange for me." Luo Yi turned his head indifferently, pointed at his nose and said, "It doesn't matter what time you leave , I say it!"

Even if the head is beheaded, there must be a time to cut it off. The eagerness to get rid of the Lingshe is undoubtedly a bit too much. Naturally, Luo Yi will not get used to this stinky problem, otherwise he will really go to Kobe. Who knows what kind of moths will come out.

Moreover, their actions may not have the intention to test Luo Yi's bottom line, to see if he is really easy to talk, and then formulate an attitude towards him.

After being reprimanded for a few words, Wang Xin's expression turned ugly. He thought that Luo Yi would become more talkative after reaching a cooperation agreement, but in fact, he was wrong.

He didn't know that the premise of peaceful communication was equal status, and he obviously didn't have this condition.

Among the existing two parties, Luo Yi can only lead all of this. This is the benefit of being strong. Party B can also stand up and make Party A kneel down and call Dad.

"The people in Kobe City are still in dire straits." Wang Xin bowed deeply again. This kind of respect made Luo Yi unable to tell whether he was for the people or his own ambition, or maybe Wang Xin himself have no idea.

"That's your people, not mine," Luo Yi interrupted him directly.

Wang Xin's complexion changed, and he felt extremely flustered in his heart. He felt that Luo Yi was deliberately procrastinating this matter to make it more complicated, so that he could take the opportunity to blackmail more benefits. After all, this kind of operation, He's done it himself, and it works.

"But our deal"

"That's enough." Luo Yi was tired of his yelling, and directly stretched out his hand to grab his neck and lifted him up. The deceitful ghost's supernatural trigger, "Tell me, why are you so obsessed with asking me to leave tonight?"

Wang Xin is not a good person, but he should be a smart person. Tonight, he showed his attitude without any concealment. He shouldn't be so aggressive. There should be something happening that he doesn't know about.

The coldness invaded, and Wang Xin's right hand fell weakly, the expression of horror on his face disappeared suddenly, and his eyes were numb, "President asked me to test your attitude again, to see if you really want to handle supernatural events for us. I also want to use this incident as a qualification for promotion, complete the promotion of the position, and become the next president candidate."

Under the influence of the deceitful ghost, Wang Xin revealed all the secrets in his heart without reservation.

With all his fingers, Luo Yi broke his neck directly. All he wanted was a guide. This person could be Wang Ye, Wang Xin, or some unknown little character.

Three minutes later, news of Wang Xin's death came back to Kobe City. A man picked up the phone and said lightly, "Let Maedagawa take over from Wang Xin."

Only one person died, without Wang Ye, there is Wang Xin, without Wang Xin, there is still Wang Chuan, what is lacking in the Spirit Society is a ghost master, never a human being! (end of this chapter)

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