In Yuzhou City, a plane took off slowly against the sun. Luo Yi sat in a spacious seat, quietly flipping through the materials of this incident.

After Wang Xin's death, he didn't choose to stay longer intentionally, because he knew that as long as he didn't leave for a day, the island country would continue to send people to ask questions, even if Luo Yi killed him, it didn't matter, let you kill, let you kill, Kill until you are upset, kill until you are soft.

Using a few casualties in exchange for the tranquility of Kobe City, how can the president of the Lingsha Society calculate this account, and how cost-effective it is.

There was the sound of pages being turned.

Luo Yi was the only one in the first-class cabin of this plane, and several men in suits stood in the aisle, waiting for Luo Yi's possible order.

This is an order from the new person in charge, Maeda Chuan, whose Chinese name is Wang Chuan. Without Luo Yi's order, the people under him are not allowed to do anything.

"If you do it, you may make mistakes. If you don't do it, at least you won't make mistakes." Wang Chuan thought.

He knew exactly how the two people in charge died, so if he wanted to survive, he had to do the opposite.

In fact, Wang Chuan looks like an old dog on the surface, but he is also panicking in his heart. In addition to the strong soldiers and many younger brothers under the command of the president of Lingshe, he is naturally not worried about Luo Yi killing people. In his opinion, it is good to kill one and make up for the other. up.

But the people under his hands can't do it. Luo Yi's knife is on his neck. If he makes a wrong step, he has to say goodbye to himself in the next second, so it's better to be more cautious.

Live your life first and return to Kobe, and play however you want.

Luo Yi looked at the information in front of him, which briefly introduced how the door-knocking ghost incident broke out, which areas it affected, how many people were involved, and the efforts made by the Exorcism Club.

"Nine ghost masters were sent in one after another, but all of them died inside, which means that there are at least ten evil ghosts in the Knocking Ghost Ghost Realm," Luo Yixin said, "No, more than that, The door knocker appeared several times when he was in China, and there were more evil spirits than the clearly recorded number."

He looked at the other party's records, and the preliminary estimate of the number of evil spirits above was fourteen.

Fourteen, death, in the concept of Chinese people, this is a very unlucky number!

Behind the written record is the picture material, the current one is a dark, dead town, with black, white and gray tones, which looks particularly depressing and weird.

This should be in the haunted domain of the door knocker, but the door knocker was not successfully captured in the photo.

Luo Yi continued to turn back, and there was a Japanese-style wooden building inside. The building as a whole didn't look high, only two or three stories high. The shape was relatively simple, and there were no decorations.

But what attracts attention is not the building itself, but the things that appear in the building, or evil spirits.

Behind the half-covered door is an exquisitely placed screen. Generally speaking, screens are used for wind protection, partition, and concealment, so most of them are made in a simple and elegant and low-key way. This one is not. , it is blood red all over, as if it has been soaked in blood, all kinds of weird patterns on it are gathered together, even through the photos, you can feel the dizzy, nauseating feeling of nausea.

Red is the most taboo in supernatural events. This is a long-standing concept, because red on the dead usually represents fierceness, evil, sin and madness.

Such as ghost coffin, ghost cabinet, ghost bride, ghost painting... Even Luo Yi's own ghost domain is red.

The information on the Spirit Society is relatively detailed. Although there are not many descriptions of evil spirits, some places and phenomena contaminated by spirits have been recorded in varying degrees of detail.

They also hope that Luo Yi can solve this supernatural incident as soon as possible and imprison this evil spirit that ravaged Kobe City, so they did not deliberately conceal it.

After all, they were also afraid that Luo Yi would clap his hands and tell them that they couldn't solve it after going over to look at it, and let them ask for their own blessings.

And more importantly, they were also afraid that Luo Yi would overturn his car and die in this incident. By then, the island country would not have one ghost temple incident, but two S-level incidents.

If the two erupt together, tsk tsk, Shen Dao may not be far away.

Luo Yi flipped through several pages of information, and another photo caught his attention.

This is a weird single-person photo. In the picture is a woman with snow-white face, rosy cheeks, thick and short eyebrows, and a high bun full of tortoiseshell hairpins. She is wearing a gorgeous kimono with a sash knotted in front. Under the feet is an extremely high wooden clog, which looks like a stilt.

The woman puts one hand on her chest, the other hand is in the air, one foot is slightly raised, the toes are slanted outward, as if she is going to make a horoscope.


Looking at this distinctive dress, Luo Yi immediately recognized the identity of the woman in the picture. This was due to the power of the modern Internet, which allowed him to know many anecdotes and secret histories of other countries.

The oiran here has the same meaning as the oiran on the banks of the Qinhuai River in ancient times. Both can be translated as the head of the flower, the meaning of the crown of the place. The difference is that the brothel in the island country is called the verandah, and the women in the brothel are called You Nu. The most outstanding one is called oiran.

The women in the painting are well-dressed, and their actions look even more ridiculous, but this was a very high etiquette in the past, and it was called: Huakui Road. , unlike now, one by one standing on the side of the road stupidly, without any talent, and the price is still high.

The oirans are gorgeously dressed, but if you think that the oirans only rely on a few clothes, you are wrong. They have to learn many high-end etiquette and arts, including classical calligraphy, tea ceremony, dance, elegant musical instruments, songs, and the game of Go. This is the same reason that Qinhuai Bayan must learn to recite poems, compose Fu, play piano, play chess, calligraphy and paint.

In a word, push the force to the full, raise the price, and shout out another sentence: If you are a performer but not yourself, your value will soar.

The reason why Luo Yi was impressed by this was not because of the special nature of this profession, but because they actually retired at the age of 28. At 28 years old, at the age of the previous life, it was generally equivalent to finishing college and taking four years of class. retire.

At that time, as a forest ranger, he had to go out to patrol in the middle of the night. His colleagues were too busy and his salary was low. Seeing this, he really almost cried.

"Fortunately, I have become a ghost master in this life. Although it is a bit dangerous, at least I don't have to be like a street writer who goes to work during the day and codes at night. He wakes up earlier than chickens, sleeps later than dogs, and stays up until he falls asleep. There are not many subscriptions for hair." Luo Yixin said.

There are very few materials behind the ghost oiran. In this data, there are only four evil ghosts with relatively clear records. There are quite a few records of weird places. There are about seven, which can still provide a lot of help.

"How long will it take to arrive?" Luo Yi put down the information in his hand and asked aloud.

As soon as the voice finished speaking, a man in a suit and with a mid-parted mustache walked in, "Team Luo, there is still an hour's flight to Kobe City. In addition, we have professional masseurs here. If you are tired , I can ask her to come in and give you a massage to relax."

"Massage, is it normal?" Luo Yi looked at Wang Chuan who was bowing, and he really didn't understand why they liked to bow so much. They wanted to show respect, so kneeling down and kowtow was not good.

Wang Chuan was stunned for a while, and didn't know how to answer for a moment. After thinking for a while, he said, "I don't know whether it's official or not, but they must be professional."

Luo Yi hummed and closed his eyes, and Wang Chuan retreated knowingly.

Not long after, there was a sound of light footsteps, and it was known from the sound that the person who came was a woman.

Luo Yi opened his eyes slightly, one was red and the other was white, two women in kimonos were standing one meter away, the two women's faces were slightly pale, and there was a little fear in their eyes, but they still bowed obediently, together He said respectfully: "Qianxue, Miyuki, I met Mr. Luo."

"Evil capitalists are still twins!"

Twins are not uncommon, but iconic twins are rare, especially the service of iconic twins, which is difficult for most ordinary people to expect in their lifetime.

The two women felt relieved when they saw that Luo Yi didn't drive him away. Wang Chuan had nothing to do with Luo Yi, but he was able to deal with the two weak women with ease. Let Luo Yi be satisfied, otherwise not only will they suffer, but even their family members will be implicated.

It's a truth that even the little ruffians on the road know, but except for the Lingshe, they are the truth. Although they are helpless, they are very true.

Qianxue, Miyuki slowly let go of her courage and approached. Immediately, two different aromas hit her. The aroma was slow, with a faint scent of sweet tobacco leaves. It was unique and rare. Instead of obvious conflicts, there is a sense of harmony and complement each other.

From this detail, it can be seen that these people have been specially trained and are indeed "professional".

Luo Yi adjusted his posture, relaxed his body slightly, brushed his shoulders with four white and slender hands, and began to massage him, with gentle and heavy pressure, interlaced one after another, as if what was under his fingers was not a muscle, but a frame. Piano, full of artistic feeling.

From the previous life to this life, Luo Yi has never enjoyed this level of massage service, but he has experienced a blind massage once. After that time, his back hurt for a few days, which also made him avoid massage shops by the roadside. Not as good as.

I don’t know if it’s due to well-trained training or if the twins really have a sympathy. Luo Yi found that the frequency and even the strength of the movements of the two sisters are almost exactly the same. This feeling is much more comfortable than a blind massage. The key is not only good technique, but also enough people Pretty, looks pleasing enough.

Of course, just look at it. After Luo Yi became a ghost master, his emotions and desires diminished, and reason completely suppressed his sensibility. Although these two women are good, they have not reached the point where they can catch Luo Yi.

The woman in red named Meixue glanced at her sister, raised her eyebrows at her, and said, "This person doesn't seem to be as scary as Wang Chuan said."

Qianxue frowned slightly, glared at her sister, and then signaled her outside the corridor with her eyes, "Concentrate on doing things and don't get distracted, otherwise the consequences will be very troublesome."

If Luo Yi has the ability to read minds, he will find that the two sisters are no longer simply having a tacit understanding, they can even communicate with each other routinely through their eyes.

Miyuki pursed her lips, but she didn't refute. She knew that her life was hanging on the ghost master in front of her. Only by satisfying him could the two of them escape punishment. How dare she be presumptuous.

It is not a new thing to use ordinary people to serve ghost masters, especially in the Spirit Elimination Society, there are even special departments responsible for selecting beautiful women and men from all over the country, training and training them, and treating them as playthings It is usually given to ghost masters for fun.

The two sisters Qianxue and Miyuki were like this. They were originally born in a relatively wealthy middle-class family. At their age, it is reasonable to say that they should still be enjoying their youth in school, carefree, and they can talk about a sweet love .

But who would have thought that one day a large group of people would break into their home and tell their father that Kichi Nakajima owed a huge loan, and if they didn't pay back the money, they would pour his father into a cement pot and drag him to fill the sea.

They never imagined how their hard-working father, who loves them all the time, would be contaminated with gambling and owe loan sharks that he would never be able to repay in his entire life.

But when they entered this circle, they understood that it was not their father who was fond of gambling, but that they used their connections to frame Kichi Nakajima for making false accounts, embezzling public funds, and all the evidence was confirmed, and they would send him to jail .

In order to avoid being imprisoned, Nakajima had no choice but to make up for the shortfall from his own pocket, but his little savings were not enough, so he could only hope to turn around from gambling, but his luck was obviously bad, and he quickly lost the rest of the money He was clean and owed a huge amount of loans.

But how did he know that there were actually a group of people who framed him, went to the casino, and then to lending money, all for his two juicy twin daughters.

By the time he reacted, it was already too late, and it was impossible not to recognize the words written in black and white.

Yoshi Nakajima wanted to die, but his death would not solve the problem, the other party's target was not him at all, he died, leaving Qianxue Miyuki orphaned and widowed, let alone the people from the Exorcism Society.

Qianxue and Miyuki were forced to have no choice but to agree to work for the Exorcism Society in exchange for the forgiveness of Nakajima Yoshi from the Exorcism Society.

This is the means to get rid of the spirit society. They use everything to the extreme. As long as they are interested in people, they will always find ways to get them.

Unless you're the daughter of a high-ranking official, or fall in love with a ghost master.

"Right now, this person is our sister's chance!" Qian Xue looked at Luo Yi with a calm expression, and secretly swore in her heart.

She is controlled by the people from the Spirit Elimination Society, but it is not completely closed management. In order to make them better please the ghost master, some basic information will still be told to them.

So she not only knew that Wang Ye, Wang Xin and other high-ranking persons in charge had been killed, but also learned from Wang Chuan that Luo Yi had the ability to become "Jade".

This is the highest evaluation that is extremely rare in the entire island country.

"If you can get his appreciation, even just a word, it will be enough to change the fate of our family." Qian Xue said inwardly.

Unlike the preoccupied Qianxue, aesthetics should be more simple. At the age of sixteen or seventeen, no matter how precocious she is, she still has the innocence and curiosity of a woman.

And Luo Yi's attitude gave her a little courage.

So while she was doing things, she looked at Luo Yi, who had closed her eyes, and observed him carefully, wanting to see how he was different from ordinary people.

"It seems that the appearance is the same as that of ordinary people, but why the combination of the five senses makes them look so much better." Miyuki secretly thought.

In fact, after being in contact with supernatural powers for a long time, Luo Yi's appearance has also undergone some changes unconsciously. Although he is not yet handsome, he is also out of the category of ordinary people.

This state is exactly in line with the concept of the mean, impartial, without faults, without faults.

It won't be eye-catching, but it is quite attractive, but because of Luo Yi's domineering behavior, few people dare to stare at him like Miyuki.

Miyuki took a few glances, then moved her gaze down again, where she saw a section of pure gold.

"The scabbard made of gold is really extravagant!" Miyuki said in shock.

Up to now, there is basically no gold in circulation in the market, and now in the black market, the price of gold has been hyped to be more expensive than diamonds.

Even the advertisement for the ring was changed to: Gold is forever, and one piece will last forever.

Think of the current price of gold.

Miyuki still wanted to take another look, but suddenly found something moving under Luo Yi's black robe, she squatted down a little, and lowered her gaze.

A gray, numb eye rolled its eyeballs, blinking restlessly on a weird handle that looked like a palm, and gusts of cold air struck, making one's hair stand on end.

This is a ghost eye!

Miyuki's exclamation woke up the pensive Qianxue, and it also caused Luo Yi's closed eyes to suddenly open, his pupils contracted, and a trace of blood flashed in his eyes. At the same time, he stretched out his palm and pressed Miyuki's shoulder.

"Don't read what you shouldn't!" (End of this chapter)

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