Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 312 Welcome Ceremony

Chapter 312 Welcome Ceremony
"Captain Luo, Kobe City is almost here!"

Wang Chuan tapped lightly on the wall twice, with a respectful and solemn expression. He was the one who brought Luo Yi to Kobe City, and now they are on the same boat.

If Luo Yi solves the door-knocker incident, he will naturally be promoted and raise his salary, and get the same status as Wang Xin and Wang Ye.

"If it doesn't work out," Wang Chuan touched the dagger at his waist. Caesarean section is the easiest way to die.

Kobe's climate is greatly influenced by the Seto Inland Sea, with hot summers and relatively mild winters. There is a continuous rainy season from May to July every year, and typhoons frequently occur in September.

Now that the typhoon has passed, although the temperature has dropped slightly, it will not feel cold.

Luo Yi stepped off the plane first, and the large parking lot had already been cordoned off. A group of men in black were lined up in two rows, with a red carpet in the middle, and the end of the red carpet was right at Luo Yi's feet. , and at the other end was a stretched luxury car with half-open doors.

"I didn't expect to be a ghost master and walk the red carpet one day!" Luo Yi was a little surprised.

"Hello Team Luo!"

Just as Luo Yi stepped on the red carpet with his right foot, the people in black on both sides bowed and said hello in unison. It's quite strange that some people speak bluntly and out of tune, and it sounds like they've learned it temporarily, but some people speak it straight and smooth.

Luo Yi stopped in his tracks and looked around. These people were wearing uniforms, black-framed sunglasses, and bulging waists. At first glance, they looked like armed violent elements who were not easy to mess with.

But it was such a group of people who humbly greeted Luo Yi. It has to be said that Chu Lingshe had considered people's vanity and good face thoroughly.

Under this kind of environment and courteous treatment, even if Luo Yixin was dissatisfied, it would not be easy to explode, because he gave enough face.

This way of treating ghost masters can give people a high-level enjoyment like an emperor. In comparison, the behavior of the domestic headquarters is almost meaningless.

Cao Yanhua and other high-level leaders of the headquarters treat the city leaders below, both to win over and to guard against, using a high standard and strict requirements to measure each person who is already mentally abnormal and has a severely shortened lifespan.

This is not a reasonable thing in the first place, not to mention that the quality of ghost masters before becoming ghost masters is uneven, and there are still situations where laymen direct experts, draw big cakes, and use righteousness to overwhelm others.

That's why there are so many ghost masters who are unwilling to join the headquarters, but go to the circle of friends and ghost forums.

Of course, it would cause dissatisfaction among many people to do some stupid things to people who are dying. Fortunately, Cao Yanhua and others are also aware of this problem.

That's why the captain's plan was activated, and the power was delegated to the top ghost masters, so that they could maintain the situation, and no longer play the emperor's tricks of balancing power.

"It seems that getting rid of the Lingshe is not easy," Luo Yixin said.

Don't look at the current momentum that seems to be welcoming the president of the country, but most of these are ordinary people, and there are not many powerful ghost masters at all.But thinking about it, if you are strong enough, who would beg for help in a low voice?

The more this is the case, the more it shows that the spiritual situation in their country is very bad, and the affairs of Luo Yi's trip are more complicated.

Luo Yi walked slowly on the red carpet, and only when his footsteps crossed his line of sight, those people in black would straighten their spines and raise their heads.

This is also a kind of etiquette and respect for the strong.

Before Luo Yi approached, a man at the front of the car bowed slightly, and walked forward quickly, "Welcome Mr. Luo, I'm the president of the Spirit Elimination Club, Mishima, and I'll leave the door-knocking ghost to your Excellency. "

A middle-aged man with bald hair in a suit said enthusiastically, and handed over a business card while talking.

"You can actually speak our country's language." Luo Yi was a little surprised.

"Your country's culture is extensive and profound, and I only know a little bit about it." Mishima touched his bald head and said modestly.

The tone of his movements reveals the appearance of a harmless scholar. It is easy for people to let their guard down and think that he is an honest and honest person.

Luo Yi took a deep look at him, an honest scholar would not be able to sit on the throne of the president of the Spirit Elimination Society.

"Mr. Luo should be coming to Kobe for the first time. We specially held a small welcome ceremony for your arrival, and please condescend to come." Mishima warmly invited Luo Yi to attend a welcome party.

"It's really interesting. These islanders speak idioms one after another. The previous Wang Ye and Wang Xin were like this, and the three islands are also like this." Luo Yi secretly said.

Compared with them, Wang Chuan, who is taciturn, is much inferior, but he doesn't know that it is precisely this duty that saved his life. Different slaughtered.

Mishima invited Luo Yi to get into the car. The car has a lot of space, luxurious interior, and aromatherapy burning inside. The two sisters Nakajima Chiyuki and Miyuki also got into the car and sat next to Luo Yi, one on the left and the other on the right. They have the lowest status, and they dare not speak, acting like two little transparent ones.

After sitting down safely, there was a special person at the front of the car to clear the way, and the road was unimpeded. In just ten minutes, everyone came to the outside of a gorgeous hotel.

But Luo Yi did not understand the language of the island country.

"Kobe Sannomiya Hotel, this is the hotel with the most luxurious decoration and the best service in the local area." Qianxue said softly.

Luo Yi didn't answer. During the previous trip, he knew that the two sisters were not only beautiful vases, but also the translators for his trip.

"Mr. Luo, please, inside is the banquet hall we prepared!" Mishima clapped his hands, and immediately two men in black opened the door, one on the left and one on the right, and the scene inside came into Luo Yi's eyes.

I saw a rectangular table inside, on which lay a naked young woman, some salmon, sushi, caviar, black truffle and other foods were spread on the woman, and some flower petals were placed in some more private places , used to half cover.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yi understood why he had to close the door, because this kind of thing was expressly prohibited, but for the group of rule-makers behind him, they didn't care about breaking the rules at all.

On the contrary, those who violate the rules show sincerity.

This is like bribing the leader. How can you send two common eggs and others send a big African deer whip.

"Mr. Luo, please!"

Mishima stretched out his right hand and made a respectful gesture.

Luo Yi was completely indifferent to these things, and Mishima's careful arrangement was obviously a show for the blind.

"I started preparing this three days ago. I named this dish Xiu Se Ke Tan, please Mr. Luo to taste it." Mishima smiled.

This kind of banquet is not a very high-end thing, even a bit vulgar, but in the eyes of some underground forces, it is a very prestigious way of hospitality. If you want to prepare such a meal, you will never spend any effort few.

Miyuki sat on the right side of Luo Yi, her cheeks were red, she felt a little embarrassed looking at the naked woman in front of her, but Qianxue was much calmer, although she could still see something strange, she still calmly worked for Luo Yi translate.

"If you want to present the most perfect dish, you must first choose a suitable woman. This woman should be young, moderately tall, moderately fat and thin, and have white skin. There should be no tattoos, scars, or dead skin. More importantly, No body odor!" Mishima said with a loud laugh.

"Secondly, we need to remove excess hair. We must be healthy and free from colds and diseases. Before we start arranging the dishes, we must lower the temperature of the body surface. We must not sweat, and we must have strong endurance. It can be said that no one Two years of professional training won't do it."

Mishima talked eloquently, as if introducing a fine work of art.

The lying woman, with bright eyes open, did not have any extra movements or expressions other than her breathing and heartbeat, as if she was really an unconscious dummy.

Mishima introduced it for a long time, and found that Luo Yi was silent all the time, the old god was sitting there, his expression was neither sad nor happy, and he was invisible, making it difficult to distinguish his inner thoughts.

The atmosphere began to solidify, and Mishima's eyes flickered a few times, "Mr. Luo, but you are not satisfied with the arrangement of my lord, or the food is not to your liking, how about I invite some Sichuan chefs?"

"No need, I don't have any appetite, take these away!" Luo Yi waved his hand, he didn't have the desire to move his chopsticks.

Mishima's expression changed slightly, knowing that he might be flattering the horse's hoof, he quickly called for people to withdraw the banquet.

Luo Yiduan took a sip from his wine glass, and the slightly spicy aftertaste stimulated his taste buds, "I'm impatient, one night, are you still not ready?"

Mishima showed a little guilt on his face, "Ashamed, ashamed, the Spirit Society is not as good as your country's headquarters, and the manpower is not so sufficient, so a lot of preparations are still lacking, but soon, I guarantee that I can set off within an hour."

Luo Yi said indifferently: "I'm not in a hurry. Anyway, the evil spirits are raging on your territory. If you are willing to wait, what can I do if I wait with you for ten days and a half months?"

"Don't dare to waste Mr. Luo's time, we must hurry, as soon as possible!" Mishima said with a smile.

"Yes, Mr. Luo, I heard that you have solved many supernatural events and saved quite a few people. You are a role model for my generation. I toast to you." A big man in his early thirties with short hair like steel needles He stood up, holding a glass of wine in his hand.

"Are you sure you want to drink with me?"

The corner of Luo Yi's mouth was half a smile, "I drink too much but I like to sleep. If I sleep for a whole day, I won't wake up. If someone wakes me up forcibly, I will be very angry, and the consequences will be death!"

The man's smiling face gradually sank with Qian Xue's translation, and finally his face was livid. He couldn't hear Luo Yi's threat, and he understood the danger of being a ghost master, so he sat down and continued to toast No, it was held here by the awkward atmosphere.

"Aida, sit down," Mishima scolded the man, then turned his head to Luo Yi and said, "This kid can't drink well, he talks nonsense before taking a couple of sips, Mr. Luo ignores him."

Luo Yi was exaggerating, but Mishima dared not take it seriously. He invited Luo Yi to deal with the supernatural incident, not to drink and sleep, and to delay the serious business. That would be crying without tears.

Luo Yi was noncommittal to his rhetoric, and everyone present knew that Mishima was talking nonsense, but it was one thing to know it well, and another to expose it.

Qianxue continued to translate quietly, while Miyuki was responsible for pouring wine for Luo Yi. After the scene just now, their attitude towards Luo Yi changed again. By their side, they don't have to worry about being embarrassingly bullied.

Luo Yi glanced at the people at the dining table. Mishima was the president, and he sat at the main seat as a matter of course. There were three men on his right. The one who toasted just now was called Aida Takeshi, the leader of the third group. The other one is Nao Watanabe, who is full of gloomy vibes, and he is a ghost master.

As for Wang Chuan, he replaced Wang Ye as the leader of the first team, but unfortunately, he was a rookie and didn't have the ability to do it, so he could only sit at the bottom.

"Mr. Luo, you must have read the ghost file of the knocker, do you have any preliminary opinions?" Mishima tentatively asked.

Luo Yi had indeed solved the door-knocking ghost incident, but the current door-knocking ghost incident is far more complicated than it was in Dachang City. Mishima wanted to see if Luo Yi had the confidence.

"This is my business, so I don't need you to care about it, the president. It's just a transaction between you and me. If you produce supernatural items, I will be responsible for getting rid of the knocker. There is no need to say anything else." Luo Yi said: "And I You have to make preparations in advance, including my reward."

"That's natural." Mishima nodded in response. Of the four pieces of ghost porcelain, three of them have been delivered to Luo Yi, and the remaining one can be retrieved easily. As for the few pieces that Luo Yi requested Cannon fodder, no, they are assistants, and their targets have been set long ago. They are all ordinary ghost masters who only control one ghost. Even if they all die, it's no big deal.

"Mr. Luo deserves to be the only man with a record of solving S-level supernatural events, and the world's top ghost master. This kind of self-confidence makes us feel ashamed." Takeshi Aida complimented.

"Yes, it is our honor to get Mr. Luo's help. I believe that under the hands of Mr. Luo, this evil spirit that has been raging in Kobe City for many days will definitely be punished." Wang Chuan also echoed.

The words are respectful and flattering.

Not to mention hypocrisy, at least the listener is comfortable.

Qianxue had never seen this group of people who were usually high and mighty have such a dog-legged side, and heard their continuous echoing, she didn't know which sentence to translate for a while.

Fortunately, Luo Yi didn't want to know what they said at all, so he didn't care, which relieved the nervous Qianxue.

"In addition, considering that you may need to communicate with people when dealing with supernatural events, we will let sisters Qianxue and Miyuki accompany you to deal with supernatural events." Mishima said.

Before Qianxue opened her mouth, Miyuki couldn't wait to say: "Didn't you say that we should be the interpreters? We are just ordinary people and cannot participate in supernatural events!"

Mishima's face suddenly became grim, and he said in a low voice: "I have sent you to Mr. Luo, and Mr. Luo is going to get involved in supernatural events. As servants, shouldn't you be with the master?"

"Or are you going to be disobedient?" Mishima looked at the two viciously, with a sinister expression matched with that bald head, there was an indescribably fierce feeling.

"Okay, let's go!" Qianxue said suddenly, because she knew that they had no choice at all. Although it was dangerous to go to a supernatural event, there was still hope of surviving, and disobeying Mishima's order would definitely be worse than death.

The lesser of two evils, ordinary people at the bottom are just so helpless.

"That's right!" A satisfied smile appeared on Mishima's face, not only for his acquaintance with them, but also for his own power.

"But as an interpreter, one person is enough. If there are too many people, it will distract Mr. Luo and make it difficult to carry out the work. Therefore, I suggest that our sisters go only by one person." Qianxue turned around, grabbed the ground with her head, and knelt on Luo different face.

She didn't ask Mishima, as Mishima said, they had already been given to Luo Yi, and they were Luo Yi's personal belongings, so Luo Yi had the final say on how to deal with them.

Luo Yi glanced at her and said coldly: "So, who do you think is suitable?"

Qianxue raised her head, with determination on her pale face, "I'm good at translation, and I'm more courageous than Miyuki, I think I'm more suitable, Mr. Luo please help me."

If one of them must die, she hoped that it would be her who would let her sister live!

"Sister!" Meixue looked at her fixedly, her eyes turned red, she wiped the corners of her eyes, and also knelt down, "Mr. Luo, please let Meixue go and let sister stay!"

"I'm not interested in hearing about your sisterly love. Since Qianxue spoke first, then Qianxue, you go." Luo Yi did not reject Mishima's proposal, because he really needed to communicate with those cannon fodder, and he couldn't do without a middleman.

And this is also Mishima's test of Luo Yi, to find out his weaknesses, to see if he has a heart of pity and sympathy.

Luo Yi glanced at them and said with a sneer, "You guys are willing to send a powerless woman into a supernatural event."

Mishima smiled and said: "No, no, it's not that we are willing, but it depends on Mr. Luo's willingness to part with it. You must know that Sister Qianxue is already yours, Mr. Luo. If one of them accidentally dies in a supernatural event, it will be a loss." But Mr. Luo, but I believe that Mr. Yi Luo's ability should be able to take good care of Qianxue, after all, Qianxue is a very cute girl."

"Hehe!" Luo Yi sneered twice. As the captain of the headquarters, he would be restrained by two girls from the island country if he wanted anything. It's fantastic to use the routine of dealing with ordinary people to deal with him.

"Please take care of Mr. Luo!" Qianxue begged with her head down. Don't look at her brave appearance just now, if she really fell into a supernatural event, she would be a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. There is no other way but to rely on Luo Yi.

"Look at your own luck!"

Luo Yi won't intentionally harm her, but he won't deliberately protect her either. Whether she can survive depends on her own performance.

Qianxue's face turned pale and white when she heard the words, and she was very anxious for a while.

Her pitiful beauty trick seems to be really useless!

(End of this chapter)

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