Oiran Dochu originated in the Edo period. It refers to the behavior of high-status wandering girls in Huajie wearing Chinese clothes and walking gracefully through the streets when they go to greet important guests. There are sometimes as many as a dozen entourages, which is worthy of the name.

Now the group of people in front of Luo Yi is led by a character wearing a traditional fox mask, followed by two thugs, followed by the oiran himself, only four people, the team is quite simple, even looks a bit shabby.

"It seems that this oiran is not doing very well!" Nagasawa laughed as if he was having a hard time.

"Mr. Luo, what should we do?" Qianxue looked at the oiran who was getting closer, and hurriedly approached Luo Yi, as if she could gain more sense of security by doing so.

"Yeah, why don't we get out of the way." Meijima also said.

"Let, what are you going to do, this road is only so wide, and there are no buildings on both sides for you to hide from, where can you hide?" Luo Yi asked.

"We can step back and observe the rules of the evil spirits first. After we are prepared, we will have a better chance of fighting against each other." Sakai suggested.

Although there is no place to hide, the road is quite long horizontally, and this oiran walks as slowly as a cow, so there is a lot of room for maneuver.

Seeing this, Nagasawa's eyes flashed, obviously also moved.

If you don't work hard, no one wants to work hard, even if you can live a few more minutes, that's good.

Several people stopped in place, waiting for Luo Yi's decision. He was the captain of this temporary team, and the rest of them could only make suggestions and could not act without authorization.

"Why do you think there is only one road here, and why is this road so narrow that only Huakui and his party can walk?" Luo Yi turned his head and pointed to the road behind him covered in thick fog, "over there, this road What is the end point, why did Hua Kui go there?"

Sakai thought for a while and said, "According to common sense, the final destination of the oiran is Yangwu, where guests can get close and have fun with the oiran."

"Playing with her? I don't want to." Nagasawa felt goosebumps all over his body when he saw the white wall on the oiran's face.

In the past, the makeup was so exaggerated because there was no lighting equipment such as electric lights at that time, and there was only a little candlelight. In order to prevent the guests from seeing clearly, the face was painted white on purpose.

After all, "one white covers one hundred ugliness" has been a wise saying since ancient times.

Qian Xue came to her senses, "Mr. Luo means that this oiran deliberately wants to force us to the back."

"There is a possibility that we have been exposed to the sight of the evil spirits, but the evil spirits have not started killing people, which means that we have not yet triggered the law of the evil spirits. Logically speaking, it should be the safest for us to maintain the current state. But the advance of the evil spirit will hit us sooner or later, and under close contact, the spirit of the ghost master will interfere with the evil spirit, and there is a high probability that the evil spirit will directly attack."

"So it's actually not safe to stay here!" Luo Yi concluded, "Besides, I came here to deal with the evil spirits, not to break through levels and reveal the secrets. I don't have so much time to spend with it."

"Then what do you want to do?" Nagasawa didn't realize the meaning behind Luo Yi's words, but the well-informed Sakai had already started to take a step back.

"I need someone to take the initiative to test the rules of the evil spirit." Luo Yi said coldly.

"Ah, I can't, I'm not a ghost master, I can't fight against evil spirits." Meijima was the first to scream.

Nagasawa turned his head to take a look, and found that Sakai, who was still next to him just now, had also run behind Luo Yi, and now only him and Qian Xue were left in front of Luo Yi.

"That's me." Nagasawa's face was ugly. Before they died, Qian Xue had to perform translation work, so Luo Yi would not let her be the first to go out to test the rules of evil spirits, while the other two,
Not to mention!

"I'll go, I'll go!" Looking at Luo Yi's expression, Nagasawa knew that he had no choice. If he took the initiative to understand, maybe he could get a little favor and let the other party save his life at a critical moment.

In fact, Nagasawa made the right choice, even if he didn't go, Luo Yi would force him to go, this is the value of their existence, to test the law of evil spirits.

Nagasawa stood in the middle of the road, with fear and fierceness in his eyes, he did not wait for the opponent to approach before acting, but actively revived the evil spirit on his body, and was ready to fight against it.

The clogs under the oiran’s feet are as high as 30 centimeters. Wearing this kind of clogs, not only walk slowly, but also have a very special posture. By twisting the waist to drive the legs and feet, the shoes slide sideways and move forward. The whole movement is like a goldfish swimming, and the horoscope moves forward slowly. OK.

But it was this slowness that put Nagasawa under great pressure.

Because death is terrible, but what is more terrible than death is waiting for death. With the evil spirit he controls, the possibility of surviving is very low. If Luo Yi did not hold the line behind, he would have already taken the road and fled.

Time is ticking, the slow but arriving oiran and his party are finally approaching. Nagasawa feels that his heart has been filled with fear, and even his limbs have begun to become cold. The spirit of the evil spirit has begun to affect him. He knows that he must act Otherwise, fear will destroy him before the evil spirits destroy him.

Nagasawa moved his legs, and his dark leather shoes made a dull sound on the ground. He directly knocked away the fox at the forefront of the team, sprinted between the two part-time thugs, and stretched out his hand to grab the oiran in front of him. ghost.

"Are you going to succeed?" A hint of surprise flashed in Meijima's eyes. If Nagasawa succeeds, it will be a good thing for them, which means at least they don't have to take risks to face this evil spirit.

"Don't be too optimistic," Sakai said: "I know Nagasawa's strength, he can't deal with this evil spirit, at most he can limit it."

"But this time is enough. With Mr. Luo in charge, he can be imprisoned in an instant." Meijima looked at Luo Yi with anticipation.

"Look!" Qianxue suddenly said.

The two turned their heads, and Nagasawa, who had already arrived in front of the oiran ghost, seemed to be frozen, and he couldn't get any closer.

"Has the oiran ghost made a move?" Sakai hurriedly looked.

"No, it's not the oiran, but the one wearing the fox mask." Luo Yi pointed, and everyone realized that the reason why Nagasawa didn't move was because there was a furry toy-like stick around his waist. His tail was bound.

Nagasawa was frightened and furious, he didn't care about the oiran ghost who was close at hand, he turned around and grabbed the tail that bound him, trying to tear it off.

But to my surprise, the tail I touched was not as soft as a plush product, but cold and smooth like a piece of cartilage, as if this was not a handicraft, but some kind of real fox tail.

Nagasawa was stunned for a moment, the tail in his hand slipped out, turned half a circle in the air, and slammed towards his chest with the sound of wind.

"Foxes are ghosts!"

In mid-air, Nagasawa roared angrily.

The real evil spirit is the fox!

Luo Yi's body was shaken, and blood rushed out like a horse, covering the fox masked man in the blink of an eye, dyed red, and surrounded by incense. In just a moment, the isolation of the ghost domain was completed. The gleaming chains were generated out of thin air, and immediately bound the fox tightly.

"come over!"

Luo Yi stretched out his hand, and the evil ghost in front of him broke away from the oiran team and hit the ground with a bang.

In the blink of an eye, an evil spirit was subdued, and its movements were clean.

"Great!" A smile appeared on Meijima's face, but before she could be happy for too long, a cry broke her joy.

"Help me, it."

Nagasawa, who had just got up in the distance, was suddenly pinched by a big hand, and could no longer speak, and it was not the oiran who shot, but one of the tortoises in front of him.

You must know that although Nagasawa is weak, he is definitely not something that a ghost slave can handle, unless this Gui Gong is also an evil ghost!
Luo Yi lowered his head and took another look at the fox lying on the ground. This fox was holding a white lantern with a few big characters written on it, but unfortunately Luo Yi didn't recognize it. It should be the name of the oiran.

"So, everyone in the oiran team is an evil spirit, no wonder you can't deal with this evil spirit. Four evil spirits are really difficult to deal with together."


In the distance, Nagasawa desperately opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything, so anxious that he kept looking for help with his eyes.

"Damn it, Nagasawa is under control!" Sakai blurted out, "Look at him!"

Luo Yi raised his eyebrows and looked, Nagasawa's forehead was full of veins, he was obviously struggling and resisting something, but his resistance seemed so weak at this moment, he took the umbrella cover from Mr. Gui's hand and moved it to the oiran. on top of her head, shielding her from the wind and rain.

"So soon, I was controlled." Luo Yi's eyes were fixed. There are very few existences that can control evil spirits. Luo Yi has seen only a few ghosts, wishing ghosts, and ghost brides after his debut. Don't look. The number is small, but these few are more fierce than the other, and they are all existences that are not easy to provoke.

"There must be a quick fight!"

Luo Yi has a hunch that this is not the limit of the oiran ghost. You must know that the number of oiran team can reach dozens of people at most. If it gathers all the team members, it will be more terrifying than the ghost with unlimited growth. Not bad at all.

Just a few breaths of thinking like this, Nagasawa's struggle has become smaller and smaller, his eyes are sometimes sober, sometimes confused, it is obvious that he can't hold on anymore.

The team continued to move forward, only one fox mask man was missing, but an umbrella bearer was added.

The total number of people is still four, and the level of terror remains unchanged.

Pressing the handle lightly, the three-color vision of Ghost Slaying Knife is triggered, the supernatural power is activated, and a pitch-black ghost hand quietly emerges from the handle, holding Luo Yi's palm coldly and inexplicably.

Luo Yi flipped his wrist, pressed the ghost hand under his palm, exerted force on his arm, flicked his five fingers, and the Ghost Slaying Knife suddenly came out of its sheath in the flash of attention.

The tip of the knife sliced ​​through the sky in front of him, and the boiling spirit exploded.

The void vibrated, and a white line emerged from the haze, instantly splitting the dim path in front of him into two, and the blade pointed directly at the oiran evil ghost.

Catch the thief first catch the king!
The Ghost Slashing Knife ignores the ghost domain and the distance, and to some extent has the effect that the sword must hit.

Facing this knife, the oiran evil spirit suddenly raised his eyes, his numb pupils flipped, his abyss-black pupils contracted, and formed vertical pupils like a poisonous snake, filled with endless black and white colors, eye-catching.

"It's actually a conscious attack!"

Luo Yi immediately closed his eyes, and at the same time, a body as condensed as blood emerged, covering his side tightly.

The ghost domain is isolated from ghosts. Although the defense against consciousness is limited, don't forget that there are several evil spirits in front of the oiran ghost. Luo Yi must guard against not only the oiran, but also them.

When Luo Yi was recruited, deep in the ground, a strange-shaped porcelain with an exaggerated shape, like a desperate person clutching his chest and crying, suddenly had a crack, and the crack was still expanding, as if there was some kind of Something was banging on it, trying to break it apart.

"The damage on the ghost porcelain has stopped!"

Luo Yi used the ghost domain to feel it, more than half of the ghost porcelain was broken, and now only the bottom base is left intact.

"It's really weird," Luo Yi opened his eyes, the oiran ghost's attack was dangerous, but it was far inferior to the ghost knife, he wanted to see how the other party faced his fatal blow.

The light of the knife cut across, the oiran ghost's body stopped, and even the lifted feet were placed in the air, everything seemed to be pressed the pause button.

"That's it?" Luo Yi frowned. With the severing properties of the Ghost Slaying Knife, ordinary evil spirits would be dismembered by a single blow, but the oiran in front of him only stopped for a short time without any wounds on his body, as if the knife hadn't been cut. Average.

"Nagasawa!" Sakai suddenly shouted hoarsely.

Luo Yi's eyes shifted slightly, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

He hit it, but the knife appeared on Nagasawa's body inexplicably. From the center of his Tianling's eyebrows to his crotch, a line of blood emerged like a thin thread, and then his clothes split, and two pieces of corpses Split to left and right, crashing to the ground.

The fracture was smooth and clean, which showed the sharpness of the knife, but the blood, internal organs, and fat inside flowed all over the place, and the scene was extremely bloody and horrifying for a while.

"Did you die?"

Luo Yi ignored Nagasawa's death. When they were sent in by Mishima, their fate was doomed. Now they died because of Nagasawa's bad luck.

"Miss Meijima, what are you doing!" Qianxue's voice sounded, but Meijima didn't seem to hear it, and still walked forward on her own, like a walking dead.

"She was influenced by the evil spirit." Luo Yi said coldly. In the previous actions, this woman was most afraid of death. Whenever the evil spirit made a big movement, the woman wanted to run away.

So when the oiran ghost used his consciousness to attack, this woman also habitually ran backwards, but she didn't know that her running just happened to leave the location where everyone was in Luo Yi's impression, so Luo Yi's ghost domain happened to be unshrouded to her.

"If the prediction is good, she is now controlled by the evil spirit just like Nagasawa before, and she wants to join the evil spirit's team."

Hearing this, Sakai immediately stretched out his hand to grab her, but his tugging did not pull this woman who weighed more than a hundred catties.

"I also ask Mr. Luo to save Mei Dao. She can find the evil spirits, which is very useful." Sakai had no choice but to ask Luo Yi for help. He didn't want to lose two teammates just because of one action.

"Mr. Luo." Qianxue also pleaded, she knew that Meijima's behavior was very timid, which made Luo Yi a little dissatisfied, but this is a human life after all.

Luo Yi didn't pay attention to Sakai, how could he be fooled by his careful thinking, since he pushed Nagasawa to fight against thunder without hesitation just now, he knew that there was no friendship between these few people at all, but now he did it for When an insignificant woman spoke, she just wanted to keep her, to replace him, and serve as cannon fodder for the next temptation.

It looks high-sounding, but it is full of insidiousness.

Only Qianxue, perhaps out of a bit of pity, could barely be regarded as a good person in the conventional sense.

But Luo Yi's thoughts are different. If the evil spirits are not eliminated, none of the remaining people will survive. At this time, dealing with the evil spirits is more important than saving people. This is a choice, but also a decision!
He drew the saber again, and cut it out again in a moment.

The body of the evil ghost sluggishly again, a tortoise evil ghost with Yuedai hair combed was cut off with a single knife, the tobacco box in his hand fell to the ground, and a pile of dark, moldy and long-haired smelly soot rolled out from it.

"Sure enough, this oiran ghost can control evil ghosts, make them a member of the team, and let them block the knife for itself, accomplishing an effect similar to Ye Zhen taking care of the dead ghosts." Luo Yixin said.

Once you understand the rules, the rest will be easy to solve.

A black hole emerges, and boundless blood gushes out like a tidal wave. In the overwhelming blood, chains swim like fish, and the turbulent force pushes the mighty air waves towards the oiran evil ghost in front of him. wash away.

Luo Yi put his long knife back into its sheath, closed his eyes and took a step forward, stretched out his long arm, and pinched a section of pale neck as blood was spreading.

The oiran ghost is imprisoned! (end of this chapter)

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