The ghost domain dissipated, and the original streets reappeared. Looking around, everything was gray. The streets, shops, KTVs, and playgrounds all lost their usual bright lights and became abnormally deserted.

Luo Yi walked on this block, behind some tightly covered windows, occasionally there would be some probing gazes, but when they saw the outfits of a few people, they became sympathetic and desperate again.

Perhaps in their eyes, Luo Yi and his party are no different from dead people.

Qianxue also saw some survivors hiding, "Although Kobe City is not comparable to Yuzhou City where Mr. Luo is located, it still has a large population. After the outbreak of the supernatural incident, many powerful and status people responded the fastest. They fled here, but there are also some people who don't believe in the existence of ghosts and supernatural beings at all, and choose to stay, and there are still many of them."

It is difficult to leave the homeland, and no one can easily abandon their family and living environment. Besides, many of them are ordinary migrant workers, who have no upper-level news channels, nor do they have the courage and capital to leave as soon as they say it.

On the other hand, the spread of Western-style materialism in recent decades has had an impact on traditional culture, and most people no longer believe in ghosts and gods in the world, so after the door-knocking ghost incident broke out, they will Actively imagine it as things that can be touched and accepted such as factory explosions, nuclear leaks, and environmental pollution.

This is the logical self-consistency of man himself.

"We walked all the way, and there was no living person on the street. I believe that everyone knows what happened, so they hide at home one by one, and don't come out." Sakai sighed, hurting everything. Its kind, its song also mourns.

"But this is only a temporary solution, not the root cause. Like the door knocker and the ghost oiran just now, they all have ghost domains and wandering characteristics. Even if they hide at home, there is no guarantee that they will survive." Meijima still seemed to have lingering fears when she mentioned the incident just now. .

If Luo Yi hadn't acted decisively before, she would have died in the hands of the ghost oiran.

The prosperity of the past no longer exists, replaced by desolation and dead silence, black and red blood can be seen everywhere here, many broken corpses are piled up in such a mess on the side of the road, dead people can be seen everywhere in cars and shops, and in the air There was a lingering fishy smell, like purgatory on earth.

Mishima Chiyuki and the others were still very scared at first, but after seeing it a lot, their fear naturally diminished, and they also began to become numb.

As for Luo Yi, in this life, he has spent at least half of his time dealing with supernatural events. The number of evil spirits, ghost slaves, and dead people he has seen is comparable to that of living people, and he himself is also The ghost master has long been accustomed to all this, and has no nausea at all.

"Mr. Luo, why do you think ghosts kill people?" Qian Xue said.

Luo Yi thought for a while, "Maybe it's instinct."

It's like a starving ghost eating greedily, a knocking ghost knocking on the door, and a ghost oiran parading through the streets, everything seems to continue a certain pattern.

Qianxue seems to understand, but Sakai and Mijima are thoughtful.

Luo Yi had a brief conversation with them before stopping the conversation. Not far away, an island-style courtyard appeared in front of them. It stood out from the crowd of steel-barred urban buildings, as if it stood out from the crowd. People have to stare.

"Another haunted house." Sakai was a little numb.

The heartstrings of vigilance are too tight, and there will only be two results, either broken or loosened.

"Go in!"

Without any hesitation, Luo Yi decided to continue.

"I really don't relax for a moment." Sakai looked at Luo Yi's back. Even though everyone had different cultures and ideas, he had to admit that Luo Yi was strong and decisive. "But now that five evil spirits have been dealt with, the danger has been reduced. One-third of the time, as long as you are careful, there may not be no chance of getting out alive, and with the help of the support, I should be able to control the second ghost and prolong my life."

"Mr. Sakai, let's go too." Meijima nodded to Sakai.

Sakai glanced at her, and a sympathy flashed in his eyes. He could get the second ghost driving quota when he went out, but this woman can only get some gold and silver wealth, and because of her ability to find evil ghosts, she will soon be there again. After being thrown into a supernatural event, within a few days or more than ten days, this woman would undoubtedly die. After all, not every action led by a powerful ghost master like Luo Yi.

The outermost layer of the courtyard is a bamboo railing, but the bamboo is not the usual turquoise, but a blue-black color like ink. Pushing open the wooden porch, there is a large stone next to it, and the ground is covered with white gravel. Blocks of blue bricks of different shades are interspersed to form a path.

Stepping on the path, after passing a five or six-meter-long corridor, the field of vision suddenly opens up, flowing water, small bridges, rockery
"This is the Tsukiyama garden style, a garden form that mainly expresses earth and mountains," Sakai said: "I forgot to say before that I was a garden designer before I became a ghost master."

"Building a mountain court? What's the point?" Luo Yi asked.

The things in the ghost domain are closely connected with the evil spirits, and there will be no useless things. For example, there is a village in the ghost domain of the ghost messenger. It can be resurrected on every villager. There are various buildings and scenery in the ghost painting. , connecting multiple worlds of oil painting, the style of the courtyard here is incompatible with the surroundings, so it is natural to be more vigilant.

Said Sakai: "To put it bluntly, it is a miniature landscape of natural scenery, including ponds, creeks, mountains, stones, trees, flowers, and bridges, which symbolizes the miniature natural world. pavilion."

"Then is the well a part of this style?" Luo Yi asked suddenly.

"Of course it's impossible," Sakai vetoed without hesitation, "This kind of building is usually built by rich people or former big men. Those who can afford this kind of building are all pursuing Zen. A well destroys the mood in it."

"Then there is a problem with that well!" As soon as Luo Yi finished speaking, the sound of gurgling water began to appear in a stone well not far away that was covered with moss and built with a few regular stones, and the sound became more and more serious. bigger.

At first, this sound was like boiling water when the temperature reached the boiling point, and it began to bubble continuously, and then there was a gurgling flow, like a stream of water passing through a narrow river channel, slapping on the embankments on both sides There was a flushing sound.

"Look there," Qianxue pointed, "It looks like blood!"

There was a burst of fishy smell, and fresh blood oozed from the bottom of the pool, which was originally crystal clear. With just a few breaths, the water level in the pool rose a lot, and streams of blood flowed along the excavated canal, soon killing Luo Yi and others. People gathered in the middle.

"Not good, we are being targeted by ghosts!" Sakai suddenly realized.

"The water in the pool is connected to the well. When we crossed the pool, the law of the evil spirit was triggered, and judging by the rising trend of blood, the evil spirit should drown us and kill us." Luo Yi pressed the button. Long Dao calmly analyzed the current situation.

"Mr. Luo, what should we do?" Mishima panicked, she was just an ordinary person, if she was really drowned in blood, she might not be able to escape.

"Wait!" Luo Yi observed again, and at the same time quickly estimated in his heart: "There are stone piles built in this pool, judging by the speed of the water flow, we still have at least 30 seconds, so we must Draw out the evil spirit within 30 seconds, otherwise you will have to open the ghost domain and leave."

Once leaving the pool, it is ambiguous whether the evil spirit will appear again, so Luo Yi decided to draw out the evil spirit within 30 seconds and deal with it.

"Light it up!" Luo Yi ordered coldly.

Sakai hurriedly caught the white ghost candle. He touched the candle body, and there was a delicate and soft touch on it, as if what was in his hand was not solidified wax, but human skin.

"what is this?"

Luo Yi's eyes turned cold, "I don't want to say it a second time, light it!"

Sakai knew that this thing must not be a good thing, but now there is the threat of Oni Jing outside and the threat of Luo Yi inside, he has no choice but to grit his teeth and light the ghost candle in his hand.

The flickering black flames not only did not bring any warmth, but made the surroundings even colder.

In the pool, some rags and hair began to appear, and then there were swollen corpses one after another. The clothes on these corpses had faded, their palms were bent, as if they were trying to grab something, and their pupils were sickly pale.

Suddenly, a palm grabbed Sakai's ankle, and then a dead man's head emerged from the water. The hair on this head had fallen off, and blood-colored potholes appeared on the top of the head, as if someone was holding down its head. Rubbing it against the rough surface has worn away the entire scalp, so that the pus inside is about to overflow.

"Evil ghost", Sakai's body trembled, and he immediately raised his foot to step on the ghost's hand. Because of this kick, the muscles and veins on his neck were fully visible, making people have no doubt about the strength of this kick.

Kacha, Sakai's kick made a contribution, and the evil ghost's wrist was trampled off, but the evil ghost did not stop there. The palm with the broken bone was still clasped tightly on his ankle, obviously without the support of the bone , but the strength above is still astonishingly large.

"It wants to drag me down!" Sakai suddenly understood the other party's intentions, and he didn't care about anything else. He directly revived the evil spirit on his body. The ghost appeared, and the broken palm gradually let go, and sank down with the evil spirit. .

"Fortunately, I'm just a ghost slave!" Empress Sakai said in fear.

"It's a good thing you didn't extinguish the ghost candle."

Luo Yi glanced at him. He had already seen that it was a ghost slave. If a ghost master in Sakai had extinguished the ghost candle in order to get rid of a mere ghost slave, he would throw the other party down without hesitation and hang out the real ghost. evil spirits.

Sakai swallowed, Luo Yi's threat was too obvious, he tightened the ghost candle in his hand, like grabbing a life-saving straw.

Mishima lowered her head empathetically. They all knew that in this supernatural incident, a worthless person would never be blessed by Luo Yi.

The blood gradually rose, and some broken corpses and hair were rushed to the feet of several people. The space for people to move around was getting smaller and smaller. Luo Yi could even hear the rapid panting and non-stop dancing of several people. The sound of heart beats.

Meijima couldn't help being afraid, and involuntarily held Qianxue with her hand. To her, Luo Yi was indifferent, and Sakai was being targeted by evil spirits. Only Qianxue, who was also an ordinary person, could give her some comfort and let her find a connection with the same disease. a feeling of.

"Miss Meijima, don't be afraid. Mr. Luo is very powerful. With him around, he will be fine." Qianxue patted Meijima's hand and comforted her in a low voice.

Luo Yi held his breath and focused his eyes and ears on Sakai's surroundings vigilantly. With the help of the white ghost candle, once the evil spirits appeared, they would definitely attack Sakai.

Sakai held the ghost candle in his hand, and the wax flowed down the wall, and rolled down on his tiger's mouth and knuckles without paying any attention.

"Damn it, there are more and more", Sakai complained in his heart, counting the one kicked away just now, he has already dealt with five ghost slaves. He didn't know why the ghost slaves only attacked him, but he wanted to fight with himself On the black candle.

If he could have run out before, but now the blood has flooded his calves, and with the dozens of corpses floating in the pool, there is no other way but to guard the ground under his feet and believe that Luo Yi can deal with the evil spirits .

There was a loud sound of water like a boulder falling into the water, Sakai's complexion changed wildly, and the hairs on his body stood up one by one, because the sound was behind him.

Here comes the ghost!
A gust of sinister wind hit the face, and the sudden drop in temperature made people tremble. In the splashing water mist, Luo Yi's black robe was lifted up, and a red double-edged long knife came out of the scabbard. There was a little cold on the tip of the knife A glow emerged, followed by blood all over the sky.

"He wants to kill me!" Sakai's pupils widened, and the sharp tip of the knife in his field of vision became bigger and bigger, and the dazzling blood red caught people's eyes.

You can't avoid it, you can't avoid it, and you don't even have time to think and react.

The ghost-slaying knife pierced Sakai's eyebrows, and the blood around him fluctuated. Luo Yi pulled his arm hard, drew the knife back, and used the evil spirit that was piercing through the tip of the knife to the ground.

"I'm not dead!" Sakai touched his forehead in disbelief, and took another two steps, realizing that he was fine at all, as if the knife just now hadn't penetrated his body at all.

"It's just a ghost domain." Luo Yi said indifferently.

At the moment just now, Luo Yi found that the evil spirit appeared behind Sakai, so he used the ghost domain to affect the reality, and then used the coffin nails on the Ghost Slaying Knife to nail the evil spirit to death.

During this process, the long knife seemed to have penetrated Sakai's body, but in fact, when the knife was drawn, Sakai was already in his kingdom of worshiping gods, and he would return to Huangquan after the detention was over.

From the beginning to the end, the two did not exist in the same space at all, so naturally they would not be injured.

"Is this the evil ghost?" Qianxue looked at the small, motionless figure on the ground, "It looks so familiar."

Luo Yi turned it over with a scabbard, some looked like a child, and some looked like a dwarf.

He is about one meter tall, has grass-blue skin, yellow eyes with vertical pupils, and a flat head, forming a Mediterranean like a middle-aged man's hair loss, with a fishy smell and mucus attached to his body.

"This is a Kappa!"

A chain protruded from behind Luo Yi, bound him, and then disappeared quickly.

The evil spirit was imprisoned, the surrounding blood disappeared quickly, and a bluestone path at the bottom emerged.

At the end of the road, a door is half-covered, with shadows flickering inside, and a blood-colored screen is shocking. (end of this chapter)

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