Yuzhou City.

Luo Yi tasted the tea, his expression was relaxed and relaxed, it could be seen that he was in a good mood.

"Captain, the inventory is out. There are 25 pieces of ghost porcelain, [-] pieces of evil spirits, and [-] pieces of supernatural props." Rowling handed over a record book, "Are the islanders so generous? They actually paid so much for handling the door-knocking ghost incident. It has refreshed my understanding of them."

"Great, why not generous, your captain and I have a very high appearance fee." Luo Yi teased.

Rowling said in shock: "More than a dozen pieces of ghost porcelain, not to mention dealing with the knocker, even if it is dealing with the ghost temple, someone will go to it."

There must be a brave man under a heavy reward, who can afford the price, and it's just playing with his life, so there is nothing to dare.

"Put away everything except that page of paper and the evil ghost," Luo Yi arranged, "Also, pay attention to the port of entry and exit recently. I don't want unrelated people to enter Yuzhou City."

Rowling raised her eyebrows, and a guess came to her mind, "Captain, didn't you go to rob?"

She thought about it carefully, and found that it was really possible. Who would have paid such a high price to hire a foreign aid? With so many ghost porcelain, even the ghost master can pile up the knocker, right?
"What nonsense are you talking about?" Luo Yi scolded, "Can the matter of the ghost master be called robbery? Destiny is impermanent, and the virtuous live in it. Obviously, I am the virtuous person."

Rowling curled her lips, "Captain, there won't be any slap in the face, which will lead to international disputes. If the other party makes trouble at the headquarters, I'm afraid it won't look good."

"Don't worry, I happened to be in front of Mishima when their No. [-] warehouse was stolen. Even if they suspected it, they couldn't find any evidence. This is the best alibi. It's a pity that only one warehouse was found."

Warehouse No. [-], as the name suggests, has at least six places for storing supernatural items in front of it.

It has to be said that these islanders are still very cautious, and it is this kind of caution that avoids the possibility of being caught by Luo Yi.

Rowling said: "In fact, it's a good thing to only get one warehouse, at least it won't force the other party to jump over the wall."

Losing something in a warehouse, although heartbroken, is not enough to hurt the muscles and bones, and it will be over after gritting his teeth. If Luo Yi really stole all the background information of the Spirit Elimination Society, it would be no wonder that Mishima didn't work hard.

At that time, no matter what evidence is needed, the other party will definitely use the power of the whole country to kill him.

Just like whoever stole the details of the headquarters of Dajing City, Luo Yi will take the initiative to take action for a reason. In the eyes of top ghost masters, those things are his own possessions, and they are only temporarily stored in the headquarters.

Rowling asked her subordinates to put things into different categories. She was very happy to see a shelf full of gold boxes.

"Horses are not fat without night grass, and people are not rich without windfall. With these things, the team of ghost masters in Yuzhou City should grow again."

The stronger the people below and the thicker the organizational capital, the easier it would be for her to be the chief executive.

"Okay, don't sigh, go down and help me pick up a few people." Luo Yi looked far away, his eyes were deep and far away, as if penetrating through the layers of steel buildings in front of him, and fixed on a specific point.

"Pick him up?" Rowling turned around suddenly, thinking, "Is someone from the headquarters here? The captain actually asked me to go down and pick him up in person."

It's not that Rowling thinks highly of herself and thinks she's great, but that when she takes the second-in-command position in Yuzhou City, she no longer represents herself, but the entire Yuzhou City, Luo Yi's face.

So many things that you can bow your head in the past, you can't bow your head, and you can suffer grievances, but you can't accept it.

This is an attitude, an attitude of worshiping the gods.

Now Luo Yi asked her to go down to pick up the person, which meant that the other party was either of great background and a lot of weight, or he was Luo Yi's friend.

Only in this way is it worth her going out to greet her in person.

"By the way, there are four people. Don't forget when you greet them." Luo Yi turned around and said.

"We're not together?" Rowling wondered, when did the captain's friends get so close that they lined up to visit?

"Well, there are two groups of people."

"Captain, there are quite a few people traveling to and from Yuzhou City," Luo Lin said.

Raffles City is Luo Yi's stronghold and the core of power in the entire Yuzhou City. There are not a few wealthy businessmen, high-ranking officials and dignitaries who come here every day.

"You've seen two of them, one is wearing camouflage and sunglasses, nicknamed Smoking Brother in Jianghu, he has a bear boy, the other looks very abstract, like a paper doll in a coffin shop, and the other is wearing gold-rimmed glasses and has a well-dressed little white face."

"So it's these people", Rowling pondered for a moment, then turned and left.

Brother Smoking is Wang Xiaoming's personal bodyguard, Li Jun who is known as the number one horse boy in the headquarters and the first pair of bonus sticks. Needless to say, the bear boy, as for the paper figurine, it is probably Liu San, and the boy with glasses is undoubtedly Wang Chaling.

"Furthermore, the captain's tone also represents his attitude towards the three of them. He was teasing Li Jun and Xiong Wenwen. This is usually an attitude towards his own people. Seeking truth from facts towards Liu San, he behaved a little coldly. As for Wang Chaling, he seemed a bit contemptuous." Rowling went downstairs as she pondered.

"Within one day, three captains come. My place is really full of people." Luo Yi sat down with a sword and a golden horse, rubbing his fingers subconsciously, thinking about their reason for coming.

Near Raffles City.

A taxi drove over from the direction of the airport. Through the rearview mirror, the driver kept looking at these two "heterogeneous" people with strange behaviors and a somewhat terrifying appearance.

"Two passengers, parking is not allowed in front, so I can only go here." The driver said cautiously. For some reason, he always felt a little cold on his back, and his hands and feet were a little out of control.

"It's not winter yet, and the air conditioner isn't turned on. Damn it, is it because you've been shopping in the fifth district too much and your body is a little weak?" The driver looked in the mirror and found that the man inside seemed to have a sallow complexion and a weak appearance of insufficient kidney energy.

"What do you mean two, your father Xiong and I are sitting here, you turn a blind eye to such a conspicuous handsome boy!" Xiong Wenwen was an old idiot when he opened his mouth.

The driver ignored him and just looked at the two adults. He had already seen this little boy's ability. He was really more talkative than Connor.

There's no way to do it, it's not good to face a kid in the lane, and if you lose, it's really embarrassing.

Simply to be out of sight or out of mind.

"Thank you." The man wearing sunglasses nodded slightly, stretched out his long arms and pushed open the car door, his words and deeds were extremely concise and powerful, as if he had undergone long-term special training.

"Come with me." He said in a deep voice.

The other person didn't answer. He took a deep look at the driver until he stared at the driver until he said slowly: "Your health is very poor. There is no accident. You won't be alive for long."

For the dead and dying people, ghost masters always have a special feeling.

The driver's forehead was sweating, and the clothes on his body were suddenly soaked in cold sweat. He froze in place until the other party had gone a long way, and then he came back to his senses, "Damn, it's really bad luck. I ran into a ghost when I went out. Your dead face actually has the face to say that I'm going to die."

The taxi was put into gear again, and the system automatically picked up the next travel order for the driver. He took a look and found that the passengers were not far away, only about a kilometer away.

The car drove away slowly, and when passing by a hospital, the driver couldn't help but glance back, and finally turned the steering wheel hard, "Your sister, what you said made labor and management panic a lot, it's better to check it."

Liu San turned around as if in a sense, showing a strange smile, "Zhou Shuren once said that studying medicine can't save the Chinese people, and this sentence is equally suitable for you."

"Liu San, this is Yuzhou City, don't make trouble." Li Jun frowned and reprimanded, his tone somewhat dissatisfied.

"Don't worry, I'm just kindly reminding him that if he knew he was going to die earlier, he could at least choose a suitable urn, right?" Liu San laughed, and his stiff face became more and more strange.

"When you die, you die. What kind of urn do you want? Don't you know what burial is? There is no need for ancestral land. Where is there no green hills in life? You should learn from me, be strong and open-minded." Xiong Wenwen said with his hands behind his back, earnestly.

"Hehe, Xiong Wenwen, you've learned a lot recently, you're at the level of the second grade in elementary school." Liu San smiled with the corners of his mouth pulled.

"Don't laugh, you are already ugly, and you look even uglier when you smile." Xiong Wenwen said without hesitation, "And what does it mean to be at the level of the second grade of elementary school, Xiong Daddy, I am already in the fourth grade."

"This poor kid is really not cute at all." Liu San moved the corner of his mouth, he looks ugly, doesn't he know?Use your fucking talkative?
"Fourth grade, you spend half of your time skipping class, and even those who say you have the level of second grade praise you." Liu San squinted at him, "Every day, your leg hurts or your stomach hurts. Are you here for a big aunt or something?"

"How do you know that my aunt is here?" Xiong Wenwen pointed at his nose, "Okay, let me tell you, you old boy, why are you so close to me today? I treat you like a brother, but you want to sleep with my aunt?"

"Bastard!" Xiong Wenwen beat his chest and stamped his feet, as if he had suffered some great injustice.

As soon as these words came out, Li Jun couldn't help laughing.

"Sorry, I was trained professionally, and I usually don't know how to laugh, but this time I really didn't hold back."

Liu San's yellow complexion became even uglier as if he had eaten poop, "Just be happy."

"Don't, I used your honor to pursue my aunt who is a toad eating swan meat, but since you are a captain and quite rich, as long as you give me two of the most high-end computers and buy me a full set of skins, I will reluctantly introduce you to you, but you have to act fast, my aunt is beautiful and very popular." Xiong Wenwen said seriously.

"Don't, it's so beautiful, can it be left over? Your aunt can save it for your town house to ward off evil spirits. I have no luck." Liu San waved his hands hastily.

"Liu San, as far as I know, he really has a great aunt, and she is indeed very beautiful." Li Jun said.

"Huh?" Liu San was a little confused, he remembered Bao Zugong's classic lines, "Ah Zhen, are you serious?"

"If you don't want to, I still don't like you!" Xiong Wenwen said angrily.

Liu San rubbed her hands together, "Why don't you try?"

Since she is very beautiful, she will not take advantage of the bastard, and it seems very cool to be Xiong Wenwen's great uncle!
"Get out, now that I think about it, you are not suitable. Looking at your ugly face, you are destined to be a short-lived ghost. My aunt married you, and she will be a widow in a short time."

"Damn, this brat really doesn't suffer at all." Liu San said speechlessly.

"Now I think Xiao Li is not bad. He is tall and tall. Although he is not as handsome as me, he is still barely strong. He has a stable job and looks like an honest person. He will definitely not be a flirt."

"An honest man has dug your ancestral grave?" Li Jun was full of displeasure. It's not that he doesn't surf the Internet. Now if someone says someone is an honest man, it's more vicious than pointing his nose and calling someone a bastard.

"They are also ghost masters. If I die early, Li Jun will live a long time. Aren't you afraid that your aunt will become a widow?" Liu San said indignantly. Men can smoke or drink, but they can't compete with women. Why is Li Jun better than him?
Li Jun is in the sun?

"You are not happy to say that you are uneducated. What is your status, what is Li Jun's status?" Xiong Wenwen said in hatred, with Liu San not thinking about making progress, which made me heartbroken.

"He is the captain, am I also the captain?" Liu San couldn't understand, except for Luo Yi, he was confident that he would be [-]/[-] with any captain, why does it seem that the brat doesn't think so?

"Could it be that I'm thinking too much? Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Liu San hurriedly abandoned this dangerous self-shake.

Xiong Wenwen stroked his hairless chin, and said in a meaningful tone: "Li Jun is in the system!"

Liu San rubbed his teeth when he heard this, pondered for a long time, but couldn't think of a way to fight back.

"you are vicious!"

Li Jun straightened his chest, his already straight body became more high-spirited, his eyes under the sunglasses were bright, with a hint of pride.

Civil servants are so arrogant!

And Liu San seemed to have had his spine broken, with his head drooping, his face turning blue and white, suddenly feeling a bit of a failure in life.

Xiong Wenwen trotted two steps ahead, with his hands behind his back and his head turning around, as if the country's dignitaries came down to inspect their work.

"Hey, Xiao Luo?" The bear's instinct was triggered, and he shouted at the woman at the gate.

This woman is neat and tidy, dressed casually, with a ponytail, and stands at the door in a military posture. She looks generous and capable, with a hint of toughness.

It was Luo Lin, the Chief Manager of Yuzhou City.

"Little Luo?" Rowling raised her brows, with a dangerous smile on her face, like a beautiful snake, Xiong Wenwen suddenly felt a little nervous.

He is so familiar with this smile, it's the expression every time his mother wants to beat him up.

"Ha, Xiao Luo has managed Yuzhou City very well, not bad." The bear child pretended to look around, deliberately avoiding Rowling's sight.

Tigress, can't be provoked, can't be provoked!

"Heh," Rowling chuckled, then turned her gaze, and said to the two of them, "Welcome Captain Li and Captain Liu to Yuzhou City. The captain told me to come and greet you."

"It seems that we were discovered as soon as we came in. Yuzhou City is well led by you, at least much better than my city." Liu San praised.

All the way from getting off the plane, he sensed no less than 20 ghost masters. These people relayed their whereabouts in real time, keeping them under the eyes of the ghost masters in Yuzhou City.

"Liu Dui is serious." With a smile in her eyes, Rowling replied politely, neither showing off nor being humble, and she grasped the proportion just right.

"Then take us to see him, we have a very important matter with him." Li Jun said, he did not forget that he came to Yuzhou City this time with a mission.

Rowling bowed slightly, "Please wait a moment, the two of you, there is still one person who is not here."

"What kind of person is so arrogant to make the three of us wait for him?" Liu San raised his interest. You must know that he and Li Jun are the captains of the headquarters. Luo Lin stands here to represent Luo Yi. The three captains are waiting for him. This is not an ordinary big face.

"It's Wang Chaling, Captain Wang."

"The Wang family in Dadong City, the third generation of ghosts?" Liu San's eyes changed slightly. Although this person is an ordinary person, he is an ordinary person who is stronger than ordinary captains. Even he is not sure that he can fight against the old ghosts around him.

"Why did he come here?" Li Jun thought for a while, but he didn't come up with a result. "Sure enough, using my brain is not suitable for me."

A luxury car drove into the square, and after the car came to a steady stop, a well-dressed, gold-rimmed glasses, a gentle butcher opened the door and came out.

"Guys, long time no see, my humble Wang Chaling!" (End of this chapter)

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