Chapter 321

"President Mishima, good news. The gray and black smog covering the center of Kobe is dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye. It is estimated that it will disappear completely in 10 minutes. This may indicate that the supernatural event has been dealt with!"

In the monitoring room, a uniformed staff member excitedly pointed at the display screen and shouted at Mishima not far away.

Hearing the news, Mishima suddenly stood up, not caring about the staff's rudeness, he leaned in front of the screen and watched carefully.

"Great, it's really dissipating!"

The picture shows Kobe City under satellite positioning. Originally, it was very foggy. Only the sky above the drowsy Kobe City gradually cleared up, and the urban buildings below gradually became clear. This shows that the spirit of the evil spirit is fading.

"The man in black came out!" The staff quickly tapped a few times on the keyboard, dispatched one of the cameras, zoomed in on the camera, and soon Luo Yi's figure appeared.

Mishima's eyes changed slightly, because Luo Yi in the picture seemed to feel that someone was watching him. He raised his right hand, stretched his fingers one by one, and finally showed a five gesture.

"President Mishima, what does he mean by that?" the staff member asked in confusion.

"He is reminding me to prepare five pieces of ghost porcelain for him." Mishima's pupils shrank slightly, his face uncertain, "five pieces of ghost porcelain, according to the previous transaction rules, one of them is the price for asking him to sell, extra The most important thing is his reward for dealing with the rest of the evil spirits, calculated on the basis of three ghosts for one piece of porcelain, he is going to trade twelve evil spirits with me."

Mishima felt heavy in his heart. He was not surprised that Luo Yi could deal with the knocker. What surprised him was that the speed was too fast.

"President?" Seeing that Mishima was silent, the staff couldn't help reminding in a low voice.

"I already know the situation. Inform the hospital, guards, and ghost masters to enter the venue. Within three hours, I want to know the specific situation of Kobe." Mishima stretched out his finger with a serious tone. Let me go to Warehouse No. [-] and get the ghost porcelain."

Watanabe's eyes narrowed slightly. To be Mishima's personal bodyguard, his ability may not be strong, but his loyalty and trustworthiness must be the highest. Therefore, he did not beat around the bush when he spoke, and said bluntly: "President, knock We know how terrifying the door ghost is. Even if Luo Yi managed such an incident, even if he survived by chance, he must be seriously damaged. Why don't we go along with the flow and take him away?" Watanabe fiercely stretched out His right hand gently pulled on his neck.

Killing intent burst forth!
Mishima glanced at him, revealing his thoughts, and the expression on his face seemed to move deliberately.

"Luo Yi has only debuted for a year, but he has overshadowed all the ghost masters in Asia. He can be called the most outstanding ghost master. This alone is enough to show that he has great potential and strong pursuit. If If we leave it alone, I am afraid that the future will pose a great threat to us.”

Seeing the silent Mishima, Watanabe continued to add: "There is an old saying in their country that people are not allowed to sleep soundly on the side of the couch. We can use the aftermath of the door knocker incident to destroy him, which will weaken the city of Dajing. The strength of the headquarters has saved a large amount of supernatural resources, and since this transaction is a private agreement we reached directly with Luo Yi bypassing the other party's official forces, the other party has no reason to hold us accountable."

"This is killing two birds with one stone. No, no, it should be three birds with one stone. We also solved a complicated supernatural event."

The more Watanabe said, the more excited he became, and the treachery in his eyes was undoubtedly revealed.

Mishima lowered his gaze, not being immediately dazzled by this temptation, he thought about it seriously, and then said: "All you said is based on the fact that the other party is seriously injured, what if his strength is well preserved?" manage?"

"Don't we still have several top ghost masters? As long as we gather their strength, there is no one we can't defeat!" Watanabe is full of confidence. He has seen those few with his own eyes, and each of them can easily It's no problem to hang and beat him, and several of them shot together to kill Luo Yi.

Mishima frowned, and his eyes flickered, obviously he was constantly weighing gains and losses in his heart.

"No," Mishima denied. As the person in charge of the country's headquarters, he thought more about it. "Those are the few remaining top masters after the ghost temple incident. At a critical moment, it must not be used lightly."

The top master means that the number of evil spirits controlled is enough and terrifying enough, but also the deeper they are corroded, the remaining lifespan will not be too long.

The reason why nuclear weapons are so important is that before it explodes, no one knows how many people will die. Some things are more deterrent than not happening.

"Don't break the situation that has finally settled down because of the petty gains in front of you, because of small losses and big losses. They are just a few pieces of ghost porcelain. As long as we are ruthless and pay a high enough price, we can always create them. You Remember, the lives of ordinary people are the least valuable under spiritual recovery."

Mishima sternly taught, "And if you pay a small price, you can make friends with Luo Yi, which is not a great thing. If he can take over the door-knocking ghost incident, he may take over the ghost temple incident. For this kind of person We are not afraid that he will open his mouth like a lion, but we are afraid that he will remain silent, then we will not have the slightest chance."

After getting along for a long time, Watanabe knew Mishima's temperament. Since he decided to pay the final payment, there was no possibility of doing anything.

"President, do you want to win him over? But his previous indifference and attitude are already obvious. It is impossible for him to give up Yuzhou City, which he has single-handedly run, and come to our Exorcism Society, and Dajing City will never We will let such a talent drain." Watanabe said.

Although Watanabe was full of conspiracies and tricks, he had to admit that Luo Yi had dealt with more than ten evil spirits within three hours, including existences like the door-knocking ghost. It is a national treasure in any country, and it is not easy to win over.

It was also because of this that Watanabe tried his best to persuade Mishima to do it, and of course it was also because he felt sorry for those ghosts.

No one can have too many strategic items. If Luo Yi is really killed, as a counselor, shouldn't he get one?
"Hehe", Mishima couldn't help laughing, "Watanabe-kun, you are still too short-sighted, whoever said that to win a ghost master must get his consent."

"What does the president mean?"

Mishima smiled sadly, "Order the mouthpiece below, just say that Luo Yi has handled more than ten supernatural incidents in our island country cleanly and neatly, and had a good time with me, the president of the company. Appreciate him, invite him warmly, in short, how to flatter him, how to create a harmonious atmosphere, understand?"

The corner of Watanabe's eyes twitched, and he couldn't help being surprised by Mishima's insidiousness.

Aren't you, Luo Yi, highly valued and despise me, the Exorcist Society?Then drive a wedge between you and Dajing City, and force you to leave your original circle. When the time comes, I will extend an olive branch again, and you can't help but refuse to accept it.

This is the real killing three birds with one stone, killing people!
"But at that time, it's not you who will take the initiative." Thinking of this, Mishima couldn't help laughing out loud, as if he had already seen the day when Luo Yi groveled to him.

A good actor needs a good audience. Seeing the shock in Watanabe Nao's eyes, Mishima became more and more complacent.

However, he didn't know that behind him, a man with an expressionless face like a puppet was hiding in the ghost realm, watching all this with cold eyes.

This person was exactly Tian Ye who was influenced by Luo Yi's supernatural power and mistakenly believed that he was a dog.

And we all know that dogs are the most loyal!
Half an hour later, a car slowly stopped in front of a luxury hotel.

A younger brother opened the car door with great insight, and a young man with a pale complexion and indifferent eyes stepped out of it.

"Mr. Luo, you have worked hard. On behalf of the Chuling Society and all the people of Kobe, I would like to thank Mr. Luo for his help."

Before Luo Yi could open his mouth, President Mishima had already sent a variety of rainbow farts. As soon as he finished speaking, a large group of men in black behind him bowed and said, "Thank you, Mr. Luo!"

The sound was uniform, reverberating over Kobe, and it lasted for a long time, obviously after many rehearsals and preparations.

High specification, high standard, high honor.

For ghost masters, it is not difficult to make ordinary people bow their heads, but it is difficult to make the head of a country's headquarters bow their heads willingly and offer flattery.

This courtesy is enough to make most people feel elated and feel that they have gained a huge vanity, but Luo Yi doesn't care at all.

"Where's my stuff?"

Luo Yi's indifference made Mishima feel powerless as if his fist was hitting the cotton, but he couldn't refute it, and said with a smile on his face: "I've prepared it long ago, and Chu Lingshe keeps its word, and will never let it go." You are disappointed."

What he said was a pun, but Luo Yi just listened to it and didn't take it to heart.

"Mr. Luo, these are five pieces of ghost porcelain, please inspect them." In the room, Mishima opened a box and pushed it in front of Luo Yi.

Luo Yi glanced at it, and there were five strangely shaped porcelains inside. The objects were distorted, cold and ominous.

"Cheer up." Luo Yi closed the box, lifted it at his feet, and tore off a gold-woven bag from his waist and placed it on the table, "The twelve evil spirits are all inside."

"One bag, twelve evil spirits?" Watanabe looked inquiringly, with some doubts on his face.

"If you don't believe me, I'll show you." Luo Yi stretched out his hand and opened the bag.

"No need." Mishima's eyes widened, and he stretched out his hand to stop him, but how could his movements compare to Luo Yi's.

The lights dimmed, and the environment cooled down rapidly. Watanabe felt fear in his heart, and the evil spirit on his body suddenly revived, and stared at Luo Yi vigilantly. If the other party was not still sitting firmly in his seat, he would even suspect that Luo Yi was planning to cheat. .

Luo Yi stretched out his hand into the golden bag, and took out the evil spirits one by one with no expression on his face, as casual and simple as eating and drinking.

The shock and anger on Mishima's face was slowly put away, and he sat down again, but after a while, the insidious and cunning president of the Exorcism Society, who was in a high position, appeared in front of Luo Yi again.

"Twelve evil spirits, no one can deceive you." Luo Yi stretched out his hand across the sky above the evil spirits, and showed them to Mishima for inspection.

All of these were handled by him. Not only did each evil spirit undergo sacrifices, but Luo Yi also used the ghost domain to modify his body shape, turning into finger-sized clusters of shadows.

"Okay, you are indeed the world's top ghost master, and your methods are really extraordinary. In your hands, the evil ghost is as honest as a little mouse, and you dare not move rashly." Mishima exclaimed, this time he really He was shocked by Luo Yi's methods. He couldn't imagine that these evil spirits who ravaged Kobe City and caused countless casualties actually had such a peaceful side.

"Is it just a ghost?" Luo Yi glanced at him and teased.

"Hehe." Mishima's face was a little unnatural, but he quickly covered it up.

It is the instinct of a politician to change his face.

"This Luo Yi's method is unfathomable!" Watanabe was glad in his heart, fortunately, his idea was denied by Mishima, otherwise he was afraid that something serious would happen.

"Mr. Luo, I don't know which ghost is knocking on the door?" Mishima asked cautiously. Now that a group of ghosts were in front of him, Luo Yi's warning could not be more obvious, and he couldn't help but not be persuaded.

"I have other arrangements for that ghost, which is not within the scope of this transaction."

"Okay, then let's have a good cooperation." Mishima didn't hesitate. The door knocker was obviously much harder to deal with than the evil spirits on the table, and it was normal that he couldn't get it at the price he offered.

After talking about the business, the next step is the private matter of eating, drinking and having fun.

"It's rare for Mr. Luo to come to Kobe. Our island country has many scenic spots, special delicacies, and lovely beauties. I will let Miyuki accompany you, and I promise to make you feel at home, and you will never miss leaving. And don't worry, all expenses during the period will be covered by My Mishima's body can be regarded as a little care of my own." Mishima patted his chest and said in a big way.

As for Nagasawa, Sakai, Meijima and others who accompanied Luo Yi, Mishima kept silent, as if there were no such people at all.

His performance also represents the attitude of the spirit society, cannon fodder and the dead are not worth being remembered.

"No need, I still have a lot of things to do, arrange a plane, I'm going back." Luo Yi said calmly.

"That's a pity. We still have many girls who admire Mr. Luo very much. Now they may have to toss and turn, so they have to clamp their thighs and sweat on the sheets." Mishima joked.

Luo Yi chuckled, "Isn't that in line with President Mishima's wishes?"

"Hahaha", Mishima laughed lewdly and said, "It's fun to help others, it's fun to help others."

Half an hour later, at Kobe Airport, a middle-aged man wearing a brand-name suit and a big bald head waved to the plane taking off.

"Tell everyone to call it a day, and disperse the actors." Mishima said to Watanabe next to him.

"Understood." With a frivolous smile on Watanabe's face, he waved his hands at the group of men in suits behind him, "I'll deal with them, 1 yuan each, take the money and get out of here."

How can there be so many special personnel who understand the languages ​​of multiple countries? These people are just a part of the theater. The Chinese recruited temporarily are originally Chinese. Do you think the language is not standard?
Rows of group performers were pushed out by men in black behind them. At least half of the people present were actors, and all the shouting was made by them. The rest of the special personnel were only half monitoring and half cooperating. bent over.

Life is like a play, it depends on acting.

As for who is fooling whom, it all depends on which side is more skilled.

Mishima rubbed his chin, "With just a few pieces of ghost porcelain, the knocker was dealt with, brought back twelve evil spirits, and saved the people of Kobe City. It's a bloody profit."

Luo Yi on the plane also had a smile on the corner of his mouth. He stretched out his hand to pick up the wine glass. This action affected the black robe, revealing his empty waist.

He's just a clone!

Luo Yi raised his head, and the red wine with a strong grape aroma entered his throat, and the cold refreshment went straight to his heart.

"It's just solving a few incidents, but you have won the evil spirits and supernatural items in a warehouse of the Spiritual Society. This is really a steady profit!"

(End of this chapter)

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