Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 320 The End of the Knocking Ghost

Boom, boom, boom!

Twice in succession, it is like ordinary people visiting relatives and friends, but if there is an old man with a dark face standing outside the door, the visit becomes an announcement of a funeral. The person reporting is a ghost, and the person who mourns is you.


No greeting, no omen.

There are no accidents in the death of people, this is the law, the law of death!
Luo Yi glanced over, someone had already fallen behind him, hearing the sound, it was Sakai.

The evil ghost's attack is a fatal attack, without the slightest resistance, even before it has time to react, the person is already dead. As the sound came, the darkness outside quickly penetrated like a thick black mist, constantly eroding Luo Yi around.

Everything happened too fast, when Qianxue, Meijima and others were still immersed in the destruction of countless ghost slaves around them, the people around them had already fallen to the ground.

"That's the knocker." Mishima said coldly.

More than ten meters away, the old man wearing a black long gown and covered in corpse spots suddenly appeared, facing several people stiffly. Bend, put two fingers together, obviously facing the air, but made a sound like knocking on the door.

Although the old man was still far away, the surrounding environment was changed just by a supernatural being triggered once.

The yellowed walls became mottled and moldy, and the wall skin continued to fall off, turning into uneven walls. Black and green mold grew on the pitted walls, exuding a cold, wet feeling. Dark taste.

The mobile phones scattered all over the ground quickly turned yellow, and the electrolyte inside was dissolved. Even the cars on the street began to be weathered rapidly, exposing the rusty steel plates. Some places even began to collapse, revealing the inside Corroded engine.

It seems that in an instant, the years here have passed for decades, and there are remnants of time and abandoned rags everywhere.

Fear appeared on everyone's face, Qianxue tightly covered her mouth, wanting to avoid being noticed by the evil spirit in this way, Mijima knelt on the ground, her body trembling, as if she had fallen into a cage prey, full of terror.

She didn't dare to look at the door knocker, and turned her head hastily, but when she turned her head, she happened to see Sakai's face lying on the ground. His eyes and mouth were wide open, his face was ashen, his eyes were not half-focused, and his whole body exuded The corpse smelled putrid, cold, and stiff, as if it had been dead for several days.

Under the double blow, her spirit and endurance reached the limit. She hugged her head with a terrified expression, talking nonsense in her mouth, and she seemed to be in a rather poor state.

"Beautiful Island!"

Luo Yi yelled, and this yell also carried a supernatural power, the cold voice was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, waking him up suddenly.

"Mr. Luo?" Mishima raised her head blankly, at a loss.

"Ordinary people are still too fragile." Luo Yi sighed, this vulnerability is not only physical, but also psychological.

Without a strong heart, it is difficult to survive in this world.

Everyone was flustered, and the only one who was calm was Luo Yi. There was no trace of fear on his face, and the light in his eyes was brighter than usual. A strong fighting spirit burst out from his body, and his beating heart made him eager to try.

At the time of No. [-] Middle School, the ghost knocking on the door was as terrifying as a demon. Luo Yi escaped in embarrassment after narrowly escaped death.

When he reappeared, the knocker clasped his fingers in vain, and Luo Yi gave up everything to gain the power to restart, and he was slightly at a disadvantage.

Today, in a foreign country, in a strange land, with a familiar opponent, there are no pleasantries, no temptations, and once you make a move, you will go all out.

In one go, Luo Yi failed again and again, faced this terrifying evil spirit of the Republic of China, and fought repeatedly and failed repeatedly. However, today, all this will eventually come to an end.

Just because today is different from the past, Luo Yi is already half-step worshiping the gods!
Fight today to decide the world!

Luo Yi held down the long knife, and the three-color vision was triggered. The whole body of the door knocker in front of him flowed like ink, blood spread, and the boundless ghost domain invaded the door knocker ghost domain like a horse. Hang high to clear away the dark haze.

On the handle of the knife, gray ghost eyes rolled uncomfortably, and the pitch black ghost hand activated, closing Luo Yi's pale palm all at once.

Luo Yi kneaded his five fingers, the blood in his eyes was beating, and the blood around him was surging. In the blink of an eye, the kingdom of the gods spread out, and under the kingdom of the gods, all the demons, monsters and ghosts were wiped away.

Within a radius of three kilometers, there is no living person, no dead person, and no living dead person!

There is only one round that streaks across the air like a waning moon, emitting a dazzling blood-red glow!



In a moment, cut forward, reverse, and cut across!
Luo Yi slashed three times in a row, never leaving the door knocker, one knife was faster than one knife, one knife was better than one knife, his blood was surging, and the surrounding spiritual noise boiled up, within a few kilometers around, it was like throwing a depth bomb, and the supernatural being aroused for an instant Suppress the remaining evil spirits around.

It can be seen how terrifying Luo Yi is under his full strength.

"Knock me three times, I'll give you back three knives." Luo Yi hung out in his robes, standing in the void, turning his wrist, and laying down with the ghost-slaying knife.

Before the words fell, Luo Yi inserted the long knife into the void in front of him, and the space in front of him was turbulent like the surface of water. When the handle of the knife disappeared, ignoring time and space, the knife was sure to hit, and the blood-colored knife penetrated the void, fiercely It runs through the heart of the knocking ghost.

Even at this time, the three splits also occurred together.

The head, hands, and feet all slipped from the body, and they were broken up like a jigsaw puzzle, split into four pieces of different sizes.

The black mist stopped, and the sky and the earth seemed to be three points clear. The split corpses wriggled uncomfortably, and the black blood flowed out, as if they wanted to be reassembled.

The wounds left by the Ghost Slashing Knife are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the broken corpse will gather again in less than five seconds.

"This door-knocking ghost is really terrifying. It has more than one evil ghost on its body. Knocking on the door and killing people is just one of its rules!"

At least the ability to rot the surrounding environment is an independent evil spirit, and this is the performance of Luo Wensong leaving most of the evil spirits in his body after the ghost post office.

If Luo Wensong was in his heyday, it would never be so simple to be separated.

The knocker quickly recovered his body, but at this moment, the gray ghost's eyes on the handle of the ghost knife opened wide, the blood coagulated immediately, the wound scabbed, gray was formed, and the confrontation quietly began.

This confrontation started suddenly and ended quickly. A second later, the ghost eyes closed unwillingly, and its effect was only delayed for a second.

But fortunately, this second was enough for Luo Yi to act. He strode across a distance of more than ten meters, reached out and lifted the ghost knife, and threw off the corpse on it.

"The universe has been decided, the outcome is in my hands."

"Knocker, your time is over!"

The long knife is back in its sheath, and the knocker has been imprisoned.

At this moment, Qianxue's voice sounded: "Mr. Sakai, what are you doing?"

Luo Yi turned around and looked back, Sakai, who was already dead, stood up straight.

He had just died, but the flesh on Sakai's body had dried up, some dark spots appeared on the skin, and the pupils opened silently, without any emotion.

He stretched out his arm mechanically, and lifted Meijiu up easily, as if he was holding a little chicken.


Mishima tightly grabbed Sakai's arm with both hands, and kept beating hard on it, kicking with both feet, kicking Sakai's waist and abdomen.

However, Sakai's endurance was obviously beyond her expectations. Even if she used all her strength, kicking on the opponent was like scratching an itch. Not only that, the rebound force from the opponent even made her toes hurt.

It seemed that the person in front of him was no longer a body of flesh and blood, but a hard rock dug out from the ground.

Sakai raised his head numbly, his originally bright and energetic eyes were all white.

Seeing this look, Meijima felt as if struck by lightning, her mind went blank, and even her resistance went limp.

This is the gap between evil ghosts and humans. Humans can't even look directly in front of ghosts.

If you don't control the evil spirits, even if Wang Xiaoming, whose wisdom is close to that of a demon, is placed here, there is nothing he can do.

"Mr. Luo, please save Ms. Meijima!" Qianxue was so anxious that tears flowed from her eyes, and her voice trembled.

"I am responsible for this comprehensive supernatural incident. Logically speaking, I am the captain. As my team members, I will take care of you if you can."

"But it's just three things. I've saved Mei Dao twice. This time it's her own fault. I won't do anything."

Knowing that after the death of the ghost master, the evil spirits will revive, this Meijima is still sitting next to the dead.

It's just asking for death.

Those who help themselves will be helped by Tianheng.

People like Meijima are no longer worth saving.

"But...but..." Qianxue hesitated for a long time, but in the end she still didn't say anything.

She knew that she could think of many reasons to save people, but for Luo Yi, only one was enough.

He is unwilling to save.

Sakai used force with his hands, decisively and mercilessly broke Mijima's neck.

During the whole process, Luo Yi stood aside and watched coldly, Qianxue couldn't bear to close her eyes, and sighed in her heart.

When Meijima died, Luo Yi casually stretched out his palm and put it on Sakai's shoulder. The movement was relaxed and freehand, but the effect was extraordinary. The other party fell to the ground like mud, and even the evil spirit in Sakai's body fell to the ground. Also fell silent at this moment.

The gap between the two is far more than worlds apart.

"Now that all the ghost masters are dead, my translation is worthless. Mr. Luo, I don't expect you to protect me. In case I die, I want to ask you to speak to President Mishima and let him let him go." Is it okay for our family?"

Qianxue seemed to have foreseen her own end, she bent down and begged humbly.

Luo Yi doesn't even pay attention to the help of a ghost master, how much value can she have as an ordinary person?
Not to mention taking advantage of her beauty, with the way Luo Yi looked at her, she knew deeply that she had no chance.

The social level, thinking cognition, and life level of the two are no longer in the same dimension, so how can ants sleep with the dragon.

Now she just wants to ask Luo Yi to protect her family, and let her younger sister Meixue escape from the sea of ​​misery, and no longer bear the tragic fate of being a servant in the Quling Society.

Luo Yi glanced at her, although she was sincere and pitiful, but it was his father and the Exorcism Society that created her fate, so what did it have to do with Luo Yi, who just arrived in Kobe City an hour ago?

Under the erosion of evil spirits, many useless emotions and desires are erased, and only the purest reason becomes more acute.

"As I said, as your temporary captain, I can allow you to make mistakes. To a certain extent, I will help you so that you will not die worthless."

"Death is worthless," Qianxue repeated, "so that's why Sakai died the first time, and Mijima died the third time he faced the evil spirit?"

"Is it because Meijima has the ability to find evil spirits, and Sakai's ability is completely dispensable in front of you?"

"No, you're wrong," Luo Yi said calmly, "I saved Mei Dao only because she is an ordinary person. Even though she has some psychic abilities, she doesn't control evil spirits, so she doesn't belong to my type. Treating them, I am willing to give them one more chance, this is out of respect for life, and it is also my personal principle of conduct."

The influence of ghosts will gradually deepen for the ghost master. If there is no persistence and a bottom line, I am afraid that in the end, I will become the kind of Zhao Kaiming who treats human life like nothing.

It is not terrible for evil spirits to live in the body, what is terrible is to let evil spirits live in the heart and become the plaything of evil spirits.

Only with persistence, pursuit, and red line, can people avoid becoming one with evil ghosts, otherwise, the word "ghost master" should be changed to "human master".

Can a person still be a person if he loses his original heart?Was the Luo Yi at that time still the real Luo Yi?
So some seemingly ridiculous tolerance and generosity are just the extension of Luo Yi's emotions as a human being.

Qianxue didn't understand Luo Yi's thoughts, "So, should you treat ghost masters a little more harshly, but you are a ghost master yourself, so logically speaking, you are the same kind."

"Same kind? Huh?" Luo Yi chuckled, "This is just a kind of induction given by the society. Slaves, that classification persists to this day."

"Even in the simplest schools, there are nobility, private, and public schools. Ordinary students will be expelled if they make mistakes. Even if some high-ranking officials and nobles make mistakes, the school will handle them lightly?"

"In a secret place, outsiders can't get in, but it doesn't mean that privileges can't get in. This is the real society!"

"Dividing the same kind is the greatest insult to freedom and equality!"

Luo Yi's words were so deafening that Qianxue stood there in a daze. She quickly made a distinction in her mind. She wanted to understand, but couldn't. She wanted to refute, but she didn't know where to start.

For a moment, his head was like a paste, chaotic.


"You don't have to feel sad for them. In the eyes of President Mishima, Nagasawa Sakai and others are already dead. They must also understand that their greatest value is to assist me in this supernatural incident. "

"The difference is that Sakai was lucky, while Nagasawa was unlucky."

In the previous supernatural incident, Luo Yi actually only asked them to take action once. Sakai held a ghost candle to attract the Kappa, Nagasawa stepped forward to test the ghost oiran, and Meijima sensed the evil ghost from a distance. law.

If it is considered that Luo Yi deliberately criticized them, this is the biggest absurdity.

Qianxue nodded, "Indeed, they have hardly made any moves along the way. These things really don't mean that you deliberately asked them to die."

Risks must exist in dealing with supernatural events. Luo Yi, as the captain, took on most of it, and it was only reasonable for the team members to bear the rest.

Luo Yi didn't say a word, that is, no matter how many evil ghost incidents Nagasawa and Sakai can survive, they will not be able to get out alive in the end, because they are all ghost masters, and they have evil spirits in their bodies. .

Luo Yi traveled thousands of miles and traveled across the oceans, not to deal with supernatural events for the Spirit Elimination Society, but to collect evil spirits and make sacrifices, so not only evil spirits, but even ghost masters are his potential targets .

The reason why Mishima and the others were not slaughtered was not because of their high status and authority, but because Luo Yi still needed them to find out their safe house, find out where ghost porcelain and evil spirits were stored.

"Then what about me, am I still valuable?" Qianxue raised her head with a faint tone.

"Originally there were none, but when you said that, I suddenly had a new idea." Luo Yi stared at Qian Xue with inexplicable eyes, which were somewhat expectant and somewhat sinister.

"What are you going to do?" Qianxue's face was pale. For some reason, she felt cold all over, and a kind of creepy fear filled her whole body.

Three minutes later, Luo Yi left calmly.

The red paper flying in the sky disappeared out of thin air, and a young woman in kimono stood up. She touched her face, felt her own body temperature and heartbeat, and after confirming that everything was normal, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"I don't know if the master has dealt with all the evil spirits?" Qianxue muttered to herself, "But with his ability, it must be very easy."

"It's time for me to go do my own thing."

Qianxue raised her toes, her arms drooped naturally, no one noticed, the index finger and middle finger of her right hand were dry and thin, covered with black spots, like a dead person! (end of this chapter)

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