Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 319 Boundless Ghost Tide

Under the dark sky, the gray long street winds, billboards smashed down, the ground is covered with glass stubble, searchlights, manhole covers, roadside vehicles and other iron products appear yellow and black rust, as if they were Sulfuric acid severely corrodes the general.

Looking around, all the buildings in stores, shopping centers, gyms, and hospitals have become old, and the walls have peeled off, revealing the moldy and water-seeking walls underneath. On both sides of the road, green plants and shrubs are dying in pieces, and there is decay in the air. The humidity of the place, mixed with the lingering smell of corpses, seems to have come to a hell where evil spirits linger.

There is silence all around, this kind of silence is the desolation of thousands of mountains and birds, it is the silence of death.

"Mr. Luo, there seems to be something wrong here." Qianxue hurried forward a few steps, she pulled the corner of La Luoyi's clothes nervously and fearfully, and pointed to the dilapidated and desolate street in front of her.

"I saw it." Luo Yi said indifferently, Luo Yi had seen weirder scenes before, so there was no need to make a fuss.

Several people walked forward slowly, the soles of their shoes rubbed against the ground, and the falling yellow leaves were broken under gravity, creating the only sound in this area.

The further he went, the more obvious the damage was. Halfway down the street, even the wind was gone, as if the wind had also died under the supernatural power.

"There are people there." Sakai pointed to the third floor of a building, where a tall figure was leaning against the window, wearing a black pajamas, leaning against the balcony, and on the window sill at his hand was a The teacup looks like someone just woke up in the morning and is opening the window to drink coffee.

Luo Yi raised his eyes and glanced, "Don't look, there are no living people on this street."

If there were still a few living people surviving in twos and threes in the few areas just now, then there are no survivors here.

The door knocker has a high degree of terror and is slow to kill, but this slowness only means that it can only kill one person at a time, but if it keeps wandering in a certain area and triggers the law unscrupulously, the supernatural influence it brings will become more and more powerful. If it is too big, it will completely change the surrounding environment in the end, and people will lose the space to survive.

So in this street, less than half of the people died directly under the hands of evil spirits, and more than half were trapped and died under the influence of ghost slaves and lack of resources.

Of course, there are also many people who are directly scared to death.

"Dead?" Qianxue covered her mouth in fear.

It may be that the environment was too quiet, causing Qianxue's voice to be heard far away, and the figure on the third floor turned around mechanically.

Dark face, chapped skin, bloodstains from the corners of the eyes to the chin, exposed arms, dry skin on the neck, covered with dead spots, it is obvious that this is a person who has been dead for a long time, his body has long been dead Stiff and straight, the head turned, like a weird puppet, the most frightening thing was that a large piece of that person's face had rotted away, but a pair of eyes were always looking at this side.

"Is that the evil spirit at the source?" Mishima's hairs stood on end. There is a kind of person who gets more and more afraid the more they come into contact with evil spirits. This is a character thing and it is difficult to change.

"Don't be nervous, it's not a ghost, it's just an unlucky guy who was killed by a ghost. After death, his ghost lingers and becomes a ghost slave. It's the same as those things floating in the blood that Sakai dealt with before."

"Do you need me to do it?" Knowing that it wasn't an evil spirit, Sakai became more courageous, and even offered to deal with the evil spirit. His idea was also very simple. He consciously went to imprison these ghost slaves, and he couldn't return them. Let him test the laws of the evil spirits.

"Okay." Luo Yi chuckled, "Remember to deal with that, that, and that."

Sakai followed Luo Yi's direction to look. In the shopping mall, in the residential buildings, and in the taxis that were chasing after each other on the road, corpses all opened their eyes, sat up like zombies, and looked at Luo Yi numbly and coldly. a group of people.

A rough count, no less than twenty.

"So many?" The corners of Sakai's mouth twitched, and a trace of flinch flashed in his eyes.

It is true that he can handle ghost slaves, but with so many ghost slaves, even if it consumes energy, it will take him to revive the evil ghost.

"Mr. Luo, I can only deal with a few of them as much as I can. If they all come, please ask Mr. Luo to watch over my back." Sakai gritted his teeth, feeling ruthless.

After going through the previous events, he found that Luo Yi would not mind taking advantage of them if it went well, so what he has to do now is to show his ability as much as possible and increase his value in Luo Yi's heart.

Little people also have the way of life of little people. Everyone is struggling with their own desires, but it is undeniable that everyone is eager to be redeemed.

So is Sakai.

Luo Yi glanced at him, a little surprised at his initiative, and thought for a while and said: "There is no need to take the initiative, this kind of dead person will not last long, and when the time comes, he will still die."

Ghost slaves are just walking corpses infected with evil ghosts and spirits. When the spirit disappears, or the body decays and festers, it will completely collapse.

Going forward, there are more ghost slaves on the side of the road. From this point, it can be inferred that the route of Luo Yi and his party is exactly in the direction of the door knocking ghost wandering.

Whenever someone passed by, the eyes of these dead people would also turn accordingly, staring coldly at the only living people. Although they hadn't made any other movements, the strange feeling revealed made people uncontrollably terrified.

The eyes are already like this, if they really act like zombies, the scene will make people shudder.

Sakai and the others lowered their heads, not daring to look any further, their feet accelerated, but they moved more lightly, like thieves about to steal, cowering.

Suddenly, a short and sharp phone rang, and the sound came from Meijima.

"Who will call at this time?" Mishima asked doubtfully.

"Hurry up and turn off that damn phone, you have attracted the ghost slave's attention." Sakai frowned and scolded in a low voice.

As soon as the bell rang, the evil ghost who was still wandering around the edge suddenly turned his head around, and his horrifying gaze swept over him, making goosebumps stand on end.

This kind of undisguised malice does not need to be carefully distinguished at all. It only needs to be watched to feel obvious. Meijima is also aware of the danger. She hurriedly took out the phone, and an unknown incoming call was displayed on the screen.

"Wait," Luo Yi said, "This is the haunted area of ​​the door knocker, and we are not far from the source of the evil spirits. Under the influence of supernatural powers, even satellite phones can hardly maintain regular communication. Can I call you in?"

"Mr. Luo, are you saying?" Sakai's expression changed, and he looked at the smartphone in Meijima's hand with some horror, "Is this from a ghost?"

After Meijima grabbed the phone, her eyes closed instantly, her two eyeballs kept rolling under her closed eyelids, and cold sweat oozed from her forehead, which wetted her temple hair and stuck it to her face, letting her see It was very embarrassing.

Not long after, Mei Dao's body began to tremble, and Luo Yi stood beside her, and could even clearly hear the sound of her upper and lower teeth colliding with each other.


Mishima screamed suddenly, and then threw the mobile phone out of her hand in panic. This time, she threw it flying extremely hard, and the mobile phone hit the wall fiercely, breaking into several pieces. When the mobile phone rolled to the ground, This valuable fruit machine has been thrown into pieces.

Even so, the phone rang continuously.

Over and over again, like a death knell, getting faster and faster.

"I feel it, it's a ghost on the other end of the phone!" Meijima felt that her legs were a little weak, and she hurriedly supported the lamppost next to her to maintain her stability.

This kind of psychic ability will give her the illusion of facing the evil spirits directly. After a long time, it will break people's minds and make people crazy like crazy.




As if there was a chain reaction, the phone rang one after another. What was even more frightening was that these ringtones were all the same music, even the frequency and pitch were exactly the same, as if it was a prank planned by someone in advance.

"Sure enough, it's a ghost." Sakai took out his cell phone from his pocket with an ugly expression, "I've never had the habit of turning on the alarm, but now it's ringing, playing a piece of music that I've never heard before."

He used to drop the phone on the ground, and stepped on it a few times in frustration, until the phone was shattered beyond recognition, and then he gave up.

The ringtones still rang one after another, and the same information was displayed on all the phones. The caller seemed to be very patient, and even if no one answered, he would not actively hang up.

The chilling environment, ghost slaves watching, ringing bells, and the source of evil ghosts hiding in the dark, trying to choose people and devour them.

Qianxue hid behind Luo Yi, and every time there was an additional ringtone, her body would tremble unconsciously.

This kind of atmosphere that makes children stop crying, even if ordinary people only wear it for a few minutes, it is enough to panic.

The sound of dull and heavy footsteps sounded, and a stiff corpse with a haggard face and a dark complexion poked its head out of the window on the tall building, and then fell straight down under the action of gravity, puddles of black rot appeared on the ground. Meat paste, stinky filth splashed everywhere, smeared all over the walls, on the car, and on the glass.

At this moment, as if the city was besieged by zombies, hundreds of ghost slaves came out from the shadows, some had their necks torn and their heads drooped in front of their chests; It was about to rot, and black pus dripped all over the ground.
At this moment, Kobe is dead, and the world is like a prison.

Luo Yi stood in the middle of the street, the black robe on his body was windless, his back was straight like a dragon, the blood in his eyes was beating, and the terrifying spirit was faintly blooming on his body, as if he didn't care about everything in front of him, looking down on all living beings.

"Mr. Luo, there are more and more evil spirits around us. We will be completely surrounded in a minute at most." Sakai said: "Although these ghost slaves are terrifying and not real evil spirits, but ants kill elephants more often, we have to deal with them." It is also extremely troublesome, and we have to guard against the attack of the evil spirits, and under the attack of the two, we may fall into a situation where we are attacked from both sides."

"Why don't we exit this street, make a detour, and then go to the front." Meijima suggested.

"Retire?" Luo Yi sneered, shattering the illusions of several people without mercy: "Do you think there are more ghost slaves here, or there are more ghost slaves around the evil ghosts? Ghost slaves serve the ghost master. When the evil spirits start to gather, it means that the real evil spirits have come, where do you want to retreat, where do you want to hide?"

"But if we move our position now, at least we can avoid this kind of encirclement, can't we?" Mijima argued in a low voice.

Luo Yi looked cold, "It's unavoidable, when the phone rings on your body, it means that the evil spirit already knows our location, besides, there are no living people on the nearby streets, we are the only ones left by the evil spirit The goal, wherever we go, it will follow."

"Moreover, I can see that behind this block, there are more ghost slaves swarming here. Before long, this road will be filled and become a world of ghost slaves."

Hearing this, Meijima lost all color on her face, Sakai on the other side was sweating, and said in mourning, "It seems that I can't do anything unless I try my best."

Qian Xue was silent, but looking at her pale face like paper, she knew that her heart might already be turbulent.

"There is nothing to be afraid of, just some ghost slaves. When they come, I will deal with them together." Luo Yi's face was calm, without turning his head, he just said: "Now, Meijima, sense, where are the real ghosts? ?”

To capture the thief, first capture the king. If the knocking ghost is not imprisoned, it is meaningless to deal with ghost slaves.

"Okay." Although Meijima is afraid of evil spirits, she is also afraid of this black-robed man who is neither expressive nor angry. Moreover, the current situation is already very critical. Only by killing the evil spirits at the source can everyone survive.

"Just treat it for yourself, Meijima, you can do it." Meijima simply hinted at herself, then closed her eyes, she wanted to find the evil spirit and save herself.

The speed at which the ghost slaves approached was not fast, and these disabled people did not have the mobility of a healthy person, but even so, 1 minute was enough to surround them with three layers inside and three layers outside.

Luo Yi stretched out his right hand, a red light condensed like crimson blood slowly oozes from the pale palm without any lines, the red light appeared, and the surrounding light decreased again, for no reason, a breeze blew, and the breath of incense Curling, although extremely gentle, but very domineering to cover the stench of corpses around.

This is the absolute crushing among supernatural beings.

When the ghost slave approached, Luo Yi turned his wrist and pressed down his pale palm lightly, as if it was effortless.

But no one would think so, because Luo Yi's palm pressed down, the blood color rolled across the field like a wave, and the strong wind aroused stirred up, turning into thousands of waves of air.

Amid the sound of breaking through the air, countless ghost slaves were destroyed like rotten wood.

Some people are on the first floor, some are on the second floor, and Luo Yi, standing on the top floor, cast his gaze to the top floor!

It's still the same sentence, only when you pull a thousand catties can you lift weights like light, and you can be calm when you are superior in strength.

Bang bang bang!
The ghost slave's corpses were like harvested straw, falling down one after another, and the stench in the air faded away at a clearly audible speed.

However, before everyone was happy for too long, a heavier figure pierced through the dark haze.

The world was quiet, and the air suddenly turned cold.

Panicked and angry, the man raised his right hand, put his two fingers together, and kowtowed quietly in the air half a foot in front of him.

Boom, boom, boom! (end of this chapter)

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