Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 338 Collision with the previous generation

"I thought you were afraid to come."

In the world of ghost paintings, a tall man wearing a black military uniform sat on the ground, with a big knife as tall as a person stuck in the ground beside him.

The shape of this knife is old, and there is no special pattern, only the edge of the blade is shining with cold light, which makes people dare not look directly at it.

Zhang Xianguang just sat here quietly, surrounded by the corpses of ghost masters from Yuzhou City. These corpses were stiff, and black death spots grew on the exposed skin.

The stench of corpses lingered in the air.

And not far from Zhang Xianguang's body, there was a female corpse lying on her back. The female corpse had no head, and the blood in the cavity of the neck had already drained, and the ground was soaked in blood, showing a strange reddish-brown color.

It looked startling.

Luo Yi took two steps forward and bent down to pick up a head, then carefully placed it on the corpse, and used the supernatural power of a deceiving ghost to forcibly splice the corpse together.

"Is there any point in doing such deceit?" Zhang Xianguang watched Luo Yi close Meng Yi's eyes, and sneered.

After controlling evil spirits to their level, the seven emotions and six desires are long gone. Ordinary people often miss, commemorate, and fall into the grief and annoyance of the past, but they don't.

Because it's worthless!
It is the qualification of ordinary people to waste time as one likes and hurt the spring and autumn. Because of ignorance and ordinaryness, they can be fearless and indulgent.

This is an unimaginable luxury for a short-lived ghost master who is constantly threatened by evil spirits.

"It's meaningless, but it's not that all meaningless things are not worth doing." Luo Yi stood up, his body straight, like a green pine standing proudly on a thousand-foot peak, with an extremely extraordinary bearing.

Zhang Xianguang looked up, "My seat, Zhang Xianguang, can we talk?"

"Yes," Luo Yi said indifferently, "I don't mind granting the wish of a dying person."

"I've been waiting here for you all day and night." Zhang Xianguang caressed the long knife with his hand, and said casually.

"Are you so sure that I will come?" Luo Yi twitched the corner of his mouth, stomped his foot, and a stone bench was formed out of thin air.

He lifted his robe and sat down, just three points higher than him!

Zhang Xianguang raised his eyebrows slightly, seeming to be upset, "I'm not sure, but you are the leader of the younger generation, if you don't come, it proves that the younger generation has no ability or courage to take over from our generation. Cross the flag!"

"Heh, Daqi, you really know how to put gold on your face. When did the big banner of curbing spiritual recovery fall in the hands of your generation?"

"The seven elders of the Republic of China have not died yet, who did you take the flag from, and what kind of flag are you carrying?"

Hearing Luo Yi's rebuttal, Zhang Xianguang was not angry, "What do you, a fledgling kid, know, many things are not as simple as you think?"

"Boy?" Luo Yi sneered and said, "I haven't heard anyone use this word to describe me for a long time. The last time I said this was Fang Shiming!"

"He is also worthy to be compared with me!" Zhang Xianguang showed a little pride on his face, "A cowardly bastard with empty ambitions, not even qualified to fight me."

Zhang Xianguang continued: "Even I don't know the earliest recovery time of the supernatural, but what is certain is that it has been more than a hundred years. In more than a hundred years and tens of billions of people, there will always be some outstanding people for a while. You seem to be good now. , but if you look at a century, what is it?”

"Every era has its own trendsetters. In the supernatural circle, the frequency of this update is faster. You have dominated the younger generation for only a few months. Do you want me to call you a fellow? "

"Hahahaha~" Luo Yi laughed a few times inexplicably, there was no sarcasm in his voice, but some relief of doubts, as if he suddenly understood something.

Zhang Xianguang, Laozi is Zhang Dong, the most powerful ghost master in the Republic of China. , everything is missing.

It is unbelievable that such a person has the courage, strength, and forbearance to behave in a human way, and has a far-sighted vision.

Luo Yi had guessed before, but now after seeing him in person, he realizes that this person is very lonely. A person who is lonely and has high self-esteem cannot form a party, nor can he unite his strength to do things. This is the gap between him and Yang , not in oneself, but in external forces.

But it's not surprising to think about it. With his resources, he has proud capital.

"What are you laughing at?" Zhang Xianguang raised his eyes and asked.

"Nothing." Luo Yi waved his hand, and looked at him with gloomy eyes, "Zhang Xianguang, do you think a martial artist can accomplish great things?"

Zhang Xianguang narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a fierce look, "Luo Yi, I'm waiting for you here because I think that although you and I have different styles and philosophies of doing things, the goal is to curb the recovery of the spirit, so I'm willing to give you a a chance."

"What chance, do you think you still want to invite me to join you?"

"No, it's a chance to survive, a chance to survive if it blocks my way!" Zhang Xianguang said in a cold tone, "I thought you had some strength, and wanted to leave some kindling for the younger generation. But now it doesn’t seem necessary.”

"As long as my plan is successfully implemented, the world will be saved. It doesn't matter whether your generation has the potential to take the lead. I am not those pedantic old stubborn who always pin their hopes on the next generation. I will use my Use your own method to end supernatural powers." Zhang Xianguang was decisive, his tone full of undoubted confidence.

Luo Yi laughed loudly and said, "Just relying on ghost paintings?"

Zhang Xianguang's face showed determination, "Just rely on ghost paintings!"


"Madness and ignorance!" Zhang Xianguang's eyes widened, and a ferocious aura surged in his body, "In your eyes, you will only bring destruction, the evil spirits that ravage the city, in my hands, I will turn it into a tool, a A tool to serve people."

"Look here." Zhang Xianguang pointed to the world inside the ghost painting, "everything is exactly the same as the outside world, food, food, water, all the things that human beings depend on for survival, are all here. The vastness of the ghost painting is enough to Keep everyone alive here."

"This is the modern Peach Blossom Spring!"

Zhang Xianguang said loudly, his tone full of expectation.

Luo Yi raised his eyebrows, "So you want to prevent me from imprisoning Guihua?"

"That's right, Taohuayuan doesn't need a master, and it shouldn't be confined to a small golden box."

"Even if I let go, can you guarantee that Ghost Painting will not be imprisoned by others, or even controlled? You said that Taohuayuan does not need a master, so does he need a creator?"

Zhang Xianguang said with a look of anticipation: "I have thought about your problems a long time ago. I will find the ghost painting puzzle, make it scary enough, and then choose one person to control it and devour all the living people in the world." Go in, and finally I will erase this person's consciousness, prevent him from becoming a creator, and then banish him to a place where no one or any ghost can find him, so as to avoid chance accidents."

"I will use ghost paintings to create a world where there are no evil ghosts and only humans, just like here hundreds of years ago."

"Papa papa", Luo Yi applauded: "It's wonderful, but the loophole is still too big."

Zhang Xianguang's eyes were full of hostility, "What loophole?"

"First of all, the ghost painting world is not big enough, at least for the whole world, it is still too small, even if it finds the puzzle and fully recovers, it may not be able to solve this problem."

"Secondly, when the driver of the ghost painting appears, who will be willing to be your puppet, and whether you are able to erase his consciousness and control his behavior; thirdly, although the ghost painting is terrifying, it cannot override all Above the evil spirit, you can restrict it, and naturally there will be evil spirits that can invade it, unless you confine it in gold and let it revive in the box, for ordinary people, they will still face evil spirits threats, living conditions have not improved."

"Besides, no one is willing to live in a box. You have to know that the reason why Taohuayuan makes people look forward to it is because of the contrast with reality. When there is no reality, Taohuayuan is a cage and a hell."

"Finally, I want to tell you that the water here and the mountains here are all magical illusions, and they are all fake." Luo Yi picked up a handful of fine sand and raised it up, and the sand with slight moisture was flying with the wind , but when a little golden light appeared in Luo Yi's palm, the fine sand disappeared.

"These things are all ghosts dependent on ghost paintings. Without the ghosts of ghost paintings, they are nothing."

"The Peach Blossom Spring Project is a complete escape plan. It turns the place where ghosts live into the place where people live, and the place where people live into ghosts. This situation is even more extreme than the current situation. Losing the way out is no different from dying!"

After listening to Luo Yi's words, Zhang Xianguang fell into deep thought. Obviously Luo Yi's words shocked him a lot, and he couldn't help thinking about how to solve these problems if he really encountered them.

After a long time, Zhang Xianguang said: "One person counts the short, two people count the long, I should thank you, the problems you mentioned do exist, but no one can stop me from implementing the plan, because I firmly believe that this is the best way, this is The best way to end the ghost."

"You think a few words can shake my resolve? You are so naive!"

Zhang Xianguang stood up, kneaded his five fingers lightly, and dragged the long knife backwards, "No one can stop me, not those old men, and neither can you, Luo Yi!"

"Immortal?" Luo Yi's pupils trembled, and an old man in long gown with a dark face came to mind.

One of the Seven Elders of the Republic of China, the founder of the Ghost Post Office, the top ghost master, and the existence beyond the captain, actually fell to his death from an unfinished building in Dahan City?
How outrageous is this?
And the reason Luo Yi finally knew, he didn't die because of the recovery of the evil spirit, but because of Zhang Xianguang's tricks!

The person himself was dismembered, the ghost post office was occupied, the will was abolished, and even the corpse was used as a pawn to stir up the supernatural situation in the country. The number one knocker in the world of mysterious recovery turned out to be the biggest joke.

"Why, I'm scared now," Zhang Xianguang smiled, "You don't have to worry too much, don't look at the rust on this knife, it's actually very sharp."

"Kill me?" Luo Yi stood tall, dismissively said: "It's almost as good as calling you Zhang Donglai!"

The sky and the earth suddenly dimmed, and a dark shadow filled the space in an instant, and at the moment of spiritual erosion, a dazzling crimson pierced the darkness, and the bright knife light traversed the sky, pointing directly at Zhang Xianguang in front of him.

Zhang Xianguang's face changed slightly, as if he didn't expect Luo Yi to strike so quickly. He touched the ground with his toes, and drew the knife back.

Fear flashed in Luo Yi's eyes, "Sure enough, he is the strongest ghost master of the previous generation. Even I can't do better with this kind of reaction speed and coping style."

With one blow, the two sides were separated at the touch of a touch, and the terrifying spirit raged, stirring up thousands of air currents. The knife did not cancel each other out, but fell on both sides separately.

Different from the solemnity and grandeur of the Ghost Slaying Knife, Zhang Xianguang's attack did not have much momentum, but the knife that looked quite old could draw sparks on the ground.

The big knife dragged, making a sound of metal rubbing, and then it became silent after it was lifted. This strong contrast made Luo Yi frown secretly.

Spiritual explosion!

Except for the initial coldness and numbness, Luo Yi didn't even feel any pain. He lowered his head and saw a huge line of blood in front of his chest. The numb feeling disappeared after the blood seeped out.

This is not because the ghost body has a stronger ability to bear pain, nor is it the self-protection initiated by the human body to avoid the huge pain directly knocking down the nerves, but that the spirit on the big knife suppressed the ghost body's mobility in an instant, and even The sensory transmission is blocked.

"It's powerful and weird. The moment the knife was raised, the attack was done." Luo Yixin said, this time the attack was too short and there was too little information. When the knife is raised, there is a strong sense of danger.

Zhang Xianguang looked surprised, "I didn't expect you to be able to block my knife."

He himself knows best how weird and ferocious this big knife is, not to mention a person, even a ghost, it will be cut in two with one knife, but Luo Yi only left a deep bone. There is no bloody scene in the usual scene.

"So what if you block a knife, can you block my second knife with your appearance?" Zhang Xianguang flicked the blade, showing his murderous intent.

Luo Yi raised his head. After successfully transforming into a ghost, as long as his consciousness is not wiped out, there is no possibility of him being killed. Although this knife is bloody and bloody, it looks horrible, but for the ghost, as long as he is not dismembered Even if it's not a big deal, it's nothing more than a short-term decline in spirituality, and it takes a little more time to heal.

He glanced at the pale Zhang Xianguang, "You should think about yourself."

Zhang Xianguang's hasty counterattack can hit Luo Yi, and Luo Yi's deliberate shot is naturally impossible to miss. As early as the moment the split was triggered, he heard the clear sound of bone breaking. This sound is very familiar to Luo Yi, it is a sharp blade. The sound of breaking the spine and breaking the body.

"You're right, I must look terrible now." Blood was spilling from the corner of Zhang Xianguang's mouth. If you look carefully, you will find that his waist has been completely stained red with blood, and he himself is forced to stand with a big knife.

"But if you think you can kill me with just one attack like this, you're taking it for granted." Zhang Xianguang turned his eyes with difficulty, but this movement seemed to have exhausted his strength, and soon his head drooped. , lost the ability to move, and appeared to be dead.

The corpse left in place quickly turned black and rotted, and the fascia of flesh and blood fell from the skeleton, and then the skeleton cracked and turned into powder, and finally disappeared completely.

It can be explained if the body is corroded and dissipated by supernatural power after death, but the big knife that was deeply inserted into the ground also dissipated like fly ash at this moment.

But suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps, accompanied by the sound of dragging a knife.

The surrounding darkness was deeper, and in the inexplicable darkness, there was a rush of footsteps.

Moreover, it seems that there is more than one person? (end of this chapter)

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