Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 339 The Leaving Zhang Xianguang

After a fight, the original Zhang Xianguang died, but the matter was far from over.

The sound of iron tools rubbing against the ground spread far away, sparks splashed in the darkness, and the scattered glimmers illuminated the subtle scenes.

If you don't see the person, you will see the knife first.

This is a weird big knife. The knife is covered with rust and filth, as if it has been buried in the soil for a long time before it was dug out. It was the edge of the knife that was constantly oozing blood, as if it had just killed someone, and it could never be wiped clean.

"Here we come." Luo Yi secretly placed his palm on the handle of the knife, and the ghost-slaying knife was hooked by Luo Yi's spirit, and a pitch-black ghost hand appeared in illusion, buckled from bottom to top, and was ready to strike at any time .

After Zhang Xianguang appeared, the surrounding darkness became deeper and darker, with bursts of coldness spreading towards the surroundings. In the darkness where no fingers were visible, there seemed to be footsteps. This body could not be seen clearly even with Luo Yi's eyesight. A few outlines are simply seen, and they are still dimming continuously, as if something is covering up, or it is itself interfering with reality.

Luo Yi triggered the three-color field of vision of the Ghost Slashing Knife, which is the medium that comes with the blade, but this medium is a bit rough compared to the Hatchet and Ghost Scissors.

Among the three colors, black is evil spirits, white is living people, and gray is dead people. stripped out.

But when facing evil spirits, there are some deviations, because the ghosts around evil spirits are scattered, they are always emitting coldness, weirdness and disturbing the surrounding environment, so evil spirits usually have no effect in the three-color field of vision. It was a huge black shadow, and unless there was a ghost realm to suppress its ghost, it would be impossible to pinpoint the position of an evil ghost precisely.

Especially in the face of a master like Zhang Xianguang, once the move fails, he will immediately bear the fierce blow from the opponent. This is a very dangerous behavior.

"I have to break through or enter his ghost domain, otherwise I won't even have the ability to lock on to the target unless I use the other edge of the Ghost Slaying Knife."

The ghost chopping knife is a double-edged knife, with a boning knife on one side and a ghost scissors on the other side, connected by a coffin nail as a keel in the middle.

After thinking about it, Luo Yi gave up this idea. There is only one situation where he can play all his hole cards at once, and that is when he must win and no one will be left alive.

This is not the time yet.

"If the knife is not enough, you can only invade."

Although the second-generation Ghost Slaying Knife has the characteristic of ignoring distance and ghost domain, this characteristic is not a rule, and it does not have the ability to ignore ghosts and ghosts and treat them equally, just like Yang Jian's Ghost Eye can send away evil ghosts, but it does not send ghosts away. It's the same reason not to take the corpses of Zhang Dong and Meng Xiaodong.

It's not that one's own ability is getting weaker, but that the opponent's size is too large and the spirit is too heavy.

The same is true of Zhang Xianguang. It is difficult for Luo Yi to capture his figure across the ghost domain. If he makes a hasty move based on a little bit of knife light, he is likely to fall into the opponent's trap and be caught by someone's weakness.

"I am a real evil spirit now. As long as I am not completely dismembered and imprisoned, I will almost never die."

Although there are certain dangers in entering the opponent's ghost domain, it is much better to respond passively than blindly shooting outside. This is a trade-off between risks and benefits.

With a thought in Luo Yi's mind, a golden light appeared from under his feet, and then quickly spread forward like a carpet.

After ascending to the ghosts and gods, the blood color of the kingdom of the sacrificial gods was swallowed up by gold, and the appearance of the ghost domain was greatly changed from this. It was no longer the horror and fierceness of the previous evil spirits, but instead had a bit of grandeur and grandeur.

The golden light bordered the black air, as if boiling oil dripped on the fire, and it suddenly rolled violently. This was the invasion and confrontation of the ghost domain.

As Luo Yi kept approaching, the golden light in front of him became more and more dazzling, until finally he tore open a gap in Zhang Xianguang's dark ghost domain.

In the darkness, Zhang Xianguang paused as he dragged the knife, and a sneer appeared on his face, "It's a good ghost domain ability, but it's still half a point behind mine. Although it's only a mere half point, I'm sure of you."

After entering the ghost domain, the scene in front of Luo Yi seemed to have come from late night to evening. Although it was still a little hazy, it was enough for him to lock the target.

"We can't let him continue to prepare."

Luo Yi strode forward, Zhang Xianguang has been hiding in the ghost domain, and he must have a plan.


The sound of iron rubbing sounded again, but this time it was not from the front, but from behind.

Luo Yi suddenly turned around and looked back, a blurry figure suddenly flashed behind him.

No, not only behind him, but also on the left and right simultaneously appeared Zhang Xianguang holding a long knife upside down.

"Did you find out?" Zhang Xianguang said to himself, "But it's okay, even if I don't need the cover of Huangquan, I can kill you openly."

As soon as the words fell, the three Zhang Xianguang came out of the shadows together. Although they were dressed in the same appearance, they could still find subtle differences in expressions upon careful inspection.

"It's not a clone, nor is it an illusion of Huangquan." Luo Yi judged it at a glance.

Having dealt with ghosts all year round, Luo Yi's sensitivity to ghosts has already surpassed ordinary people's imagination.

You don't need to shoot, you can judge the general situation with just a glance.

"Three Zhang Xianguang, infinite restart?" Looking at the scene in front of him, Luo Yi's thoughts rushed rapidly, "And, this knife can also appear?"

Luo Yi can also be restarted, so he is not surprised that there are multiple scenes of Zhang Xianguang, it is nothing more than multiple restarts, using some means to pull his past self into reality.

To achieve this, in addition to being strong enough to be able to restart multiple times, there needs to be some kind of medium to tell the node that the restarted self should go to, otherwise it is easy to get lost in time.

"If my prediction is correct, this knife is also a medium-level weapon." Just like ghost scissors, when the medium is triggered, it can connect to the corresponding evil spirit and form a counterattack.

It exists in reality itself, but through media, it can also exist in virtuality, a device with multiple functions, between virtual and real.

"I thought you would have to launch at least two attacks before you would notice any clues, but I didn't expect you to be better than I thought, and you even noticed it after the first fight. Zhang Xianguang raised his eyebrows.

"Don't underestimate anyone, and you can't scare me. The more powerful the method, the greater the load. Do you think I don't understand this truth?"

"Restarting is not without agency price, especially if you bring a ghost master of your level back to reality, the backlash will be even more terrifying. If you really fight, you must be the one who can't stand it." Luo Yi said coldly.

"Don't worry about it, no matter how heavy the load is, it's no problem to kill you alone." One of them, Zhang Xianguang, said.

As they spoke, the three silhouettes seemed to have a chain reaction, and they all raised the sword in their hands without hesitation, and without deliberately aiming, they just shook their wrists and slashed horizontally. Fast, powerful, and quite methodical.

Luo Yi's heart throbbed, his body and mind were stimulated by a huge sense of crisis, and his hairs stood on his head. "Just one stab wounded me seriously, and three stabs may really dismember me."

"Once dismembered, Zhang Xianguang's ability will definitely not give me time to recover. I'm afraid it will be difficult to use restart. I must try to reduce this kind of damage as much as possible or seriously injure him so that he has no time to distract him."

Luo Yi pulled out the long knife, the red light of the knife crossed the void, and the splitting was triggered instantly. At the same time, a faint light appeared in the palm of his left hand, and a golden chain was formed from the light, directly piercing the space in front of him, and came to one of them, Zhang Xianguang.

"Puff!" An inexplicable supernatural erupted suddenly, Luo Yi's body staggered, and one thigh broke directly. The originally stable golden ghost domain shook for a while, and was quickly suppressed to a range of five meters in front of him under the darkness.

"What is this? A supernatural item or some kind of strange evil spirit?" Zhang Xianguang looked at the golden chain that suddenly appeared in front of him, his pupils widened, he quickly leaned back, and raised the big knife in his hand again, wanting to sever this man who ignored the distance. and chains of space.

However, the movement of the chain was even faster than him. When he just raised his hand, it seemed to be able to follow him and went straight down, binding him tightly and hanging him up.

Zhang Xianguang, who was on his left, was just about to make a rescue, when the Ghost Slaying Knife was triggered, and the right hand holding the knife was dismembered at the root, and at the same time as blood was spilled, the broken arm kicked up a cloud of fine dust on the ground.

As for Zhang Xianguang, who was hoisted by the chains, his feet kept kicking, his complexion turned from red to blue, and then turned pale. He struggled hard and wanted to raise his arms. As long as he could lift the big knife in his hand a little, he would be able to Take another shot and break the predicament in front of you.

But the harder he worked, the tighter the chains on his body became, and the stronger the suppression from above became stronger. Not only did he restrain his body, but even the revived spiritual power in his body was forced to shrink back.

Soon, he stopped moving, and then his face quickly turned ashen, cracks appeared on his body, flesh and blood began to fall off, his skeleton began to break, and he couldn't die anymore.

Zhang Xianguang, the only one who was still intact on the scene, looked at the golden chain with fear, "Although this chain is not as fierce as the knife in his hand, it is much stronger in terms of suppression and restraint, and I am on top of it. I can feel the breath of Luo Yi, but these two are obviously independent existences, why is this so, could it be that he made a part of his own puzzles into supernatural props, but how stupid is this?"

For some unknown reason, most of the ghosts were broken into pieces of the puzzle.

The evil ghost's desire for puzzles is consistent with the human's need for food, air, and drinking water, and it is an instinct hidden in the deepest part of the body.

For the evil spirits, every piece of the puzzle is very important. The superposition of the puzzles is not only a kind of self-integration, but also the superposition of one's own spirituality. The superposition of the law of killing is a kind of perfection where one plus one is far greater than two.

Unless one loses his mind, no one will dismember himself and separate his own puzzle pieces.

But does Luo Yi seem to be such an unwise person? Zhang Xianguang doesn't think so. Although he said before that Luo Yi is only a momentary hero and not a big man, how can he be a fool who can become a trendy person of the younger generation.

"It doesn't matter, kill him first, and then study slowly." Zhang Xianguang didn't care at all about the dead person and the temporarily lost combat power, and he didn't even care about himself.

Taking advantage of this time, Luo Yi began to restart himself. In the flash of lightning, the injuries on his chest and thighs healed, and his strength returned to its peak state.

And Zhang Xianguang was not idle, he gave up on using the saber again, but started to run directly, the ghost domain beside him pressed down like a huge boulder, violent spiritual churning, gold and black invaded and intertwined, conflicting with each other interfere with each other.

"He wants to fight melee!"

Luo Yi understood the opponent's thoughts in an instant, interfering with the ghost domain with the ghost domain, crushing the ghost with the supernatural, abandoning the trigger and defense of the law of evil ghosts killing, and directly using the most primitive sword, light and sword shadow to end himself in close combat.

"It's smart, and it's very feasible."

Both Luo Yi and Zhang Xianguang have a high degree of terror, and they both have the ability to restart. Normal damage hits them, and it has little effect at all. influence each other.

Zhang Xianguang chose the latter, because he is not only a ghost master, but also a talented warrior. He believes that with his strength, no one in the younger generation can fight him.

The Republic of China was an era when martial arts prevailed and martial arts masters came out in large numbers. It was an era of wars, iron blood, and frequent killings. People who came from that era were all solid and fierce.

Zhang Xianguang studied under such a master of martial arts in the Republic of China, he got the true instruction, and his strength is quite excellent.

"You can't fight recklessly." Luo Yi's body retreated suddenly. In the original book, Yang Jian captured the memories of countless people, including martial arts masters, fighting masters, and special personnel, but even so, he couldn't take advantage of Zhang Xianguang's hands .

Although Luo Yi had learned some boxing skills in his previous life, he was not even a star behind these professionals. If he really wanted to meet naked, he would definitely be killed by his horse.

Zhang Xianguang felt the abnormal movement from the edge of the ghost domain, and immediately knew that his plan had come to nothing, so he stopped and stood with his long knife.

Decisive beyond imagination!
"Are you planning to surrender?" Luo Yi asked.

"I have to say that your strength is somewhat beyond my expectations." Zhang Xianguang said, judging from the information he collected before, Luo Yi shouldn't be able to reach such a height, but things backfired, Luo Yi is not only powerful , and with a meticulous mind and a keen response, even he who has stood in the spiritual world for many years feels quite tricky.

"If you went directly to Yuzhou City when you killed my subordinates, maybe I would already be a dead person at this moment, but you are too conceited, and you consciously can't beat me, so you are here waiting for me to come to your door."

"But you have to know that the time of ghost masters is different from that of ordinary people. They can die overnight, or they can complete their transformation overnight. They can go one step further. This is the ten hours of indulgence. You have absolutely no chance of killing me."

Luo Yi's words were like sharp knives. If it was an ordinary person, his heart would have been shaken and he would regret it, but Zhang Xianguang didn't. His heart was still firm, and his expression did not change at all.

"In this world, no one can't be killed!" He said coldly.

"You are right, there is no one in this world who cannot be killed." Luo Yi said calmly.

Zhang Xianguang's heart sank, he found that Luo Yi's words seemed to have other meanings, could it be...
But without waiting for him to think about it, Luo Yi's voice continued to sound: "So, I plan to kill you and avenge my subordinates!"

"Hehe, you think too much, how can you be sure that the me in front of you is the real me!"

Zhang Xianguang's words made Luo Yi suddenly wake up, yes, Zhang Xianguang should still be in the ghost post office at this time, and the person in front of him is just part of Zhang Xianguang's leftover power.

"If I remember correctly, Zhang Xianguang can create five of himself at once, but now there are only three, which means that this part of his power is not even his entire."

After being completely transformed into a ghost, he knows how much Luo Yi's own strength has improved. Before, Zhang Xianguang's single knife was enough to cut off his body, forcing him to restart himself, but now he can already withstand two swords with his ghost body , and there will be a chance to counterattack in the middle.

More importantly, after he became a sacrificial god, he got the real god's lock, which is the channel of sacrifice and the original weapon of the sacrificial god. He no longer needs to use supernatural powers to transform and concretize like before.

Moreover, the God's Lock did not disappoint him. The only attack directly locked Zhang Xianguang, making it impossible for the opponent to resist. refer to.

"It's just that this thing has a higher requirement to use it than the Ghost Slaying Knife. It can only be used once in an hour, and it is not repaired by restarting."

"It seems that you have realized it." Zhang Xianguang kicked his toe, and the long knife suddenly tilted to the ground. He grabbed the handle and turned around, "I will come to you again, but next time I will not be like this time. It’s so easy to talk, I hope at that time, you have already figured out whether to choose to join me and be my helper, or stand opposite me and be a dead person.”

The sound gradually faded away, followed by the black mist and paper dust flying in the sky.


"Luo Yi, where's the ghost painting?"

Just 2 minutes after Zhang Xianguang left, a suspicious voice sounded behind Luo Yi.

Luo Yi turned his head when he heard the sound, and it was Li Jun, one of the captains of the headquarters, who made the sound.

Behind him were two other people, one of whom had thick black hair and heavy makeup on his face. As he walked, there was a vague smell of dye in the air.

The other person was holding an old-fashioned black and white mobile phone, with two baby-sized palms protruding from the wide cuffs, constantly clicking on the screen.

Ghost makeup Ah Hong, ghost game Su Fan.

Luo Yi didn't answer Li Jun's words immediately, but asked in confusion, "Why are you here?"

"Cao Yanhua suddenly informed me to come and take a look, saying that he was worried about this place." Li Jun said.

"Cao Yanhua, hehe." Luo Yi's eyes twitched a few times, "He is an ordinary person, how could he predict things hundreds of kilometers away."

"you mean"

"Don't think too much about it. As for the ghost painting," Luo Yisi added, "some accident happened, and I have already left."

"Leaving?" Ah Hong opened her red lips, her face a little frightened.

Luo Yi, who turned and walked, waved his hands without much explanation.

Seeing Luo Yi going away, Ah Hong and Su Fan looked at each other in blank dismay, only Li Jun looked solemn, as if he had guessed something vaguely. (end of this chapter)

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