The destruction of a group of people plunged Yuzhou City into an unspeakably dull atmosphere. Ordinary people may not be able to perceive it clearly, but as a ghost master, everyone's feelings are particularly profound.

Being used to life and death doesn't mean you don't care about life and death.

On the contrary, as short-lived aliens, ghost masters have a more reverent awe of life.

"Captain?" Rowling walked up to the office, looking at Luo Yi who was sitting behind the desk thinking, she couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"What's the matter?" After a while, Luo Yi put down the pen in his hand and raised his head. This glance happened to meet the other party's concerned eyes. As soon as he thought about it, he understood Rowling's worry, and couldn't help laughing.

"You think too much. Life is impermanent. Life and death are fate. The day Meng Yi chose to become a ghost master, I told her that death is fate, and life is luck. It is impossible for me to protect her for the rest of her life. Yuzhou The same goes for the other ghost masters in the city."

"Although I am angry with the person who killed him, this incident is far from the destruction of a group of ghost masters in Yuzhou City. The water in the spiritual circle is deeper than I imagined, and my opponent is also deeper than I imagined." What matters is what matters."

"Captain, why don't you unite the strength of the headquarters?" Rowling asked.

A lone tree does not make a forest, and a single tree does not make a bridge. A person's strength is limited. No matter how good Luo Yi is, he cannot do everything. At this time, it may not be a good idea to use strength to fight.

Luo Yi pondered for a while, "Not yet, the headquarters has not yet grown up, this time the opponent is not enough to fight even the captain of the headquarters, they have to grow for at least half a year, now pulling them into the game is tantamount to sending them to death, until That's when it's really troublesome."

With the foundation completely cleared, the subsequent plans could not be carried out at all.

Rowling's heart trembled, "Even the captain of the headquarters is not qualified, what kind of monsters are involved in this ghost painting incident?"

Even though she had infinitely raised the level of this incident, she didn't expect her vision to limit her.

"Do you know how long Elder Qin has been a ghost master?" Luo Yi said calmly.

Rowling immediately responded, "Isn't he a born ghost master?"

"There can't be only one lucky person in the world. Old Qin can go through those years, so can other people. There is such a person standing behind the ghost painting incident. It seems that the explosion happened suddenly, but in fact, every step is calculated by the other party. Among them, from the outbreak abroad, to wandering in the country, and then to the outbreak in Dajing City, several captains were brought together to deal with it, step by step, and the organs were exhausted, but my appearance disrupted the other party's layout, which made him You have to show some strength to deal with me."

"Is there a ghost master who can manipulate S-level ghosts in this world? What is he planning, to destroy the world?" Rowling raised her eyebrows and angrily rebuked.

Luo Yi shook his head, "On the contrary, he is here to save the world."

"Salvation? Those who died in Dajing City, and ordinary people who were caught in ghost paintings along the road, what are these dead people? Could this be his way of saving the world?" Rowling said angrily.

"Perhaps these are the price of saving the world in his view, sacrificing a small number of people, forcing the top ghost masters to admit defeat, and then saving most of the remaining people, is this thinking mode familiar?"

"Wang Xiaoming?" Rowling smoothed the violently heaving chest, "So this is also a person of value theory, a very rational person, so rational that he is almost heartless."

"That's right, so although I wish I could kill him, I know his intentions are right, but his actions are too radical and too ideal." Luo Yi stopped talking and said in his heart: "The only pity is that he didn't It should be in my way."

Academic disputes, verbal wars;
The conflict of interests, swords and soldiers meet;
The battle of ideas will never end!
This is true of the seven elders of the Republic of China, the Wang family, Yang Jian, Zhang Xianguang, and Luo Yi.

Zhang Xianguang can kill Luo Wensong, Gao Ming, and the captain of the headquarters in order to realize his ambition; Yang Jian can unite all forces to stop Zhang Xianguang and the king for his own ideals; Luo Yi can also kill all of them for his own ideals stumbling block.

Ideas are not high or low, beliefs are not high or low, but fists are big or small!

The law of the jungle applies in the supernatural circle, and the law of the jungle is that winners take all, and losers get nothing.

The one who survives to the end is the winner, and has the right to tamper with it, and to enjoy the immortality and offerings from the Taimiao. This is a reward from God to the winner, an aphrodisiac for careerists, and a poison for ordinary people!
"I understand his thoughts, but I can't do what he does." Rowling sat down dejectedly, she was no longer the little girl with pure ideals at the beginning, the day she sat in Luo Yi's deputy, she understood , this world is not black and white, and there is absolutely no perfect thing that benefits everyone.

Every decision she makes is to strike a balance point, and the ruler to measure may be the moral code in her heart, or Luo Yi's order.

"This kind of thing is too heartless."

Everyone does not want to face the train problem, but the irony is that we face this problem almost every day. In order not to allow ourselves to suffer from conscience and moral condemnation, we must firmly believe that what we do is correct and complete the logic of freedom. Contact, only in this way, will not drive myself crazy.

"Hehe", Luo Yi chuckled, "You know, Luo Lin, this is where you are inferior to Wang Xiaoming. He regards value as the highest in his heart, and he seems indifferent, but in fact he protects the interests of most people."

Rowling fell silent, she could not refute.

"But that's what I admire about you, because you are always reminding the ghost masters in Yuzhou City, and also reminding me that a person must have a bottom line in his heart. If the bottom line is lost, a person is no longer worthy of being called a human being."

Nietzsche said: Those who fight the devil should be careful not to become a devil. When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you.

Dragon-slaying warriors, are there still few dragons who eventually become evil dragons?
Those who persevere are the few.

"Go on, don't think too much, think about my tradition in Yuzhou City." Luo Yi waved his hand.

"The sky is falling, and the tall one is on top." Rowling thought of such a sentence, and she couldn't help feeling relieved.

Sometimes, doing your duty well is the greatest clear conscience.

"By the way, promote Wu Ning to be the team leader to replace Meng Yi, and give her ten team members to choose by herself. You can help her coordinate and fill in the vacant positions." Luo Yi's voice came from afar.

"Understood." Rowling in the elevator nodded slightly.

When the sky falls, the taller one will go up, and if Meng Yi is dead, Wu Ning, the deputy team leader, should go up. This is the rule, the rule of the Yuzhou ghost master team.

"I can't draw ghosts, but Zhang Xianguang broke my wings." Luo Yi rubbed his eyebrows. He thought that after becoming a ghost, he would be able to do whatever he wanted, but he didn't expect things to become more turbulent.

"However, fortunately, I have secured my position as a chess player."

The most important thing to win chess is two key points, the first is to take one step to count as multiple moves, and the second is to preemptively strike.

Luo Yi lost the upper hand, so he could only do his calculations to the extreme.

Zhang Xianguang thought he was in the dark, Luo Yi was in the light, and he was sure of winning, but he didn't know that the switch between light and dark was in an instant.

The mediocre seeks profit, the capable seeks the situation, and the wise seeks power.

In front of the general trend of supernatural recovery, mantising his arms to block the car is a dead end, and only by standing at the forefront of the tide can he not be overturned by the wave.

What needs to be seen now is who is the real trend-setter of that era.

And at this moment, Dachang City, Guanjiang Community.

A young man with a gloomy face put a document on the table, picked up the satellite phone with an ugly face, and dialed with one hand.

Soon a bell rang in Yuzhou City, a man covered in a black robe, with his eyes opening and closing, the indifferent and domineering man picked up the phone, only to hear a faint voice from inside.

"You killed Sun Ren. Although I don't like him, he is the only classmate I have left." The man paused, and seemed to realize that his attitude was a bit tough. He sighed and said, "You should Tell me, at least let me say to him: Sorry."

Luo Yi put down the phone and pulled out a document from the table.

This is a ghost file.

Yang Jian, who came back from Meishan Village a day ago, seemed to have a significantly increased level of terror.

"Meishan Village, hehe." Luo Yi sneered.

"Yang Jian, Yang Jian, do you really think you are Yang Jian?" (End of this chapter)

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