Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 343 Ghost Post Office

"right here?"

Zhang Han looked at the building in front of him with some doubts.

"That's right." Sun Rui threw the golden cane in his hand to the assistant at the side, and walked back and forth a few steps. After his legs and feet were quick, he was still a little uncomfortable.

"Yang Jian found this place, but I don't have a ghost domain, so I can't see anything unusual, but with the ability of a captain, there shouldn't be any mistakes, right?"

Luo Yi's location is surrounded by relatively open ground, covered with weeds, and in the middle of the open space is an old cement-colored building.

The windows and door frames of the building are all empty, and steel bars, cement, and bricks are piled up in disorder inside the house. There is a damp musty smell and a bit of rust of pig iron in the air.

The small building is 5 stories high, and the top floor has not even been capped. Judging by the age, the building has been abandoned for more than a year or two.

"It's just an unfinished building, why are you still pulling the guard and sticking the seal?" Zhang Han stepped forward and raised the seal to make it easier for Luo Yi to enter.

"The cordon was pulled yesterday, and the seal was because an old man jumped off the building here before." Sun Rui raised his finger and pointed to the roof, "Here, that's where it is."

Luo Yi looked up, estimated it, then lowered his gaze, there was a group of extremely faint blood stains on the ground under the building, if you don't distinguish carefully, you can hardly see it.

"At that time, someone saw the old man jumping off the building and called the police, but when the police came, there was only this blood stain left on the scene, and the body had disappeared. What's even more strange is that the blood stain on the ground had solidified and turned black. According to the forensic examination, this person has been dead for more than a month." Sun Rui said.

"You mean a person who had been dead for a month climbed up this unfinished building and jumped down from the fifth floor?" Zhang Han's eyes widened, and his tone was a bit inconceivable. Absurdly home.

"Although it's weird, the eyewitnesses' words are convincing, and the blood test report clearly shows this result." Sun Rui said helplessly.

Luo Yi said: "Don't be surprised, if you know who this old man who jumped off the building is, you will feel that everything is understandable."

"Team Luo knows?" Sun Rui asked curiously. As the person in charge of Dahan City, someone jumped off a building on his site. He couldn't find any relevant information, but Luo Yi, who was far away in Yuzhou City, knew. The identity of the person who jumped from the building is not weird.

"This man's name is Luo Wensong." Luo Yi stood up, golden light appeared on his body, and a golden passage poured into the unfinished building in front of him. Suddenly, the original unfinished building disappeared, and the space in front of him was full of waves, under the twisted light and shadow , a mirage-like building appeared in front of several people.

This building is five or six stories high. The style is not a purely modern style, but a combination of traditional architecture and European modern architecture. It has square eaves, five-mile buildings, and champagne stone columns. The style is dark and gloomy, not particularly real. , as if through the frosted glass, only the outline can be vaguely perceived.

"It looks like a ghost house." Zhang Han said.

However, as Luo Yi's ghost domain deepened, the scenery in front of him changed again. This scene seemed to be adjusted by a projector, and the screen began to flicker.

This is the interference of intrusion and ghosts.

"Luo Wensong, this building." Sun Rui looked at the scene in front of him, and was a little stunned for a while, "My Dahan City actually has such a thing?"

"He has another name that is familiar to everyone, called the Door Knocker." Luo Yi said without turning his head.

"The door knocker", Sun Rui nodded thoughtfully, soon he suddenly realized something, his mind went blank, "He is the door knocker!!"

The golden passage gradually faded, and the figures of Luo Yi and Zhang Han moved away, as if they had entered the weird post office in front of them.

"Wait, Team Luo, I haven't gotten into the car yet!"

Sun Rui stood on the spot, his eyes widened, and his mouth opened unconsciously because of surprise. He ran two quick steps, stretched out his hand to grab it, and the golden light turned into fragments under the air current and dispersed little by little.

"Captain, is that person really a door knocker?" Zhang Han said in a deep voice, "But how can a ghost jump off a building? Isn't the law of door knockers knocking?"

Luo Yi pondered for a while, "Since you are accompanying me to deal with the ghost post office incident, I should tell you some things, so that you don't know anything and fall into other people's schemes."

Zhang Han moved closer and made a posture of listening attentively.

"Luo Wensong was from the period of the Republic of China. He was of the same generation as Mr. Qin. He also built the ghost post office in front of us. But when he was old, he fell into someone else's scheme and was killed. Being thrown from upstairs, it became what Sun Rui said about jumping off a building."

"Captain, do you know who killed him?"

"The one who killed Meng Yi and Wei Xun."

"What, it turned out to be him!" Zhang Han's complexion changed, "So, we are here for revenge!"

"Last time I fought against him, unfortunately I couldn't keep him, and the one I fought against was not the real him, but just a substitute with some supernatural powers of him." Mentioning Zhang Xianguang, Luo Yi's expression also changed. Get serious.

"You didn't even kill the captain?" Zhang Han said in shock. Except for Mr. Qin, he had never seen a ghost master that the captain couldn't take down.

Luo Yi said in a low voice, "This person has been familiar with controlling ghosts for more than [-] years. In more than [-] years, even a pig can be top-notch. What's more, this person's background, heart, and skills are not bad. It's no surprise to get him."

"He was able to kill Luo Wensong here, which means that he already has a plan here. Wouldn't we come here like a sheep in the mouth of a tiger?"

"I dare to come, of course I have my confidence." Luo Yi looked ahead, "This ghost post office is a rare spiritual place with a lot of resources in it. I plan to take down the position of an administrator."

"One? So there is more than one administrator here?" Zhang Han said sharply.

"Luo Wensong was the first one, the third one was our opponent, and the second one was a woman named Tian Xiaoyue. She was also tricked and her body was dismembered into several pieces and hidden in this ghost post office. If you are lucky, say Maybe we can dig her out and become our help."

Luo Yi didn't mention his name, and Zhang Han didn't ask carefully, because the real Zhang Xianguang was in the ghost post office, and it would be bad if Zhang Han accidentally slipped his mouth and startled the snake.

"Captain, Luo Wensong is dead, Tian Xiaoyue is not dead yet?" Zhang Han asked suspiciously, "Could it be that this woman is more powerful than the bosses in the Republic of China?"

"Of course not. Luo Wensong should have died outside. As the administrator of the ghost post office, Tian Xiaoyue will not die. Of course, as a restriction, she cannot leave the ghost post office."

"Immortal?" Zhang Han heard for the first time that a ghost master was dismembered into several pieces and survived.

"I'm very envious, I can also let you be the administrator." Luo Yi glanced at him with calm eyes, not like joking.

If Zhang Han really wants to survive in this way, he doesn't mind fulfilling him.

Zhang Han hesitated for a moment, but finally shook his head and said, "Forget it, being trapped in this ghost place is no different from being dead."

Without freedom, what is the meaning of life.

Those who receive the body will never die, and longevity is a catastrophe in the endless hell.

This ghost post office is the hell for the elderly.

"It's up to you." Luo Yiman said indifferently, if Zhang Han wants this position, then give it to him.

The two were talking, and the ghost post office was already in front of them. The doors and windows were all ready, but at the moment they were all closed tightly. Right above the door, there was a plaque with white characters on a black background written in traditional Chinese characters, and several lamps were lit beside it. The colorful neon lights give the illusion of a lonely old Shanghai Shili Yangchang.

"Ghost Post Office!"

Luo Yi raised his head and took a deep look, as if he wanted to see something inside from the outside.

And under the plaque of the ghost post office, the door was closed, and no one was seen.

"Captain, I'll open the door." Zhang Han said.

After the Zhang Yanchu incident last time, Luo Yi's pawn in the ghost post office was pulled out, so Zhang Han volunteered, and with the help of Yuzhou City's intelligence department, he successfully found another messenger. After many contacts, he also successfully entered the post office. into the ghost post office.

Luo Yi nodded slightly, but his eyes were still locked on the upstairs. He could feel that something was staring at him there.

"Captain, let's go in." Zhang Han stood in front of the door, leaning against the door with his back to prevent it from closing again.

"Let's go!" Luo Yi raised his foot and stepped into the door.

There was a toothache sound, the door of the ghost post office slowly closed, the lights at the door flickered a few times, the bright colors disappeared, and all the neon lights turned white.

At the same time, the coldness struck, and the air began to be filled with some pungent smells of corpses and blood.

This sudden change of scene seems to have come from the brightly lit foreign market to the gloomy Yizhuang.


A window on the fifth floor of the post office flung open.

A strange shadow stood there, his face was covered by darkness, but he could vaguely see the corner of a vintage black gown floating in the window.

The air was damp and cold in an instant, and the white light at the door was completely extinguished in an instant. There was no path, no light, and the ghost post office completely melted into darkness.

Luo Yi looked back, and it was as dark as eternal night outside the door. (end of this chapter)

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