The Ghost Post Office, a place of supernatural powers.

Located in an unknown street in Dahan City, it overlaps with the unfinished building in a certain sense, but it is unknown, and ordinary people cannot enter it, so they can only passively accept the call of the post office.

It and reality are like two intersecting lines. Only at this specific point, using the invasion of the ghost domain, can we shuttle between the two, and go back and forth between reality and ghosts.

"It's really spooky."

Looking at the empty ghost post office, Zhang Han inexplicably felt a little chilly.

"It's really weird." Luo Yi looked around, under the dim light, he saw an empty wooden counter, and beside the counter was a pale wall covered with murals.

"these people?"

Luo Yi looked closely, and the portraits were not the common calligraphy and paintings of celebrities on campus, but ordinary black and white portraits. There were men and women, with different styles of clothing. The old ones included retro gowns, cheongsams, and newer ones. There are suits, dresses.

The facial features of these characters are vivid, and the expressions on their faces are lifelike, as if they are not ink paintings at all, but photos one after another.


Luo Yi stayed in front of a portrait, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "This person should be Yang Xiaotian, Yang Jian is almost [-]% similar to him, anyone who looks at it will know that the two are not close."

"Did you find anything, Captain?" Zhang Han asked in a circle.

"Nothing, just take a look."

Luo Yi turned around, and a small black spot next to Yang Xiaotian's portrait on the wall quickly emerged and enlarged. Looking carefully, it was a middle-aged man in his 30s, and he turned his eyes.

"Why did Luo Yi come here? Was it an accident, or... aimed at me?"

He glanced at it, then quickly disappeared.

Luo Yi left the wall and walked on the gray and whitish wooden floor. The air flow driven by it swayed the chandelier above his head, causing the low-quality yellow light bulb to shake slightly. The whole room moved back and forth with the light. It is indescribably dull and oppressive, especially the corners, which are inherently dark and unclear, and after the alternating light and shadow, it looks even more gloomy.

"There is a patio here," Zhang Han said, "but it is rare now."

In traditional architecture, the space enclosed between houses and houses, houses and walls is called a patio.

It can be traced back to the Ming and Qing Dynasties at the earliest. While solving the lighting problem, it allows the outdoor wind to enter the room and exhaust it from the patio to form a natural "air conditioning system" to improve ventilation and collect rainwater.

Now only one side can be seen in some old-fashioned ancestral halls and ancient buildings.

Simply put, it is like an invisible chimney standing in the middle of the house, standing below, you can see the sky at a glance.

"From here upwards, the middle part of the ghost post office is vertically connected, surrounded by enclosed rooms. Each floor has seven rooms. There are five floors that can be seen here. Judging from the layout of the first floor, there should be 35 rooms."

"Every room here has a number. The first floor is 11, 12 to 17. The first digit represents the floor, and the last digit is the room number. In the ghost post office, there is an unwritten saying that you can Walk freely in the hall and other places, but once night falls, you must hide in the room, because at night, there are evil spirits wandering outside."

Luo Yi looked towards a door. The door style of these rooms, as well as the style of the house number, were very similar to those in the Caesar Hotel. These were all supernatural products of the same period.

"There are no stairs to go upstairs here, and the messengers on each floor are isolated, but you can see a little bit of the situation above through the location of the patio. Part of the information I said before has been passed down in this way. "

Zhang Han said that he had entered the post office once before and completed a letter delivery mission, so he knew some basic information.

Luo Yi nodded slightly. Although this kind of layout is strange, he has seen it before. The source building in the ghost painting world is like this. Even Luo Yi suspects that the reason why these layouts are surprisingly similar is because they borrowed It is the law of evil spirits in the same period.

Just like the 36-room Caesar Hotel, the 36-room ghost post office, the 36-seat ghost bus, and the 36-seat Hailin 1462 ghost train.
"Thinking about it so carefully, many things can be connected. I confirmed through verbal confrontation that the Taohuayuan project was created by Zhang Xianguang, but I wondered that the ghost painting appeared only half a year ago, but it took a full year for Luo Wensong to die. gone."

This is not a reasonable chronological sequence. The normal sequence should be that Zhang Xianguang saw the hope of ghost painting to solve the supernatural, but was blocked by the older generation, so he killed the post office manager Luo Wensong and Tian Xiaoyue.

Now Luo Yi understands that the complete ghost painting evil ghost should have appeared once as early as the Republic of China, and it is very likely that it was dealt with by Luo Wensong, Zhang Dong and others.

In this way, things have a general context.

The original driver of the ghost painting, that is, the ghost bride, after the evil ghost revived, the evil ghost in the body was dismembered. Zhang Dong dealt with part of it, and Luo Wensong also dealt with the part. Zhang Xianguang should have been eyeing the ghost painting for a long time, but he He couldn't attack Zhang Dong, so he sneaked into the ghost post office and became an administrator.

But his thoughts probably did not hide from Luo Wensong. Under the ideological dispute between the two sides, Zhang Xianguang killed the killer. In the end, Zhang Xianguang used the ability of the ghost post office to release the source ghost painting that was once imprisoned, and let it wreak havoc abroad, setting off a huge crisis. Momentum.

This is also in line with the mainstream thought of that period: people who are not of my race must have different hearts.

He uses outsiders to establish his prestige, and then uses this to coerce domestic ghost masters to agree with his ideas, and at the right time, attracts ghost paintings to Beijing, and uses the safety of a country's financial and political center as a bargaining chip to test Mr. Qin.

"It's wonderful, but it's also narrow." Luo Yixin said, "It's a typical killing to save people."

This approach is indeed very effective, but if there is one, there will be two, and if there are two, there will be three. For the first time, Zhang Xianguang can sacrifice Dajing City for the population of the whole country, can he sacrifice Yuzhou City for the second time, and Dachuan City, Zhongshan City
The tide of spiritual recovery does not stop every day, is it just making choices again and again?
In the end, how many people are left?
Can saving a Noah's Ark really be called salvation?
"Captain, look here." Zhang Han walked to the courtyard.

Luo Yi raised his head and looked towards the courtyard, "Do you know how many messengers there are here?"

Zhang Han shook his head, "I didn't find out this point, and the few people I contacted couldn't tell clearly, and the couriers here are divided into levels. The level on the first floor is the lowest, and their missions are the most frequent. About a week It needs to be done once, the one on the second floor is much better, once a month or so, the one on the top, I have never seen it, and I don’t know, but it is estimated that the more difficult the task is, the longer the time interval will be.”

Luo Yi nodded, "It's like raising Gu. The missing people in Dahan City are Gu worms. They were thrown into supernatural events by the ghost post office. The more they experience, the more powerful their tricks will be."

"I have to say that these people of the older generation are really wise," Luo Yi sighed, "Although this kind of selection seems cruel, it is even a question of whether one of a hundred people will survive in the end, but As long as the timeline is stretched long enough, some outstanding ghost masters can always be selected, and these ghost masters will take over the duties of managers and pass on this place."

"Keep cultivating Gu, constantly mature, and one day you will be able to pull up a strong team of ghost masters. With this team, there may not be no hope of solving the recovery of the spirit, but it is a pity that there are two or five ghosts in it. young."

The corner of Zhang Han's mouth twitched, and he immediately understood what Luo Yi was referring to.

"There is also a saying that as long as you reach the fifth floor, you can get rid of the constraints of the ghost post office and return to a normal life, but this is just word of mouth, and no one has ever verified whether it is true or not." Zhang Han added.

"Normally speaking, people who can walk from the first floor to the fifth floor must not be ordinary people. How can there be any normal people's lives?" Luo Yi shook his head, "Besides, the way out has already been blocked. , they have no other choice except to experience supernatural events again and again."

"Hey, here are two more rookies!" A frivolous and arrogant voice sounded.

Luo Yi's eyes turned cold, and he turned his head expressionlessly.

Zhang Han felt the air around him suddenly drop in temperature, and the cold air was overwhelming, and he couldn't help sighing for the unlucky guy: "In these years, there are so many people who died!" (End of this chapter)

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