"Recently, the post office is really looking for some rookies to make up for it."

"Who says it's not? All of these people have high eyes but low hands. What's the use of them other than being a hindrance at critical times?"

"Are you talking about me?" Luo Yi turned around, stood with his hands behind his back, and looked at the two in front of him coldly.

These two people, one with thin cheeks and playful expressions, were wearing a wrinkled blue shirt with the collar open, exposing a corner of his yellowish chest underneath, and there were several faint red lip marks under his neck, It seems that there has just been a fierce "battle".

The other has yellow hair, with his nostrils upturned when he speaks, a cross earring on the left side of his head, a string of Latin tattoos under his ears, and a skull riding a motorcycle on his exposed arm. The appearance of a boy.

"It's not about you, is it that we can't do it ourselves?" The tattooed man took a puff of cigarette, and glanced at Luo Yi and Luo Yi sideways.

"Didn't ask?"

"Master Chen Shihao," the tattooed man pointed to the skull on his arm, "You can also call me Brother Skull, and this one is Wanxing, the Mercedes-Benz brother."

"It's just the two of you on this floor?" Luo Yi asked.

"Why, I want to ask someone to pay homage to the pier." Wanxing tapped the two of them a few times with the hand holding the cigarette, and said arrogantly: "You don't need to look for it, just ask me. On this floor, I am the boss, mess with me. I keep you safe in this post office!"

As soon as Wan Xing finished speaking, Luo Yi's indifferent voice continued, "I advise you to put your hand down, otherwise I don't mind cutting it off for you!"

"Oh? Where are you guys from?" Wan Xing tilted his head, looking at Luo Yi with cold eyes, "You're so arrogant!"

"We are in a circle, you can't touch it." Zhang Han stepped forward, moved his neck, and his joints creaked.

"Wearing a black robe and carrying a plastic knife, I really think I have become a hero." Chen Shihao spat fiercely, "And you kid, wearing a suit, have you ever fought?"

"I don't think you have ever been beaten by a thug in a suit." Zhang Han strode forward, clenched his fists tightly, with a fierce look on his face.

"Okay, it's quite horizontal, I want to see if your legs are as horizontal as your mouth." Chen Shihao pulled out a short knife from his back, held the handle of the knife with his backhand, staggered his feet, and pointed at Zhang Han in front of him. one knife.

People are not cruel, they can't stand firm.

The reason why Chen Shihao was called Brother Skull was not because he had a tattoo of a skull, but because he dared to strike, and he was ruthless enough.

He was confident that a normal person would not be able to react to this sudden cut, and the result would either be to kneel down and admit his mistake, or to open a bloody hole for him.

But how did he know that the man in the suit in front of him was not normal at all. Faced with this rather sudden knife, Zhang Han kicked his feet on the ground, instead of retreating, he moved forward, his body suddenly ran, and ran straight towards Chen Shihao.

"Boom!" Zhang Han's weight of more than 100 kilograms directly knocked Chen Shihao into the air under the effect of inertia.

"Cough cough~"

Chen Shihao rolled twice on the ground, and the knife in his hand flew away. He coughed violently a few times, and felt a stabbing pain in his chest, as if being pricked by a needle. Not only that, he also felt a hot current rushing upwards in his throat. , Stretch out your hand to wipe it, good guy, I almost spit out the overnight meal.

"You are not very young, and you are very ruthless." Zhang Han stood up straight and patted the non-existent gray layer on his body. "Let me teach you a lesson. Staring at no one will kill you."

"Shihao!" Mercedes-Benz brother Wanxing's expression changed, and a reaction arose in his heart, "I have encountered a hard stubble!"

"Brother Benz, my ribs hurt so much." Chen Shihao covered his chest, raised his head with some difficulty, with panic in his eyes, and asked Wanxing for help.

This kind of little bastard fights all with blood and courage. If he really meets someone with darker methods and more ruthless attacks, it is like a chicken meeting an eagle, where he still has the courage to be arrogant.

"My friend, you're going too far." Wan Xing's brows and eyes shrank, and the previous expression of indifference was put away, and his complexion turned cold all of a sudden.

"Are we going too far? You will turn black and white." Luo Yi said.

Looking at the two people who showed no fear, Wan Xing's heart sank, "These two people are definitely people on the road, and they are not a gangster like Chen Shihao who only bullies ordinary people. Seeing their indifference, maybe they are not good enough. The house has been remodeled for several years.”

"Friend, my brother was offended by some words before, and you have also taken actions to teach him, why don't you give me face and stop here."

"Brother Benz!" Chen Shihao said urgently, he never thought that Wanxing would choose to sue for peace, so what is he doing, is he suffering for nothing?

"Shut up!" Wan Xing gave him a vicious look, and his vicious eyes directly blocked Chen Shihao's mouth that he still wanted to argue.

"He has been taught a lesson, but you haven't." Luo Yi picked up the dagger on the ground, step by step, slowly but with awe-inspiring murderous intent.

Looking at Luo Yi's expression and movements, Wan Xing knew that today's affairs could not be good, he said hoarsely, "I think you two are also human beings, so I am willing to give you three points of face, don't think I am afraid both of you."

He lifted up the corner of his shirt, revealing a black-painted pistol, "Now, apologize to me, admit your mistakes, and help me do things later, maybe I will forgive you once, otherwise, I don't care if you were outside before. What are you doing, you have to lie down obediently when you come here."

"There is no law in this ghost place, and no one can save you."

Wan Xing put his hands on his waist sullenly, full of threats and warnings.

Luo Yi stopped, playing with a dagger in his hand, "Have you ever heard a saying that a spear is faster when you are seven steps away, and a fist is faster when you are within seven steps. Now the distance between us is about seven steps."

"Why, do you want to compete with me?" Wanxing's pupils shrank, and he held the gun body with his fingers without any trace. He was a little uncertain what Luo Yi was going to do.

Is it to scare him, or is he really brave?

It's impossible for someone to really think that punches are faster than guns, right?

"I think I can give it a try." Luo Yi kneaded the five fingers of his right hand and held the short knife in his hand, "But I don't know martial arts, but I have always been very accurate in throwing things, and the knife is against the gun. Are you interested?"

"Is this a lunatic? Not even afraid of guns?" Wan Xing inexplicably panicked, and the calmer Luo Yi behaved, the more panicked he became.

Ordinary people are already terrified when faced with a short knife. If they are faced with a pistol, they may be frightened in place on the spot, or even sit limply on the ground.

But this person actually wants to compare with him whether he is faster with a gun or a knife?
How outrageous!

When did firearms have such no deterrent effect on these newcomers?
"If you want to die, then I will fulfill you!"

The next moment, Wanxing pulled the trigger with his index finger, and the hammer hit the primer at the end of the bullet, igniting the gunpowder in the bullet, and the expanding gunpowder gas pushed the shell against the hammer to move the entire sleeve backwards, the ejection window opened, and a grain was filled with The brass-colored bullet casings of gunpowder were thrown away.

The gun went off.

The sound of the pistol was loud, echoing repeatedly in this quiet and eerie post office building.

Wan Xing is full of confidence. At such a short distance, even a person who has never practiced with a gun cannot miss it. What's more, he has also practiced marksmanship, so he will definitely be able to hit the opponent.

But at the next moment, he noticed that the man in front of him trembled slightly, and then quickly stood upright again. He didn't see any sign of the man making a move at all, and then a knife light went straight to the door, within his unbelievable pupils Zoom in quickly.

"how is this possible"

Wan Xing felt a chill between his brows, he wanted to tighten his fingers, but he couldn't lift a sliver of strength in his body, as if being drained by something, and then his vision began to turn white, and the world in front of him was suddenly pale.

"Brother Xing!"

As he was dying, he seemed to hear someone calling him, but it was too late for him to react.


The corpse fell to the ground.

Luo Yi took a few steps forward, stretched out his hand to pick up the pistol from his body, and pointed it at Chen Shihao, who had just got up from the ground with mottled blood on his chest and a frightened expression.

"I heard that the gun is faster from seven steps away, and the punch is faster from within seven steps. The distance between us is about ten steps. Are you interested in betting with me?"

Facing the black muzzle of the gun, Chen Shihao felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

"It's a demon!" (End of this chapter)

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