Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 351 The Dismembered Evil Ghost

After nightfall in the ghost post office, weird things happen frequently.

An evil ghost with the same habit of knocking on the door stood outside the door, facing Luo Yi coldly.

"Since you're dead, lie in the coffin obediently and don't come out to harm anyone again."

Luo Yi pressed the handle of the knife, and his slender, hook-like fingers suddenly squeezed together. The dazzling long knife broke free from the scabbard, showing its brutal and bloodthirsty side.

Since ancient times, swords and soldiers have been ominous, and they represent wars, death, slaughter, blood flow, and ruins.

But it also means protection, preservation, resistance, and freedom, not admitting defeat, not accepting fate.

At this moment, Luo Yi clenched his long knife tightly, and the fear and fear of the knocker ghost had long since disappeared in his chest. What he had was just going forward bravely, wantonly venting his supernatural emotions.

Crimson streaked across the space, forming a bloody waning moon between the two. The terrifying spirit was like surging waves, the surrounding air exploded, and white air waves scattered like rockets, hitting the door, the ground, and between the beams of the house. On, set off one after another gas explosion.

The sign of chopping is triggered, and the severing feature is triggered.

But at the same time, the evil spirit will not be caught so easily. It raised its palm, and the long sleeve slipped down, revealing a jaw-dropping palm.

A skinny, cold, stiff hand.

The palm was raised so flatly that Luo Yi could even clearly see the long black nails on the palm and the high raised knuckles between the knuckles of the fingers.

"This is a pair of real palms, not some kind of weird shadow, even the real evil spirit itself, and the shadow of the human figure is just a manifestation of the supernatural." Luo Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and his heart became vigilant.

"If this is one ghost, where are the others?"

Through the previous temptations, he already knew that there were three pieces of the jigsaw puzzle on this evil ghost, which were to turn off the lights to kill, close the door to kill, and open the door to kill.

Coupled with the original ghost domain of corruption and knocking on the door, the ability of knocking ghosts is not only terrifying but also comprehensive. No one can avoid these laws in daily life. It can be said that as long as evil ghosts appear, basically everyone is it potential hunting target.

The evil ghost raised the dead-spotted palm, which looked like dead bark and dry wood branches, and gently tapped it in Luo Yi's direction.

"Boom, boom boom!"

The rhythm is exactly the same as the door knocker, even the strength, sound and angle are exactly the same.

Then a kind of coldness hit, some kind of suffocating, dizzy, and deep spiritual eruption, the lights of the door one after another, first the living room, then the bedroom, and finally the bathroom, went out one by one.

Luo Yi leaned back slightly and groaned.

Zhang Han's bloody arm that was staring at the door of the house trembled. That section looked terrifying, and the bloody arm began to retract, as if it was also shocked by this attack and tried to escape.

Normally, Zhang Han would only feel elated when the evil spirits stopped recovering, but now that he is on the cusp of the evil spirits' attacks, once the tattooed ghosts are completely suppressed, among other things, the two doors that keep closing are enough kill him.

"Resuscitate me!"

Zhang Han was anxious and angry, and tried his best to mobilize the power of the tattooed ghost in his body. For this reason, he even increased the suppression of the ghost skin, so that the balance that had been achieved would collapse and more power would be released.

The door continued to push outwards, and the ground under Zhang Han's feet had already been stamped deeply. Just when Zhang Han was about to lose his hold, inexplicably, a line appeared on the stained, dark and smelly gown. Huge mouth.

A button fell and bounced a few times above the ground.

Immediately afterwards, an arm was disconnected from the shadow, and it hit the ground heavily.

"This is the arm that knocked."

Zhang Han was pleasantly surprised, "Wait, it seems that the suppression has been reduced."

The tattoo ghost's head poked out again, and his arms stretched out again. Under the spiritual resistance, the feeling of being pushed away under his feet disappeared.

The light came on, and after catching his sight, Luo Yi stepped forward quickly, and swung the long knife in his hand again. This time, the edge of the knife was slanted upwards, pointing directly at the evil spirit's chest.

After losing the puzzle of turning off the lights and killing people, the terrifying aura around the evil ghost dropped rapidly like a deflated ball. If there was a level of terror at the top A level before, it has now dropped to an ordinary A level.

Although this level of evil spirits is still terrifying, compared to Luo Yi, it is not so difficult, especially on the premise of knowing the other party's laws, Luo Yi is confident that this knife will surely be able to easily split the evil spirits again. Ghost, dismantling the ghosts of death when you open the door and death when you close the door.

Then the light of the knife appeared, and at the same time as the supernatural explosion sounded, a nameless wind suddenly rose in the ghost post office. Not only that, but the darkness of the outside world instantly deepened. The illuminated two or three meters around the door.

But not now, the light is being forced back, the coldness is intensifying, and all the doors on the first floor begin to shake.

At the very end of the back corridor, there was a loud noise, as if something was flipping and hitting inside.

But both Luo Yi and Zhang Han knew that there were only 5 people on the first floor, and there was no one in that room at all.

And no one, what is it that makes the noise?
The patio runs through the roof and the first floor, forming a huge cavity. The airflow is drawn here, and there is a piercing whimper, as if someone is crying here.

"No, it's not the sound of the wind, but there are real people there!"

Luo Yi raised his head, a little gold in his eyes danced like fire, and the scene in his field of vision began to be clear. Among the pockmarks like snowflakes, a filthy, blood-stained dress appeared.

It was a woman with her back facing her, with loose waist-length hair!

Luo Yi still wanted to distinguish carefully, but the figure disappeared all of a sudden.

"Captain, that ghost is gone!" Zhang Han said loudly.

Luo Yi drew his knife and looked back, the figure in the black long gown covered by lingering shadows quickly melted into the darkness behind him.

"Are you qualified to escape?" A trace of anger flashed in Luo Yi's eyes, he raised his wrist, and the ghost-slaying long knife was placed horizontally in his hand, the sharp keel protruded, and the sharp cold light pricked his skin.

"Crucify it!"

Throwing the long knife, the tip of the double-edged knife pierced through the void the moment it was released from the hand, and the air in front of him was rippling, like a stone thrown on a calm horizontal surface, and the ripples spread out in all directions.

After the long knife was released, Luo Yi took a bold step forward, his body was blazing with golden light, and he crashed into the darkness in front of him like a god general. Behind him, a golden hole spun open, and a chain tainted with incense was dragged, like a god. Like a sage, he plunged into the darkness somewhere, rolled up a broken arm and bounced back quickly.

The golden light meanders, extending a small path in the humid, dark and cold environment. Luo Yi strides across it, closely following the flying ghost-slaying long knife.

There was a sound of cloth being torn, and it was immediately replaced by a rapid piercing sound.

"Hit." As the master of the Ghost Slashing Saber, Luo Yi, who has swung the long sword countless times, can conclude with just this slight voice.

"The next step is to imprison the evil spirits!"

The cold wind around him became more and more rampant. Inside the empty ghost post office, it was shaking slightly as if there had been an earthquake, as if some kind of monster suppressed in the ground was about to overturn the place and lean out.

As an ordinary person, he would have been frightened by this scene and fled in a panic, but Luo Yi did not. Instead of retreating, he drove his legs forward continuously, chasing after the black figure in the gown.

He had a hunch that there must be some kind of unknown secret on this ghost, otherwise the ghost post office would never have such a big reaction.

Having figured this out, Luo Yi stirred up the power of worshiping the gods on his body, and the golden light became more and more solid, protruding a distance of more than ten meters in the blink of an eye.

"found it!"

At the end of the light, a corpse was lying on the ground. It was wearing a black shirt, with a long knife inserted straight into its chest. The body outside the clothes melted into the darkness, motionless.

Just when Luo Yi relaxed slightly, a darker darkness appeared, covering the corpse in the blink of an eye.

"How dare you!"

Luo Yi yelled angrily, stretched out his right hand, and a golden chain appeared in his palm. He grabbed one end and threw it out fiercely.

God's lock.

This is a part of the sacrificial god, and it is also the weapon of the sacrificial god. After Luo Yi inherited the position of the sacrificial god, it became a part of him, connected with his mind, like an arm.

The golden chain pierced through the darkness, and amidst the golden light, the long-clothed evil spirit who had been crucified unexpectedly straightened up, stepping out and being completely covered by the darkness.

Luo Yi's wrist trembled, and the chain was wrapped around the handle of the ghost-slaying knife, and he turned around while pulling the long knife.

However, the knife is empty!
"Damn it, it's just a little slower!"

"team leader!"

At this moment, the sound of Zhang Han running appeared.

Luo Yi looked back and saw that Zhang Han was covered in blood, and he was holding an ugly corpse on his extra bloody arm. The corpse was covered by blood, and a long bloodstain was drawn on the ground.

"It came out of Room No. [-]. It wanted to attack me, but I restrained it." Zhang Han stopped, took a deep breath, and was a little embarrassed.

After pondering for a moment, Luo Yi sheathed the long knife in his hand, "Go back to the house."

As the door was closed tightly, the inside of the bureau fell into calm again.

From an unknown corner, a sigh sounded.

"It's a pity." (End of this chapter)

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