After the door-knocking incident, everything calmed down strangely. This kind of calm was not the calm and tranquility when nothing happened, but the short silence before the volcanic eruption.

In Room 4, Luo Yi wiped the Ghost Slaying Knife skillfully and meticulously, just like a general who is about to go to the battlefield, pious and solemn, not angry and majestic.

Zhang Han imprisoned the evil spirit in the box, leaned on the chair and fell asleep, but through his quick eyeballs, he knew that his heart was obviously not as calm as he showed.

On the first night of staying in the ghost post office, I encountered all kinds of attacks, killing people with lights out, opening the door, closing the door, and all kinds of attacks. Even a big heart like Zhang Han felt a little haggard.

He knew that this was just a prelude, and the horror of the ghost post office had not yet been fully revealed.

"In this ghostly place, there is no sleepiness at all." Zhang Han opened his eyes depressedly, and some bloodshot eyes began to creep up on the eyeballs, showing a little fatigue.

Under the violent emotional impact, the adrenaline will soar rapidly, keeping the body and consciousness in a high-intensity excitement, so this time is the most suitable for some breakthrough sports, such as imprisoning evil spirits, rather than letting yourself Calm down and relax your body.

"The escaped ghost didn't come back." Zhang Han stood up, stuck behind the door, and listened carefully to the movement outside.

"Maybe wandering to other floors." Luo Yi turned the knife over and wiped off the dirt on it.

Zhang Handao: "That's right, there are 36 rooms in total from the first floor to the fifth floor. The chance of evil spirits appearing here again is not high."

"Accidental?" Luo Yi laughed, his face was a little cold under the dim light, "If it wasn't for the last few breaths, I would think it might be a coincidence."

"Captain, what happened in the end?" Zhang Han raised his brows, "According to the captain's meaning, there seems to be something else hidden!"

"At the last moment, the evil ghost stood up under the restriction of the Ghost Slaying Knife."

Zhang Han blurted out: "How is it possible? There are coffin nails on the Ghost Slaying Knife. The coffin nails can even nail S-level evil spirits such as starving ghosts and wishing ghosts. Although this evil spirit is terrifying, it is not enough to ignore it. The level of the coffin nails?"

"It really can't get rid of it. I'm sure of my hand. There are three pieces of puzzles on this evil spirit. My first cut directly dismantled the evil ghost that must be killed when the lights are turned off. The second knife split the evil spirit that must be killed after closing the door. Ghost, at that time if you try to use the coffin nail, just an evil ghost who will die if you open the door will definitely not be able to stop the suppression of the coffin nail."

"And when I rushed over, I happened to see the evil spirit crucified on the ground, motionless, but when I was going to imprison it, it stood up. Do you think it's strange?"

"Captain, you mean that there are other people or evil spirits affecting this evil spirit." Zhang Han reacted.

Since ghosts can't move by themselves, it must be the influence of the outside world.

"En." Luo Yi raised the knife and looked at it. It was as clean as jade, without any blood or stains.

"When the door of Room No. 7 was shaking, I faintly felt something was wrong," Luo Yi recalled, "It came by such a coincidence, it didn't come sooner or later, and it happened when I was about to imprison the evil spirit. It felt like a deliberate distraction, but I didn't think much of it at the time."

"It wasn't until the evil spirits started to recede that I realized there was a deceit in it."

"But this evil ghost doesn't seem to be conscious." Zhang Han said immediately.

"That's right, the reason why an unconscious evil spirit will leave is definitely not because it can't beat me." At this point, evil spirits are more persistent than humans, and they usually persist until they kill people. hang around people.

Unless someone else triggered its laws, or was disturbed by the spirit.

"Only the two of us appeared in the hall last night. If the evil spirit chooses not to fight you, captain, then it must come at me, but obviously, the evil spirit did not do so." Zhang Han said.

Some kind of terrible thought emerged, last night in the darkness, perhaps there was not only Luo Yi and it, but also a third party.

"There must be some clues on that long-clothed ghost, and this clue must be very important, which makes the people behind the scenes not hesitate to show their bodies to rescue it." Luo Yi thought.

"Is it Zhang Xianguang's backhand?"

Luo Yi analyzed it carefully, but unfortunately, there is still too little information to guess the real situation.

"I hope there will be no more accidents tonight." Zhang Han sat by the door. After the excitement passed, his body eroded by the evil spirits began to show fatigue.

In fact, if it weren't for the spiritual maintenance of evil spirits, basically all ghost masters would be physically weaker than ordinary people.

Luo Yi glanced at him, a dark bead on his wrist lighted up slightly, and the deceitful ghost's supernatural trigger wiped away the blood on his body and the injuries left in the previous confrontation.

"Thank you, Captain." Zhang Han said gratefully. Although he didn't have any cleanliness fetishes, it was still very uncomfortable for him to be polluted by plasma and emit a stench.

"I only repaired your body with the supernatural power of a deceiving ghost, and you still have to rely on yourself mentally." Luo Yi said.

Zhang Han's consciousness is still a living person, and the consciousness of a living person is very fragile. If he is too much contaminated with supernatural powers, he might suddenly go crazy one day, so even if deceiving ghosts is enough to make him full of energy, Luo Yi did not do so.

"That's enough." Zhang Han smiled and touched his clean clothes. "It's still comfortable to go out on missions with the captain."

Due to the characteristics of the tattooed ghost, he usually gets bloody when dealing with supernatural events. His appearance looks quite majestic and threatening, but only he knows how unbearable the stench is when the blood of the evil ghost soaks his clothes.

"Heh!" Luo Yi let out a heck and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

After a while, Zhang Han suddenly said: "Captain, where do you think that evil ghost hides during the day?"

"Maybe it's the first floor, maybe it's the second floor. In this ghostly place, it's so easy to hide a ghost."

Zhang Han continued: "Then why don't we investigate it again tomorrow, maybe we can catch it."

"Know that the jigsaw puzzle that it lights out and kills has been locked up, and if we can't find it during the day, it may never come out again."

Luo Yi nodded, "What you said is not impossible, the horror of this evil spirit has been greatly weakened, and we will be able to detain it easily next time it appears, but because of this, the mastermind behind the scenes will never let it be so Appears easily."

"I even suspect that this evil ghost wandering in the dark has returned to the fifth floor, because only there is the farthest place from us. If there is any unknown secret in the entire ghost post office, it must be placed there. is the safest."

"The premise is that the administrator's room is excluded." Luo Yi silently added in his heart.

Zhang Han also agreed: "Yes, unless we go up, there is no way to know what happened above."

"All of this should be Zhang Xianguang's temptation." Luo Yi thought, "He probably didn't expect that I found this place so quickly."

From the moment he stepped into the ghost post office, Zhang Xianguang, the post office administrator, probably noticed him.

"But now he probably doesn't think that I came here on purpose. I'm afraid that what happened tonight is mostly testing. He wants to know if I really know his layout."

Zhang Xianguang didn't show up, and Luo Yi didn't deliberately challenge the existence of the other party. Both sides maintained a strange tacit understanding, deliberately creating a random situation.

The reason why Zhang Xianguang is so low-key is because he has not regained his strength at this moment, and now he can't fight against Luo Yi at all, so he uses his identity as an administrator to attract evil spirits, and wants to kill people at night with a knife and erase Luo Yi's confidant has a serious problem.

The reason why Luo Yi didn't reveal his intentions was because Zhang Xianguang, as a post office administrator, was immortal in the post office. Killing someone who couldn't be killed at all was meaningless except to vent his anger and make the other party more vigilant.

So he has to get the status of post office administrator first, and then he will be the same as the administrator, maybe he will have a chance to kill the other party.

On the other side, in a certain oil painting world.

The real Zhang Xianguang was sitting on a stone chair, holding a black chess piece in his hand, frowning, as if he was a little hesitant.

a long time.

"Forget it", Zhang Xianguang loosened his brows, and his face became resolute and ruthless again.

"Although I don't know whether it was a coincidence or you really discovered my existence, I can't let you continue to investigate."

He slapped his palms against the table angrily, "A good chess piece should stay on the board obediently, if you try to jump out of the board, you will die!"

The palm was raised, and a sunspot was crushed into flying ash outside the chessboard! (end of this chapter)

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