At night, the brief crisis has been dealt with.

There are no weird noises, no wandering footsteps, and no other evil spirits appear except for the thick fog that is still condensed like ink. This may be a good thing for ordinary messengers, but for Luo Yi Not so.

The more shots taken by the opponent, the more weaknesses will be exposed, especially the first night, which is the most likely time to detect some situations.

But now that everything has calmed down, it actually made him feel like a dog biting a turtle, and he couldn't say anything.

"Such a big movement tonight is definitely not just an example." Zhang Han checked around and said, "Similar situations must have happened before, but there is no trace in this room."

"Not only are there traces of evil spirits, but there are no signs of human existence, which is somewhat unbelievable."

Even if it is a five-star hotel, the cleaning is meticulous, and the appliances and bedding are replaced every day, and some signs of use cannot be avoided in hidden corners such as the head of the bed, the wardrobe, and the bottom of the bed.

But there is none here.

Even the cracks left on the door when the evil spirit slammed into it before have slowly disappeared.

"Why, it's hard to understand?" Luo Yi said.

Zhang Han nodded.

"This is a mechanism similar to restarting. At a certain time, or after the person who lives in the room dies, the room will return to a certain moment before, just like the map spawning monsters in the game. The same location can allow a steady stream of players to fight monsters and upgrade, and every player can see a new side when they come here, so no matter what traces the predecessors left here, the room cannot be preserved.”

"Take a rest."

Luo Yi leaned on the chair, slowly recalling the story of the mysteriously revived world in his heart.

From the last life to the present, many things have changed, and many memories have been blurred. It is no longer possible to follow the book and follow the map. Some plans and layouts must be carefully considered.

Otherwise it is easy to overturn.

The ghost post office was silent, under the dim light, Luo Yi closed his eyes to rest, Zhang Han lifted a table behind the gate, lay directly on the table, and soon fell into a light sleep.

Time passed bit by bit, and the long night was about to turn over.

six in the morning.

The darkness in the post office dissipated like a cloud, and the light penetrated from outside the door. At the same time, the lights on the ceiling in the room were extinguished very punctually.

When the light dimmed, Luo Yi suddenly opened his eyes, and a golden light danced in his eyes.

"Its daybreak!"

Zhang Han sat up, raised his hand and glanced at his watch, "Twelve hours, no more, no less."

From six in the evening to six in the morning, this is the night of the ghost post office.

"As long as there is no interference, supernatural things are always accurate," Luo Yi said, "We should go out."

During the daytime, the lobby is secure.

Zhang Han pushed the table away, opened the door, and the light outside the door spilled all the way to the bedside.

Luo Yi stepped out of the threshold, raised his head and looked around, only to realize that the daytime of the ghost post office is actually just a description. The top of the hall, the top of the patio, and the cracks in the corners of the walls are still covered with a layer of black mist, just like last night. It was exactly the same when he first came here.

So if you want to distinguish between day and night here, you can only use the lights above your head.


The door of Room 3 opened, and a chubby young man rolled his eyes around, "Captain Luo, it's great to see that you're all right, I was terrified by such a big commotion last night, and I didn't sleep all night .”

Luo Yi glanced at him and said seriously, "I think you are in good spirits."

"Haha", Zhao Liang said haha, and changed his words: "I'm wrong, it's because I didn't sleep well all night, I didn't sleep well."

Zhang Han dissatisfied: "You haven't slept well, your snoring almost didn't scare me out of my nightmare."

"Hey, accident, accident, the day before yesterday I put someone into a coffin and put on make-up, and I stayed up all night, I really can't stand it anymore." Zhao Liang clasped his hands together, repeatedly begging for mercy.

"Ha~~ow", the door of the second room opened, and Chen Shihao came out with two panda eyes, staring at Zhao Liang viciously, wishing to eat him alive.

Originally, I was mercilessly taught yesterday when I started fighting with Zhang Han. I wanted to have a good rest at night and recover my strength, but I was so angry that I was neurasthenic by the snoring sounds that seemed to be urging me to death.

"If it wasn't for the ghost post office not being able to go out at night, you would be dead." Chen Shihao squeezed his fist, such a simple movement affected his chest and forehead at the same time, making him lose sight of the other.

"It's the second day."

The door of Room 1 opened, and a haggard-looking woman with absent-minded eyes came out from inside.

It was the concubine of the dead Benz brother Wanxing, a hostess at the night show.

But at this moment, she was no longer as enchanting and charming as usual, but stood there blankly, a little at a loss.

It was an accident to enter here. After seeing some things, she chose Wanxing Cling, the most prestigious courier on the first floor, thinking that she could live well here by relying on him.

Unexpectedly, her backer fell faster than expected.

This can't help but make her a little desperate, feeling that she can't protect herself.

"This woman is already terrified." Luo Yi understood her state with a simple glance. Many people have poor psychological quality, scare themselves and limit themselves before things really happen. This woman is in this way.

"Captain Luo, I heard something moving next door last night?" Zhao Liang rubbed his fleshy face, his golden teeth were slightly showing, and his words were still leaking.

"An old friend knocked on the door, just a friendly exchange." Luo Yi said indifferently.

Zhao Liang gave a thumbs up, "Sure enough, he is the person in charge of Yuzhou City. He really has a lot of friends. In the ghost post office, there are good friends rushing out."

"What a fool!" Chen Shihao pouted.

"Don't you have any secrets?"

Zhang Han glared at him, "This is a secret, don't inquire about it if you shouldn't."

"Secret?" Zhao Liang rubbed his chin, "Brother Han, you know me, I have the strictest mouth, especially since I have gold teeth, it's like a lock on my mouth, as long as I don't say anything, No one can get a little information out of me."

Zhao Liang grinned, and the fat on his chest slapped loudly.

"It's okay, if you want to get to know each other, I can introduce you." Luo Yi showed a meaningful expression on his face, "I'll ask him to knock on your door at night."

Seeing this expression, Zhao Liang felt a chill down his spine, and for some reason, suddenly panicked.

"Knock on my door at night."

"Night? Huh?" The little fat man's eyes widened suddenly, "It's night, people are not allowed to go out unless"

"Team Luo, Team Luo, it's better to say goodbye, I thought about it, I'm shy and not suitable for making friends, and I just got my teeth filled, and my mouth has been loose for the past two days, so don't let it come to you me."

Zhao Liang trotted two steps in a hurry, and said with a mournful face.

Luo Yi walked by his side and patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, my friend is very hospitable, you didn't sleep last night, okay, I asked him to knock on the door for you to sleep, it is very useful."

"How useful is it?" the little fat man said with a broken mouth.

"About a year ago, a few of my friends fell asleep peacefully with the help of it. They slept soundly, and they still haven't woken up yet."

The little fat man stayed where he was, as if struck by lightning, his face turned black.

"Captain Luo, don't scare me. If you haven't woken up yet, isn't that dead?" (End of this chapter)

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