Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 358 Ye Zhen's Challenge

Hearing the other party's complaints, Sun Rui felt his blood pressure rise all of a sudden, he covered his forehead, "After a long time, it turns out that the clown is myself!"

"Captain Luo, our Boss Ye has always said that he is going to visit you. You see, you have come to Dahai City today. Why don't you go to our forum building for a while?" Ah Wu said politely.

"Don't be in a hurry to see Ye Zhen. What the little brother behind you said just now, even if Luo Yi is here, if the supernatural forum wants me to lie down, just lie down, and if you want me to lie down, just lie down?"

The man pointed by Luo Yi turned pale all of a sudden, and his first reaction was to sneak into the crowd to hide, but just as he moved a step, the people around him dispersed as if they had a heart-to-heart, like avoiding the plague god. He was left alone in the middle.

Hearing this, Ah Wu's face turned cold, knowing that he couldn't be kinder, "Chen San'er, get the hell out of me!"

Chen San'er's legs went limp from fright, "Brother, I."

"I, me, me, my ass, didn't I speak smoothly just now, why are you stuttering now, how do I teach you on weekdays, be humble and polite, be warm and friendly, do more good deeds, and help the old lady cross the road more, you Why are you so outspoken today, not big or small, it really disappoints me."

"Brother Wu, this isn't you"

"You still dare to quibble," Ah Wu's eyes widened, looking like he was going to eat people, "Why don't you hurry up and apologize to Team Luo, if Team Luo doesn't forgive you, you should be careful!"

Chen San'er's body trembled, and he immediately bent his waist to ninety degrees, "I'm sorry, Captain Luo, I was fooled by lard, I'm talking nonsense, I deserve to die." As he spoke, Chen San'er gave himself two The slap in the face made him grin his teeth.

Luo Yi remained calm, his face was indifferent.

Ah Wu was a little anxious. If Luo Yi was dissatisfied because of such a trivial matter, causing the ghost masters of the two cities to fight, then he would be guilty of a great crime. He gritted his teeth and took a step forward and bowed deeply: "Captain Luo, yes I didn't discipline my subordinates well on weekdays, so I apologize to you on his behalf."

"Brother Wu!" Chen San'er shouted, her face flushed with shame.

"Shut up!" The man glared at him.

Chen San'er raised his head, "One person does the work and the other person is responsible. I am at fault for this matter. Please, Captain Luo, please hold your hand high and don't embarrass my elder brother."

After finishing speaking, Chen San'er raised her hand and slapped herself vigorously, her cheeks swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Captain Luo, Dahai City is Ye Zhen's territory, and we still have to do things here. Small punishments and big punishments are enough, and it shouldn't be too much." Sun Rui whispered.

Luo Yi nodded slightly to express his approval, not because he was afraid of Ye Zhen, but because he didn't want Ye Zhen to make trouble for him.

"Forget it, I'll give Ye Zhen some face today, let's go back."

"Don't give me face. The strong are not to be insulted. This group of guys, who usually use my name to bully the market outside, have caused me some trouble. The headquarters has complained to me a lot, although I don't care. But Cao Yanhua's broken mouth is really annoying."

This sound seemed to have been amplified, and it was extremely loud, comparable to thunder, and it hurt people's eardrums.

Following the sound, a figure of a man in his early twenties appeared. He was wearing an ancient chivalrous suit, with a long cloak on his back, with two large characters embroidered on it: Invincible, with a long sword on his waist, and a colorful passage appeared behind him , floating in mid-air so gracefully.

The corners of the mouths of the supernatural forum twitched when they saw this scene, and the man in black at the head turned his head to the side, so embarrassed that he wished he could dig out a room with his big toe on the ground.

"Ye Zhen!"

This cool appearance, no one else would do it except him.

"How about it? Is my well-prepared appearance full of style and high-end atmosphere?" As soon as Ye Zhen landed on the ground, he showed a complacent smile and stared at Luo Yi. The typical expression was begging for praise.

"I know who these people are following." Sun Rui rolled his eyes and complained, "It's true that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked!"

"What about Luo Yi, is it much sharper than your last appearance?" Ye Zhen asked.

The last time Luo Yi came over, the ghost domain spanned hundreds of kilometers, and the city was covered in blood. He was dressed in a black robe and stood on the top of the city, which made him envious.

This sounds a little funny, but if you don't get a second grade, you're not Ye Zhen, Luo Yi still sticks out his thumb against his conscience.

"thumbs up!"

"I am so relieved to have your approval." After Ye Zhen laughed out loud, he dragged out a sentence.

"I think choosing the day is worse than hitting the sun, Luo Yi, you fight me one more time, and I will take back my title of Ye Mou's invincibility with my own hands!"

"It's really frustrating. This Ye Zhen is a violent person. Whenever we meet, he wants to fight." Luo Yi curled his lips and said inwardly.

"Come on, Luo Yi, look at my real martial arts sword, don't look directly at it!" Ye Zhen put his hand on the hilt of his waist excitedly while speaking.

"Wait a moment!"

A golden light flashed under Luo Yi's feet, and the whole person appeared in front of Ye Zhen across dozens of meters as if teleporting. He stretched out his right hand, and his slender and powerful five fingers pierced the void like a green dragon's claws. Only a bit of leaked spirit hit the air , A wave of snow-white air was set off, and the strong wind hit the face, raising the invincible cloak behind Ye Zhen.


Ye Zhen felt that someone was grabbing his shoulder, and his entire right arm was restricted. Under the pressure of huge force, he couldn't even do such a small movement as drawing a sword.

"As expected of you, the man I am committed to surpassing!"

Ye Zhen's eyes were full of fighting spirit, "I haven't seen you for a few months, I thought I had surpassed you by far, but I didn't expect your progress to be as great. You came today just in time, let us have a hearty battle !"

After Ye Zhen finished speaking, the dead ghost in his body immediately revived, and the evil ghost shook Luo Yi's palm away under the agitation, kneading five fingers together, and was about to draw the sword again.

"Wait, I have something to say!" Luo Yi's eyelids twitched, and the long sword in Ye Zhen's hand gave him a very dangerous feeling.

This kind of dark feeling is like the Taoist saying that the cicadas feel before the autumn wind moves, and it is their own induction of the magnetic field of the sky and the earth.

That is to say, a little inspiration caught under the so-called sympathy between heaven and man will not lie.

"Slow, why slow, let's talk after a battle!" Ye Zhen ignored Luo Yi at all and yelled.

"It's a pity. Originally, I planned to introduce you to a peerless master. Since you don't want to know, then forget it." Luo Yi said with a regretful expression.

Ye Zhen paused with his sword hand, "A peerless master? How tall is it?"

"It's about as high as a three-story building!" Luo Yi said solemnly.

Ye Zhen became serious, "That's really high!"

Sun Rui and A Wu looked puzzled, and a question mark appeared in their minds: "How high is a three-story building? How do you measure it? Could it be that I am ignorant?"

"Where is that master?"

Ye Zhen held the long sword and said with great interest.

Luo Yi turned around, stretched out his finger, and said loudly: "It's him, the ghost-eyed detective Yang Jian!"

Yang Jian's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

"I ate a melon well, how come I ate it on my own head!"

"Very good, you really look like a master!" Ye Zhen took a look and was full of admiration.


Yang Jian pointed to himself, and when Ye Zhen was sure, he lowered his head and looked, "Where did you see that?"

"Just because you didn't carry any weapons and dared to come to my sea city with bare hands, I knew you must be extraordinary, and I wanted to challenge you!"

Yang Jian opened his mouth, and ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped past in his heart, "What do you mean I am empty-handed and defiant, I haven't picked out something yet, okay?" (End of this chapter)

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