On a running two-story sightseeing bus, Ye Zhen was wearing an invincible cloak, standing in the middle of the crowd and talking loudly.

This custom-made bus is more than 6 meters high. There are several rooms on the first floor with all kinds of equipment for eating, drinking and entertainment. There is also a small swimming pool on the upper floor. There are still a few tables and chairs on the field, and Luo Yi and the others are staying here at the moment.

"Colorful, what are you all about?" Luo Yi withdrew his hand from the wall of the car with some disgust.

Inside and outside of this car, there are anime characters sticking up, placed, and placed one by one. It looks like they have come to a Two-dimensional kingdom. Two performed to the extreme.

"You don't understand this, it's called art." Ye Zhen said without shame. When he passed by some bustling areas and heard people's admiration, he would take the initiative to wave to others, showing a proud look smile.

A few people were quite speechless.

"By the way, the height of your car exceeds the standard, right? How do you get through the tunnels?" Sun Rui's focus is always different, "You can't go back home as soon as you encounter a tunnel, right?"

"Joke, I, Ye Zhen, can only go forward bravely, how can I retreat." He raised his head, his tone passionate, "If the evil spirit stops me, I will kill that ghost; if the mountain blocks me, I will flatten the mountain and let him be immortal." Gods, Buddhas and ghosts, I will break them with one punch, and I will be invincible wherever I go."

"Awesome!" Sun Rui praised, "But you still didn't say how to get through the tunnel."

Ye Zhen smiled casually, pointed to the tunnel not far away and said relaxedly: "Look carefully, I will only demonstrate once."

After speaking, the cloak behind Ye Zhen automatically raised, and he stretched out his hand to press the inner wall of the car. Immediately, a thick and gloomy force spread around him, covering the entire car in the blink of an eye.

The vehicle accelerated, and the two-dimensional chariot entered a certain virtual space at once. On the real road, there was only the wind around the tail of the vehicle floating. When the car reappeared, it had already reached the other end of the tunnel.

Sun Rui opened his mouth wide, feeling like his jaw was about to dislocate, "Awu, do you drive like this on weekdays?"

Ah Wu looked embarrassed, it was the first time he felt that there was such a boss, and it seemed that it was not a glorious thing.

"I said Luo Wudi, just let my subordinate Ah Wu do the small things like sending letters. Experts like us should sit on the top of the Pearl Building, drink wine, and compete in martial arts. Only in this way can we be regarded as immortal and chivalrous." , unrestrained."

Luo Yi shook his head, "This matter is not that simple, Ah Wu can't handle it."

Ye Zhen smiled contemptuously, and pretended to be unrestrained and said: "One Ah Wu can't do it, then send two Ah Wu. In this big city, as long as I think, I want as many Ah Wus as I want."

Ah Wu, who was driving, almost didn't hold the steering wheel when he heard this, and muttered, "The boss's bragging is getting more and more outrageous. There are so many Ah Wu in Dahai City, why didn't I know."

"Hehe", Yang Jian sneered from the side.

"You dare to yell at me, you are simply asking for your own death. I, Mr. Ye, do not have a reputation for nothing. You must know that there is still a way to survive against the sky, and there is no chance for against me."

"Ha ha."

"Presumptuous, the general of the defeated army, An dare to speak bravely, I think you want to experience my real sword again."

Yang Jian stood up, "You didn't beat me!"

Ye Zhen confronted him tit for tat: "The fearless rats who hide their heads and show their tails in the ghost domain are ashamed to be with you!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, No. 1 in Southeast Asia, which can't even break through the ghost domain, is simply ridiculous." Yang Jian retorted, and then made a look of sudden realization, "Sorry, I forgot, the current No. 1 in Southeast Asia It's not you anymore, presumably some people have a big gap in their hearts, and they are so sad that they want to vomit blood."

Ye Zhen glared and frowned, and slapped the table fiercely, "Zhuzi, is it not good to bully my long sword?"

"Captain Luo, why don't you stop them, these two are captain-level figures, I'm really afraid they will fight again." Looking at the two men who were at war, Sun Rui felt uneasy.

The two had just played against each other briefly, and they couldn't do anything about each other.

Luo Yi sat on the spot without changing his expression, "Don't worry, you said that these are the two captains, even if they fight again, they won't kill you."

"I'm not afraid that they will kill each other, I'm afraid that they will fight and affect me." Sun Rui smiled wryly.

Luo Yi was speechless, "You are also a person in charge of the city, can you stop being so cowardly?"

"You can't be cowardly, look at those people who became ghost masters at the same time as me, like Feng Quan, Lin Long, Zhang Hu, Liu Dong, Zhang Jian, Wu Yun." Sun Rui counted one by one, " The graves of these people are eight feet high."

After saying this, there was a sudden silence from the side. Sun Rui raised his head with some doubts, and found that Luo Yi had a sullen face, which seemed a bit unattractive.

Ah Wu on the side bumped into him, "Shut up, you, the people you mentioned were all killed by Team Luo."

Avoiding Luo Yisen's cold gaze, Sun Rui looked up at the sky, and said, "Awu, look, the weather is really nice today, the sun is so red, like a glowing tomato."

Ah Wu raised his head cooperatively, "Yes, yes, this tomato is really bright!"

The sightseeing bus traveled over the mountains, and within an hour, a tall archway appeared in the field of vision, on which were three plaques with white characters on a black background: Fu Shou Yuan.

Fushou Garden covers a very large area and is a well-known old cemetery in Dahai City. The earliest tombs in it can be traced back to the period of the Republic of China. It has undergone several renovations and constructions in the middle, and finally it has the current appearance.

"This place doesn't look cheap." Sun Rui said.

Luo Yi looked in, and found that this cemetery was not as dark, gloomy, and lifeless as the land of ghosts. Instead, it was full of flowers and plants, lush greenery, and looked clean and tidy, like a park with a beautiful environment.

A Wu continued, "This is not a mass grave. Fushou Garden is the number one cemetery in the entire Haihai City."

Dahai City is very expensive, and the location of this cemetery is good, and the location is not too remote. It is very expensive to bury a person here, at least hundreds of thousands, and a better location can even start with millions.

"Captain Luo, do you feel anything unusual?" Sun Rui said.

When it comes to exploring the environment, the ghost domain is the most convenient and practical, and among the few people present, Luo Yi's ghost domain has covered a city many times, and asked him if he was right.

Luo Yi glanced at it casually, with a relaxed expression, as if he really came to play.

After a few seconds, he said: "No, everything is normal."

There was no supernatural, nor did I notice anything weird. There were endless worshipers and sweepers in the cemetery, some vehicles came in and out, and there were several security guards standing guard at the gate. This posture was better than the general defense of the community.

"No problem, I'll just say that your information must be wrong. How could there be evil spirits on my territory, Mr. Ye!" Ye Zhen jumped out of the car and said fiercely.

"It's normal now, but it doesn't mean it will be normal later. Since the ghost post office asked us to deliver this letter, there must be evil spirits here." Yang Jian said firmly.

"It's up to you, I'm going to play golf." Ye Zhen walked back to the car, and finally said: "Luo Wudi, do you dare to play a round!"

"I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Luo Yi turned around and walked towards the car.

"Captain Luo, this..." Sun Rui couldn't figure out what Luo Yi was thinking, and thought he didn't want to care about this matter.

"It's okay now, it means that the evil spirit hasn't appeared yet, and the post office gave us two days, why are you in a hurry?"

Luo Yi looked back at the quiet and peaceful cemetery.

There is a sense of depression in my heart. (end of this chapter)

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