At one o'clock in the afternoon, Yang Jian and Sun Rui returned to Fushou Garden, their faces were a little unnatural.

As soon as Luo Yi saw the two of them, Luo Yi knew that their plan had failed. If the letters from the ghost post office were so easy to deliver, there would not be so many disappearance cases in Dahan City.

"Tell me what's going on."

"We were one step late. When we found Mrs. Liu, she had just passed away and completely covered up all the secrets." Sun Rui said helplessly.

Everything is as if arranged in advance, the gears of fate have come to this point, precisely stuck between life and death, no more, no less, people are powerless.

Luo Yi said: "As expected, you guys haven't tried handing the letter to her?"

"Of course I tried, but it didn't work." Sun Rui shook his head regretfully.

"I suspect that the ghost post office may have anticipated this situation a long time ago. It used a word game to block our opportunism." Yang Jian took out the red letter, "This letter will be sent to Tomb No. 78 in Fushouyuan In the hands of the owner, that is to say, the tomb will not be considered to have an owner until the person is buried in the ground, and the mission of delivering the letter will not be approved."

Luo Yi nodded in approval. Yang Jian is sharp, calm, selfish, and lucky. This is the basic quality of becoming a top ghost master. The reason why he chose to check on Mrs. Liu was not because he didn't think of it before. But because of another trait of his: Suspicion.

"That is to say, now we have to wait here until Mrs. Liu finishes her funeral and is sent here to be buried in peace?" Sun Rui sat down on the ground, leaning his back on the tombstone of the No. 77 grave.

Ordinary people would never do such a taboo thing, but Sun Rui did it very naturally. Ghost masters are more ruthless than humans, and worse than ghosts. If you really want to be afraid, it should be the dead in the tomb who are afraid, not he.

"But the ghost post office only gave us two days." As time went by, Yang Jian felt a little anxious, and his face turned cold, "At most until tomorrow morning, if they don't send the dead, I can only Go and invite the corpse to the tomb in person."

Sun Rui's eyelids twitched, and he glanced at Yang Jian without any trace, "Even the dead are urged, this Yang Jian is not simple."

Luo Yi said flatly: "Don't bother, they will have a funeral at 4 pm, and at most [-] pm, the owner of the tomb will return."

"How is this possible? Mrs. Liu didn't die until close to 1 o'clock. If the funeral was at 4 o'clock, there would be less than three hours in the middle. Let alone doing things, it would be too late to organize the remains and buy the funeral objects, not to mention the distance from here. The address of the deceased is still some distance away." Sun Rui questioned.

On the contrary, Yang Jian said thoughtfully: "Did you let the supernatural forum take action?"

Things that ordinary people can't do, don't mean that the supernatural forum, the local snake, can't do it.

Liu's company is just a company with a volume of just over [-] million. It may seem beyond the reach of ordinary people, but to Ye Zhen, A Wu and other people who have already surpassed the rules, it is just a matter of fluff. The other party is obedient and obedient. That's okay, if you don't obey the order, the company will go bankrupt the next day, the proprietress will run away, and there may be a funeral at home.

After all, with the arrogance and domineering of these people in the supernatural forum, it is really possible to do it.

"We just missed it once before, aren't you afraid that Mrs. Liu is not the real recipient?" Yang Jian worried.

According to common sense, after a person dies, no matter how fast he moves, he cannot be buried until the next day. Although Liu Weiming bought Graveyard No. 78 for Mrs. Liu, there is a time difference of one day, so there is no guarantee that there will be no accidents. In case someone occupies the tomb in advance, or the structure of the tomb is damaged, or even another accident in the Liu family delays the burial.

"If Mrs. Liu is the real recipient, then her burial will naturally not have any surprises. If she is not, we still have one day to plan. It is better to take the initiative in our own hands than to be passive at any time. Well received."

"As for accidents?" Luo Yi laughed, "People like us are life-stealers who walk between life and death. Aren't accidents a common occurrence for us?"

If you want to understand the secrets in the ghost post office, you can't do it blindly by following the rules. Just like when the frog is at the bottom of the well, the sky is always only three inches in radius.

Yang Jian was silent for a moment, "Just as long as you know what's in your mind."

Luo Yi smiled and said nothing. Although he considered himself strong, he was not impulsive and radical. He dared to do this because he had done similar things when Zhang Yanchu delivered the letter before.

It was too early in that incident, and the recipient hadn't died yet. Because of some conflicts, he killed the recipient, made him die early, and helped Zhang Yanchu complete the task smoothly.

So at that time, he knew that there was not only one way to complete the mission of the ghost post office. Its purpose from beginning to end was to train ghost masters, not to train obedient marionettes.

"Is this the captain? Not only is his strength extraordinary, but his brains and wrists are also far superior to ordinary people." Sun Rui sighed inwardly. At first he felt that Yang Jian was already smart and sharp enough. At the first step, others are trying to survive the supernatural event to save their lives. He is already planning to guide the supernatural, and let the supernatural develop towards his own wishes. The gap is so huge.

"Perhaps Dahan City has been in peace for too long, which has dulled my thinking, so that giving birth to the captain is just the idea of ​​a luckier ghost master." Sun Rui thought to himself.

"Get ready. If there are no accidents, the task of delivering the letter will start soon." Luo Yi said, pulling the two of them back from their thoughts, and began to check the supernatural props on their bodies.

4 p.m. exactly.

Under the archway of Fushou Garden, a black European-style coffin was quietly placed in an elongated black car.

The coffin was heavy, and the tires made two obvious ruts on the ground. The front of the car was tied with white flowers, and the rearview mirror was also tied with white cloth strips.

The car door was opened, and a middle-aged man in his fifties could be seen alighting from the co-pilot seat, holding a black and white photo in his arms, which showed an old woman.

Over 70 years old, wearing old-fashioned commoner clothes, with gray hair, slightly raised mouth corners, and a pair of eyes straight forward, giving people a numb and cold illusion.

After the man got out of the car, the cars behind him opened one by one, and men and women in black suits and dresses got out of the car one by one.

Judging from the vehicles they travel and their attire, this group of people is either rich or expensive, and they are typical successful people.

"Fortunately, it was with the coffin. I'm really afraid that if they cremate the body, then this letter will only be stuffed into the urn." Sun Rui said.

Luo Yi said: "The cremation of corpses is of course in compliance with the regulations, but as the saying goes, money can turn ghosts around. Look at this group of people. With their financial resources, it is easy to avoid some inspections."

"It's also a good thing for them not to be cremated. This old lady Liu's identity is not that simple. If the body is burned, there is no guarantee that the evil spirits will come out, and maybe they will harm their family at that time."

Sun Ruidao: "Team Luo is right. Our tradition is to burial in the ground, just like in rural areas, most of them are buried in the ground."

Yang Jian smiled contemptuously, "It is difficult to change customs, especially when people have money, they want to do something special to show their differences."

Although Yang Jian's words are a bit generalized, they are generally correct. This is a human's inferiority, and there is nothing embarrassing to admit.

The ancestors all said that wealth and honor do not return to their hometowns, like traveling at night in brocade clothes.

Unrecognized for talent and unrecognized for wealth are equally uncomfortable.

A few people chatted for a while, and the group of people in the distance gradually approached. These people were all dressed in black, and some of them had white flowers on their chests.

At the same time, some quarrels arose and tended to intensify.

Luo Yi looked up, and in the crowd, Ah Wu from the supernatural forum pulled out a pistol and pointed it at the man holding the portrait. (end of this chapter)

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