"what happened!"

Ah Wu felt that his arm holding the gun seemed to be bound by an iron hoop, and he couldn't move at all. Just about to yell, a black robe with gold trim came into view, and he swallowed the swear words abruptly.

"You people in the supernatural forum are too domineering. Let us carry out the funeral in advance. We will do so. Now it will be buried in the ground soon. We, the descendants of future generations, can't even build a mourning hall to worship?"

"If you have the guts, beat me to death, otherwise my Liu family will sue you for all their wealth, I don't believe it, there is no law!"

"Yes, don't think that you are great because you have guns. It's a big deal to make things worse. I'll see how you can suppress it!"

"Yes, make it big, make a video, and post it on the Internet!"

"Let public opinion punish them!"


"Captain Luo, you also saw..."

Ah Wu showed a smile that was uglier than crying, "I asked them to be buried early according to your order. I had already discussed it. After this matter came to an end, they would set up a mourning hall and perform a farewell ceremony. Isn't this going back on their word? "

"I see, let me deal with it."

Luo Yi was a little dissatisfied, but after all, A Wu was not his own, and he should not be the one to teach him a lesson if he is not effective.

"Liu Weiming, if you have any demands, you can talk to me. This matter is my request. Mrs. Liu must be buried in advance!"

"It turns out that you are playing tricks, who are you?"

"Do you have any enmity with my Liu family?"

"Call the police, call the police immediately!"

"I don't believe that a few triads can't be ruled!"

"No, they had a lot of people just now, but now that I have dispatched a team of security personnel, I want to see who dares to force my aunt to bury her today!"

"Good job, Brother Yuan!"


"Shut up!" Luo Yi suddenly increased his voice, his voice was deafening, and he directly suppressed the scene of agitation. His eyes swept back and forth, and the golden dots in the pupils danced, which was extremely frightening.

"I asked Liu Weiming to answer. Are there so many Liu Weimings?" Luo Yi asked coldly.

"Who are you, don't think it's great to have two guns. I have twenty people now, and I also have guns in my hands. If we really want to fight together, our Liu family is not afraid of you!" He carried a black leather bag, held his head up slightly, and looked arrogant.

"You are Liu Weiming?"

"I'm Liu Yuan, general manager of Queshi Security, Mrs. Liu is my aunt, if you want to talk, you can talk to me!"

"You can call the shots?"

Liu Yuan glanced at his relatives and friends behind him, and everyone looked at him trustingly, including Liu Weiming, who was holding his posthumous photo.

"You see, I can."

"Okay, then I'll talk to you, but I don't want a third person to intervene, and I don't want someone to stand up and say that you can't represent the Liu family."

Liu Yuan sneered, "Don't worry about that, I, Liu Yuan, am not a gangster like you, and upper-class people like me need face."

"I am Luo Yi, the person in charge of Yuzhou City. Although Dahai City is not under my jurisdiction, as the team leader, I have the right to give priority to supernatural events. Mrs. Liu is involved in supernatural phenomena. She must be buried today. This is my bottom line. What kind of compensation do you want afterwards, you can discuss it with Ah Wu in detail, as long as it is not too much, I can satisfy you."

Luo Yi did not rely on supernatural powers to forcibly intimidate the Liu family. Birth, old age, sickness and death are the normal state of life. As a sacrificial god, he understands this truth better.

"The underworld is the underworld. If you talk about the person in charge, let's not talk about the truth. Yuzhou City is far away from here. No matter how powerful you are there, you have to be a man with your tail between your tails in Dahai City." Liu Yuan said loudly.

Luo Yi couldn't help frowning, this Liu Yuan did not take him seriously because of the twenty security personnel behind him.

"Bastard, dare to insult the person in charge of the city. Believe it or not, I will kill you directly, and no one will dare to stand up for you." Sun Rui jumped out and stomped his golden cane on the ground fiercely.

"Then I'd like to see who killed who!" Liu Yuan clapped his hands, and the men in black behind him opened their suits and took out their weapons.

Luo Yi looked, there were five pistols, and the rest were batons, Swiss daggers and other cold weapons.

"Not only you have guns, but I also have them!" Liu Yuan pointed at Sun Rui, "And my guns are still legal. If you have a gun certificate, you will die if you really want to do it."

"Bastard!" Sun Rui was used to being an emperor in Dahan City. When would someone dare to point a finger at him.

"I advise you to put your fingers down, or I'm afraid I can't help but kill you." Sun Rui's eyes were cold and murderous.

A sick tiger is also a tiger, and a tiger cannot be provoked!
Liu Yuan was unmoved, "Your people pointed guns at me before, and now I point guns at you. It's fair for everyone to retaliate."


"What are you, you look like a dead person, so hurry up and buy a coffin for preparation!"

Sun Rui laughed back angrily, "What a boy, you are so arrogant, let me put your skin in Dahan City!"

"Sun Rui, you go down first." Luo Yi was also a little angry, but he couldn't completely blame the other party for this matter.

"Captain Luo!" The muscles on Sun Rui's face trembled, obviously very angry.

Luo Yi shook his head, and Sun Rui held back his anger and left.

"Liu Yuan, if someone in your family passed away, I won't care about the previous things with you. After half an hour, Mrs. Liu must be buried. You can tell me what you want, whether it is money or power. I can handle it for you."

This is the disadvantage of the non-disclosure of the supernatural recovery. Ordinary people don't even know that there is such a thing, so even though Luo Yi has a great status in the supernatural circle, but in real life, there is no deterrence at all, especially Especially in front of these rich people.

"It's a big tone, but I don't want anything else today. I want you to kowtow to my aunt to apologize, and wear sackcloth and mourning!" The corners of Liu Yuan's mouth rose, feeling that he had grasped the overall situation.

"So there's nothing to talk about?" Luo Yi's face turned cold, and his temperament changed suddenly, his eyes were cold and fierce, showing sullenness.

"If you don't know how to praise, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Luo Yi raised his feet, pressing towards Liu Yuan step by step, locked by his eyes, Liu Yuan felt that the blood in his whole body began to coagulate, his back was wet, and an inexplicable panic filled his heart.

"What are you going to do? We already have guns in our hands. It's driving us into a hurry. We can't even guarantee what we can do."

Luo Yi was not afraid of his sternness, and still walked forward unhurriedly. The sound of the footsteps was surprisingly loud, hitting Liu Yuan's heart like a drumstick, making him terrified.

"Stop him, stop him!" Liu Yuan shouted loudly. For some reason, he couldn't muster up the courage to face Luo Yi, and his body was always weak, as if an animal had encountered a natural enemy and shivered. .

Seeing that the situation was not right, Liu Weiming quickly called the police, "Deputy Director Wang, I want to call the police. Someone picked trouble at my mother's funeral. This person is a gangster with a gun!"

Liu Weiming reported all the information he knew, and the phone suddenly fell silent.

"Liu Weiming, the people you mentioned are special state personnel with high ranks, and we have no right to intervene in their affairs."

Liu Weiming's heart was cold, knowing that this was someone he couldn't afford to offend, he hurriedly pressed the phone, his tone anxious.

"Wang Ju, you have to save me, you forgot, I even bought you a drink!"

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, and finally he let go, "I can only give you one piece of advice, cooperate with them, cooperate with them unconditionally, only in this way, maybe I can save you!"

After speaking, hang up the phone.

Holding the phone with a busy tone, Liu Weiming hurried to the center of the crowd, ignoring the sweat on his face, and stood in front of the security guards.

"Stop it all, stop it all!"

"Mr. Luo, we cooperate, we cooperate!"

Luo Yi stopped, and immediately, Liu Yuan felt the frightening sense of suffocation and horror disappear, and under the huge emotional fluctuation, he rolled his eyelids and passed out directly.

Not only him, even the group of men in black with equipment behind him covered their necks one by one, kneeling down on the ground and panting heavily, as if a drowning person was suddenly rescued, in a state of distress.

This scene frightened Liu Weiming, "Wang Ju really didn't lie to me, these people are not ordinary people."

Now that it was him, even those relatives could see that something was wrong, and stood there in fear, not daring to speak.

"One hour," Luo Yi gave them a cold look, "Those who haven't left after an hour should never leave."

"Okay, I will do it, I will do it!"

Liu Weiming quickly agreed, knowing that this was an ultimatum. (end of this chapter)

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