Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 364 The mutation begins

In the cemetery of Cemetery No. [-], a strange twilight gradually began to descend.

When the coffin was buried, it was not known whether it was a staff error or an accident caused by some kind of supernatural power. The coffin suddenly tilted and fell heavily on the ground.

The coffin lid was directly opened by this fall.

However, the strange thing is that there is no one in the coffin, and the body of Mrs. Liu is gone.
Liu Xinyue, Liu Weiming's daughter, was the first to discover all this. She looked at the empty coffin with wide eyes, with shock on her face.

"Dad, grandma is gone."

"What nonsense are you kidding, you grandma..." Liu Weiming looked forward and saw the empty coffin.

"The corpse is gone?" Yang Jian's face changed, and he walked forward a few steps, "What's going on, I clearly saw the corpse lying in there, did someone move the corpse under my nose without anyone noticing it?" ?”

Luo Yi's face was gloomy, but he didn't use Huangquan to stare at the dead man for a few minutes, and the accident happened.

"The corpse was stolen. Which of you touched the corpse?" Sun Rui looked at the Liu family indifferently.

"Grandma, grandma!" Liu Xinyue became happy, "Dad, grandma's body is gone, is she still alive?"

"How could it be, how could it be." Liu Weiming jumped down to the grave, touching the coffin with his palm, looking devastated.

"This scene is still happening." Luo Yi pursed his lips tightly. He thought that all this would not happen if he arranged for Mrs. Liu to enter the tomb in advance, but fate seemed to play a joke on him. Something went wrong.

"Fushou Garden is connected to a huge cemetery. This supernatural land is suspected to be an endless cemetery managed by Luo Qian, the owner of the cemetery. I didn't want to worsen the spiritual situation here and avoid causing turmoil in the cemetery. Inevitable."

"The disappearance of Mrs. Liu's body just shows that she is the recipient of the letter. What we have to do now is to find the body of the deceased and deliver the letter to her." The sudden change made Yang Jian feel a little restless, and he opened the letter directly. Ghost eyes, in an instant, the ghost domain opens.

With the rolling of the scarlet ghost eyes, the cemetery that was originally daytime was instantly covered by a layer of red light. The light disappeared, and everything around became strangely scarlet, and an indescribable strange feeling enveloped everyone.

The surviving people in the cemetery raised their heads in panic. If this phenomenon, like a change in the sky, was placed by the seaside or in the middle of the city, it might still attract countless people to take pictures as souvenirs, but now the area covered by the red light is a cemetery.

A gloomy place of the dead full of corpses.

Especially the people at the edge, they can clearly see a red light dividing the inside and outside of the cemetery, forming a scene like a dome.


With the first sharp and ear-piercing scream, the emotions of fear, panic, and dread began to be contagious. Under the herd effect, most of the people started to run and fled to the outside of the cemetery.

"How is it? Did Yang Jian find it?" Sun Rui asked.

Yang Jian didn't speak, his ghostly eyes turned restlessly, pieces of vision appeared in this scarlet eyeball, Graveyard No. [-], Graveyard No. [-], Graveyard No. [-].
"What the hell happened, where is my mother?" Liu Weiming broke down a bit. Anyone who sees the dead body of his relatives will go crazy, this is human nature.

Luo Yi raised his head and glanced at the distance, there was already some smog over there, and spirits were rapidly invading.

"Dad, look at how these tombstones and these trees have turned red today?" Liu Xinyue pointed to the sky, her big bright eyes were full of puzzlement.

Everything is soaked in red light, this kind of red, dazzling, heart palpitations, makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Looking at this vision, Liu Weiming thought about Luo Yi's previous performance, and suddenly understood what Wang Ju told him, that these people might not be normal people at all.

"Mr. Luo, what's going on?" He climbed up, protecting his children behind him with both hands, and watched Luo Yi and his party warily, especially Yang Jian who had eyes on his forehead.

"As you can see, you have run into a ghost." Luo Yi replied coldly without looking at him.

"It's my mother?" In a blink of an eye, Liu Weiming connected everything that happened today, from her mother leaving home three days ago, to when she told herself to buy the tomb No. The person who claimed to be a supernatural forum held a gun and threatened him with a funeral in the afternoon, and then Luo Yi resorted to tricks to get rid of the security guards, and finally the burial, the body disappeared, and the sky was full of red light!

Everything is related to my mother.

"It seems that you are not stupid." Luo Yi glanced at him in surprise. The first reaction of most ordinary people when faced with such a situation is to panic. Cause and effect, and giving the correct answer is really not easy.

"Let's go, before it arrives?" Seeing that Liu Weiming is still a smart person, Luo Yi reminded him aloud.

"What is it?" Liu Xinyue asked.

She is the daughter of Liu Weiming. She is 23 or [-] years old. She is tall, delicate and beautiful. She is an authentic Bai Fumei. Next to her is a man named Xiaohao who looks like a [-]th or [-]th student. Compared with his sister's boldness, he It is much more flustered.

"It's a ghost, a murderous ghost!" Luo Yi said calmly, "We are here to deal with it."

"Do ghosts really exist?" Liu Xinyue's breath suddenly became rapid, and at the same time, her eyes kept looking around, as if she was afraid that something would pop out suddenly.

"What about my grandma?" The boy named Xiaohao said timidly, "I want grandma." As he spoke, his eyes turned red.

"Maybe your grandma is that evil ghost!" Sun Rui said indifferently, not feeling at all that these words might cause any harm to the family.

The Liu family was angry and terrified. Liu Weiming suppressed his grief and lowered his head, "Mr. Luo, you seem to be a capable person. Can I ask you to do something to protect my two children? I am old. It doesn't matter if they are dead, but they are still young."

"As for the remuneration, don't worry. Although I'm not very rich, I still have some face in Dahai City. I can give you a lot of money, 1000 million, 2000 million, or even give you the company."

"How?" Luo Yi turned around, "Do you think I'm a Taoist priest?"

"This is the first time someone said that about the person in charge of our city." Sun Rui laughed. "Taking the ghost master as a Taoist priest is really the biggest joke I've heard this year."

"I didn't find Mrs. Liu's body." At this time, Yang Jian closed the ghostly eyes on his forehead, his face was a little ugly, "I searched the entire cemetery, but there was no trace of her, as if she suddenly disappeared. "

"You're looking in the wrong direction. She's not in the cemetery, but in that tomb." Luo Yi raised his hand and pointed, and a dark haze in the distance was rapidly thickening, and the sky was dim and black, as if suddenly The child is like entering the night.

But the surroundings are not so dark that people can't see clearly, it can only be said to be dim, and looking at the distance, the buildings in Dahai City have disappeared.

This is another ghost land.

The spiritual invasion has begun. (end of this chapter)

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