Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 365 Arrival of the Spiritual Land

Dahai City, the suburbs, Fushou Garden.

The sky is gloomy, as if the wind and rain are approaching in the evening, the atmosphere is heavy, stuffy, and the air is solidified, making people's hearts tense, and a string in their brains is tightly tensed.

However, if one can jump out of this area of ​​the cemetery, one can find that outside of Fushou Garden, the sky is still clear, the sun is scattered, and there is a gentle breeze and a scene of endless spring.

This weird phenomenon is still spreading. The black smog flows, and when you look down from a high altitude, it seems that the Fushou Garden is quietly growing.

In the cemetery park.

Two groups of people spread out, one to the left and the other to the right.

The group on the right was headed by Yang Jian, followed by A Wu and a dozen staff members of the supernatural forum, of which ordinary people accounted for the majority, and there were only four who were truly ghost masters.

As for the group on the left, Luo Yi took the lead, followed by Sun Rui and the Liu family. Although there were fewer people, Sun Rui didn't have much fear on his face.

"I thought you would follow Yang Jian, after all, he brought you into the ghost post office." Luo Yi walked slowly ahead, his tone neither salty nor weak.

Sun Rui chuckled, "Yang Jian's strength is naturally very strong, but I respect you more from the bottom of my heart. You forgot that my leg was healed by you. Just focus on this. I won't work for you. Sorry about the leg."

"Insincere." Luo Yi said coldly.

Sun Rui may have a lot of fear of him, but talking about respect and admiration for a long time is purely for the occasion.

"No, no," Sun Rui waved his hand hastily, "I did this from the bottom of my heart. Of course, I also have a little bit of thoughtfulness. I think Yang Jian is a bit cunning and has a strong sense of self. Working with him is always difficult. You are frightened, but you are different from Luo Dui, although you are also a ghost master, you don't have that kind of gloomy and weird feeling, on the contrary, you have a bit of grandeur."

He scratched his head, "I also know it's strange to say this, after all, evil spirits are lifeless and weird things, but this is indeed the most intuitive feeling in my heart, and Luo Dui, your emotional state is also more serious than Yang Jian's." Stablize."

Being in the dark, with a heart for the light, this is the state of most ghost masters.

Luo Yi nodded slightly. If that's what he said, he still has a bit of approval. The sacrificial god is a ghost and a god of faith, not an evil demon in a barren village. Even if Luo Yi hasn't completed the step from ghost to god, But there are still some essential differences between ghosts and ghosts.

As for his emotional stability, it is also because the divine ability of worshiping gods can suppress the erosive instincts of some evil spirits.

"So, I think it's safer for you to follow Team Luo." Sun Rui concluded, his face was very sincere, but there was still a strange flash in his eyes.

"I'm not telling a lie." Sun Rui comforted himself, "I just hid the most important reason and didn't say it."

Acting grandiosely and being in a stable state are all clichés. The most important thing is that Sun Rui thinks that Luo Yi is better than Yang Jian, and following him, his life is more secure.

Although both are captains, Luo Yi is three points better than Yang Jian in terms of record, reputation, and power.

If you worship the boss, you must naturally worship the strongest one, so that the backstage will be strong, the confidence will be strong, and the waist will be straight.

"Well, you said it very well, but don't say it again next time." Luo Yi raised his brows slightly and smiled jokingly.

"Huh?" Sun Rui blinked quickly, "Why?"

"Because Yang Jian heard it." Luo Yi pointed to the extremely dim red light in the sky, which was a layer of ghost realm opened by Yang Jian.

"Ah?" Sun Rui stayed where he was, and looked at the red light blankly, "No way, he wouldn't really hear it, would he?"

Luo Yi said lightly: "In the ghost domain, space is reversed and reality is folded. As long as the owner of the ghost domain is willing, he can see and hear everything he wants to know. This is the most basic common sense. It seems that you have not paid attention to it for too long. Things in the spiritual circle have changed, so that I am a little slack."

"No way, Captain Luo, I don't want you to be such a trickster, you just deliberately tricked me." Sun Rui looked at Luo Yi's back and said with some resentment.

Luo Yi curled his lips, "These words are all yours, and have nothing to do with me."

"Obviously you asked me, so I said it." Sun Rui hurried two steps behind Luo Yi.

"Oh, what are you talking about?" Luo Yi seemed to have just realized, "Don't worry, with my ability, Yang Jian can't hear me."

Sun Rui was completely dumbfounded, "I was the only one talking to myself in his eyes just now? Like a gossip who talks behind her back and chews other people's tongues?"

"That's right, that's right." Luo Yi affirmed.

Even in such a terrifying environment, Liu Xinyue behind her couldn't help laughing, which made Sun Rui's expression darker.

On the other side, Yang Jian, who was leading the way, suddenly snorted coldly, then put away Huang Quan, and cursed secretly, seeing that Ah Wu was a little puzzled.

The further we go forward, the more graves there are.

These tombs are old, and some of the tombstones are broken, and the numbers have also been changed, becoming "[-], [-]", which was written a long time ago.

All kinds of weirdness indicated that this place was unusual. No one spoke to the few people in the venue. They all looked vigilant and followed behind Luo Yi with fear.

"Captain Luo, the speed of the supernatural influence is very fast." Sun Rui lifted his feet, and there was already a layer of yellow soil on it. There was no rain in the past few days, and this is a cemetery area, a very famous cemetery, how could there be such a muddy road.

The only theory is that the spiritual invasion has changed the landscape here.

"Stop." Suddenly, Luo Yi raised his hand.

I saw that the clean and tidy asphalt road in front of me disappeared, replaced by a winding and twisted yellow mud path, the path was long and thin, extending from the bottom of the people's feet in all directions, like veins on the human body, connecting all the acupoints and joints .

How long did it take for a good Fushou Garden to suddenly become like this?It's like changing the world.

"The land of spirits has completely descended."

Sun Rui looked around. He didn't know when it started. One after another, the tombs changed from unreal to solid. The mounds were uneven. Some of the tombstones were engraved with small seal characters, some were faded black photos, and some of the tombs were already cracked. Open, revealing a dark red hole.

It's hard to imagine what happened here.

"This is the cemetery, is it really a corner of the endless cemetery?" Luo Yi looked, but he himself was not sure, the endless cemetery was too big, so big that even he didn't know where the edge was.

Because it exists between virtuality and reality, like a ghost domain, it is difficult for outsiders to see the whole picture unless the owner himself.

Luo Yi stopped to observe, and several people stood in place and waited. Even though they were afraid in their hearts, they resisted the fear and depression, and waited for Luo Yi's decision.

"Walking in my ghost domain, no one is allowed to touch anything here without my permission." After Luo Yi finished speaking, a golden light appeared on the soles of his feet. This golden color is not as cold and hard as gold, but very light. , like a little bit of golden sunlight sprinkled on the transparent glass, giving people a sense of illusion and unreality.

Like Sun Rui, Liu Xinyue stepped on it, without the feeling of being suspended in the air, nor the feeling of sinking into a muddy swamp. It was like stepping on a glass plank road. It seemed to be in close contact with the ground, but in fact it was always separated by a line.

And this line is the difference between life and death, direct and indirect.

"It's thirty-two, thirty-three here."

Sun Rui pointed at the two adjacent tombstones with his cane. This behavior revealed Luo Yi's ghost realm, but it didn't affect him, because his cane was made of pure gold, and gold is not affected by ghosts. There are many uses at certain times.

"Captain Luo, what do you mean by this letter bringing us here?" Sun Rui looked at the endless old graves that went all the way into the darkness, and felt a chill in his heart.

As a ghost master, he is still like this, let alone Liu Weiming, Liu Xinyue and other ordinary people. In fact, if Luo Yi hadn't led the team and used the ghost domain to guide them, they would have been scared to death.

"As soon as we came, Mrs. Liu died, and then the supernatural land appeared again. I don't believe it's a coincidence." Sun Rui said, his face was a little gloomy, because he thought it was the letter that broke the layout here and made people The supernatural invaded reality.

Luo Yi pondered for a while, "The purpose of the ghost post office is to curb the recovery of the spirit. It sent us here, but it definitely didn't want us to use a letter to trigger the layout here. It should know that there will be a spirit situation here, so it sent us. The ghost master came to deal with it, and as for the letter, it was more like a guide, or a navigation location."

"How can the messenger on the first floor handle this level of supernatural events?" Sun Rui said impatiently.

Luo Yi sighed, "This is another story."

The two were talking, and a new tomb was erected across the road.

This tomb is not big, there are no tombstones, and there are no offerings. The soil of the tomb is dark and damp, as if it has just been renovated, and it is very different from the surrounding old tombs.

But these are not the focus of several people's attention.

They care more about the people buried inside than the appearance of the tomb.

"This seems to be that Liu Yuan!" Sun Rui's eyes shrank, because the graveyard here seemed to be a little less, and a dead man's arm was exposed outside. This arm was covered with a black suit, wearing a famous watch, and the veins were exposed Holding a black leather bag in his hand.

Luo Yi bent down, tore off the leather bag on his arm, searched briefly, took out a certificate and said, "It is indeed him!"

"Liu Yuan is dead!" Liu Weiming stared blankly at the exposed arm, feeling agitated and dizzy for a moment.

Adding new graves to an old cemetery is not a good sign, it means that ghosts have started killing people! (end of this chapter)

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