Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 370 Performance and Arrangement

Yuzhou City.

On the top floor of Raffles City, a piece of yellow paper fell, and Luo Yi's figure quietly appeared.

"Come see me upstairs!"

Luo Yi spoke softly, and as soon as the words fell, the voice appeared in many places at the same time as if consciously.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, a casual beauty with slightly furrowed brows, leaning on the sofa with documents in her hand, seemed to be worried.

On the corridor, a young woman with shoulder-length short hair, a straight nose, and a somewhat heroic face was looking at the river scene with wandering eyes.

Not only them, but also a tall man in the gym who lifted 800 pounds, and this flat tone, neither sad nor happy, appeared in his ears.

"The captain is back."

After tidying up briefly, the three came out from three places and walked towards the elevator.

As soon as she reached the top floor, the familiar figure in black robe came into view. For some reason, she always had the illusion that this figure had become taller and more stalwart.

"team leader."

Rowling stepped on a pair of white high-heeled shoes, and her beige half-length skirt hung down, revealing her slender and fair calves and delicate ankles underneath.

"Well, sit down first, there are still two people who haven't arrived." Luo Yi waved his hand as a signal.

About half a minute later, Wu Ning knocked on the door and entered. Today, she wears light makeup, slender eyeliner, a tall nose bridge and delicate red lips, her face is heroic yet stylish.

At the door, she stopped and knocked first.

Luo Yi raised his eyelids, "Sit casually and wait for Han Ji."

"Okay, Captain."

Wu Ning has a slender figure and always gives people the feeling of a mixed-race model. Especially today, she is wearing tight jeans, which makes her hip line look more beautiful. Her legs are round and straight. She walked into the meeting room with a few strides. , sat beside Rowling.

"Dong dong dong!" There was a knock on the door.

"I'm not late, Captain Luo," Han Ji, who was big and round, stood at the door and said in a low voice.

That sturdy physique is like a door god, blocking most of the two doors that open and close on the left and right. Coupled with that rough appearance, he is a bit like the unparalleled warrior in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

"I'll just wait for you." Luo Yi glanced at him, "Why are you still sweating profusely?"

"Don't mention it, Team Luo, there are only three elevators coming up, one of which is under maintenance at the moment, and the other two, I don't know which idler pressed it painfully, and kept going up. When I was in a hurry, I ran to the corridor. , a full forty floors, but I am so tired that my calves are still shaking right now!"

"Ha ha."

Luo Yi looked at Han Ji and smiled jokingly, with some gloating in his tone.

After Han Ji finished speaking, he felt something was wrong. Why are Luo Lin and Wu Ning's eyes so cruel, as if they were going to kill someone?

Offending people is miserable, offending women is even worse, and offending a beautiful female boss is even worse.

"Huh?" Han Ji touched his well-developed head, a little confused.

"The brain is underdeveloped, the cerebellum is completely underdeveloped."

"A complete reckless fool."

Luo Lin and Wu Ning said something with cold pretty faces, turned their heads angrily, and ignored him.

Han Ji shrank his neck, feeling a little baffled.

"Okay, everyone is here, there is something I want to discuss with a few of you."

Luo Yi tapped on the table with two fingers, attracting the attention of several people.

"I recently took over a supernatural place called the Endless Graveyard."

Luo Yi's exit is Shi Po Tian Jing. What is a supernatural land? It is a place where a large number of evil spirits gather.

Ordinary S-level incidents have a chance of survival, but once there is a riot in the spiritual land, there are almost no survivors.

It can be said that such a place is far more difficult to deal with than supernatural events.

Especially the name.

Endless cemetery!

It sounds very dangerous.

"This kind of thing is really dangerous for you, but you also know that I have a lot of things to do, and it is impossible to stay there for a long time, so I plan to send a few people to help."

"The captain asked us to come because he wanted me to go with Han Ji?" Wu Ning said.

Luo Yi nodded, "That's right, that's exactly what I want to do. You guys are willing to share my worries."

"Okay, I have no problem." Wu Ning took the lead without thinking.

"I'm fine." Han Ji was preempted, and hurriedly patted his chest to express his opinion.

"However, Team Luo, you know me. You let me charge forward and take the lead. I will do my part, but let me manage the land of spirits. I don't have much confidence."

"It's not for the two of you to manage it. I will let the avatar sit in the cemetery. He will tell you what to do, just follow the instructions."

"Then it's easy," Zhang Han said, "I'm the most steadfast in handling things, so you can rest assured, Team Luo."

"Be careful when you are in the cemetery. You must observe the taboos that should be kept. You must not look at the tomb that you can't see too much. The incense, raw rice and other tributes must be timely..." Luo Yi simply instructed a few more words.

The endless cemetery is too big, and there are countless evil spirits in it. Naturally, their abilities are all kinds of strange. Although he has taken over Luo Qian's burden and learned some of the most powerful information about evil spirits, he hasn't had time to sort them out in detail. There is also some uncertainty in my heart.

Wu Ning silently recited these key points several times in her heart, engraving the memory firmly.

Looking at the serious and serious expression of the two, Luo Yi couldn't help but laugh.

"You don't need to be so serious. This spiritual land has been strengthened by the previous cemetery owner's management. There should be no risk of losing control in a short period of time. What you have to do is to prevent accidents and maintain the balance inside. Wait for me to free up. Slowly deal with some of them, it will be much easier to manage."

Worshiping the gods needs progress, and evil ghosts and believers are the key. There is nothing else in the endless cemetery, only the number of evil ghosts is outrageous.

Luo Yi planned to dig the graves one by one from the outside, and bring all the evil spirits inside into the kingdom of worshiping gods.

This was also the reason why he was willing to take over the Luo Qian Cemetery at the risk of a huge risk.

"In addition, you can also pay attention. If you have a favorite ghost, you can tell me, and I will help you plan to control the third ghost. This is at least three levels higher than your own success rate."

After being completely transformed into a ghost, Luo Yi's suppressing ability has improved again. Although he can't directly help people control the third evil ghost, it can greatly increase the success rate.

Han Ji and Wu Ning had expressions of surprise on their faces. With Luo Yi's help, the success rate would increase by at least [-]%.

Don't underestimate these three levels, you must know that the mortality rate of the first evil spirit controlled by ordinary people exceeds [-]%.

With careful preparation, it is almost a certainty that one of the two will survive.

If we are lucky, we might be able to complete the transition from first-class ghost master to quasi-captain level together.

"Luo Lin, help me prepare a little gold, enough to build a safe house. I plan to build a safe house in the cemetery." Luo Yi said.

Luo Qian's log cabin is too dilapidated, and the facilities inside are also extremely simple. He may not care about this kind of simple and simple life, but Luo Yi was born in a modern society, and he still lives a closer and more convenient life.

In particular, Luo Yi also plans to imprison the evil spirits in the cabin and take back the third coffin nail, so building a safe house is inevitable.

Rowling nodded, "That's simple. Although Yuzhou City started late, but because of your vision and strength, captain, the development of these cities has already surpassed [-]% of the big cities. Our gold reserves are sufficient. Let alone build a new one." Safe house, even if you build three or five new ones, it’s not a problem.”

"That's good." After Luo Yi finished speaking, he remembered another thing.

"By the way, you ask Xiaoyu to send this box to Dadong City and hand it over to Wang Chaling."

Rowling took the gold box on the table, hesitated for a moment and asked, "Will Xiaoyu be in danger by herself?"

"She's fine, don't think she's small, but she's not weaker than the average quasi-captain," Luo Yi thought for a while, "but considering her lack of social experience, let the receptionist named Susie accompany her." Let her go together."

In the previous incident of Sun Ren's kidnapping, Susie was quite calm and courageous, and she had seen supernatural powers before, so she was a seedling that could be cultivated.

Luo Yi has always been willing to give people a chance. As for whether they can seize it and stand up, it can only be up to them. (end of this chapter)

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