Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 371 Ye Zhen Wielding a Hoe

In the dark cemetery, a golden hut stands alone. It is said to be a house, but it is actually more like a container one size larger. It is square and angular. Let alone the artistic sense, even the most basic aesthetic Neither have.

But it stands out especially in this gloomy and ghostly cold place.

"This is the safe house you built?" A figure appeared in the thick fog. It was a delicate woman with slender legs, a graceful figure, and short black shoulder-length hair. Her facial features were three-dimensional, her eyes were big and bright, and she was of mixed race style.

It was Wu Ning.

"It's not bad, right? No matter from which angle you look at it, it's neat and neat, every line is straight, and the most important thing is that there are no dead ends in all directions, and there is no gap at all. It can be called perfect."

A tall man in a camouflage uniform with two thick arms exposed looked at the building in front of him with a very satisfied tone.

"Are you sure this is called perfection?" Wu Ning walked a few steps to the side and turned around.

"Is there something wrong?" A big question mark flashed in Han Ji's head.

"Fangzheng is very square, but do you think it looks like a coffin, especially since you carved a horizontal pattern on it, which looks like the connection between the lid and the body of the coffin."

Hearing this, Han Ji raised his eyes and looked carefully. It doesn't matter if he doesn't look at it, but he was startled when he saw it, "I didn't think it at first, but when you said it, it really looks like a coffin."

"The captain is the new cemetery owner, not a vampire. If you build such a safe house, let's see how you can do it well." Wu Ning crossed her arms, showing a look of optimism.

"Then what to do, the captain is coming, and it's too late to make changes now." Han Ji was a little anxious, "Why don't you block the captain and let him go around to inspect the surroundings, and I'll make some changes right away."

"Stop the captain?" Wu Ning raised her voice and rolled her eyes, "Did you say it wrong, or did I hear it wrong, how many people in the whole supernatural circle dare to stop the captain? If you let me do it, why don't you let me do it?" Bury it directly, maybe the captain will remember my hard work in the past, save me, and let you have a bit of breathing space."

Han Ji's eyes lit up, "This is also a way, Wu Ning, why don't I wrong you."


Wu Ning twitched her eyebrows, her almond eyes widened, and the sharp gaze made Han Ji's spine shudder.

"Hahaha, I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding." Han Ji sneered, he turned his eyes away, and looked at the ghost masters on the other side who were guarding around, his eyes turned, revealing a sinister look.

"Well, brother Ji, I suddenly remembered that my clothes have not been confiscated."

"Brother Ji, my wife is going to have a baby."

"Brother Ji, my waist hurts recently, I have to go to the hospital."

"Brother Ji, I've been scammed by northern Burma, and I'm going to call the police."

With one or two breaths, all the ghost masters dispersed.

Han Ji stood where he was, and looked at the safe house in the shape of a coffin, as if mourning his concubine.

The mist fell, and a young man in a black robe with a long knife on his waist appeared. This man's face was as calm as water. At first glance, he seemed to be an ordinary person, but when he really looked up, he found that the man's eyes were rolling. At the moment, the pupils danced golden, and the eyes were domineering and disdainful, with a kind of deep majesty that cannot be ignored.

"Captain." Han Ji greeted in a low voice, with some guilt in his voice.

"How's it going?" Luo Yi looked around and asked.

Han Ji considered it for a while, "In general, it is almost the same, but there are some small details that need to be adjusted."


Wu Ning laughed out loud, thinking: "You call this a small detail?"

"Wu Ning, take me to the safe house." Luo Yi said.

"Captain, why don't you go see it? It's just been built, and it's still not ventilated, and the air quality is not good." Han Ji procrastinated.

"Are you talking about the air quality in the cemetery?" Luo Yi saw the little Jiujiu in his heart at a glance, "The problem must be in the safe house, hasn't he finished it yet?"

"Uh." Han Ji scratched his head, "It seems that this reason is a bit outrageous."

Luo Yi took the lead and walked towards the center of the cemetery.

Soon, he stopped, his brows were tightly wrinkled, and his face was displeased.

"It's over, now Wu Ning is really sure about it." Seeing Luo Yi's expression, Han Ji jumped in his heart, "It seems that the captain is really dissatisfied with the shape of this safe house."

"Hmph!" Luo Yi snorted coldly, "How dare you mess around in this place!"

"I'm sorry Captain, I'll rebuild it right away. This time I will definitely invite a top designer to come, and it must be magnificent and high-end." Han Ji lowered his head and said hurriedly.

"I'm going to take care of it a little bit in advance. Hurry up and tell you about your work." After Luo Yi finished speaking, his figure turned into a golden light and dissipated on the spot.

"Okay, okay, I promise to deal with it." Han Ji wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "No, the captain doesn't seem to be talking about me, but me, why does it feel like I'm not asking myself. "

Wu Ning shook her head, "God is really fair. When you give a strong body, you take back your extraordinary wisdom."

On the outskirts of Dahai City, Fushou Garden.

The original solemn archway suddenly became obsolete, as if it had experienced decades of wind and rain, and the clean and tidy roads inside disappeared, replaced by a cemetery with no end in sight. Those mounds are superfluous existences out of thin air, not originally in the cemetery.

And in this terrifying place full of tombs, a man wearing a long cloak walked around swaggeringly.

This is Ye Zhen. He found a shovel from nowhere, and then trotted all the way back to Fushou Garden with the shovel on his shoulder.

In Ye Zhen's eyes, the scary place that others avoid is like a back garden where he explores and digs treasures. He can enter whenever he wants, and he can just walk around casually, without worrying about dying in it or not being able to get out.

However, if he dug randomly with a shovel, it is estimated that the probability of digging the coffin nails is not high, but the probability of digging out the ghost is higher.

Luo Yi walked all the way, and found a lot of burial soil above the ground. The cemetery soil was slightly damp, and it looked like it was recently renovated from the ground. Next to the piled up cemetery soil , several potholes appeared, these pits were large and small, some were long and deep, inside were a series of tattered coffin boards, and a few white bones, some were only one foot square, and inside was an open On the urn, some yellow ashes were scattered, as if it had been lifted.

"Hang Chi, Hang Chi."

Luo Yi, who was walking, suddenly heard the sound of panting and iron and stone clashing, and from a distance, he saw a pile of brown graveyard soil flying, under the blowing sand, several broken tombstones were randomly thrown on the ground.

A human head appeared in the tomb, fluctuating up and down, as if he was busy digging something.

"Garbage, it's all rubbish. A low-end evil spirit like you deserves to pounce on me, Mr. Ye. You'd better lie down for me honestly."

As they got closer, Luo Yi realized that it was Ye Zhen who dug the grave. He raised the shovel in his hand, and slapped the shovel fiercely at the evil ghost in the coffin.

Strange to say, after the evil ghost ate this, it fell straight down, a hole the size of a fist appeared on its body, and the sharp mouth of the shovel was pulled back, bringing out a piece of black and foul-smelling flesh.

"Bold, how dare you disgust me, I insist on teaching you a long lesson, to let you know that I, Ye, are not easy to mess with." Ye Zhen rolled up his sleeves, picked up the shovel, and swung it fiercely, putting the evil spirit in the coffin. Smashed it.

"Now that you know how powerful you are, the only way to atone for offending me, Mr. Ye, is to die."

Leaning on a shovel in one hand, Ye Zhen pointed at the immobilized ghost with the other, and said loudly, "You must know that the times have changed now, the king will stand on the top of the sky, and the loser will wither like fallen leaves."

"Oh? Then tell me who is the king?" Luo Yi asked.

"Obviously, I'm the king!" Ye Zhen answered subconsciously. After he finished speaking, he remembered that he was in the cemetery, how could anyone talk to him.

"Who, it is He Fang Xiaoxiao, who dares to spy on me, Ye, is it true that my long sword is not good?"

Ye Zhen held the shovel, straightened up all of a sudden, and kept scanning back and forth with a pair of eyes.

A few seconds passed.

"Sure enough, you can hide so deeply that even I didn't find any trace of you." Ye Zhen exclaimed, as if to praise, but soon he changed his style, and said: "But this doesn't affect My invincibility, I am still fearless."

"Go ahead, let me see your true skills!" Ye Zhen put down the shovel and touched the long sword with his right hand, "I, don't look directly, anyone who violates it will die!"

"I said Ye Zhen, are you stupid?"

"Huh?" Ye Zhen stopped drawing his sword, "Luo Wudi?"

"it's me."

"Where are you, why didn't I see you, has your ghost domain become more powerful?"

Luo Yi's face darkened, "Do you want to look up?"

When Ye Zhen heard the words, he realized that the sound didn't seem to come from the surroundings, but from above the tomb.

"Hahaha, you are really good. You actually know how to stand there and avoid my blind spot. You really deserve to be a master who can defeat me." He didn't feel embarrassed at all, and his speech was as usual.

"Luo Wudi, tonight the bright moon is in the sky, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, why don't you and I fight again to see if it is your sword speed or my sword's absoluteness?"

Ye Zhen's eyes were bright, and he was holding a long sword, eager to try.

"Are you sure I found another coffin nail recently?"

"Found another one?" Ye Zhen stared blankly, the horrible scene of being crucified on the top of the Pearl Building, unable to move his whole body appeared in his mind, trembling all over, he hung the long sword around his waist again, picked up the shovel, He said solemnly: "I think tonight's night is dark and windy, and the dew is deeper, which is more suitable for tomb robbery."

"Luo Wudi, are you interested in digging a grave together?" (End of this chapter)

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