Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 372 Unanimous ambition

"If it was normal, maybe I would be happy to dig graves with you, but not now." Luo Yi said with a serious face, "Because these graves are mine now."

"What nonsense are you talking about? This is Dahai City." Ye Zhen asked suspiciously. He raised his fist and took a closer look. "Could it be that I hit his head too hard last time?"

"But it's normal to think about it. After all, my fist is so powerful that I would be afraid if it gets tough." Ye Zhen said to himself.

Luo Yi ignored his mutterings, and said bluntly, "Dahai City is your place, but this supernatural cemetery is mine."

"To put it simply, the Fushou Garden that belongs to reality is yours, and the cemetery that belongs to ghosts is mine."

"Hey, Luo Wudi, don't bully me. Why is this yours? There is no owner of the spiritual land. Even if there is an owner, it should belong to the evil spirit."

"It's hard to explain the reason to you. You just need to know that you can't take away the evil spirit today, unless you can beat me here."

"You're being unreasonable." Ye Zhen raised the shovel, pointed at a broken grave, and said, "You said it was yours, so can you tell it to respond?"

Luo Yi glanced at him, his body was implicated by the ghost, the ghost of the endless cemetery simply expanded and contracted, the black mist slowly receded, and the ghost domain covering the Fushou Garden slowly dissipated.

Ye Zhen exclaimed, the ghost land was criss-crossing under his feet, and his figure flashed several times, appearing in various places where the grave was dug before.

"I'm really leaving, have you sent this ghost domain away?"

Judging from the ghosts that descended on the cemetery, the threat and horror are far higher than ordinary S-level incidents, so Ye Zhen will deal with each grave one grave here. He does not want anyone to affect Dahai City.

Neither can evil spirits.

But now Luo Yi quietly took away this cemetery that even he couldn't get rid of at once, and it looked quite relaxed and freehand, how could this not surprise him.

"Could it be that the gap between us is so big?" Ye Zhen had many thoughts in his head, "No, I, Ye Zhen, have never been weaker than others in my life. It is understandable that some people surpass me temporarily, but it is impossible for someone to surpass me." can lead by a large margin.”

Over the years in charge of the supernatural forum, he has met countless ghost masters, domestic and foreign, official and folk, and among them, he has seen all kinds of people who are lucky, good-natured, and strong-armed. But he dared to call himself invincible, not because he had a second-school illness, but because he really had confidence and strength.

"Since it really responded to you, I won't obstruct you too much, but these people are from my supernatural forum, and they are my younger brothers. If something goes wrong, I, the boss, should charge them Corpse." Ye Zhen pointed to several graves that had been dug aside, his face became serious.

Luo Yi looked along, and the first thing that came into view was a female corpse. The exposed skin of this corpse was pale, her eyes were closed tightly, her long hair spread out to cover half of her face, and there was a lot of grave soil on it.

"Have you thought about saving her?" Luo Yi asked, he could see that the eyelids of the female corpse had been rolled.

"That's right," Ye Zhen nodded, "Don't look at her as if she has no abnormalities on the outside, but in fact her body is already full of grave soil. These grave soil replaced the original internal organs, flesh and fascia, and filled her like a scarecrow. specimen."

"This place was originally a part of the cemetery. The cemetery is the biggest ghost. It can hold evil spirits and bury them. Now, ordinary ghost masters are trapped in the tomb, and it is difficult to escape. Suffering from various unknown attacks."

Ye Zhen stepped forward and swung the shovel in the air.

Suddenly a distorted figure appeared, it was as thin as yellow paper, struggling like a human being after being hit, trying to get rid of some invisible bondage.

Also, there was an old, rotten thick quilt, and there was a movement of creeping inside. Suddenly, a palm protruded from it. The palm was black and blue, and it was wearing a luxury watch.

This is also a ghost master from the supernatural forum.

The three ghosts were all weird, but under the threat of Ye Zhen's shovel, they were knocked unconscious one by one without any resistance.

Luo Yiduo took a look at the shovel, the cracked handle, and the rusty tip, as if it would fall apart if you use more force, but such a thing can easily take down a few evil spirits.

And it seems that there is not much backlash.

Luo Yi nodded, "These are your people, you should take them away, but those few ordinary people may not be able to do it, there are no evil spirits in their bodies, and they have become ugly under the erosion of the graves. .”

"That can't be helped. I have done everything I can. Since the supernatural recovery, this era has changed."

Ye Zhen seemed to be seriously serious.

"Unexpectedly, you still have this awareness, so tell me how this era has changed."

Ye Zhen laughed loudly and said: "In layman's terms, who will dominate the world in the future? Is it the resurgent ghosts? Or the dignitaries of the old world? Or the newly rising ghost masters? Hope, survival, continuation, When everything is concentrated at a certain point under great pressure, something will be conceived by this era."

"He can bring hope, keep alive, save lives."

"What's that?" Luo Yi asked.

"is God."

Ye Zhen pointed to the sky, and said in a passionate tone: "And I, Ye Zhen, will ascend to the sky and become a god, in the name of being the strongest."


Luo Yi cursed softly, turned around and walked towards the distant darkness. His pace was not fast, with a few ups and downs, the distance that seemed to be dozens of kilometers was shortened rapidly under his feet, and it felt like the world was so close. .

When Luo Yi approached the black mist, the air in that distant and mysterious land surged, and the spirit boiled up, as if this cemetery was welcoming their king in the dark.

Luo Yi walked in the darkness, golden light emerged from his feet. Although his body was not tall, his aura was a bit grand and domineering.

With a thought in his mind, the darkness around him dissipated like smoke, but Ye Zhen's words, "bring hope, maintain survival, and save lives" appeared in his mind.

It seems to be a very secondary statement, but it coincides with Luo Yi's thoughts. The first of the three laws of this world is that evil spirits are immortal. If you want to imprison evil spirits, you must rely on evil spirits. It is a typical example of using barbarians to control barbarians.

Although it seems clever and reasonable, the probability of success is actually very low, and you can't expect the evil spirits to destroy themselves.

Only by jumping out of the barriers, from ghosts and gods, can we see the whole world and find the root of the problem. Only with a strategic plan can it be possible to solve the supernatural.

This is what Luo Yi has been pursuing.

Become the only true god in the mysterious recovery world.

That's why he both agrees and denies Ye Zhen's words.

"Ye Zhen, you have become a god, what have I become?" (End of this chapter)

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