In the evening, Chen Shumei climbed to the top floor again. This time she was holding an exquisite gift box, which was worth a lot just by looking at the packaging.

"Captain Luo, Wenwen's matter is really troublesome to you. If you hadn't taken the initiative, Wenwen might never be able to return to my side."

Chen Shumei put the tea on Luo Yi's table, wanting to express her inner gratitude.

Luo Yi was very calm, "You don't need to be so polite, I just shot for my team members, just don't blame me for changing him into an inhuman body."

"Although Wenwen has become like this now, at least he is still alive, and he is still as lively as before. I am very satisfied." Chen Shumei said in a relieved tone.

"As for the future, Wenwen will ask Team Luo to take care of him. He is still a child and not sensible. If he says something wrong or offends him, I hope Team Luo will not take it to heart."

"How can I have the same knowledge as a child, I'll just beat him up." Luo Yi didn't hide it at all.

"Uh", Chen Shumei choked a little, she didn't expect Luo Yi to speak so bluntly without even being superficially polite.

"If he makes a mistake, you don't mind if I beat him up a few times?" Luo Yi saw that she was silent, turned around and reconfirmed.

"No, no," Chen Shumei also reacted, and she whispered: "Wenwen is a little disobedient, it is still necessary to train him, but I have been soft-hearted and refused to let him go, which made him more surly .”

"Don't worry, I can do it." Luo Yi affirmed.

"I..." Chen Shumei suddenly felt a little flustered, and seemed to hear Xiong Wenwen's screams in her ears.

"Well, please Captain Luo hold back a little bit when beating him, I'm afraid he will break it." Chen Shumei begged.

"Don't worry about that. The body I changed for him is between a ghost and a human. Even if he is shot, there will be no major problems."

"Well, I suddenly remembered that there is something else to do, so I'm leaving first." Chen Shumei hurriedly found an excuse to leave, she was afraid that she would not be able to resist taking Xiong Wenwen back to Dajing after hearing about it.

Just as Chen Shumei left, the white and bright lights in the room suddenly dimmed, the electric current buzzed, and the indicator light for the safe passage flickered on and off, and then went out suddenly.

Luo Yi slowly turned around and looked at a corner of the corridor.

There, I don't know when there was an extra bluestone road.

As Luo Yi's gaze went, the path enlarged little by little. It felt as if there was an origin, stretched infinitely, and a gust of cold wind blew up Luo Yi's black robe.

Moments later, the road is fully revealed.

This is a meandering path that gets darker the further you go in, and at the end of the dark path, a five-storey building in the style of the Republic of China is looming in the mist, like a mirage, and like a blur in the distance. Projection, I can't see clearly, but I can still see the flashing neon signboard on the gate of the building.

The colorful lights give people a weird and mysterious feeling.

Looking closely, three white characters on a black background came into view.

Ghost post office!

This road is the road leading to the ghost post office.

"Has the new mission started?" Luo Yi looked at this passage, and didn't step on it immediately, but stood there as if thinking about something.

I am in Yuzhou City, and the ghost post office is in Dahan City, so far apart, the influence of this ghost post office can come here.


Just then, the satellite phone in his hand rang.

"Captain, have you seen that path?" It was Zhang Han who spoke. He was eating outside at the moment, but the path seemed to be able to locate people. From the beginning, you can see the building from the period of the Republic of China.

Boom boom boom!
Sun Rui also ran upstairs, "Captain, ghost post office"

"I saw it." Luo Yi waved his hand, "The three of us saw the path leading to the ghost post office at the same time. It seems that a new round of messenger missions is about to start. Prepare yourself, and then go to the top floor to find me."

"However, it's best to move quickly. I suspect that if we don't follow the road back to the post office, there should be some kind of danger. The post office will not let the messenger go so easily."

Luo Yi hung up the phone, just sat at the desk, tapped the table with his fingers, and waited for the other two to finish their preparations.

After 3 minutes, Sun Rui arrived.

"Captain, is there something wrong with this road?" Sun Rui said.

Luo Yi didn't even raise his head, "It's not that there is a problem with the road, but that the building from the Republic of China period, the ghost post office is approaching us, if we stay here forever, the post office will come to reality, and people will be forcibly taken away." Pull it in."

There is no choice and no escape.

Unless you are the top ghost master, use the ghost domain to isolate yourself to avoid being found by the ghost post office, but this approach is obviously unrealistic, no one can maintain the use of the deep ghost domain for a long time, as long as you stop the ghost domain When people are exposed to the reality, the ghost post office will still come after them, just like tarsal maggots, never ending.

Of course, there is another more thorough solution, which is to use the other edge of the Ghost Slaying Knife, and use the ghost scissors to cut off the connection between yourself and the ghost post office, but the backlash of this method is also great. Proportional, the thicker the curse connection, the greater the price to pay.

A few minutes later, the figure of Zhang Han arrived. He was carrying a black box, which contained the supernatural props to be used for this mission.

"Let's go." Luo Yi took a look, and stepped on this weird path first, followed by Zhang Han and Sun Rui.

Following the actions of the three of them, the winding and deep path disappeared into reality like a mirage. The lights on the top floor were lit up, illuminating the corridors, meeting rooms, and study rooms, and there was no trace of eerieness. .

Several people walked along the path. They were not in a hurry, but the post office was pulling them in at a speed visible to the naked eye. Luo Yi even suspected that the post office would automatically take them in without any action at all.

This is not a good phenomenon.

Because this shows that there is a very powerful evil ghost in the post office. It can open the passages to various cities at will, modify the distance of the road, and locate all the messengers.

Once you step into its ghost domain, unless you can break through this restriction, you can only be honestly thrown into the ghost post office, and follow the instructions of the post office to complete the task of delivering letters step by step.


The three stood at the gate of the ghost post office again.

The neon lights are flickering, and the light and shadow are gorgeous, just like the ten-mile foreign market in the Republic of China, with bright lights.

But outside the post office, the surroundings were in darkness, shrouded in mist, nothing could be seen, and there was no living person to be seen. Even the road behind had disappeared, up, down, left, right, in all directions, only the building in front of him, It seems that this post office is all here.

There are no other options, and no need to hesitate.

Luo Yi took a step forward, opened the door and entered. (end of this chapter)

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