Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 381 A Woman's Foot

Ghost post office, inside the lobby.

A few chandeliers dangled, and the scattered light was dim, barely illuminating the surrounding scene.

The floor traces are mottled, some places have been rotten and blackened, and there is a creaking sound when you step on it. There is a cold and damp atmosphere in the air, which is indescribably gloomy.

There are old portraits hanging on the walls on both sides. There are men and women, old people and young people in those portraits. They are different, but from the face, everyone's appearance is lifelike, but for some reason, it is inexplicable. There was the same numbness, as if they were being controlled by something, becoming mechanical and lifeless.

"This is the hall." Sun Rui said.

"The back corridor has disappeared, and the seven rooms on the first floor are gone, only the weird patio still runs through the building." Zhang Han observed it.

"According to the previous logic, we have already completed the mission of delivering the letter, and now it should be the messenger on the second floor, so the scene on the first floor is pulled away, and what we are shown is the passage upstairs."

Luo Yi pointed to a flight of stairs that appeared inexplicably ahead.

This is the same as in the world of ghost paintings. The spirits of evil ghosts affect different floors, and it is elusive to extract, separate, and arrange them in different spaces.

However, this also prevents couriers from going back and forth on different floors, and prevents someone from sneaking upstairs.

The stairs are also made of wood, and the material is the same as the floor we walked on before, but the upper part is shrouded in a layer of darkness.

"This scene seems familiar." Luo Yi walked on the stairs, but the staircase ghost in the ghost painting appeared in his mind.

Stepping out step by step, Luo Yi secretly estimated the number of steps and the distance in his heart. With the ability of the ghost body, it is enough to accurately control the size and range of each movement, so it is the best measuring tool.

After a dozen or so steps, Luo Yi felt his mind suddenly go blank, followed by a feeling of dizziness, just like the anemia that occurs when people stand up suddenly after sitting for a long time, but this feeling comes and goes quickly. Also fast.

"I was influenced by the evil spirit." Zhang Han reacted quickly, "Captain?"

"Don't be so nervous, it's just that the distance has been changed." Luo Yi's face remained unchanged, "The power of the ghost domain has deepened in the place just now, it has changed the distance and space, this kind of instantaneous migration of characters, under the effect of modifying reality, controls The ghost's body will react more or less, it's not a big deal."

"But this also shows from the side that the ghost domain here is very powerful. It cuts the ghost post office into multiple chaotic spaces, folds and flips them, and even nests them layer by layer."

"Can the captain find the real second floor through this induction?" Sun Rui asked.

"Except for the architect himself, it is somewhat unrealistic for outsiders to rely on this sense to deduce the correct route." Luo Yi said, this is not because he is not smart enough or sensitive enough, but that supernatural power itself is the biggest variable and unscientific. The logic and conclusions of the material world are no longer axioms here.

Several people continued to go up, and the sense of distance and space disorder came several times in a row, making it difficult to know where the real second floor is.

The noise made by several people stepping on the stairs seemed to be louder. They could even feel the stairs shaking, feeling like they were about to fall apart and collapse, which was very unsafe.

But none of them showed any fear, because they all knew that this corridor was not a wooden staircase in the true sense, but a manifestation of some kind of ghost in the ghost post office. As long as the ghost was not disturbed and blocked, even if the stairs shook like Earthquakes are common, and such things that are about to collapse will not happen.

Of course, if walking on it triggers the law of evil spirits, that's another matter.

Zhang Han and Sun Rui walked on the corridor from left to right. Their backs were slightly arched, their breathing was soft and long, their ears were alert, their eyes were looking around, and they were ready to deal with danger from the darkness at any time.

Compared with them, Luo Yi was much more casual. He stood with his hands behind his back, not caring about all the weird changes around him, and he moved step by step with chic and casual movements, just like going upstairs and door normally.

This was not because of his carelessness, but because he knew that they were messengers on the second floor, and the ghost post office would not do anything to self-destruct the Great Wall unless it violated the rules of the post office.

"Wait." Luo Yi suddenly called out.

Just a few steps away, a translucent bottle appeared. This bottle was sealed with a piece of yellow paper, and then embedded in the corridor, only showing less than half a knuckle.

If you don't observe carefully, it is very likely that you will ignore the past.

"This is not normal. There is indeed a habit of putting things in the corridor, but there is no habit of embedding bottles in the corridor." Sun Rui said.

"How could there be such a thing in the corridor? Could it be that the evil spirits were imprisoned?" Zhang Han asked cautiously with his voice suppressed.

"It's possible," Luo Yi nodded, "Go and have a look first."

Luo Yi's eyes moved slightly, he didn't turn around and run away just because he saw something strange, but approached boldly.

Because even if it is a ghost, the probability of being targeted is not high if the ghost's killing pattern is not triggered.

When he got closer, he realized what was inside the translucent bottle. It was a pale sole with slender soles, delicate knuckles, fair and delicate skin, no calluses or scars on it, even the The cyan veins are faintly visible.

"A woman's foot?" Sun Rui squatted down with a cane. "It was put into a bottle, and there seemed to be some kind of liquid in it. It looked a bit like corpse water."

"Captain, why do I feel like I entered a certain murder scene. A beautiful woman was dismembered after being abused by a perverted murderer. In order to escape legal sanctions and conceal the public, he divided the body and buried it in every corner, hoping to avoid being traced." Zhang Han immediately thought of it.

I have to say that the thinking of modern people is really active, especially after experiencing the bombardment of Internet information, they have all the insights that should be and should not be.

"This is a ghost post office, not a detective." Sun Rui said speechlessly, "From my point of view, the person inside must be an evil ghost. Look at the sole of this foot, although it is pale, but there is no bruise or blood stain at all, and This fracture is smooth and smooth, it doesn't look like it was caused by an ordinary sharp weapon, and more importantly, in this supernatural place, it doesn't show any signs of corruption or erosion, which is almost impossible for ordinary flesh matter."

Luo Yi stretched out his hand and grabbed the side of the bottle. His hand was cold, as if a piece of ice was pinched by the midsummer weather. The coolness poured in from the palm of his hand and soaked the bone marrow. The devil is full of malice.

"Perhaps both of you are right." Luo Yi pressed his palm hard, and golden threads emerged on the back of his hand. The golden threads twisted and surged, as if outlining a magical pattern.

Five fingers probed down, deep into the wooden corridor.

The feedback of this movement is very strange, as if it is not poking into some tight, clear-grained wood, but as if the coroner put his hand into the chest cavity of the corpse during operation.

Creamy, disgusting, and a little sticky, it makes people get goosebumps, and it's disgusting.

After reaching the bottom, Luo Yi bent his fingertips, hooked up to the bottom of the bottle, and forcibly dug the bottle out of the wooden stairs.

And when the bottle was completely released, the big hole on the stairs began to heal slowly, and within ten seconds, it completely disappeared.

At the same time, the creaking and sour teeth on the corridor also disappeared, as if Luo Yi had taken out the cancerous tumor and restored the stair to its health, which was strange and unpredictable.

Luo Yi lifted up the bottle and looked, there was liquid shaking inside, but the strange thing was that no matter how much he shook the bottle, the broken foot inside did not move at all, as if the two were not in the same space at all.

"Tian Xiaoyue, is that you?" Luo Yi looked at it for a moment, and then was put down by the bottle, "A woman's feet, familiar wounds, and bottles that don't belong to the stairs at all, all these kinds of things mean something."

"It seems that Zhang Xianguang, the administrator, doesn't control the post office well. Otherwise, this foot must be buried deep in the corridor and will never be pushed out."

"But thinking about it, he is just one of the administrators. If everything can be controlled in a subtle way, then there is a real problem."

Luo Yi flicked his robe and stood up, "Both of you, take the bottle and follow me upstairs."

Zhang Han frowned and glanced at the bottle on the ground, with some disgust in his eyes, "Sun Rui, take this bottle with you."

Pointing to his nose, Sun Rui asked in surprise, "Why me?"

"Of course it's you. I'm Zhang Han, a man of seven feet. What does it look like to hug a woman's feet? Those who don't know think I'm a pervert!"

"What about me, am I not also a man?" Sun Rui exclaimed.

Zhang Han's face was serious, and he said solemnly: "You are different. Although you are also a man, your pale and yellow face looks like a pervert. It is perfect for you to hold it."

Looking at Zhang Han who left with his hands away, Sun Rui coughed several times in a row. The hollow reverberation in his chest and the strange blood on his face made him look like a dying person.

"Unlucky me!" He wrinkled his nose and reluctantly picked up the bottle. (end of this chapter)

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