Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 382 A Large Number of Messenger

The structure of the second floor is not much different from that of the first floor. It is surrounded by long corridors and a courtyard in the middle. There are a few dim old lamps hanging from the surrounding eaves, and beams of yellow light are scattered, dispelling some of the cold and damp. , to illuminate the surroundings.

The wall next to it is mottled and dark, with many stains left on it, like blood spattered on it and dried after air drying, there are also some weird scratches, and even some weird black pictures, I don’t know who used it Ink formed after writing on it.

Luo Yi looked carefully, and there was no special information left.

In other words, some kind of force is affecting this place all the time, erasing some key confidential information, and what can be left are some messy and useless graffiti that people can't figure out.

"It seems that this is the second floor of the ghost post office." Zhang Han glanced over, the door numbers ranged from 21 to 27, the one in front was the floor, and the one in the back was the real room number, and the number of rooms was the same as that on the first floor. They are exactly the same, seven rooms correspond to seven messengers.

But this is only an ideal situation. For example, now, because of the relationship between Luo Yi and Yang Jian, all 6 couriers on the first floor have gone upstairs. In addition to the original couriers on the second floor, the number obviously exceeds the standard. .

"Captain, there are voices of dispute." Zhang Han raised his hand and gestured.

Luo Yi listened for a while, and the voice was very familiar, "It should be Yang Jian, it seems that he got into trouble, go over and watch the excitement."

When he got closer, Luo Yi heard a few quarrels coming from the room. The voice was loud and the tone was very unfriendly, and there seemed to be the sound of guns being loaded and fingers resting on the trigger.

According to the development of this trend, if there is no accident, there will be an accident soon.

As soon as he entered the door, five or six pairs of eyes shot at Luo Yi. Among them, a man with a gun in his hand was pointing a gun at a young man with a sullen face. When he saw Luo Yi and others coming in, his eyes widened As soon as it changed, the hand holding the gun was tightened all of a sudden.

"Luo Yi, you're here." Yang Jian greeted without turning his head, his relaxed appearance didn't pay attention to the man with the gun at all.

"It seems that I came here by accident, your friend?" Luo Yi found a seat, and sat down firmly.

"Friend?" Yang Jian sneered, "Well, it's just not very friendly."

"Captain Luo!" A little fat man ran two quick steps, the flesh on his cheeks trembling, he was smiling, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, and walked up behind Luo Yi.

"It's you, Zhao Liang."

"Hey, it's me," Zhao Liang greeted with a smile, then cupped his hands to the other two and said, "Brother Han! Rui. Huh~~Brother Rui, what are you doing holding a woman's foot?"

Zhao Liang is an embalmer. Sometimes he saw more corpses than living people in one day. He leaned forward, carefully looked at the bottle containing the corpses, and looked at Sun Rui curiously.

Zhang Han patted him on the shoulder with a smile, Sun Rui said with a dark face, "None of your business!"

Zhao Liang didn't get angry when he was bullied, he touched his nose, let out a haha, retreated behind Zhang Han consciously, and introduced the things here to several people in a low voice.

"Captain Luo, remember this woman?" Zhao Liang pointed to a woman with disheveled hair, disheveled clothes, and an obvious handprint on her face, and said, "Her name is Qian Rong. She was with me, Chen Shihao, and Brother Han before. Upstairs, she wanted to cling to Brother Han, but Brother Han didn't like her as a prostitute, so she went to cling to the three men in this room."

"Unfortunately, these three people are not good birds. After getting tired of playing with her, they wanted to kick her away, but there are too many messengers going upstairs in the past two days, and seven rooms are not enough. She After leaving, she couldn't get a room at all, and she had no choice but to come back and beg for three people, and then the situation became obvious, she was beaten up, and Yang Jian happened to see this incident, so the current scene happened."

"How many messengers are there on the second floor now?" Luo Yi asked.

"Twelve", the little fat man blurted out.

As expected of a person with full communication skills, it didn't take long for him to chat with everyone on the second floor and get a clear overview of the general information on the second floor.

"There are you, Brother Han, Brother Rui, Captain Yang, me, Wang Shan, Yang Xiaohua, Chen Shihao, Qian Rong, Chen Xing, Cai Yu, Liu Mingxin." Zhao Liang reported his names one by one, like a few treasures.

"Twelve people, seven rooms, no wonder they fight." Luo Yi understood.

This group of messengers has initially come into contact with the supernatural world, has a sense of awe, and understands that their lives may be lost at any time, so unless there are special circumstances, they generally do not choose to fight.

Just like now, even if there was a conflict and he drew his gun, he didn't kill people immediately. This is different from the stunned young Wanxing on the first floor. will be more cautious.

"Yang Jian, do you need help?"

"No, it's just a few ordinary people." Yang Jian refused without a doubt.

Luo Yi stood up, took a step outside, approaching the threshold, he said, "Zhang Han, Zhao Liang, you two find all the messengers on the second floor for me."

Zhang Han nodded after hearing this, turned around and went to work, while Zhao Liang was a little hesitant, he scratched his head, "Captain Luo, the messengers on the second floor are somewhat different from the rookies on the first floor, these people are more vicious and vicious. "

"Why, are you scared?" Sun Rui held the dead bottle with a playful look.

"It's not that I'm afraid, the worst thing is that I will be beaten up. I have rough skin and thick flesh, and I will die if I get beaten up. It's just that I'm a newcomer after all. I'm not as capable as you, Brother Rui. I'm afraid of messing things up. If you smash it and delay Team Luo's plan, then I am the real sinner."

Zhao Liang kept his posture very low, and spoke politely and respectfully. With this attitude, the dissatisfaction in Sun Rui's heart was quickly eliminated. Throwing the golden local tyrant's pistol to Zhao Liang, he said in an arrogant tone, "No matter how evil the messenger on the second floor is, can it be worse than him?"

Zhao Liang grabbed the pistol in a hurry, fumbled for the safety and magazines on it, the unique coldness of metal made him feel relieved, he patted his chest, and assured Sun Rui: "Brother Rui, just watch it, I will Make sure you won't embarrass us."

Turn around and leave.

Sun Rui curled his lips, "This fat man can beat a snake with a stick, and it's just us, ours."

Luo Yi chuckled, "Zhang Han sees that he is a seedling, and I have allowed him a chance. Strictly speaking, he is also qualified to talk about us."

"Then why don't I keep an eye on them? These guys on the second floor all have vicious faces and are full of hostility. I'm afraid there is really a murder case in their hands." Sun Rui stared at the few people in Yang Jian's room, his eyes A little cold.

Luo Yi turned around, "No need, an embalmer who deals with the dead every day is not a guinea pig in school, ordinary people can't scare him."

"Then what if the bullet doesn't open the eye, or the fat man was careless and was taken down."

Luo Yi said indifferently: "Holding a gun against ordinary people will cause accidents, and that is his own problem. This kind of person deserves to die."

After hearing this, Sun Rui shrugged and said in a low voice: "Little fat man, please be blessed." (End of this chapter)

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