Not long after, after a few gunshots, Yang Jian and Zhang Han came back, and there were several men and women with unkind faces who came back with them.

"Captain Yang, how many people are there?" Sun Rui glanced at the room with the open door and asked.

"Dead." Yang Jian's tone was indifferent, as if he had crushed a few small ants to death.

Hearing his words, the faces of the remaining few people were a little ugly, and their eyes were full of fear and resentment.

Even though they had expected it in their hearts, when the thing really happened, they didn't feel happy and happy, but felt a little palpitation and fear.

This is an instinctive reaction to hurting its own kind. To put it bluntly, it is the fear that it will be your turn next.

Among the remaining people, an unusually young man shook his head, "This is the ghost master. Offending them is faster than dying through supernatural events. I have to make plans early."

Luo Yi glanced coldly, "Thirteen people, three died, but there are only seven rooms, and there are still two more people, everyone, what do you think should be done?"

Generally speaking, messengers cannot stay in the same room, otherwise they will be attacked by evil spirits just like Luo Yi before. Rong kicked away.

"In fact, it is not certain that something will happen. There was an example before. Two people stayed in the same room, but they both lived until the next day. This is not my fiction. This incident happened just a week ago today." A A woman wearing black-rimmed glasses and business attire made her voice.

"Today a week ago?" Luo Yi turned his gaze to look at her.

"Yes, I can swear it's true, because I was one of the two at that time." The woman swore that she was the person involved.

"What's your name?" Luo Yi asked. Under such circumstances, this woman would take the initiative to speak out, wanting to protect others, and although she looked a little scared, she spoke and acted in a dignified manner and clearly organized, which is obviously not the case. A man who has never seen the world.

"My name is Yang Xiaohua, and I'm a lawyer." After the woman finished speaking, she quickly took out a business card from her bag, and handed it over respectfully.

Luo Yi didn't reach out to pick it up, but looked at another student, a gentle and polite young man, "And you, what's your name?"

The young man obviously didn't expect Luo Yi to ask him suddenly, but he still bowed slightly and said: "My name is Wang Shan, I was a high school student before I came here, but I have dropped out of school now, because of some people I have entered the spiritual world and learned about some things, but not much, and then I was brought into this ghost place by a letter and became a messenger."

"Although I don't know a few of them, I also know the identity and status of the person in charge, which is beyond the reach and luxury of us ordinary people, so I will try my best to follow your orders."

Wang Shan is very knowledgeable, and his knowledge is somewhat different from his age and experience.

"A high school student, you are so calm when you come to this ghost place, and you managed to get up to the second floor. You are much better than many people." Yang Jian stared at him, maybe because he is also a high school dropout, His tone towards Wang Shan was much softer.

And unlike Qian Rong, who looked haggard and exhausted, this person was in a good state of mind.

"Team Yang has won the award." Wang Shan said modestly.

"I'm just telling the facts," Yang Jian said flatly, "But what do you think should be done now?" Wang Shan's strength is definitely not as good as him, but he became the messenger on the second floor earlier than himself, so he must know a lot that he doesn't know intelligence.

Wang Shan was a little surprised. He probably never thought that such a cruel and merciless person like Yang Jian would ask him for advice from an ordinary person. His mind turned, and he glanced at Luo Yi, who was sitting beside him with an old god, and felt something in his heart. idea.

"I think it's best to match the number of messengers with the number of rooms." After Wang Shan finished speaking, he turned his gaze to Yang Jian. Seeing that the other party did not refute, he let go of his suspended heart.

But he was relieved, but it didn't mean that the others were also relieved.

The faces of Qian Rong, Chen Shihao, Yang Xiaohua and others changed wildly, as if they were shocked by what he said. You must know that the only ordinary people who survived were the four of them and Zhao Liang, and Zhao Liang obviously followed Luo Yi, and this Wang Shan was also there. Intentionally or unintentionally approaching Yang Jian, if someone really wants to die, there is a high chance that the three of them will have an accident.

"This Wang Shan's typical way of killing a fellow Taoist is not a poverty-stricken one. No, we can't let him continue to bewitch these people, or he will be in danger." Yang Xiaohua and Chen Shihao looked at each other, obviously thinking about it.

Yang Xiaohua leaned forward slightly, ready to speak, while Chen Shihao approached Qian Rong indistinctly, with his palms on his waist.

One is reasoning, and the other is murderous. If you use both methods, you don't have to worry about losing your own life.

Wang Shan also noticed the change in the atmosphere of the scene. This frozen atmosphere made him feel a lot of pressure. He knew that he had offended several of his kind to death by saying this. If he could not get close to one of the ghost masters, he would never have walked out This second floor opportunity.

And Yang Jian was his chosen target of attachment.

From the previous words and the timing of the two parties' entry, he found that the several ghost masters present were obviously divided into two faction groups, one of which was headed by Luo Yi, assisted by Zhang Han and Sun Rui, and the other was Shi Shi. Yang Jian, who is single and weak, according to the usual principles, the more powerful he is, the safer he is. He should follow Zhao Liang and join Luo Yi's team.

But now is an extraordinary period, besides, it is easy to add flowers, but difficult to send charcoal in the snow. Yang Jian has no manpower now, and he moves closer to him. Even out of face, he should take care of himself, so that his personal safety can be greatly guaranteed.

Even if Luo Yi would be offended for this, that was within the acceptable range.

"I disagree with Wang Shan's statement. Team Yang and Team Luo, don't be fooled by his rhetoric. This man is cunning and cunning, and you cannot be trusted." Shan can now push other messengers to death for his own benefit, and even if he passes this level, he can also include you in the next action for his own safety."

To judge oneself and others, to kill and punish one's heart.

Yang Xiaohua's words undoubtedly touched Wang Shan's pain point. He raised his head and found that Yang Jian had squinted his eyes. Zhang Han and Sun Rui's expressions were a little strange, but Luo Yi's expression was normal, his eyes were as indifferent as water. , as if you don't care about anything.

Wang Shan's forehead was sweating. In this situation, he would also have scruples. Thoughts were spinning in his mind, but he rejected them one by one.

"Wait, if Yang Jian agrees with Yang Xiaohua's statement, then he shouldn't continue to ask me about the solution. The only possibility is that they are also concerned about the risks brought by multiple people being in the same room."

"Only in this way can it all make sense."

He sorted out his words and faced Yang Xiaohua directly, "I know this approach is a bit cruel, but this is the most reasonable solution at present. It is better to kill one person than two, isn't it?"


"I know what you want to say. You want to say that last week today, you were in the same room with another person and survived, right? But I think Team Yang and Team Luo should have different opinions on this matter. Opinion." After he finished speaking, he cast his eyes on the two captains, hoping that they could help explain.

But Luo Yi didn't pay attention to him at all. If you ask me to say it, I will say it, who is your Wang Shan, Luo Qian or Qin Lao?
Seeing that Luo Yi didn't speak, Wang Shan became a little anxious, "Captain Luo, this matter concerns everyone's life, I think you should."

"What do you think?" Luo Yi looked coldly.

"Wang Shan, shut up!"

Yang Jian glared at him, and said to Yang Xiaohua, "There is indeed a ghost wandering around in this building, it will knock on the courier's room and kill the courier in the multi-person room, the reason why you survived last time Come down, it's not that this evil spirit kindly let you go, but Luo Yi repelled it that night."

"Can ghosts be repelled?" Yang Xiaohua didn't go up the stairs with Luo Yi. She had never seen the methods of a ghost master, so she was very surprised by this, but the rest of them were different. They have all seen Luo Yi make a move, and they have no doubts about his strength.

"Yang Xiaohua, do you still think there is a problem with this approach?" After receiving Yang Jian's words, Wang Shan began to question Yang Xiaohua as if he had obtained Shang Fang's sword, asking her to express her opinion.

Yang Xiaohua looked ugly and wanted to refute, but she was a little scared in her heart. She really wanted to say something. As a lawyer all the year round, she has always strictly demanded herself according to the laws and regulations, and practiced the spirit of the law.

But here, there is no law.

"No", Yang Xiaohua denied it in her heart, she looked at Luo Yi: "Maybe they are the law here." (End of this chapter)

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