Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 385 Consecutive Red Letters

At six o'clock, the lights in the ghost post office were turned off on time.

There was darkness and silence everywhere, and everything in the post office fell into an eerie tranquility.

The only few beams of light are the dim yellow lights in the room. The lights are very dim and scattered, making people feel drowsy when looking at them, but what is abnormal is that no one here is sleepy. Or in the bedroom, or behind the door, or in the toilet, lying, standing, or sitting with ordinary people, thinking about their own affairs, worrying about the tide-like night outside.

Luo Yi sat behind the table, paying attention to the sounds from the outside world.

This dullness lasted until early in the morning, when there was a hoarse and unpleasant sound of pulling the door, followed by the sound of thick footsteps, this footstep went forward from the end of the corridor, passed every room of the messenger, and finally stopped at the entrance of the corridor , and then another voice sounded.

crunch ~ crunch ~
It was as if the wood was bent, and the lines inside were twisted and broken, making the sound of sour teeth.

This sound was especially obvious in the middle of the night, and more importantly, everyone had heard this sound before. It was a terrifying sound made by people stepping on the corridor from the first floor to the second floor.

"Someone is going upstairs!"

As soon as the movement came out, everyone got up anxiously. Those who were more courageous, such as Yang Jian and Zhang Han, directly chose to stick behind the door. They held their breath and looked out through the small crack of the door.

But even if Yang Jian used the ghost eye, everything outside the door could not be seen at all. There was some kind of powerful spiritual escape in the darkness, and even the door of the post office released some suppression, restricting the ghost eye's detection.

The rest, such as Yang Xiaohua and Wang Shan, retreated to the bedroom wall, pressed their backs tightly against the cold and hard mottled old wall, stared intently at the door, holding short knives and daggers and other weapons in their hands. , Silence like a chilling cicada.

Even knowing that evil spirits are rampant here, no one would choose to kill them. In order to survive, ordinary people have the courage to fight to the death.

Strangely, the voice disappeared not long after it sounded. It seemed that the evil spirit chose to leave after walking around this floor.

This undoubtedly made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

If he could remain so stable and without abnormalities, even if Yang Jian, who was temporarily freed from the recovery of the evil ghost, would not cause more troubles, because people and ghosts could not afford to consume them.

At six o'clock in the morning, it was dawn.

The lights in the room inside the ghost post office went out.

A dim yellow light lit up outside the aisle again, ushering in a new day in this dark spiritual place.

Although there were some different movements this night, everything seemed to be normal so far, and it was still a stable life.

Yang Xiaohua yawned and pushed open the door, even Sun Rui's expression was uglier than usual, in fact these people didn't sleep last night.

This ghost place is unpredictable, dangerous and frightening. Ordinary people will suffer from insomnia and find it difficult to fall asleep, let alone ghost masters with sharper nerves.

The doors opened one after another.

Yang Jian, Zhang Han, Zhao Liang, Wang Shan and others came out of the door one after another.

"Where's that Luo Yi?" Wang Shan stared at the last door, but there was no movement inside.

Yang Jian's eyes turned, and his expression changed slightly as he stood there, "Leave him alone, go and see if today's mission has appeared."

Generally speaking, the ghost post office will only pick up the couriers on the eve of the release of the task, so that they can get the task early the next morning, but this time there are a total of 12 couriers. good sign.

This means that either there are too many tasks, or the tasks are extremely difficult.

"Captain Yang, no one has received the letter." Wang Shan turned around and found that everyone was empty-handed, and he couldn't help feeling heavy in his heart.

The early morning, which was supposed to be full of vigor, suddenly became lifeless because of such an incident, and the air was filled with a dull feeling that the mountains and rain were about to come, and the buildings were full of flowers.

"Captain?" Sun Rui looked at the closed door of Room No. [-], hesitating to speak.

Everyone showed up, but Luo Yi didn't show up for a long time. Thinking about the movement last night, he couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"The captain has the captain's work to do, and we also have our own work to do, just take care of ourselves." Zhang Han glanced at him, meaning.

When Sun Rui saw Zhang Han who was still calm and calm, his heart finally settled down. He had only joined Yuzhou City for a few days, and Zhang Han came out of the Huanggang Village incident with Luo Yi. Yi attached great importance to him, and his words undoubtedly represented Luo Yi's words.

"The few corpses outside have disappeared." Zhao Liang's voice sounded, and he squatted down, looking at the remaining blood stains on the ground.

These are a few obvious drag marks, extending from the door of Yang Jian's room to the darkness of the corner, and finally disappearing at a wall. There are many dirty, dark red, dark black unknown marks on the wall. The dye is randomly smeared on it. From a distance, it seems that there is mist flowing on it, which looks a bit shocking.

Zhang Han knocked on the wall, it was thick and hard, just like a solid foundation, there was almost no echo, everything seemed normal.

But everyone knew that the five corpses from yesterday were all lost here.

There must be something weird behind this wall.

Yang Jian also came over to take a look. The headless ghost standing on his body stood up, stretched out two black knuckle-discernible palms and pushed against the wall a few times, the headless ghost was able to piece together the corpse It is famous for its great strength, but now it has made no achievements, and the wall is still as stable as a rock, unmoved in the slightest.

"I don't think it's suitable to try any more," Zhang Han looked at Yang Jian's movements, "It's already daytime, and the room is no longer a safe place. If there is any accident here, we may not even have a place to hide." No."

This is not alarmist talk, but something that is very likely to happen.

After all, no one knows whether behind this wall is a mass grave where corpses are stored, or a gathering place of some evil spirits.

Yang Jian nodded, he also had such concerns in his heart.

This is different from tearing letters. There are rumors about tearing letters. Although it is still dangerous, the risk can be estimated on the whole. But pushing the wall of the ghost post office has never been done before.

In other words, everyone who did it is dead!
He is still on the second floor now, and he has not yet reached the point where he will face the ghost post office head-on.

"Brother Han, no one has received the letter now, this matter is troublesome." Zhao Liang said in a low voice.

The ghost post office is just like a game level. Each mission is a dungeon. The more difficult the map, the more people are needed. This time, the ghost post office summoned more than a dozen messengers at once, which is a special case that has never happened before.

"Found the letter, here."

A 27-year-old woman with a calm expression noticed something and strode over. She came to a corner of the corridor, where a red letter was prominently placed there.

"The red letter?"

Yang Xiaohua was obviously stunned, and seemed a little surprised.

"Isn't it, another red letter?" Zhao Liang narrowed his eyes in shock.

"Zhao Liang, do you know what's going on?" Yang Xiaohua asked.

Zhao Liang's eyes flickered, and he didn't know how to answer. To be honest, he had only seen the red letter, just a week ago, but that letter was sent by Luo Yi, so it had nothing to do with him, because when the letter appeared, he had already The conditions for going upstairs are met.

Unexpectedly, this time the rare red letter appeared again.

The reason there are so many messengers is definitely this.

The mission is too dangerous, a courier will definitely die, that's why so many people need to be arranged.

For this kind of task, most people are cannon fodder, especially ordinary people like them, who are almost impossible to complete the task.

Yang Jian's complexion was also a little ugly. The last red letter was the Fushouyuan matter. Although it seemed to be solved perfectly, he could clearly remember the great risk involved.

"This..." Yang Xiaohua hesitated, the weirdness of the people around made her aware of something, she stood there, a little at a loss.

Zhang Han's reaction was not slow. He walked forward and said to Sun Rui next to him, "I can't answer the letter from the ghost post office. The captain is not here, so I will pick it up."

However, someone moved faster than him. Before he stretched out his hand, there was a blur in front of him, and one hand had already picked up the letter on the table.

That was Yang Jian.

"We have so many people and several ghost masters, so even the red letter can be completed." Wang Shan looked at Yang Jian, hoping to get an answer.

But before Yang Jian could answer, Yang Xiaohua's scream sounded again.

"Look, there is another letter!"

Everyone turned around in surprise, only to see another letter appearing on the originally empty table.

The letter was as red as blood, just like the one in Yang Jian's hand.

A second letter appeared.

"How could this be?" Yang Jian pinched the envelope, his brows flashed puzzled.

Not only him, but the rest of the people were also stunned by this sudden change.

One red letter is almost a certain death situation, and now two letters come at once, is this the rhythm of killing people?
tata tao~
Just when everyone was amazed, an indifferent young man covered in a black robe and with a golden long knife on his waist came out of the darkness. No one knew how or when he appeared.

Maybe he just showed up, or maybe he's been here all along.

"Luo Yi!" Yang Jian looked apprehensive, it was obvious that Luo Yi did all of this now, but he didn't know how he did it.

"Captain!" Zhang Han, Sun Rui and others showed happy smiles. It is a completely different thing to have a backer and not to have a backer. In their hearts, as long as Luo Yi is there, even the red letter is no big deal.

"As expected!" Luo Yi looked at the red letter on the table, not only did he not have the slightest fear on his face, but his eyes shone slightly, and he seemed a little happy.

"It seems that this time, we are going to act separately!" Luo Yi grabbed the red letter in his hand and grinned at Yang Jian.

For some reason, Yang Jian felt a little restless, as if the situation was out of his control. (end of this chapter)

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