The red letter means danger and terror in the ghost post office.

This is a type of mission that will only be issued under special circumstances. According to the guesses of the couriers, it will only be triggered when the strength of some of the people performing the mission has greatly improved, far exceeding the upper limit of the courier's ability on this floor.

But there is a limit, and usually a red letter is already the highest warning.

But now there are two identical red letters.

This is no longer a warning, but a deterrent.

"Although I don't know what you did, it is clear that you have violated the rules of this post office. You are playing with fire." Yang Jian was a little angry. He sent a red letter once, and the Fushouyuan incident can be said to be dangerous. Incomparably, even a ghost master like him almost fell into it.

It can be seen that the red letter represents a highly dangerous mission of delivering letters, and it is close to death.

But now that Luo Yi came up with another red letter, this is no longer a difficult problem, but death without life.

Luo Yi confronted each other: "Rules, what are rules? If they can be broken, they are not called rules. It's like tearing an envelope and surviving the attack of evil spirits, it can be counted as completing a mission. Do you think this is called a rule? "

"To survive is the biggest rule!"

Luo Yi resounded loudly.

"But now the problem is that there are two letters, and we have to divide our troops into two groups, which will inevitably disperse our strength, which is not conducive to completing the task of this team." Wang Shan then argued.

"And the two letters, in case we fail, the price we have to bear is twice as much as before, and we may not be able to afford it." Yang Jian also said.

"Hehe," Luo Yi sneered, "Let me ask you, what does the red letter represent here?"

"It's high risk, but the reward is also high." Zhao Liang continued, "One red letter is worth three yellow letters, as long as it can be sent successfully, it can drive a whole floor of couriers to another level. "

"Of course we know this, and you don't need to emphasize it repeatedly." Wang Shan was a little annoyed.

In the mission of sending red letters, ordinary people like them are the most dangerous.

"What exactly are you trying to say?" Yang Jian had some thoughts, but he just couldn't grasp them.

"You only see the risks, but you don't see the benefits. The failure of the delivery mission is very expensive. According to previous experience, no courier can successfully return to the post office after failure. I speculate that this is a cruel method. Screening, the losers are discarded by the post office by default."

"But what if we have another mission in hand when the first mission fails?"

Luo Yi's words seemed to open up another world.

The loser will be given up, just like the company dismisses an employee, but if the employee still has another big project in his hands, will the company still hurt the enemy and lay off him?

The answer is obvious.

"So at a critical moment, this death-threatening letter may be a way to escape. With the supernatural power of the ghost post office, I think very few evil spirits can invade here to kill its messenger."

"But these are just your guesses." Yang Jian replied, but he already had some approval in his heart.

The collision of spirits will conflict with each other. Once evil spirits invade the post office, the evil spirits in the post office will spontaneously fight back. This is a kind of stress response and a kind of supernatural instinct.

"And, more importantly, this letter is on the third floor."

Luo Yi's words were even more shocking than the previous ones, even Yang Jian, who had seen the big wind and waves, was a little dumbfounded.

"The letter on the third floor, so you have been to the third floor?"

Luo Yi nodded, and wrote lightly: "It's just a coincidence."

Yang Jian suddenly remembered the movement last night, the sound of footsteps from the end of the back corridor to the corridor, he woke up with a start, "That's not the evil spirit in the ghost bureau, but Luo Yi!"

"Just last night, he climbed up to the third floor in some weird way without anyone noticing."

"No, that's not right." Yang Jian quickly realized something again, "If he mastered the way to go straight to the ghost post office, he would never stay here, let alone accept this red letter."

In fact, Yang Jian's guess was correct. Luo Yi did know how to go upstairs, but this method can only be counted as smuggling. People can go up, but they can't get the approval of the ghost post office, because Luo Yi doesn't have the letter delivery completed. "Identification".

Thinking of this, Yang Jian felt relieved.

Because if this is a letter from the third floor, then the difficulty of the task of delivering the letter on the second floor will not be superimposed. In this way, he has nothing to complain about, because no matter whether Luo Yi has produced a second letter or not, the letter in his hand This task must be completed.

"It's just this letter in your hand?"

Originally, Yang Jian planned to tear it up directly, because he felt that the outside world might be more dangerous. From the perspective of Fushouyuan, the seemingly simple letter delivery, but because of a wrong estimate of the tomb number, caused countless accidents. The ghost revived.

He is not a god, and he will also make mistakes, and he is not sure that he will be able to correct the mistakes he makes next time.

The bet was a bit big, and even he felt a little unaffordable.

But Luo Yi's interruption made him hesitate again.

Looking at Yang Jian with an uncertain face, Luo Yi roughly understood his scruples. He walked up and took the letter from Yang Jian's hand, and immediately, a cold breeze blew.

On the wall in the corridor, black ink-like handwriting emerged, crooked, revealing a bit of weirdness.

Dachuan City, Mingyue Community,

Give the letter to an old man named Meng Xiaodong,

The time is within three days.

Meng Xiaodong, one of the seven elders of the Republic of China, the old man who can invade infinitely from the past, may not be as capable as Luo Qian and Zhang Dong, but the degree of weirdness and difficulty is even higher than the two.

After reading the contents of Yang Jian's letter, Luo Yi took out the red letter on his body, and by the same method, a new row of handwriting appeared.

Dachuan City, Mingyue Community,

Find the woman in the letter,

The time is within three days.

Luo Yi turned out the photo, and inside was a woman in her twenties with a beautiful appearance and a lazy expression. She was wearing a red cheongsam, and her exposed skin was white and smooth, which made people forget the world.

Unlike Chen Shumei, who is full of femininity, her beauty is not in her eyebrows, nor in her frown and smile, but in her posture, eyes, and temperament. There is a sense of unreality.

It's as if the person doesn't exist at all.

Same time, same place, but different recipients.

Yang Jian frowned, "What is hidden in this Mingyue community, it is worth the trouble of the ghost post office to send the two captains to deliver the letter."

While Luo Yi looked at the two letters and the photo, his eyebrows lowered.

"Is this woman, Zhang Youhong?"

When Luo Yi was thinking, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Yang Jian raised his hands, and he directly tore up the red letter in his hand just like the choice in the original book.

"Yang Jian, you." Zhang Han didn't expect such an accident, and pointed at Yang Jian, not knowing how to evaluate it for a while.

"Last time when the Fushouyuan incident happened, Dahai City had a supernatural forum, Ye Zhen, and our two captains, so the incident was contained. What is there in this Dachuan City?" Yang Jian said coldly.

After weighing the pros and cons, shredding the letter is the safest thing to do.

Luo Yi sighed, "You are wrong, Yang Jian."

"I did nothing wrong!" Yang Jian said stubbornly.

"If you did nothing wrong, why do you think the red letter I took down from the third floor is still aimed at this Mingyue Community in Dachuan City? You don't think it's just an accident, do you?"

Only then did Yang Jian realize that he hadn't thought carefully, but how could he be the one to admit defeat and bow his head, "Then tear up the second floor first, and then tear up the third floor."

"Then, tear it all the way to the fifth floor?"

Yang Jian was silent, because he also knew that this was impossible.

Tearing up letters is like breaking a contract, once or twice is fine, if you keep doing this, you are challenging the rules of the ghost post office, and fighting against the entire ghost post office with your own strength, even thinking about it, the chances of winning are slim.

But that's the end of the matter, and it's irreversible.

"Then solve the problem here according to our respective ways." Yang Jian turned around, "I will deal with the backlash of tearing up the letter, and you go to Mingyue Community to deliver the letter, so that between the two of us, one of us will always be right."

Luo Yi looked at the still stubborn Yang Jian, and suddenly thought of the anecdote about the Republic of China that Luo Qian told him.

"That's how they parted ways because of their different ways of doing things and ideas back then, and they went their own way."

"Captain!" Zhang Han shouted softly.

Darkness surged everywhere, and there was a faint smell of corpses in the cold air.

The ghost is coming.

"Forget it, let's go!" Luo Yi flipped his robe and turned around, "Since the ideas don't agree, then walk alone!" (End of this chapter)

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