Chapter 61
Harness anchor and sail.

Under the operation of the boatman, the boat went down the current and traveled far away quickly.

It was the first time for Chu Tang to take a long voyage in this kind of wooden boat, and he felt very novel. He walked from the cabin to the deck to see the vastness of the river and the distant scenery on both sides of the river.

This is a large ship specially designed to carry people. The cabin is like a small building, which can not only provide shelter from the wind and rain, but also has more than a dozen small cabins where people can sleep and rest.

After the boat sailed, everyone's heartstrings relaxed.

Zhuo Lien also called everyone on the cabin to tell his plan.

It turned out that after receiving Fang Kai's request for help, Zhuo Lien was arranging manpower while studying the support plan.

He found that if he went by land, no matter how careful he was, no matter how many people there were, it was not safe. The enemy could ambush and attack at any time.

In the end, he chose to take the waterway.

Unlike the small river in Shi County, in Liangzhou, the further north you go, the more rivers there are, and the bigger they are.

One of the big rivers runs from west to east, and is the main waterway in the southeast of Liangzhou. A section passes through Ping County, and there are often large and small boats on the water, transporting goods or guests.

Zhuo Lien asked someone to coordinate a big boat to wait on the river in Pingxian County. After picking up everyone, they went eastward along the current.

If all goes well, they will leave Ping County, pass Shan County, and then come to the intersection of Gui County and Rong County within a day or two, and change another waterway from south to north. After another three or four days, they will be able to Arrive directly at the county town of Guijun.

Because there is a section to go upstream, it will take more time. Overall, it will take about six days to reach the destination, which is half as long as going by land.

But Zhuo Lien still thinks it's worth it, because the two rivers are very wide and relatively flat, without turbulence, so the natural danger is much less, and the human impact is relatively difficult.

They are well-prepared, and they can eat, drink, and scatter on board, without having to dock for supplies, which reduces the chance of contact with people and is safer.

"The plan is very good. If someone is really bribed, once the boat sails, everyone eats and drinks together in such a small space. He can't even pass on the news, let alone leave any signal on the water." Chu Tang thought in his heart. He affirmed Zhuo Lien's arrangement, but for some reason, he always felt uneasy.

Whenever he saw other boats on the river, Chu Tang's heart raised in his throat, extremely vigilant, for fear that the other boat would approach them.

Fortunately, every time it was a false alarm, it was just some passing ships, either crossing front and back, or crossing left and right, all separated by a distance of more than ten feet, and there was no chance of contact.

There was no danger along the way, and after half a day's work, they drove hundreds of miles downstream.

Chu Tang had been on a sea boat before and felt very uncomfortable.

Now I changed to a wooden boat, which is lighter and more floaty. Under the swaying waves of the river, the bumps are more severe, and people are shaking dizzy and confused, and their spirits are low.

Fortunately, they are all martial arts practitioners with outstanding bodies, so they can quickly suppress the discomfort and adapt to the shaking of the ship.

After everyone gathered for dinner, Zhuo Lien arranged for people to stay on duty at night, inspecting the entire ship up and down, inside and out, while others rested earlier.

I don't know if it was because of trust, Zhuo Lien only arranged for him to bring his men to watch the night. Chu Tang and other police officers who joined later, as well as the group before Fang Kai, did not have night duty.

Chu Tang was clean, so he didn't have any complaints, except that some people had bad faces.

Soon night fell, and it was another scene of river boats sailing at night.

The boatman Zhuo Lien hired was very experienced and familiar with the waterways. Even at night, after the lights were hung up, he could operate the boat skillfully and sail safely.

It's just a lot slower.

The night wind blows, the river roars, and the two banks are pitch black. Looking ahead, the water mist is filled, and under the dim moonlight, it emits a thin white light, which looks a little scary.

Chu Tang and Shi Zhifeng were still arranged in the same small room in the cabin.

The cabin is simple, it says it has a bed, but it’s actually just a piece of wood, more than half a foot long and three or four feet wide, it can only accommodate one person lying flat, and it’s not easy to turn around.

The two wooden boards, one on the left and the other on the right, are where the two of them sleep, with only a two-foot passage in between.

If the two of them face each other sideways, they might both be able to sense the breath blowing from the other.

Chu Tang was not used to sharing a room with others like this, and couldn't sleep, so he just sat on the wooden board, meditated, exercised his energy, and moved his spirit and energy, and walked around his body.

Ever since he really felt the wonderful effect of the true qi of the Shenzhao Sutra, Chu Tang has practiced this skill the most recently, and it can even be said that he is fascinated by the practice of this magical skill.

After the Shenzhao Sutra is consummated, it can almost operate on its own.After a small week, fatigue can be eliminated.After a great week, all internal injuries and hidden injuries were healed.

This kind of wonderful exercise will make people addicted!

Therefore, instead of relying only on panel empowerment to impart skills before, he became diligent and practiced the Shenzhao Sutra day and night.

Although in the panel, Shenzhaojing has been perfected and there is no room for improvement, but when he practiced it himself, he felt that there was still a change.

Especially the combination of Shenzhaojing Zhenqi and Wedding Dress Shengong Zhenqi, the wonderful taste of fusion is even more unforgettable.

Every time you practice for a while, the two will fuse more. After accumulating day and night, the two kinds of true qi will permeate more thoroughly when they grow stronger.

Although the two different zhenqis are only less than ten percent fused now, Chu Tang is still very much looking forward to the scene when they are [-]% fused!

He had a hunch that there would be changes beyond what the panel could give!

Opposite Chu Tang, Shi Zhifeng was lying on the bed, but couldn't fall asleep, tossing and turning.

But when he saw Chu Tang meditating and heard the other party's long breath on the opposite side, he didn't dare to disturb him, so he could only open his eyes and look at the dark wooden board on the top.

After half an hour, he heard Chu Tang's long breath again, Shi Zhifeng was refreshed, sat up, and said, "Chu Tang, how is your water quality?"

Chu Tang had just circulated his true energy for a week, and before he opened his eyes, he heard Shi Zhifeng's nonsensical words, and couldn't help but open his eyes to look at him.

The cabin was dark, with only dim light coming in from the small window, but Chu Tang's sharp eyes caught Shi Zhifeng's anxiety from his tangled face.

"Old Shi, what do you ask me about water?" Chu Tang asked.

"We are now on a boat, in the middle of the big river. If the water quality is not good, we may not be able to escape if something happens to us."

"Are you still worried that our business is not safe?"

"Aren't you worried?"

Chu Tang was taken aback when he heard the words, yes, isn't he worried?

Don't worry, there are ghosts!
To be honest, on the boat, the body shakes with the water, there is no sense of being down-to-earth, and there is no sense of security at all.

Sighing, Chu Tang said: "Old Shi, if something happens, if you are good at swimming, jump into the river and escape for your life. Life-saving comes first."

"how about you?"

"My lightness skill is good." Chu Tang said leisurely.

Shi Zhifeng: "..."

It's very sad!
The light work is amazing!
Uh, Chu Tang proved with facts that Qinggong seems to be really amazing.

"No matter how good your lightness kung fu is, you can't fly on water, right?" Shi Zhifeng thought of this.

"Uh... there's always a way. Let's run for our lives." That's all Chu Tang could say, and he couldn't beat Shi Zhifeng anymore by saying that he was already in the fifth realm, so he generally didn't need to run for his life.

Shi Zhifeng hummed, and lay down again, speechless.

Chu Tang looked at him, feeling a little bitter in his heart, why did he feel that the other party had become his burden?

If something really happened, could he, Chu Tang, see death and not save him?

"It's too difficult for me..." Chu Tang wailed inwardly, it's too difficult to be a good person, I really want to be a bad person!
Good people don't live long, bad people live for thousands of years!
However, the panel only recognizes the value of chivalry, and one must be a good person and do good deeds.

Forcing a policeman to become a hero, this face is also very stupid!
A lot of thoughts, nothing to say all night.

When I woke up the next day, it was still a boring boat trip on the river.

At noon, the boat turned around and entered another river channel, from west to east to south to north.

In another three or four days, they will be able to reach the pier near the county town directly.

The next two days went well too.

In addition to the more exhausting and exhausting boatmen who went against the current, after a few days of recuperation, after adapting to the bumpy life, they became more energetic and their physical condition reached its peak.

Then, on the river in Yang County, which is only one county away from the county government, something happened to them!
At this time, the sun was setting and evening was approaching. Originally, there should be fewer and fewer boats on the river. On the contrary, there were more and more boats, no less than ten of them, large and small, approaching the boats of Chu Tang and his party inadvertently.

There are three big boats blocking the way in front, two medium boats are approaching each other on the left and right, and there are several small boats approaching at a leisurely pace.

Looking at it this way, their big boat was surrounded by other boats on the river!

(End of this chapter)

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