Chapter 62
Chu Tang's boat was forced to stop by someone on the river!
Under the setting sun, there are patches of red clouds in the sky and sparkling lights on the river.

It was supposed to be a beautiful spring scene, but at this time it was an atmosphere of fierce confrontation and tension between the two sides.

Three big boats lined up horizontally, blocking the direction of travel.

The big boat that Chu Tang was on had to stop.

And as soon as they stopped, more large and small ships surrounded them from the left, right and rear, tightly surrounding their ships in the center.

All the arresters rushed out of the cabin immediately, stood on the deck, and stopped to watch.

Everyone realized something was wrong.

Zhuo Lien's lips were tightly pursed, his face was livid, obviously shocked and angry.

Although taking the water route could avoid more ambushes, Zhuo Lien never thought that he could reach the county town smoothly all the way.He has been accused of being chased or ambushed on the river.

However, such a large formation of the enemy was beyond his expectation.

The siege of more than a dozen ships, this kind of formation, cannot be organized by ordinary forces, and they dare not show it like this casually.

You must know that this place is less than a hundred miles away from the city of Guijun County. Although it is approaching evening, there are fewer passing ships, but it is not without.

Under such circumstances, the enemy still dared to make up such a large force, and openly attacked their county police officers in full view, it was extremely arrogant!

This is no different from open rebellion!

However, they still came, brazenly doing such a big event of punishing the nine clans, presumably they came with the confidence of victory or the belief of death!

No matter what the situation is, it is a situation where the comer is not good and will never die!
Zhuo Lien observed for a while, and found that there were at least 100 people on the front, back, left, and right boats!

As for their arresting party, there are only more than 40 people, and half of them are only second-level cultivation bases.

In other words, their strength is two or three times theirs!
I just don’t know how the martial artist’s realm is, if...

Zhuo Lien didn't dare to imagine it anymore, turned his head to look at the brothers on both sides and behind, and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, if you lose to the opponent, you should focus on breaking through. Don't worry about the prisoner, whether to work together to break through, or Break through separately, depending on the situation. In short, the priority is to protect yourself, and we will talk about it when we return to the county office!"

He made a choice.

Many people also understood his thoughts, it was nothing more than the fact that the prisoner had already been tortured and the result had come out, so the prisoner was not important.

As long as one of them who knows the truth can return to the county office, it will be a victory.

The problem is that more than 100 people were mobilized, and the main purpose of saving people must no longer be.

Is it their task to eliminate them and these fast?

After all, only the dead can keep secrets!

Standing behind many policemen, Chu Tang and Shi Zhifeng looked at each other.

They had only discussed how to escape on the river a few days ago, so what happened today?

A good spirit doesn't work, a bad spirit, what is it other than a crow's mouth? !

"Old Shi, your mouth is really poisonous." Chu Tang couldn't help complaining to Shi Zhifeng in a low voice, "I'm really going to jump into the water to escape."

Shi Zhifeng smiled wryly, and lost the interest in retorting, and asked nervously, "How is your water quality?"

Chu Tang smiled even harder. Could it be that he said that he was a landlubber since he was a child, and he only went to the swimming pool to practice for a few days after college?

At his level, he can only swim breaststroke a few meters away, and he can't even dog-plan!
Even if one has deep internal strength and can hold one's breath for a few minutes, that's nothing more than being able to dive in the water. If one really swims in a wild river, the speed can probably compete with Wang Bayi in the river.

"You just leave me alone." Chu Tang rarely cared about the other party, "You just need to take care of yourself, don't feed the bastard in the river. I... I am good at lightness kung fu, and I cherish my life more than you, so you can rest assured."

Shi Zhifeng was very speechless, thinking that being greedy for life and fear of death would make you speak so freshly and refinedly, you are considered a talent.

Before he said anything, a boatman who was in charge of sailing jumped out and shouted to Zhuo Lien in panic: "My lord, what should I do?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Zhuo Lien, waiting for his order.

Zhuo Lien tried his best to remain calm and said, "Stop, wait for their message, and see what they say first."

He couldn't give an order to break out of the siege right now. If he just came to find someone to catch up with the old days, he would make his own people jump into the river now, it would be a big injustice.

However, the other party is aggressive, is he really looking for someone to catch up on the old days?
All ships stopped.

In the middle of the calm river, a group of ships formed a situation of being surrounded and surrounded.

The shortest distance between the two sides is only two feet, and they can fly over with a single flyby.

The boats on both sides are more than 20 feet away from both sides of the river bank, and ordinary light skills cannot cross it.

Obviously, the location and timing of the opponent's choice of encirclement are well-planned, and it should be carefully calculated.

Zhuo Lien faced the nearest large ship, waiting for the person's statement.

However, the most terrifying thing happened: the visitors were not masked, they were all dressed in strong clothes, showing their true colors directly!

Chu Tang also saw a familiar face on the opposite boat—the yellow-faced man who tried to bribe him in Pingxian County before, that is, the man in black who once went to the dungeon in Shixian County to rob him.

Now, all of them don't wear the necessary black clothes and equipment for traveling at home, killing people and stealing goods. Instead, they all appear in their true colors. What does it mean?

Unscrupulous, unscrupulous, convinced that he can kill all the arresters, are you afraid of leaking the news?

Among the group of people on the opposite side, there was a man in a dark brown suit standing among the crowd, standing out prominently.

He has a smooth head and is very smooth. At first glance, he looks like a monk, but he is full of murderous looks and extraordinary momentum. After another look, he feels that he is not a kind person.

"It's you! Sun Qiang, the Poisonous Dragon Slayer!" Zhuo Lien called to reveal the identity of the person when he saw him.

However, his tone was full of resentment and surprise.

"Captain Zhuo, long time no see!" Sun Qiang's voice came across the river.

The voice was loud, full of energy, buzzing, and it made everyone's eardrums hurt, which shows that the other party's skill is extremely profound.

Zhuo Lien said in a deep voice, "I didn't expect you to be dead!"

Sun Qiang laughed loudly: "Then it's Hong Fu who caught the head of Tuo Zhuo! Seven years ago, you led people to besiege and kill me, severely injured me, and even knocked me down to the bottom of the river. I never thought that this would happen today, right?" ?”

This statement surprised many people on the police side.

Zhuo Lien was in the Four Realms more than ten years ago, and Sun Qiang wanted him to lead people to surround him, which shows how strong Sun Qiang is.

"Relying on your martial arts prowess, you burned, killed, raped and looted, you committed all kinds of crimes, you are full of crimes, and you deserve to die!" Zhuo Li'en said in a painful voice, "I only regret that I didn't kill you that day and let you escape by chance!"

Sun Qiang laughed even more wildly, and said: "Hedong for 30 years, Hexi for 30 years, Feng Shui takes turns! In this world, the hard fist is the truth. Today, I am strong and you are weak, and dare to speak wild words?"

Zhuo Lien's eyes flickered, and he asked, "What on earth do you want to do? You killed and extorted money yourself. It was only a personal crime, and only one person died. Openly attacking dozens of policemen in the county government is tantamount to rebellion, and it is a serious crime for the nine clans! You guys Don't you want to be copied and killed by the whole family?"

"Zuo Lien, you are dying, so it's rare that you want to scare us with your tongue?" Sun Qiang chuckled.

Zhuo Li'en clasped his hands tightly, his eyes flashed, and he roared suddenly: "Shoot the arrow!"

He's going to take the lead!
I saw the 23 arresters around him. After Zhuo Lien gave the order, they raised their hands, or held miniature bows and arrows, and pulled out the normal-sized bows and arrows, shooting several waves bow and arrow.

Moreover, only a small half of the direction of their shooting was Sun Qiang's ship, and most of them shot at the nearest ships around.



Only a scream was heard, and many unprepared thieves were shot with arrows, some were killed and some were injured.

Got it?
The corner of Zhuo Lien's mouth raised slightly, the opponent was indeed a gang of mobs who only knew how to fight in the rivers and lakes, and had no military experience.

And their well-trained arresters come up with a burst of long-range attacks to kill the enemy's vital forces to the maximum extent.

In this wave, at least 30 people were injured!

"Zuo Li'en, you deserve to die!" Sun Qiang easily pushed aside the bow and arrow that was shot at him, but seeing that his subordinates suffered many casualties, he couldn't help screaming angrily.

As he spoke, his feet were a little on the deck, and he flew into the air, flying towards where Zhuo Lien was, and shouted: "Kill them all! Don't live!"

The two sides quickly fought together!

The year is over, and the brothers start working today.Starting today, resume two updates a day.This is the first update.The collection is growing so slowly, I implore readers passing by to put the book on the shelf to support it.Follow-up reading, recommendation, etc. are also urgently needed.

(End of this chapter)

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