Chapter 70
Now, there are three options before Chu Tang.

The first one is to go straight to the county town according to Zhuo Lien's agreement, and ignore the others.

From Chu Tang's point of view, this choice can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

In fact, the other way he wants to choose the most is to turn around here, go back to his home, go back to his Shi County, and hide in a small building to become a unified, regardless of the flood outside!
However, there was no turning back when he opened the bow. If he really made this choice, he might offend Zhuo Lien, Fang Kai and others to death.If people give him small shoes to wear, it is estimated that the arrest will be too fast, and then he will really have to wander the rivers and lakes and become his hero.

Thinking about it, he wouldn't be able to do such a self-defeating thing.

The other way is much more difficult: turn around the river section before turning around, and go to the scene to see if Zhuo Lien, Fang Kai and others have escaped safely.

To say it is difficult is because the situation is unclear, and if you go back, you will fall into other people's nets!

There is no way to go to heaven, but there is no way to go to hell, and you are looking for a dead end. It is stupid no matter how you look at it.

Chu Tang was very upset, and wanted to give himself a reason to feel at ease: "Then I will go directly to the county seat now? Anyway, this is Zhuo Lien's explanation, and no one can say anything."

I was very moved, and felt that it should be so, but I still hesitated in my heart.

He worried about the safety of everyone.

The thieves came with two five-level masters. Although Zhuo Lien and others escaped first, there was still a five-level warrior behind him, and I don't know if they could escape.

And he, Chu Tang, is also in the fifth realm, so there is no reason not to support him.

"Leave directly, or go back and take a look?" Chu Tang was extremely conflicted.

According to his past temperament, he must have chosen to leave directly. The so-called dead friends don't die.

The problem is that when I left directly, I felt uneasy and couldn't get through my thoughts.

Especially when he thought of Shi Zhifeng's long-winded and worried face, he couldn't let go of it.

Or Fang Kai's love and affection for him...

"Forget it! It's only five realms, I'm afraid of a bird! If you can't run away!" Chu Tang gritted his teeth and made a decision.

Seeing the road conditions clearly, following his memory, and taking advantage of the moonlight, he started to drive back, heading straight for the previous section of the river.

It was difficult to walk at night, and without the eagerness to escape just now, Chu Tang recovered his internal strength while walking, and slowly circulated the true energy of the Shenzhao Meridian to the whole body, nourishing the meridians and regulating the body.

Hurrying quickly, after walking for more than an hour, Chu Tang returned to the patch of reeds he had waded through.

It is only a mile away from the previous section of the river.

Fearing that the galloping movement would be too loud, Chu Tang put away his lightness kung fu and body movements, followed the way he came, and carefully walked through the reeds.

Gradually, the sound of the river became louder in the silent night, rushing, gurgling, and gurgling.

Getting closer and closer, I even smelled the fishy smell of the river in my nose.

Chu Tang hid behind the last handful of reeds, opened a gap, and looked at the river from a distance.

There was no one, no boat, not even the wrecked boat they were on.

On the entire river surface, there was only the sound of running water, and the reflection of the pale moonlight pouring on the water surface.

Other, nothing.

Even the traces of the fighting were wiped clean under the running water!
"All gone?" Chu Tang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It would be great if he didn't have to go up and work hard.

After thinking about it and waiting for a while, but still not seeing any movement, Chu Tang couldn't help but walked out from the reeds, walked slowly to the river, and looked at his own reflection in the water.

At this time, his hair was disheveled, his face was covered with blood, and his clothes were also stained with blood. He was so embarrassed that he completely lost his "ordinary" pretty appearance.

Unable to bear himself like this, carrying a long knife and unkempt clothes, Chu Tang walked into the river and washed himself in the cool and clean water.

After the whole body had no peculiar smell, he walked ashore and performed the wedding dress magic skill with all his strength.After a while, white steam came out of the whole body repeatedly, driving away the cold air on the body and drying the clothes.

Chu Tang slowly recovered, and shook his whole body comfortably, feeling dry and comfortable again.

He hesitated for a moment, pondered for a while, entered the reeds again, found a place, pushed down a reed, and sat on the ground.

The night was getting deeper and deeper, Kui Ye was rushing on the road, and there were more accidents. He decided to wait here until dawn before continuing on the road, and followed the river bank to the county town.

Now, just sit down and take stock of his chivalrous value!

Chu Tang excitedly opened the panel and looked at the chivalry value on the account, only feeling a little dizzy.

This wave, directly fattened!

He killed many people on the boat, including a warrior from the fourth realm, and later a man in blue from the fifth realm.

"Hey, the five realms are worth nine hundred points?" Chu Tang was happy, and at the same time complained about the panel, "The four realms are worth five hundred, and the five realms are only worth nine hundred. It's good to add up to 1000. Give a little more." Will it die?"

Tsk tsk, [-] from the fifth realm, plus [-] from the fourth realm, it's just that these two people have contributed [-] points of chivalry.

"We need to kill more high-level thieves!" Chu Tang muttered.

In addition, he also hacked more than a dozen third-level and second-level fighters, and counted carefully, [-] points were recorded.

One thousand and four plus two thousand and four, plus the remaining 700 points before, Chu Tang now has a total of more than 500 chivalry points.

Four thousand five hundred!

Now that he was able to fight a very rich battle, Chu Tang almost couldn't help calling the Second Battalion Commander to bring out the Italian cannon, and really wanted to shout: Who else!
"Upgrade! Upgrade! Give me an upgrade!" Chu Tang muttered, "I want to hit ten, no, twenty..."

He was so excited that he couldn't help himself, without saying a word, he spent [-] points of chivalry on the spot to upgrade the "Blood Knife Technique" by two consecutive levels!
The Blood Knife Technique is complete!
A stream of strong information churned in his mind, and his understanding of the blood knife technique became more and more profound, and he gradually discovered the true meaning of killing.

The blood knife technique, the knife sees blood!

Chu Tang felt that the way he used the bleeding knife now was much more subtle than before, and it was also much more ruthless. If he slashed out with the knife, he would either die or be injured.

This feeling of being able to achieve perfection without hard training is really cool!
The sword technique is complete, what about the "Quanzhen Sword Technique" that I just started, should I also upgrade it?
"When I get to the county town, I will be able to forge weapons of my own design, and swordsmanship... can be used!" Chu Tang now fully understands the benefits of having more skills and not overwhelming him, so he made a decision immediately.

The heart is not as good as action!


After spending [-] points of chivalry, "Quanzhen Sword Art" was completed!
Once again Pang Ran's kendo information was engraved in his mind, Chu Tang immediately wished that he had the long sword in his hand, and wanted to dance the sword under the moon!
I worked hard to endure the restlessness in my heart, and thought again: the sword and sword are perfect, what about the Qishangquan?
and many more!

"You can't float! You can't float!" Chu Tang finally understood the difficulty of chopping hands, and stopped his inner thoughts with incomparably tenacious perseverance.

Forget about boxing, as long as it is enough!

It took a thousand points in a blink of an eye, and now there are only [-] chivalry points available.

How to choose?
"Does it need to be said? Qinggong!" Chu Tang gritted his teeth at this moment.

Want more brilliant lightness kung fu!
He was hit by the man in blue.

The consummation of the ever-changing magic and Ti Yunzong, but they still can't get rid of the opponent's pursuit, and cut his previous pride to pieces!

Now I have the opportunity to make a choice, no matter what, I must improve my lightness skills.

Chu Tang did not hesitate to use [-] points of chivalry to light up the column of body skills on the second floor of the panel.

A new lightness skill appeared——

"Treading Snow Without Trace"!
"Taxue Wuhen?! And specially marked as Shen Mingxia's version?" Chu Tang laughed heartily.

This is someone sending a pillow when you are sleepy!

(End of this chapter)

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