Wuxia: I know a lot of martial arts

Chapter 71 Arriving in the County

Chapter 71 Arriving in the County
Many of the lightness skills written by Gu Daxia can be called miraculous.

Among them, the most mysterious thing is the lightness kung fu of the King of the Sea surnamed Chu, which can be described as unique in the world through the ages.

It can be said that other people's qinggong is qinggong, but he is flying!

At this stage, what Chu Tang wants most is of course the lightness of the body that King Chu Hai can use his skin to breathe instead of taking a breath.

What is the concept of not needing to take a breath?
The man in blue competed with Chu Tang for lightness kung fu. It took less than an hour and half of his kung fu was exhausted.

If there is no need to exchange breath and the internal qi is not leaked, not only the speed is faster, but the internal qi will return by itself, and people will be more relaxed.

Everyone wants such light work!
But if you can't get it, the next best thing is, Shen Mingxia's Taxue Wuhen is not unacceptable.

In the heavy snow, Shen Mingxia disappeared with just a few shakes. There was not even a trace of footprints on the snow.

Stepping Xue Wuhen, just by looking at the name, you can tell that it is an extremely advanced Qi raising kung fu.

Chu Tang already has the ability to change footwork vertically and horizontally on the ground, and also has the ladder cloud that is good at climbing up and down. The only thing missing is the lightness skill that can go up and down and is good at running in a straight line.

Stepping Xue Wuhen came at the right time!
The martial arts produced on the second floor of the panel are really high-quality goods!

These [-] points of chivalry are worth it!

After the empowerment, Chu Tang immediately became familiar with this method of raising Qi and jumping.

Under the circulation of the inner qi, I felt that my feet were light and light, as if I was stepping on cotton, and my whole body felt like I was floating in the sky.It's like the wind blowing from the soles of your feet, and you can't wait to run forward.

Just at the entry level, it makes people feel that the world is omnipotent.

Taking advantage of no one around, Chu Tang jumped up from the ground and lightly stepped on the reed. With the help of the soft reed pole, he was able to stand on the tip of the awn without any tendency to fall, as if the reed had a huge weight. The buoyancy of the human body is like a sail, and it is firmly lifted on it.

With a "hey", Chu Tang began to gallop under the moonlight and above the reeds.

Like a gust of wind, passing by lightly; like a ghost, fleeting, disappearing in an instant.

Tried back and forth a few times, Chu Tang reckoned that if he did it again, the man in blue would never be able to catch up with him at the speed of Taxue Wuhen.


"Combining the three major lightness kung fu and physical skills, I have the unpredictability of supernatural powers, the height of ladder clouds, and the elegance of stepping on the snow without a trace. Under the same situation, I can't kill anyone, and I can't kill anyone." Are you not afraid, do you still need to run away?" Chu Tang was full of confidence.

Thinking of this, he walked out of the reeds again, came to the river, faced the river, moved his body, and lifted Treading Snow Wuhen again to the river.

Whoosh whoosh!
Stepping on the river surface for a while, the light work like floating on the water floated for a certain distance on the river surface, and then returned to the shore.

Chu Tang reluctantly landed on the sandy shore, looked down at his feet, the shoes were mostly wet.

A few times just now, he was not able to breathe smoothly when he lifted his breath, and he stepped half of his foot into the river due to depression, and he couldn't float on the water gracefully.

"Maybe it's because Taxue Wuhen is not proficient enough?" Chu Tang thought, gritted his teeth, and spent another five hundred chivalry points to upgrade this light skill to the level of Xiaocheng.

Xiaocheng's stepping on the snow without a trace gave him a deeper understanding of the method of lightness kung fu and luck.

He raised his breath again and flew to the surface of the river, tapped lightly again and again, only a few ripples were made on the river, and he traveled back and forth on the river for a distance of more than ten feet.

Returning to the shore again, he lowered his head to look at the shoes, only the soles of his feet were covered with water, Chu Tang was quite satisfied.

The pleasure of krypton gold is really not enough for others to understand!
However, nearly half of the chivalry value was consumed at once, which also makes people feel distressed.

"Xiao Cheng's Treading Snow Wuhen is enough!" Chu Tang decided to put aside the upgrade of lightness kung fu for the time being.

In just a moment of effort, he spent two thousand points of chivalry, enough for a prodigal!

Now there are only [-] points left, so I have to consider other options.

The second layer of exercises?

It seems that it is necessary to exchange for another exercise to practice. After all, the Shenzhao Sutra and the Wedding Dress Magic Art have been completed, and there is no way to improve.

However, this level of skill needs [-] chivalry points, and at least [-] points are needed from the exchange to the perfect state. How many thieves do you have to kill to earn enough? !

Chu Tang had a hard time making a choice.

After hesitating for a long time, seeing that the sky was turning white and it would be dawn, he simply stopped worrying about it and decided not to make other changes for the time being, and to keep the chivalry value for emergencies.

After playing and breathing for a while, after recovering from experience, the sky began to brighten, Chu Tang tidied up for a while, and walked north along the river.

After walking for a few miles, boats began to appear on the river, traveling from north to south, and the busy scene of the past resumed. They didn't realize that there was a fierce fight in the nearby river section yesterday.

Chu Tang was alone at this time, and he didn't want to take the boat again, but walked northward for more than ten miles and came to a pier.

After a little inquiring, there is a small town nearby, located in the east of Yangxian County, which can be connected by land and water.

Chu Tang thought about it for a while: "Our ship is destroyed, even if we break out of the siege at a certain point, the direction of escape should be land. Forget it, I will go to the town, and then follow the official road to the county. Just run into it, and I can't help it if I don't. Let's see fate!"

With certainty in mind, Chu Tang hurried to a small town three or four miles away.

The town can be regarded as a transportation hub, and it is very prosperous, and businessmen from all walks of life gather here.

Chu Tang found a noodle shop, and after having breakfast, he found a horse dealer, spent more than 20 taels of silver, and bought a black horse that could travel long distances.

Anyway, silver is a windfall, and there are as many as 3000 taels, so it is not so cherished to spend.

After trying to get acquainted with the nature of the horse, Chu Tang identified the direction, rode the horse and set off on the official road, heading north all the way under the rising sun.

Single-handedly, there is no need to pay attention to speed, sometimes fast and sometimes slow.

Walking all the way, apart from meeting a few waves of merchants, they didn't see any of their arresting officers.

In this way, I came to Yangxian County.

After entering the city, Chu Tang took off his policeman's clothes and put on his normal clothes. He searched for a few places where people from all over the world gathered, and wanted to find out if there was any follow-up to yesterday's incident.

It's a pity that this group of people are all talking about the bulls from all over the world, but no one mentioned a little bit of what happened on the river yesterday.

Disappointed, Chu Tang went to the Yangxian county government again, wandered around for a long time, but did not find any arresters from the county government, and the arresters in this county were all relaxed and normal, without a tense atmosphere.

"Didn't even enter Yang County? Are you afraid that someone will ambush you here? Or have you all been murdered?" The more Chu Tang thought about it, the more annoyed he was, and he almost did the thing of jumping over the wall and entering the county office to check on the gentlemen on Liang.

After finally restraining his impulse, Chu Tang calmed down a little, and felt that he should not act too hastily, so he found an inn in the county town and stayed honestly for one night.

When he got up the next day, he wandered around the gate of the county government again, and then walked around the county again, but still found nothing, so he continued on the road on horseback.

Or go all the way north, according to the mileage, you can reach the county town tomorrow.

Perhaps because of anticipation, Chu Tang didn't go fast this time, but sat on the horse and walked slowly.

During the period, I stayed in a post for one night, and finally arrived at the destination with the afterglow of the evening of the second day.

The city of Guijun is just around the corner!


Update this chapter first today.The code word has always been updated on the same day, but now that the escort plot has come to an end, and the protagonist has come to a new place, it is necessary to take a good look at how the follow-up plot will be arranged.Brother Rong, think about it carefully and try to write some wonderful content.Please continue to support us!
(End of this chapter)

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