Chapter 68
After Xuan Bin's death, Qian Yuzai settled Xiao Ruoye and began to investigate the ghost Fang Chiming's whereabouts with all his strength. By chance, he sensed the atmosphere of a prison in the place where Chiming was located from Blind Qiu's dream pen ability. , so he used the red crown secret method to communicate with the ghost Fang Chiming, but the effect was not satisfactory.

He wanted to go to the Forest Prison to investigate, but now that the Forest Prison is under the control of Hades, he dared not risk it easily by himself, so Qian Yuzhe came to Lun Jianhai to borrow Shen Yifei's power.

"Lun Jianhai Opening Swordsman Conference, what are you doing here?" Shen Yifei stepped forward with a lukewarm remark.

Qian Yuzhe chuckled, "Why, you seem to dislike me very much."

The things that Shen Yifei did after he appeared are not secrets. Qian Yuzhe can figure out seven or eight of them by casual investigation. Combining these things with his IQ, it is easy to deduce that Shen Yifei would have happened even if he hadn't been taken away. What changes caused such a big gap between his personality and the original owner's.

"How come, you helped me earlier, and I haven't thanked you yet." Shen Yifei bit the words "Bang" and "Thank you" very hard. This sentence actually means that I will pay you back for the fact that you betrayed me to Qin Ji. I didn't settle accounts with you.

Although Shen Yifei had been an undercover agent before, and was actually a villain's undercover agent, but by accident, he became an undercover agent of the righteous way.

Think about the things you have done since you joined the WTO.

Counting the heavens and the earth, punishing Xuanbin, making the three yangs unite, saving the people of the Li people, now blocking the footsteps of the king of Hades and standing opposite the six kings, and counting down, none of them are in the interests of the red crown.

Although I don't know what the task that the Red Crown King gave him was, it was definitely not what he did. When Chi Ming wakes up and knows about these things, there is a high probability that he will slap him to death.

Of course, there is a small probability that he will be scolded for not doing his job properly.

So, for the sake of his own life, he now wants to disassociate himself from Hongmian, which is why he didn't go to see Shetian Qinji and contradict Qian Yuchai.

Qian Yuzhe heard that there was something in Shen Yifei's words and didn't care, just heard him say with a smile: "Take a step to speak."

After finishing speaking, Qian Yuzhe went straight to the direction of the sword capital, and after taking two steps, she turned her head and said, "Your house is in this direction, isn't it?"

Shen Yifei whispered, "My home is still yours, how rude."

After saying please to the others, Shen Yifei walked over Qian Yuchai and led the way.

All the way to the sword capital, Shen Yifei closed the door and brought Qian Yuzhe to the inner hall.

"It's safe here, tell me, what's going on."

Qian Yuzhe didn't directly say what he came for, but said something that surprised him, "You lost your memory, didn't you?"

Shen Yifei was just about to ask what you meant, when he suddenly thought that if he could use Qian Yuzai's mouth to confirm his amnesia, then would he not have to be so cautious when facing Hong Mian's people in the future?

Thinking of this, Shen Yifei said calmly, "How did you see that?"

"Of course it's inferred from your current behavior compared to the past." Qian Yuzhuan replied directly.

He really thinks so?Shen Yifei was a little suspicious, and then began to probe: "Don't you have any other inferences? For example, taking the house or something?"

Qian Yuzhe shook her head lightly.

"At first, I was a little skeptical, but now I am more sure. A person who snatches a house should be careful to hide it, so why talk like you so casually."

Shen Yifei nodded and asked: "Are you so sure?"

Seeing that Shen Yifei was still asking questions, Qian Yuzai cursed in his heart that he was sick, and would not use such a good excuse and still ask questions here and there, but for the sake of the plan, he still smiled on his face to make himself appear more sincere.

But in reality, this smile only made him look more treacherous in Shen Yifei's eyes.

"Besides, there is also the martial art you use. If it is a seizing house, you should not be so out of place if you have taken the original owner's memory. If you don't have the original owner's memory, then you shouldn't be able to use his martial art so well. Proficient, so I deduce that you have amnesia."

After some answers, [-]% true and [-]% false, coupled with the confident expression of Qian Yuzhe's deduction, Shen Yifei reluctantly believed what Qian Yuzhe said.

"You're right, I did lose a lot of memories." Shen Yifei went to the table and poured a cup of tea, then walked towards Qian Yuzhe, and said as he walked: "Let's get back to the topic, you came to find my purpose."

Qian Yuzai reached out to take the tea.

Shen Yifei didn't give it to him, but directly opened the teacup and drank the tea in one gulp, and smacked his lips when he was done, as if he was savoring it.

Stop pretending, it's a showdown, anyway you say I am amnesiac, Shen Yifei raised his eyebrows at Qian Yuzhe, a smile appeared in the corner of his eyes.

Qian Yuzhe stretched out one hand in the air, and then retracted it after a long time, awkwardly saying, "I'm here to help you resist the King of Hades."

What the hell, you want to help me?Isn't it related to Chiming?

If he was drinking tea, Shen Yifei could spit it out when he heard this.

"Are you serious?" Shen Yifei re-examined the person in front of him, wanting to see something from Qian Yuzhe's face, this is an undercover agent with hundreds of years of experience, so he has to take a good look.

"Of course, based on what I've done, I don't feel at ease if the King of Hades won't die." Qian Yuxuan said in a low tone, with murderous intent hidden in her charming eyes.

After watching for a long time, Shen Yifei didn't see any clues.

Thinking of the lack of helpers right now, it would be a good thing to have one more wise man, so Shen Yifei agreed.

"That's fine, but as my staff member, you can only suggest and have no right to dispatch."


Qian Yuzhe secretly smiled, this kid, he is afraid that I will seize his power.

When the two came to the courtyard, Qian Yuzai asked, "Where do I live?"

Then he pointed to a room and said, "I think this one is nice."

Shen Yifei's face darkened, "This room is mine"

Qian Yuzhuan let out an oh, and turned to look at the room next to her.

This room belongs to Cui Luohan, Shen Yifei hurriedly said: "This room is even worse."

Then he stretched out his fingers and pointed at several rooms, "This one, this one, and that one won't work, you can choose the others yourself."

"After you've chosen it, you can stay here first. I have something to do and I have to go out later. I'll discuss with you the plan to deal with Hades when I come back."

After speaking, Shen Yifei walked outside.

Qian Yuzhe looked at Shen Yifei's hurried back, showing a strange smile.

"It seems that you are not bad like this."

Talking to herself, Qian Yuzai began to carefully choose a house to live in, and she will live here for a while.

After searching for a long time, Qian Yuzai found a small and remote room.

Walking to the front of the room, pushing the door and entering, the furnishings in this room are in line with Qian Yuzhe's taste, Qian Yuzhe nodded in satisfaction.


Suddenly, he frowned as if he saw something he didn't like, and then he raised his sleeves, a flash of spiritual light flashed, and the room immediately became tidy, without even a speck of dust.

"It's more comfortable now."

(End of this chapter)

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