Chapter 69

Qian Yuchai's plan is very simple. Since it is confirmed that the Red King is in the forest prison and has something to do with the King of Hades, then it is better to target the King of Hades crazily. As long as the King of Hades feels the pressure, he will naturally release the King of the Red Crown in order to seek combat power.

What kind of foreign aid can Yan Wang find besides the six kings now?

Therefore, it is true that Qian Yuzhe took the initiative to help Shen Yifei, and she took the initiative to give him an excuse for amnesia in order to draw some distance between each other and reduce his vigilance. It's colleagues.

If Shen Yifei knew what Qian Yuchai was thinking, he would definitely complain. If you want to deal with the King of Hades, you should have said it earlier, and deal with such an honest person like us.

Walking out of the sword capital, Shen Yifei bumped into Tianjiang's trio head-on, Mu Shen, Lin Ruomei, and Yu Zhiyi.

"What a coincidence! I took my daughter for a walk." Shen Yifei greeted Mu Shen with a smile.

After learning that the old ghost was still saved, Shen Yifei didn't hate Mu Shen so much anymore, and the current Mu Shen has a terrible temper, it's hard to make people feel disgusted with him. It's hard to imagine that the Mu Shen in the past would do something For those things, I can only say don't bully honest people, otherwise the consequences will be serious.

Feeling emotional, Shen Yifei and them staggered to go about their own affairs.

At this time, Mu Shen shouted, "Sword head, stay a step."

"What's the matter?" Shen Yifei turned around and asked in doubt.

Mu Shen said: "It is Zhijun who is looking for you."

Zhijun looking for me?Shen Yifei was even more puzzled, and then thought of something, and said to Yu Zhiyi with an expectant tone: "Have you figured it out?"

This sword head is really thirsty for talent, is his allegiance really that important?Yu Zhiyi smiled helplessly, but her heart was also moved because of this attention.

Yu Zhiyi said: "I heard from Tired Shoutian and the others that Jianshou has been troubled by the completion of the Five Elements Kung Fu recently, and there is a burning wood green tree in the Holy Land of the Yu Clan that should help Jianshou complete the Yuan Gong of Wood. It can make up for some of your lost Huoyuan."

"This is the road map."

Yu Zhiyi took out a roll of prepared maps from her arms and handed them over.

Shen Yifei didn't pick it up, a bit confused: "The things in your holy place should be holy things, I'm an outsider."

"Now that the border is gone, those of us must be saved by you to survive. How can there be an outsider's theory." Yu Zhiyi smiled wryly, "I still hope that the sword head must not shirk."

"I did that to Jiantou before, and I still had to save you in the end. Your Excellency repays you with kindness. If you don't accept it, Lin Mu will feel uneasy." Mu Shen persuaded with a sincere face.

Having said all this, Shen Yifei seemed a little hypocritical to evade, and unceremoniously took the map and punched the three of them, "Then I will accept it, thank you."

Seeing Shen Yifei accepting it, the three of them all had smiles on their faces.

Just when Shen Yifei thought it was all right, Rin Ruomei suddenly handed over a sword.

"My mother said that Uncle Gui still needs to store up in the sword of the senior for a while. Considering that the senior is the pillar of the righteous way, he must carry a weapon with him, so Tuo Ruomei gave this parting sword to the senior to use."

What is this?Belated novice package?Cooperating with you all rushing to bring me equipment, Shen Yifei was so touched that he died.

Accepting one is accepting, accepting two is also accepting, Shen Yifei directly took Qu's parting sword without hesitation.

"Thanks to your mother for me."

After speaking to Lin Ruomei, Shen Yifei looked at Mu Shen, the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

You don't have something to send, do you?

Sure enough, Mu Shen had a slightly strange look on his face, and said slowly, "I have a request."

It's not a gift, Shen Yifei breathed a sigh of relief, "Please tell me."

"Earlier, Jianshou said to let Ruomei retire, but this girl is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, and she wants to make up for the mistakes made by my father. Follow Jiantou to help."

After listening to Mu Shen's words, Shen Yifei opened his mouth and let out an ah.

Co-author, you still came to give something, and even gave it to your daughter directly, family farewell, you guys.

I already have a girl to worry about, and if I have another one, I feel like I can't hold it anymore.

Looking at the few people in Tianjiang, Shen Yifei suggested: "The God of Mu has returned to his original nature, wouldn't it be better for Ruomei to be by her father's side?"

"Senior, do you despise Ruomei?" Seeing that Shen Yifei had the consciousness of rejection, Rin Ruomei was a little disappointed.

"No, no." Shen Yifei waved his hands repeatedly.

At this time, Yu Zhiyi made a break and said: "If the God of Mu is not dead, he will definitely become the focus of Hades' attention. It is actually more dangerous for the saint to follow us."

At the same time, God Mu also showed a pleading look, "Romei has always been well-behaved and independent, so I won't cause you any trouble, please."

Shen Yifei was a little speechless, could it be that my goal is too small?Yan Wang and Leng Fengjue might wish to eat my flesh and hold my skin right now.

Seeming to see what Shen Yifei was thinking, Mu Shen said: "As far as I know, Jianshou is thoughtful and stable in major matters. Although he has traveled among various forces since he entered the WTO, he has rarely been in danger, and even rarely fought with others. .”

"Therefore, we think it's safer for Ruomei to be with you."

Shen Yifei secretly rolled his eyes, you just say that I'm cowardly.

However, since they sent equipment and props, Shen Yifei couldn't refuse this small request, so he agreed: "From now on, Miss Ruomei will help me by my side first."

"Don't dare to say anything, just don't cause trouble for senior." Lin Ruomei returned to her smile and bowed to Shen Yi.

"There are other things, please!"

After the matter has been decided, Shen Yifei bid farewell to Mushen and Yuzhiyi, and led Lin Ruomei to leave the sea of ​​swords together.

After the battle between Sen Prison and Hemo ended.

King Yan led his men to retrieve the Guhe Imperial Guards and returned. The King of the Jialuo Temple and his subordinates began to discuss the results of the battle. If you count carefully, you will find that the five generals of the Tianlu have now become the third generals of the Tianlu.

At the end of the war, both sides failed to reap the benefits, and returned in a disappointment. Hades sat silent on the throne, his eyes scanning his subordinates, giving people an invisible pressure.

"What do you think about this battle?" Yan Wang said slowly, his voice was flat and his state of mind could not be heard at this time.

The subordinates looked at each other, Leng Feng never said a word, and the head-hunting Yingzhuo said coldly: "Hemo clown, don't be afraid, the main thing is to pull out the sea of ​​swords at the moment."

The three generals of Tianlu didn't think so. They lost two comrades in this battle, so they hated Hemo very much. One of them objected: "Although Hemo is not to be feared, they make trouble from time to time. It is also troublesome for us, and my subordinates suggest that it is the best policy to eradicate Hemo first and solve the worries."

(End of this chapter)

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