Roaming in the dark

Chapter 238 Papa Zhong Standing at the Door of Tuxiangyuan Hotel

Chapter 238 Papa Zhong Standing at the Door of Tuxiangyuan Hotel

Papa Zhong was standing at the entrance of Xiasha Tuxiangyuan Hotel, and when he saw Sheng Chuncheng's car approaching, he quickly waved to the driver and asked him to stop beside him.He walked to the passenger seat, stretched out his hand to open the car door, and laughed with Sheng Chuncheng:

"Be careful, Xiao Sheng, don't bump your head against the frame of the car."

Father Zhong was waiting for him at the gate, not Zhong Xinxin, which surprised Sheng Chuncheng.

Zhong's father led Sheng Chuncheng in, and the two of them took the elevator upstairs to a box on the second floor. After entering the door, Sheng Chuncheng felt a little surprised. There was no one in the box, and Zhong Xinxin's mother was not seen. Zhong Xinxin is not here either.

Father Zhong guided Sheng Chuncheng to sit down at the table. Sheng Chuncheng turned his head sideways, pretending to be listening hard. After a while, he asked:

"Uncle, is Zhong Xinxin here?"

"No, no, it's just the two of us today." Papa Zhong said with a smile.

Sheng Chuncheng decided in his heart that he must be asked to serve Mr. Zhao, and he couldn't escape.

Papa Zhong quickly finished ordering food and wine. Of course, the must-have dish was fried lobster in spicy sauce.The waiter asked, Mr. Zhong, do you want to go to the seafood pond to see the lobster weighed?Zhong's father said, no need, I have seen it before, today's lobsters are not small, you can help me choose the biggest one.

The food and wine came quickly, and the two of them started eating.Father Zhong kept helping Sheng Chuncheng with vegetables, and the two chatted endlessly, but they never got to the point, which made Sheng Chuncheng feel a little strange.

He looked at Papa Zhong through the sunglasses, saw what he was about to say a few times, hesitated for a while, and then didn't say anything, and finally the words that came out of his mouth were neither salty nor bland.

Obviously, he still has something to hide.

Sheng Chuncheng thought about it for a while, and decided to change the subject by himself, and asked:
"Uncle, are you looking for me today for something?"

"Hehe, there is something to do, it is indeed something to do." Papa Zhong smiled, and the mustache on his lips trembled.

"Uncle, just say what you want." Sheng Chuncheng said.

"Okay." Zhong's father turned his head to look at the closed box door, turned his head, and finally made up his mind, he said:

"Xiao Sheng, both of us are men, between us men, we have to speak directly, there is no need to hide it, can you tell me?"

Sheng Chuncheng nodded and said yes.

"Xiao Sheng, what do you think of our Xinxin?" Papa Zhong asked.

"Very good." Sheng Chuncheng said.

"Yeah, Xinxin is a bit of a clumsy kid, but he's still very honest and doesn't treat people badly," Zhong's father said.

Sheng Chuncheng was a little suspicious when he heard it, isn't it Mr. Zhao, how did you mention Zhong Xinxin?

Sheng Chuncheng was right, "Zhong Xinxin has a lot of advantages. She not only treats people sincerely, but also doesn't lie. Just like some things I asked her to do, such as running and eating less, as long as she agrees, she will definitely do it." Do."

"That's right, she has been such a solid-eyed person since she was a child. She was always bullied outside, and she never bullied others. Her mother and I sometimes hope that she can be a little bit worse, so that we can rest assured. "Papa Zhong said with a sigh.

"I think it's fine just like this." Sheng Chuncheng said.

"Is that right, Xiao Sheng?" Zhong's father said, "I'm very happy that you can say that. When we went back last time, her mother told me that you are quite a real person. Xinxin can find a master like you." , we feel very relieved to have you taking care of her in Hangcheng. Xinxin always speaks well of you in front of us, but she never mentions other people. "

Sheng Chuncheng quickly said, "Thank you, thank you uncle!"

"By the way, Xiao Sheng, I came here today just to ask you, how are you and our Xinxin together?" Papa Zhong asked.

"We are very good together, Zhong Xinxin takes good care of me." Sheng Chuncheng said.

"No, no, Xiao Sheng, you're thinking wrong. I mean that you and our family Xinxin are together. Hey, how about you two getting married?" Papa Zhong said.

"Ah!" Sheng Chuncheng was taken aback and froze there.

"I have discussed this matter with her mother. I came today to talk to you about this matter." Father Zhong continued.

Sheng Chuncheng never thought that Zhong Xinxin's father came to him today to talk about this matter, this, how is it possible?

"How is it, Xiao Sheng?" Papa Zhong continued to ask.

Sheng Chuncheng shook his head quickly, he said no, no, I am disabled, I can't harm Zhong Xinxin.

"Besides, the two of us have been together for such a long time, and we have never thought about it." Sheng Chuncheng and Zhong's father said.

Papa Zhong said in his heart, of course we know that you haven't thought about it. If you thought about it, wouldn't you be a hooligan?How dare we let Xinxin be with you, and I won't handcuff you blind man?You didn't think about this matter, we thought about it, and we thought about it for a long time, and discussed it for a long time, and we came to you today.

Zhong Xinxin's parents, seeing that the epidemic seems to be endless, they have given up their plan to let Zhong Xinxin go back to the UK.Foreign countries are now lying flat, what are they doing to coexist with the virus, how can they rest assured that their daughter will go back to the UK as a test product?Isn’t it said that if a fat person gets this disease, it will be very serious?If you want to lie down, you lie down, we just don't go.

Anyway, Zhong Xinxin didn't have to go out to look for a job. It didn't matter to her whether she had that diploma or not.The main purpose of sending Zhong Xinxin out at the beginning was to change her environment. Both the doctor and the agency said that in a different environment, Zhong Xinxin's dislike of dealing with people might be better, and the environment would force her to change herself.

Zhong Xinxin's parents saw that Zhong Xinxin had indeed changed and became different from before. When they were with them, it was no longer that they couldn't beat a fart with three fists, but they also had something to say to them. You will appreciate their hard work.This made them very relieved.

However, this change was not caused by her going to England, but after she came back, in Hangcheng, Sheng Chuncheng started to give her weight-loss massage.When they came last time, Zhong Xinxin's parents also noticed that when she was with Sheng Chuncheng, Zhong Xinxin knew how to take care of others and acted like a normal person. When she talked with Sheng Chuncheng, she was more like a normal person. normal people.

She wasn't like that when she was with other people.

Even when sitting together, she keeps her head down and doesn't say a word. Even if you force her to talk to someone, she still blushes and refuses to speak even if you beat her to death.

Seeing these changes in my daughter, seeing that she has started to lose weight, and now she looks like a normal person. It is no longer like before. They took her out, and the people around looked at Zhong Xinxin, as if Watching gorillas.At this time, being a parent is actually very sad.

Now it's gone, and no one looks at Xinxin with such eyes anymore.

Zhong Xinxin's parents are very grateful to this blind masseuse from the bottom of their hearts. This is the truth, and there is no water at all.

Zhong Xinxin's father has been thinking about this matter. That day, he said to Zhong's mother:

"How about letting Xinxin marry this Xiaosheng?"

Mother Zhong was taken aback, and blurted out: "Are you crazy? You let your daughter marry a blind man? No matter how bad our Xinxin is, we won't end up marrying a disabled person, right?"

Mother Zhong was annoyed, and Father Zhong took his time, just like what he said to Sheng Chuncheng now, he said:

"What about blind people?"

 Thank you for the reward after three o'clock in the middle of the night!Thank you for showing all, Daosheng 123's monthly pass!Thanks for all the votes and reading! Good health everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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