Roaming in the dark

Chapter 239 Papa Zhong and Mama Zhong Said

Chapter 239 Papa Zhong and Mama Zhong Said
Zhong's father and Zhong's mother said that the family property we earned, such a big company, must be inherited by someone, and we only have Xinxin as a daughter. Tell the truth, can you rest assured that the company will be handed over to Xinxin?She has the ability to manage the company well?Don't want to slack off and get tricked by bad guys, and squander all the little family property we've saved for her all our lives?

"If this is the case, you and I are dead, and we will be peaceful down here?" Papa Zhong asked.

Mother Zhong gave him a blank look, and scolded: "If you don't leave it to Xinxin, who do you want to leave it to? You still have small ones outside, wild ones?"

Papa Zhong laughed, he said yes, my little one is a transparent person, I hide it in the office drawer, otherwise, how could it not be discovered by you?
Mother Zhong also burst out laughing. On this point, she believed that even if a man has the heart, he doesn't have the time.At most, when he went out to socialize, he hugged girls and kissed them outside singing places, and made some money for each other. This was inevitable, and she didn't believe that he had a little one.

"Then what do you say?" Mother Zhong asked.

"I thought so."

Papa Zhong frowned, and with his beard curled up, he looked like Lu Xun in deep thought. He said:

"Since Xinxin will not go abroad, it is better to get married earlier and have children earlier. Now that the policy has been relaxed, we let Xinxin have three or four children at once. In the past twenty years, among the three or four, there will always be A successful one. At that time, although we were still able to work, we were too old. My daughter can’t do it, so we handed over the company to our grandchildren, isn’t it the same?”

Mother Zhong thought about it, and Father Zhong's consideration was right. She said, "Then Xinxin can't be allowed to marry a blind man."

"I've figured it out, he's not born, he won't be inherited, if it's born, I won't agree, what should I do if I give birth to a bunch of little blind people, right?"

"Have you understood? Who did you ask for understanding?" Mother Zhong asked.

"Of course it's his family, from their village." Zhong's father said, "Someone's child was a classmate with him when he was in primary and junior high school in their village. At that time, his eyes were fine and there was nothing wrong with him. He is also smart, and his academic performance is very good.”

Fortunately, when Sheng Chuncheng was in high school, he left his hometown and went to Qiandao Lake, and later went directly to university from Qiandao Lake.

The person that Zhong's father found was from Sheng Chuncheng's village, not from the same village, and he was not very close to their family.When he was a child, Sheng Chuncheng was studying in the village. He knew it, but he didn’t know it later. I haven’t seen him for so many years. Among his classmates back then, there were dicks who became big bosses, pure class flowers, and suspicious chickens. It is not uncommon for the disease to become blind.

Speaking of working as a blind massage therapist in Hangcheng, the man said yes, there is someone in their family who does blind massage in Hangzhou.

This was a mess, but it happened to be right, the person who said it was Sheng Chuncheng's uncle, who went to help inquire, but thought that Sheng Chuncheng was right.

"Tell me, if Xiao Sheng is not blind, what do you think?" Zhong's father asked Zhong's mother.

"That's pretty good. He's handsome, he looks honest, and he's very polite to people. He's not the kind of glib person." Mother Zhong said.

"And smart, you had dinner with him, tell me, is he smart?" Papa Zhong asked.

"Smart is smart, you can see it." Zhong's mother agreed.

"These are all genes!" Papa Zhong patted his thigh and shouted, "Think about it, these can all be passed on to our grandchildren."

"Also, let's not lie to ourselves." Zhong's father said, "We must admit that Xinxin is a patient, and it is psychological. What the doctor said, the physical illness is easy to cure, and it will be fine when it is cured. Psychological The disease is very difficult to eradicate. Even if it is cured now, it will still happen again when it is stimulated later.

"Now you ask Xinxin to go on a blind date, will she go, will she go? Xinxin is a patient, yes, but her heart is still high. If you find her someone she doesn't like, even if you kill her, she won't agree. To marry him, you have to force her and stimulate her, and she will die for you. What kind of friend of hers, what a beautiful girl, isn't she already dead, aren't you afraid?
"Look at her appearance when she and Xiao Sheng are together, I can guarantee that if we decide to let Xin Xin marry him, Xin Xin will definitely agree to it.

"Besides, let's be honest, based on Xinxin's objective conditions, if a man takes a fancy to her, what do you think he likes her? Looks? Hardworking, brave, and spiritually beautiful? It must be because of her money!

"Do you think this kind of man is reliable? After getting married, Xinxin shouldn't be bullied to death by this kind of person? I'm afraid that in the future, she will be bullied in her own home and dare not tell it in front of us. It's hard, I want to Think of Dusaikou (poor).

"For such a man, he is with Xinxin just to get her money. He must also want to be a snake. He wants to think about our company all day long. We really want to hand over the company to him. Hehe, then we are equal to I've worked for him all my life, and he spends his days and nights outside, not knowing who his wife or concubine is.

"When we are still alive, we can still hold him down. We are going to die. Once we die, I am afraid that Xinxin will be kicked out of the house by him and end up begging on the street. Don't think that this kind of man can't do it. , they can do anything.

"If you think about Xiao Sheng again, people don't look like this. Although he is blind, blind people have the advantages of being blind. He won't marry Xinxin just for money. Also, how can this blind man have a heart? Put Yang Guifei Xishi and Pan Jinlian in a row in front of him, in his eyes, they are the same as Xinxin, they are all pitch black.

"He's blind, even if he wants to bully Xinxin, he can't do it."

Mother Zhong stopped ringing, and she felt that Father Zhong's analysis made sense, especially when he said that Xinxin would be bullied by her husband in the future. This was what she always thought of and was most worried about.However, to let her daughter marry a blind man, Mother Zhong felt that she still couldn't accept it all at once.

"After much deliberation, this Xiaosheng is really the most suitable." Zhong's father looked at Zhong's mother and knew what she was thinking. Zhong's father said:

"I know what you're thinking. Do you think it's embarrassing for your daughter to marry a blind man and be talked about by relatives and friends?" Papa Zhong said, "I've thought about this too, and we don't want to have any weddings anymore. Xiao Sheng is blind, so he probably wouldn't have made such a request. We asked them to get their certificates and just stay in Hangzhou and don't come back.

"It's such a short distance, if you want to run, let's run. When Xinxin's children are born one by one, they are all like flowers. When the time comes, let her bring her grandchildren back, won't it still be a shame for you?"

"Then people want to ask about the son-in-law?" Zhong's mother said.

"Who would be so idle." Papa Zhong said.

"There are still such people."

"What are you afraid of?" Zhong's father said, "Let's say that the son-in-law is Xinxin's classmate when he was studying in the UK, and now he is working in the UK and has no time to come back."

Mother Zhong thought and thought, and finally agreed.The two of them also divided the work. First, Zhong's father went to talk to Sheng Chuncheng, and when it was finalized, Zhong's mother went to talk to her daughter.If both parties have agreed, then cut through the mess quickly and go to get the certificate immediately.

Anyway, Zhong Xinxin's household registration was already settled in Hangzhou when she bought the Jiangnan Haoting house, and they didn't even need to go back to get the certificate.

 Thanks for the monthly pass to Irrational Exuberance!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good evening everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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