Roaming in the dark

Chapter 291 Under the supervision of the two of them

Chapter 291 Under the supervision of the two of them
Under the supervision of the two of them, Sheng Chuncheng took off his outer clothes and trousers, and only wore a set of knitted underwear, with Old Ni's nightgown on the outside.

Auntie took Sheng Chuncheng's clothes to dry, Mr. Lan and Sheng Chuncheng said, "Let's go up."

When the two of them arrived at the sun room on the top floor, Mr. Lan closed the door, turned around and took off Sheng Chuncheng's sunglasses, saying:

"When I saw you wearing sunglasses, I wanted to laugh."

Sheng Chuncheng said, "No..."

"I know, I know." Boss Lan smiled, "I asked you to wear it, but now there is no one else here, and Auntie won't come up, I like you like this."

In the sun room, the air conditioner was turned on early and it was very warm.Although it was a rainy day, the curtains were drawn on the three sides near the garden.Mr. Lan walked over to the side facing the Qiantang River, stretched out his hand, and half closed the curtain, and the light in the sun room dimmed.

Sheng Chuncheng went to the hanger, changed Lao Ni's nightgown, and put on a white coat.Mr. Lan moved very slowly and carefully today. He seemed to think about it for a while when he took off one piece of clothing, and then took off the second one. Until she sighed.

The sound of the rain covered up all the subtle sounds, and Mr. Lan seemed to float to the massage table silently.She was sitting on the massage table, watching Sheng Chuncheng wipe his hands with a wet tissue, and then put his palms together, rubbing them against each other to warm up his own palms, Mr. Lan couldn't help but smile.

Seeing Sheng Chuncheng getting ready to move and walking towards her, she lay down and closed her eyes.

The wind and rain were violent outside, and the rain beat on the glass roof overhead like a dense drumbeat.

Sheng Chuncheng began to massage Mr. Lan. As soon as he stretched out his hand, Mr. Lan grabbed it and put it on his chest. That hand pulled Sheng Chuncheng down. Sheng Chuncheng bent over. The other hand stretched out and hooked Sheng Chuncheng's neck.Following her hand, she stood up, leaned close to Sheng Chuncheng's ear and said to him:
"You massage my chest first."

Sheng Chuncheng nodded and said yes.

Boss Lan let go of Sheng Chuncheng, lay down, and closed his eyes again.

Sheng Chuncheng began to massage her breasts. The temperature in the room was too high, which was just right for Mr. Lan, but for Sheng Chuncheng, his whole body was a little hot.

Boss Lan's breasts are still very elastic, and her entire fair body, in the dim light, exudes a kind of faint light, as if outlined with a pen from the background.Sheng Chuncheng shook his head, but the people below unexpectedly responded, he quickly hinted to himself and tried his best to control it.

It had little effect, his throat was tight, Sheng Chuncheng was about to talk to Mr. Lan for a drink, and left for a while with an excuse, but Mr. Lan suddenly sat up and hugged him.

Sheng Chuncheng was startled, and then wanted to break free, but Mr. Lan hugged him even tighter. She whispered in Sheng Chuncheng's ear: "Don't, don't, don't reject me."

Sheng Chuncheng said no, no, no, but still wanted to break free, Mr. Lan was already holding him with his whole body, and Sheng Chuncheng also pushed against Mr. Lan, Mr. Lan was stunned for a moment, and hummed happily.

Sheng Chuncheng was embarrassed, he felt that his subordinates had betrayed him, making his rejection so hypocritical and ridiculous.Sheng Chuncheng panicked and wanted to push Mr. Lan away but couldn't. He also felt a little clumsy.

Mr. Lan continued to whisper in his ear, still saying no, no, Sheng Chuncheng wanted to push her away, but Mr. Lan started crying, which made Sheng Chuncheng feel at a loss.

Mr. Lan's weak sobbing sound was intermittent in Sheng Chuncheng's ears. In line with the sound of rain on the ceiling, Mr. Lan said:

"You know how long I haven't met a man... I don't want to go to those messy men in the society... Really, really... I really like you... Don't... Don't reject me... ..."

Mr. Lan's cry made Sheng Chuncheng feel that his heart was going to be softened by crying, but he was more aggressive in the woman's cry. Sheng Chuncheng wanted to push Mr. Lan away, but he felt as if his limbs were weak.

"I'll be nice to you...really...I really like you...I'll be nice to you..."

You will be nice to me, Sheng Chuncheng thought of the 8 yuan that he did not refuse, and suddenly became tired. Since he couldn't refuse the money, he instantly lost the courage to refuse this woman.The woman's body and the woman's crying entangled him together, Sheng Chuncheng felt his mind went blank.

His hand slipped from the front of Mr. Lan to her back, and he also hugged her.

The two of them put on their clothes silently, one piece at a time. Boss Lan moved faster and more skillfully than Sheng Chuncheng, and Boss Lan quickly got himself fully dressed.

Sheng Chuncheng was flustered, and his hands were also flustered. He lifted his feet and put them on a few times, but they couldn't get into the trousers of the knitted pants. It was the same when he was wearing knitted clothes. After putting them on, he realized that he was wearing them backwards. He mistook the back for the front. Only take it off and put it on again.

Mr. Lan came over, took Lao Ni's nightgown, and wanted to help Sheng Chuncheng put it on, but Sheng Chuncheng hid for a while, then thought, what do you want to do without clothes?
Mr. Lan helped Sheng Chuncheng tie the belt of his nightgown. She looked at Sheng Chuncheng. Sheng Chuncheng's face drooped. Seeing Mr. Lan looking at him, he turned his head away.

"Are you angry?" Boss Lan asked.

"No." Sheng Chuncheng said in a low voice.

He is actually already angry, but he is angry with himself, what is the matter with himself, why did he hug her when he wanted to refuse, why did you work so hard and loudly just now?He felt a little humiliated in his heart, but he didn't know who brought this humiliation to him?Is it Boss Lan or himself?

He faintly felt that he was more involved.

He felt that he was really shameless, and the most shameless thing was just before, for a moment, he thought of the 8 yuan, and he actually softened his heart because of it.Really, you are still thinking about Yanyan in the lobby of CCB.

Sheng Chuncheng was shocked, he suddenly thought, what is the difference between himself and Yanyan?What is the difference between Mr. Lan and those men who are with Yanyan?
There is no difference, I am even worse than Yanyan.

Yanyan never hides that she makes money from this, she regards this as a profession, a job.

As for myself, I am ashamed to admit it, but in fact, I am not doing the same thing as Yanyan?If there is a difference, it's just that I am more hypocritical than Yanyan.

"Really not angry?" Boss Lan asked.

"No." Sheng Chuncheng still said in a low voice, "Even if I'm angry, I'm not angry with you."

"Do you think it's not worth being like a woman my age?" President Lan asked, "If I were 30 years younger, wouldn't you be happy?"

Sheng Chuncheng was stunned, he felt that this was really the case.For example, he and that Shanshan didn't feel humiliated. On the contrary, she said that there would be no next time with him and threw him like a rag, so he felt humiliated.

If that Shanshan made another appointment with him, would he refuse?
What's the difference between Shanshan and Mr. Lan?If not for age, then for what?
President Lan stretched out his hand, turned his face, and asked, "Am I right?"

Sheng Chuncheng wanted to say something, but couldn't.

President Lan sighed again, and she said, "I know, you don't need to say it."

She then hugged Sheng Chuncheng, put her face on his chest and said, "Thank you! I am really happy today!"

Sheng Chuncheng's hands were hanging there.

Boss Lan hugged him and cried again.

Sheng Chuncheng stood there in a daze for a while, raised his hands, and patted Boss Lan on the back.

 Thank you for tipping two fishes one up and one down, flipping through books every day, and ranking third from top to bottom!Thank you book friend 20171128161727369 for the monthly pass!Thanks for all the reading and upvotes!I wish you all a happy life!

(End of this chapter)

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