Roaming in the dark

Chapter 292 Zhong Xinxin Sees

Chapter 292 Zhong Xinxin Sees

Zhong Xinxin looked gloomy when he saw Sheng Chuncheng the whole night.

There was a fat old Tang, who seemed to be a very important customer in the store. He came, and Sheng Chuncheng performed massage on him personally, and then handed it over to Xiao Wang to brush his back.

Sheng Chuncheng changed his clothes and came out, still sitting on the sofa in the front hall in a daze.

Not only Zhong Xinxin saw it, but even Xiao An, she came over and asked Zhong Xinxin in a low voice, "Master, what's wrong with him?"

Zhong Xinxin shook her head and said, "I don't know."

Xiao An was surprised: "When we saw him at noon, he was still fine. What did he do in the afternoon?"

Zhong Xinxin still said she didn't know.

The cashier next to him said that Mr. Sheng went to a customer in the afternoon and paid the money when he came back.

"Anyone else came?" Xiao An asked.

The cashier said no.

Xiao An came over and stopped beside Sheng Chuncheng. Sheng Chuncheng sat there without noticing it, his eyes were looking out of the glass in the hall.

It had been raining all afternoon, and now it finally stopped.

"What are you in a daze for?" Xiao An asked.

Sheng Chuncheng let out an "oh", turned his head, looked at Xiao An and smiled.

"What's the matter?" Xiao An asked.

Sheng Chuncheng said with a smile: "It's okay, what's the matter with me, isn't it because I'm at work."

"No, I've been watching you all night, and you've been wrong all night, as if you've lost your soul." Xiao An said.

"Boring." Sheng Chuncheng scolded, "Why are you watching me? If you have this time, you might as well give Zhong Xinxin a massage."

Xiaoan said yes, you reminded me that there is a vacant bed right now.

"The same goes for Zhong Xinxin. She knew there was a seat available, so she didn't say anything." Xiao An said.

Sheng Chuncheng said with a smile: "You have to tell me about this kind of thing, she won't take the initiative to say it, do you understand?"

"Understood, this honest boy is really worrying." Xiao An said and walked away, Sheng Chuncheng couldn't help laughing, Xiao An was obviously not a few years older than Zhong Xinxin, this tone.

Xiao An heard Sheng Chuncheng's laughter, turned her head and smiled at him, and then called to the cashier: "Ambassador Zhong, let's go."

When Zhong Xinxin heard this, she knew that she was going to give her a massage, so she quickly got out of the cash register, and the two of them went inside.

On the second day Zhong Xinxin was in the shop, she got a nickname, Ambassador Zhong. Sheng Chuncheng didn't understand what she just heard, so she asked Xiaoan, what ambassador?Xiaoan said the image ambassador.Sheng Chuncheng asked again, who took it?Xiaoan said, I don't know, it's called that anyway.

Sheng Chuncheng sat there and continued to look outside, his eyes were blank, and he kept thinking about the scene of the afternoon in his mind, with complicated and depressed mood.

When the store closed, Sheng Chuncheng accompanied Zhong Xinxin to the subway and went back to Binjiang.Along the way, the two of them didn't speak. When they got out of the station and walked towards the shared bicycle parking spot, Zhong Xinxin couldn't bear it anymore and asked:

"Dad, what's the matter with you today?"

Sheng Chuncheng said, "Nothing."

"Aren't you happy to see me off?" Zhong Xinxin asked.

"No." Sheng Chuncheng said, "It has nothing to do with you, I just feel a little tired."

Zhong Xinxin let out an "oh".

Sheng Chuncheng said: "By the way, let's go for a run on the greenway. I haven't run for a long time."

"Nervous, rainy day?"

"It's not going down now."

Zhong Xinxin felt wrong: "Didn't you just say that you were tired?"

"I was tired before, but I'm not tired now." Sheng Chuncheng said with a smile, "You don't allow me to have a chance to turn around."

"It's a reversed nerve." Zhong Xinxin said, "Let's go, let's go, run and run."

The two rode to the greenway. Although the ground was still wet, the plastic track was half dry.When he started running, Zhong Xinxin thought that this was the first time when Sheng Chuncheng was running here that no one was connected to his body with a rope.The blind man from before ran with her or Guo Shuang with the rope.

Thinking of this, Zhong Xinxin felt happy for Sheng Chuncheng.

However, she also felt that the visible Sheng Chuncheng was more complicated than the blind Sheng Chuncheng.She could see through him before, but now, there seems to be a layer between him, so she can't see through him anymore.

The next morning, Sheng Chuncheng still went to LinkedIn School. At noon, Xiaoan and Zhong Xinxin also came over early, and the three of them ate in the school cafeteria.After the two exchanged information about the students, Xiaoan asked Sheng Chuncheng:
"Where are you going this afternoon?"

"Professor Zheng's place." Sheng Chuncheng said, thinking of it after speaking, and added: "My old client, Zhong Xinxin met."

Zhong Xinxin nodded beside her. She knew it was the old lady from the Jiliang University.

"By the way, Yu Dazi and the others are not free during this period. It's the end of the year, and they are preparing for the New Year's Eve concert. They are rehearsing day and night. You arrange his class on the second or third of next month, He said that they are resting these two days, and he can bring people over." Sheng Chuncheng and Xiao An said.

Xiao An nodded and said yes.

When Sheng Chuncheng returned to the store from LinkedIn School, the first thing he did was to go to the cashier, apply for a diamond card for her in Mr. Lan's name, and pay the money.

Sheng Chuncheng asked for a "everyone slimming" envelope, put the card in it, and sealed it. Nothing was written on the envelope.

Holding the envelope, Sheng Chuncheng walked to the sofa and sat down. He opened the Dada City Express app and placed an order.

After a while, the courier brother arrived, and Sheng Chuncheng handed the envelope to him.

Sheng Chuncheng stood up and walked out to the teahouse next door.There was not a single customer in the teahouse, Sheng Chuncheng was still sitting away from the bar, and sat down at the booth by the door.After waiting for the boss to bring him tea and leave, Sheng Chuncheng took out his mobile phone, found Mr. Lan's phone number, and dialed it.

The phone rang twice and was picked up. Mr. Lan said, "Xiao Sheng, how are you?"

Sheng Chuncheng didn't answer yes or no, but said: "Mr. Lan, I cooperated with someone and opened a massage shop..."

"Good thing, do you need money?" Boss Lan interrupted him.

Sheng Chuncheng hurriedly said: "No, no, Mr. Lan, I called you because I wanted to tell you that I have issued a card for you in our store, and I have sent it to you by courier. It should be delivered soon. arrive."

Boss Lan let out an "oh".

"Mr. Lan, if you need a massage in the future, come to the store and I will give you a good massage. Also, if you need door-to-door service, there is a service number on it. If you call, the store will send someone there."

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

Sheng Chuncheng's hand holding the phone trembled slightly, and he waited.

The other end of the phone continued to be silent, and after a while, the phone was hung up, and there was a rapid "beep" sound from inside.

Sheng Chuncheng held the phone in a daze for a while, then let out a soft breath.

Sheng Chuncheng stood up, went to the bar, scanned the QR code and paid the bill.

The boss came over to clean up. He saw that the pot of tea was still full and even the cups were still dry.

"What's the matter?" the boss muttered, he got his head out of the door, turned to the left, and looked at the next door, but Sheng Chuncheng's back could no longer be seen.

 Thank you for the monthly tickets of Fengxuebiantian, Guandian Electromechanical, Huoshaoyun 0406, Mingyue Songjian Zhaoqingquanshi Shangliu!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good morning everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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