Chapter 619
In the morning, when Sheng Chuncheng and Qingqing arrived at the driving school, Coach Tang was still so sleepy-eyed. He barely held on to see them each fall down, then tilted his head to the side, leaving them alone and letting them go by themselves.Sheng Chuncheng and Qingqing arranged it by themselves, if one person has no problem with three in a row, they will switch to the other.

The fat man slept happily and snored loudly, but he seemed to know in his dream how they were doing.After sleeping for more than an hour, he woke up, opened his eyes, and saw that it was Sheng Chuncheng who was sitting in the driver's seat. He pointed with his finger and said go, adjust the venue, and learn to park and start on the ramp over there.

Sheng Chuncheng looked up at the rearview mirror and saw Qingqing in the mirror, also looking at him, both of them smiled, celebrating that they passed another level.

After learning how to drive, Sheng Chuncheng went back to the store, and when he passed by Xiao An's office, he saw An Jing sitting in Xiao An's office.Sheng Chuncheng thought An Jing was here to wait for the baby, and today is also the day when the baby is coming for a massage, Sheng Chuncheng asked them:

"The baby hasn't arrived yet?"

Xiao An said: "I came early in the morning, and I'm sitting in the back."

Sheng Chuncheng looked quiet, a little confused, the baby has arrived, why don't you go chat with the baby, sit here and chat with Xiaoan?
Jing Jing seemed to know what Sheng Chuncheng was thinking. She said, "Mr. Sheng, I'm waiting for you. Teacher Li has been discharged from the hospital and returned home this morning. Let's go and see him together?"

Sheng Chuncheng hurriedly said yes, let's go right away.

When they arrived at Qiushi New Village, Xiaotian drove the car all the way to the downstairs of Mr. Li's house. Sheng Chuncheng and Anjing got off the car. Xiaotian and Xiaoan said:
"I'm going to find a place to park, you are all right, call me."

Xiao An said yes.

The three of them went upstairs, and when they arrived at the door of Mr. Li's house, they quietly rang the doorbell. The door opened, and Mr. Xu was in the door. He was very happy to see the three of them, so he let them in. After entering, he let them sit on the sofa, and They said they had just returned home not long ago.

Sheng Chuncheng didn't see Teacher Li in the living room, so he asked, "Where is Teacher Li?"

"Inside, inside." Teacher Xu said, "I'll take you to see him."

The three followed Mr. Xu to the bedroom. They saw Mr. Li lying on the bed, covered with a towel, motionless, his eyes wide open, but dull and dull. When the three saw this scene, I understand everything in my heart.

Jing Jing asked: "Mr. Xu, Mr. Li..."

Teacher Xu nodded, and said calmly, "That's right, such an active person can't move anymore, he's already in a vegetable state."

An Jing and Xiao An both cried.

Teacher Xu hurriedly said: "Don't cry, don't cry, it's good to be like this. It's a blessing to be able to be rescued. I asked the doctor, and the doctor said that it can last for about ten or twenty years. I don't have to worry about it. For a while, I worry about his high blood pressure, for a while, for his high blood sugar, and for a while, I have to worry about another cerebral hemorrhage, that’s it, don’t worry.”

Teacher Xu said, sat down on the edge of the bed, held Teacher Li's hand, and said to them:
"During the few days in the hospital, I also figured it out. I know that he still worried about me and was reluctant to leave. You see, he can still accompany me every day like this, we are still together every day, and I can still hug me. Isn't he very good?"

Sheng Chuncheng bent down and called out twice: "Mr. Li, Mr. Li."

Teacher Li's eyes seemed to be looking at him, but his eyes diverged away from his head, omitting him, and there was no one in his eyes.

Teacher Xu turned to look at Teacher Li, and shouted: "Did you hear, did you see, the old man, Xiao Sheng Xiaoan, and Doctor An have all come to see you."

Teacher Li was expressionless. Teacher Xu touched his cheek and said with a smile:
"Looking at your air, you have learned to ignore people. When you see guests coming, you don't even know how to say hello. Why are you so airy?"

Xiao An and An Jing, the emotions that had just calmed down were turbulent again, their eyes were red, Teacher Xu looked at them, stood up quickly and said:

"Oh, let's go out, talk outside, and let him stand here alone."

The four went outside and sat down on the sofa again. Teacher Xu said, either you will have lunch here later, and I will cook some dishes for you.

Sheng Chuncheng and Jing Jing hurriedly said no, no, thank you Teacher Xu.

Sheng Chun thought to himself, Mr. Li had a cerebral hemorrhage, went to the hospital for rescue, and now he has become a vegetable again. Their son should have come back from Germany. Even during the epidemic, he will find a way to come back, just like Professor Zheng had an operation. , as if her daughter was rushing back from the United States.

Sheng Chuncheng asked Mr. Xu: "Mr. Xu, have your sons returned, have they been quarantined in Beijing or Guangzhou?"

Shanghai is still under lockdown, and it is inconvenient to return to Shanghai from Germany. If his son comes back, there is a high probability that he will land in Beijing or Guangzhou first. After getting off the plane, he needs to be quarantined there for [-] days.

Teacher Xu was stunned for a moment, but didn't make a sound. After a while, she raised her head to look at Sheng Chuncheng and the three of them, and said to them:
"Our son actually passed away a long time ago. He did study at the University of Göttingen, but in his sophomore year, when he was traveling with his classmates, he had an accident and passed away."

"Ah!" The three of them were shocked, especially Sheng Chuncheng and Xiao An, who were even more surprised. They clearly remembered that when they came here before, Teacher Li and Teacher Xu told them about their son more than once.

Sheng Chuncheng and Xiaoan remembered that their son was teaching at the University of Göttingen, had already married, had a child, and bought a new villa of his own. Teacher Li and Teacher Xu often said that their son would let them go there.

Sheng Chuncheng asked: "Mr. Xu, how many sons do you have?"

"Just this one."

Sheng Chuncheng and Xiao An were not only more surprised when they heard this, but also completely confused.

Teacher Xu looked at them, smiled wryly, and said to them:

"When my son just passed away, how could I accept it? At that time, I felt that the sky was falling, and I even wanted to die with him. Teacher Li was also very sad, and he continued to comfort me and himself , He told me, as if his son was busy in Germany and couldn't come back, look at how many children there are in the school, go out to study, it's not like they won't come back for a few years.

"Later, the two of us agreed to stay in Germany while our son was still alive. We planned and arranged for him. He graduated from school, got a doctorate, stayed at the University of Göttingen to teach, and married a family. , gave birth to a child. The two of us just kept describing, imagining everything about our son, and talking to each other, as if it was real.

"Every few years, we will go to Germany to see our son. He is buried in Göttingen. We will go to see him and tell him what we want to say. When we come back, we will pretend It was in Germany, and it was their family who said goodbye. The son was so busy that he couldn't come back.

"Usually the two of us talk, and we always talk about our son. The day before Mr. Li got sick, he read a news and told me that because of the Russian-Ukrainian war, Germany's energy shortage, the economic minister of the Green Party in Germany Germans are encouraged to say that only wash the four parts of the armpit, buttocks, groin and feet in the bath.

"Ms. Li said, I don't know who taught these young geniuses of the Green Party. Even if they have received basic national education, they would not say such shocking things. Call your son and ask him, what are the Germans? How can you only wash these four parts in the shower, and not go to other places? You can ask your son, how many times the natural gas in Germany has increased now."

Teacher Li said, turned his head to look at the bedroom, and continued:

"I don't know if he is like this now, half and half, stepping on Yin and Yang. I don't know if he can see his son, but he can't tell. He can't tell me that he saw our son."

 Thank you Xinghai Bookworm 1977 for your reward!Thank you windinwing, half-understanding 12138, the walking ghost, and qiaodan1 for the monthly pass!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good morning everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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