Roaming in the dark

Chapter 620 Sheng Chuncheng is quiet and the three of them

Chapter 620 Sheng Chuncheng is quiet and the three of them
Sheng Chuncheng quieted the three of them. Hearing Teacher Xu say these words, he felt very sad.

Teacher Xu seems to have accepted these facts frankly, and in turn comforted them by saying:
"It's okay. Mr. Li is really lucky like he is now. Although his brain has no response to the outside world, he still has the basic conditioned reflex of the body. He can eat, and what he eats can only be liquid and semi-liquid. But there is no need to insert a gastric tube. I saw in the hospital that those who have a gastric tube inserted in their nostrils are committing crimes.

"By the way, the school's general affairs office also arranged a nurse for us. He will come to help every day. This afternoon, the nurse will come over. There are only a few things in this family. It's easy for two people to do it."

Sheng Chuncheng stood up, and he said to Teacher Xu: "Mr. Xu, I'm going to give Teacher Li a full-body massage. If you lie on the bed for too long, your body will shrink and your muscles will shrink. If I give him a massage, he may And feel a little more comfortable.”

Teacher Xu nodded and said, "Okay, Xiao Sheng, thank you!"

Xiao An also stood up, and she said to Teacher Xu, "Come on, Teacher Xu, I'll help you get a massage and relax. You've worked hard in the hospital these days."

"I don't need it, I don't need it." Teacher Xu said, waving his hand.

"Xiao An is right, you'd better ask her to massage you for you."

Sheng Chuncheng thought of it, and he said to Mr. Xu:
"Mr. Xu, do you think this is good? We will arrange two masseurs to come over twice a week to give you massages. We don't charge any fees and serve you for free."

"No, no, we can't spend all our pensions, so I'll just pay for it," Teacher Xu said.

"No, Teacher Xu, Master is right. I'm thinking, the masseuses in our shop, I will arrange them to come to you in turn. Coming here is also an education for them." Xiaoan and Teacher Xu explain.

Sheng Chuncheng said: "As long as our shop is open, this matter will continue. Let's go, Teacher Xu, let's go for a massage."

Sheng Chuncheng and Xiao An, one went to give Teacher Li a massage, and the other went to give Teacher Xu a massage. They looked around quietly and said to them:
"Then I'll cook, and we'll have lunch at Mr. Xu's place later."

Both Sheng Chuncheng and Xiao An agreed.

Although he knew that Mr. Li was unconscious, Sheng Chuncheng went in with a basin of warm water. He first wiped Mr. Li's whole body with a towel, and then began to use essential oils to give him a full-body massage, so that he could get as much pain as possible. Keep his skin shiny and elastic as possible.

In the past, when Sheng Chuncheng gave Teacher Li a massage, the two of them kept talking. However, at that time, it was Teacher Li who talked a lot and Sheng Chuncheng who listened more.

In front of Teacher Li, just like in front of Professor Zheng, how could he have the right to talk more.They are a thick book, you can read any page you want.When they talk about anything casually, they have their own experience and sentiments, and when they talk, they often mix their own personal experience into it.

Sheng Chuncheng liked listening to them very much. Like a sponge, he tried hard to absorb their stories and what they said.He felt that for him, this was a good opportunity to learn. He couldn't experience many things, but listening, it seemed to be experiencing.

Teacher Li opened his eyes and looked at Sheng Chuncheng. Sheng Chuncheng was massaging him. When he looked at him, he always felt that Teacher Li had something to say to him, and it seemed that he was waiting, waiting for Sheng Chuncheng to say something to him. .

When the two of them were together, how could there be such silence like now? Teacher Li couldn't say, but Sheng Chuncheng had to say something.

Sheng Chuncheng thought about it for a while, and then he started talking. He and Teacher Li talked about yesterday's experience, about himself and Sister Lan, their affair, and the 18 that Sister Lan gave him. Talking about his own mood of eagerness and apprehension, excitement and shame.

He felt that Mr. Li could understand him, he would not laugh at him, let alone look down on him because of it.Sheng Chuncheng felt that if Mr. Li was still as healthy as before, when he came here and gave him a massage, he might talk about these things with Mr. Li and ask him to help him solve his doubts.

Among the people he knew, only Mr. Li seemed to be able to understand that the relationship between him and Sister Lan was unreasonable, even somewhat abnormal.

Sheng Chuncheng was chatting with Teacher Li, and there were two or three times when he felt that Teacher Li answered, he immediately shut up, pricked up his ears to listen, but he didn't hear the sound, and then looked at Teacher Li, it was still the same. A look of indifference.

Sheng Chuncheng sighed and continued to talk. After telling the story, he felt much more comfortable in his heart.This feeling is very similar to the [-]-day talk between him and Sun Hong when he and Sun Hong were in isolation. When they revealed a secret, some of the pent-up barriers in their hearts were removed, and their hearts became much more open.

However, Sheng Chuncheng knew that even if there was another [-]th talk, he would be ashamed to talk to Sun Hong about what happened with Sister Lan yesterday.Although he had already told her about what happened on the top floor of Dongfang Runyuan that stormy afternoon, that was the first half of his and Sister Lan's time, Sheng Chuncheng had already told Sun Hong that Sun Hong didn't laugh at her, but said that understand.

Therefore, Sun Hong also told Sheng Chuncheng about her relationship with the chairman.

Even so, Sheng Chuncheng felt that even if there was another [-]th talk, he still didn't have the courage to talk to Sun Hong about the second half of his relationship with Sister Lan.

That's right, Mr. Li may be his only audience in this world.

After Sheng Chuncheng finished speaking, he looked at Teacher Li and said, "Mr. Li, I'm done talking. What do you think?"

Teacher Li was silent.

Sheng Chuncheng was also silent.

After Sheng Chuncheng gave Teacher Li a massage, he walked out of the bedroom and saw that Xiao An and Teacher Xu finished earlier than him. The three women were busy between the dining table and the kitchen.

Teacher Xu was setting the tableware in front of the dining table. When he saw Sheng Chuncheng coming out of the bedroom, Teacher Xu greeted him immediately:

"Come on, come on, Xiao Sheng, come and see Dr. An's skills, it's amazing."

Sheng Chuncheng walked over and saw that four dishes had been set on the dining table, one was peanut pork knuckles, the other was three-cup chicken made from chicken wings and drumsticks frozen in the refrigerator, one was fried vegetables, one was fried eggs, and the other was fried vegetables. The eggs are preserved radish eggs made with dried radish. These dishes look delicious and delicious.

Jing Jing came out of the kitchen with soup, Sheng Chuncheng called out to her: "Not bad, Jing Jing, I didn't expect you to be a chef."

Quietly smiled at him.

Xiao An followed and said to Sheng Chuncheng, "I've eaten it already, it's so delicious!"

(End of this chapter)

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