Chapter 206 Keep Your Distance
Zhou Sen, Ando Shenghou and Anna were invited to the second floor box of Fuyuan Restaurant, the leftovers were removed, and a new table was made and served.

The accompanying guests are naturally Sato branch chief and Ono.

Sato thought that Zhou Sen was Japanese and kept toasting, but he didn't deny it, and Ono didn't explain it. The welcome lunch was quite enjoyable.

After the meal, Sato arranged for everyone to stay in the best hotel in Fuyuan County, and invited all the other guests away for safety reasons.

They won't stay in Fuyuan for long, and it is estimated that they will set off to return to Bingcheng soon.

Before eating, Ono had already sent a telegram to Saburo Shibuya of Bingcheng, and Saburo Shibuya was naturally overjoyed when he received the telegram. Although this credit cannot be clearly stated, it is enough to stabilize his current position.

After all, the "Northern Advancement" faction in the Kwantung Army has lost power, and even Michitaro Komatsuhara, the head of the 23rd Division, the backbone of the "Northern Advancement" faction, apologized with all his heart.

Those of them who actively advocate the "Northward Movement" will definitely be affected and even liquidated in the future, and their political future is worrying.

If he can make up for it in other ways, for him, it is undoubtedly a life-saving straw.

If he hadn't been unable to get away, he would have wanted to come to Fuyuan himself and take Ando Shenghou back.

"Zhou Sen-jun, Chief Shibuya wants us to leave as soon as possible. Do you need to rest for a few days?" Ono took Shibuya Saburo's telegram to see Zhou Sen.

"I'm fine, I can leave at any time, but you have to ask Ando-kun if he needs to take a break." Zhou Sen said casually, he was already ready to return.

"Okay, you have seen the request in the telegram from Chief Shibuya, please don't worry about it." Ono bowed solemnly.

"Don't worry, I will write the report, this is what I should do."

Once they entered Manchuria, Zhou Sen and Anna were no longer a "husband and wife" relationship, and they naturally shared a room with each other in the hotel.

independent of each other.

Krasnov and the others wanted to go out for a walk, take a stroll, and ask Zhou Sen to go with them, but he didn't want to move at all, so he declined directly.

He wanted to stay alone in the hotel and think carefully about how he should write this report, and how he would face Bai Yulan when he went back this time.

She must be resenting herself. After leaving for more than half a year, there is still no news. Such a man had better die outside.

Don't think about it so much, if she wants to be beaten, it's up to her to punish her!

Zhou Sen didn't sleep much that night, so he fell asleep right away.

He fell asleep until Anna knocked on the door to ask him to have dinner, only to realize that it was already dark outside, and four or five hours had passed since he woke up.

In the evening, Major Sato didn't come, and Ono was alone, and the dinner was slightly less rich than the one at noon.

Adjutant Ono toasted frequently, and Zhou Sen also drank a lot with him.

In the end, he was helped into the house by Anna and Klaas.

From Fuyuan to JMS, it is naturally the most comfortable way to go by water, and it is from top to bottom, along the water, which saves a lot of effort, but the time is not so friendly.

"By car, why is that? We have a boat?" Zhou Sen also wanted to go back comfortably by boat, whether by car or on horseback, it was really tiring.

"There is a gangster named Zheng Sanpao in Xifengzuizi. This guy has more than 200 people under his command. It is difficult to deal with. If we take a boat, we must pass by there, and the waterways there are winding, our boat must Soon..." Ono explained.

"But what about our ship?"

"The boat can be sold at a discount, so you won't suffer any disadvantages. If we go by land, Director Sato will send a garrison team to escort us."

"What about Director Sato?"

"He will stay in Fuyuan to organize the next stage of the crusade, and this is not something we worry about." Ono said.

"Okay, I'll follow the instructions, but it's too uncomfortable to ride in a car. Can you get me a horse? I'll ride a horse." Zhou Sen said, it's better to ride a horse than to be bumped in a car.

"Okay, it's not difficult. Anyway, you can ride a horse or take a car." Ono readily agreed, and this request was not excessive at all.

In fact, the water route might be safer, but the land route would be hard to say, and Zhou Sen didn't want to remind anything.

Anyway, it's all over here, so there's no need.

To him, there is no difference between land and water.

Both Zhou Sen and Anna carried weapons with them, and these were naturally returned to them. As for Kraslov and the others, Zhou Sen asked Ono to prepare a shell gun and [-] rounds of ammunition for him. He fired a gun, but got him a short knife for self-defense.

As for Evna and little Barlow, they definitely don't need weapons.

Morihou Ando got a gun for everything, naturally it was a bastard box, and his gun and saber had long been trophies of the Soviet army.

I don't think I'll ever get it back for the rest of my life.

There were too few oriental horses, so Ono got Zhou Sen a pack horse, which should be a Mongolian horse, and it looked pretty good.

Of course Zhou Sen's poor physiognomy couldn't tell, but Ono said that Sato found it for him. Although it can't be compared with a war horse, it is absolutely no problem for traveling and carrying heavy loads.

Although it is a road, the conditions of the road are just like that. The speed of the car at [-] to [-] miles per hour is not bad.

Therefore, riding a horse can completely keep up.

Motorbikes cleared the way, two Mitsubishi 2.5-ton trucks, and then a small team of cavalry. The entire team consisted of seven to eighty people.

Major Sato attached great importance to the task of escorting them to JMS.

With so many devil cavalrymen and trucks, it is really hard to say whether they will become the targets of the anti-union armed forces.

Zhou se rode a horse and followed the Japanese cavalry in light clothes.

There should be no problem just leaving the city, so don't be so vigilant, and wait until you enter the mountainous area, where there are few people and dense forests.

Then you have to be careful, this is not a town node, there are often scorpions, but judging by their team, there should not be many small scorpions who dare to come to stroke the tiger's beard.

But if it's the desperate anti-union team, it's hard to say, but their tactics are flexible, and they generally don't go head-to-head.

To be honest, Zhou Sen really didn't want to meet him. It would be easy if his team could take down the Japanese army. The problem is that if they couldn't take it in, then the unlucky thing would be the armed forces of the Anti-Japanese Alliance. The equipment and supplies are too poor. , he is really unwilling to sacrifice the fighters of the Anti-Union for nothing.

Now every soldier is an anti-Japanese force, as long as it can be preserved, it is a kindling.

Maybe it was Zhou Sen's prayer that helped. The journey went smoothly without encountering any danger or trouble.

Three days later, they arrived at JMS without incident.

After resting in JMS for one night, they boarded the Manchurian train from JMS to Bingcheng early the next morning.

If there is no accident, they will be able to arrive at the ice city later.

It was early March when he left Bingcheng to go to Yiyipo for special training, and now it is early October. After all, it has been almost seven months since he left Bingcheng.

Since he was adopted by Papa Anthony, it was the first time he had traveled so far, and the first time he had been away from home for such a long time.

Zhou Sen and others were arranged to sit in the best car, with velvet seats, carpets under their feet, reclining seats, and heating in the car.

Of course, the ticket price for such a luxurious carriage is not cheap, but he doesn't need to pay for these, so he can enjoy them with peace of mind.

It has started to snow outside. This year, the Northeast has snowed a little earlier, but it is not the earliest. In previous years, it would have snowed in September.

It's early October, and it's normal to snow.

The snow is not heavy, it should be the first snow in early winter, and the weather is probably going to be cold after this snow falls.

There is heating in the carriage, so you only need to wear a coat and a shirt inside. You must wear a coat or cotton coat when you go out.

"Master, when you get back to Bingcheng, do you want to go home first, or go to Boss Bai first?" Anna sat across from Zhou Sen, holding a cup of hot coffee in her hand, lightly touched Zhou Sen's hand, and asked road.

"Go home first."

"I rented a house in Bingcheng and left early. I don't have a place to live. Otherwise, I'll spend the night at your place?"

"Live, no problem, you can even stay for as long as you want, as long as you pay the rent." Zhou Sen said with narrowed eyes.

"Stingy, just because of our relationship, if I live in your house, you can still charge me money?" Anna said without saying a word to Zhou Sen.

"I'm not related to you, why should I let you live in vain?"

"Okay, just give it, but give me a fair price for yours." Anna said angrily.

"Yes, I will give you 20.00% off the market price, and you can automatically go to the Ningxiang Pavilion to pay Boss Bai every month. Of course, you can also give it a few more months at a stretch, saving you from running around every month." Zhou Sen said.

"If you don't give the money to you, what will she do if you give it to her?"

"In our family, Boss Bai manages the money."

"What about the Krasnov family, how do you plan to arrange them?" Anna asked.

"Live at home, Kraslov is a family member, isn't it normal for him to live at home?" Zhou Sen said.

"There are only so many rooms in the house. The Krasnov family lives here. Where do I live?"

"That's right, there's only one guest room downstairs. How can so many of you live there?" Zhou Sen remembered that the upstairs room belonged to him and Father Anthony. This room would rather be empty than live in it.

There are quite a lot of rooms in the Ningxiang Pavilion, but Anna and Krasnov have sensitive identities, so it is definitely not suitable to live there.

After thinking about it, there is another place, that is the small building in Sheerkin. If someone died, the landlord could not rent it out. Zhou Sen bought the house at a very low price. Prepared by Jiang Rou.

Jiang Rou lives in the Ningxiang Hall, she is fine, and she doesn't want to move.

"I'll arrange for them to live in the small building in Sheerkin. There are several rooms upstairs and downstairs, with a lot of space. You can live there too," Zhou Sen said.

"I won't go!" Anna immediately refused. She lived in that place, so she might not be able to sleep at night.

"what ever."

Zhou Sen leaned against the window, closed his eyes and fell asleep. He was about to meet Bai Yulan, and he hadn't figured out what to say the first time they met.

(End of this chapter)

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