Chapter 207
"Zhou Sen-jun, can I have something to talk to you alone?" Ando Shenghou, who had recovered well, came to the place where Zhou Sen and Anna were.

It's really hard for Zhou Sen to refuse, although he didn't think about gaining any benefits from Ando Morihou, but after getting along for a few days, he couldn't be so unkind.

Anna is about to get up.

Zhou Sen suppressed her, got up and said: "Ando-kun, I'd better go to the dining car, where there are fewer people, it is more suitable for conversation."

"Okay." Ando Morihou looked happy.

The two went to the dining car together.

I found an empty table with no one around and sat down. It's not the time to eat, and there are not many people in the dining car.

Those who can spend in the dining car must be rich or powerful.

Zhou Sen ordered a cup of black tea, while Ando Morihou ordered a cup of coffee.

"Zhou Senjun, I am very grateful for your life-saving grace. I will try my best to help you if you have any difficulties in the future." Ando Morihou said very solemnly.

"You don't have to be like this, Mr. Ando. I saved you not because of your thanks. This is the task given to me by Shangfeng." Zhou Sen shook his head.

He really didn't want to have anything to do with Ando Shenghou. Objectively, he saved the other party, but without this task, he thought it would be difficult to return to Bingcheng like this.

It can be said that both sides get what they need.

However, this objective fact cannot be changed.

"Mr. Zhou Sen is a gentleman, and Ando deeply admires him." Ando Shenghou stood up and bowed deeply to Zhou Sen.

Zhou Sen didn't dare to accept this bow. If someone saw it, he would be in trouble if he stabbed the Japanese. He hurriedly stood up and replied: "Ando-kun, you are too polite."

"When I come back this time, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to stay in Manchuria. I don't have any friends here. Zhou Senjun, would you like to be my friend?"

"Well, of course..." Zhou Sen was stunned for a moment, and Ando Morihou actually wanted to be friends with him.

"Great, I will stay in the ice city for a few more days. I heard that Zhou Senjun is from the ice city. Can I ask Zhou Senjun to be my guide and have a good tour of the ice city?" Ando Shenghou said.

"There shouldn't be any problem with this." Zhou Sen nodded. He was afraid that Morihou Ando would not be so free when he arrived in Bingcheng.

"Then it's settled. When the time comes, I will definitely come to Zhou Senjun!" Ando Shenghou said happily.

"Definitely, if Ando-kun wants to find me, you can go directly to Anthony's Mansion on Coats Street. It's easy to find out there. Even if I'm not at home, someone will receive you and notify me." Zhou Sen said.

"Okay, I'll take it down."

"I'll take this cup." Zhou Sen slightly raised the teacup in his hand and said, he knew that Ando Morihou didn't have any money on him.

Ando Morihou smiled awkwardly, but did not insist.

He didn't explain his identity to Zhou Sen, and Zhou Sen naturally wouldn't take the initiative to ask. Anyway, their intersection was only this time, and I'm afraid there won't be any more in the future.

Drinking tea and coffee quietly, chatting about local customs and love affairs, like two old friends who have known each other for a long time.

At lunch time, Anna also came over.

There was nothing delicious on the train, so I ordered some food and ate, and then went back to my seat.

The train passed Suihua and stopped for 10 minutes. This is the intersection of Binbei Line and Suijia Line, and it is a major node station.Zhou Sen got out of the car and bought two packs of cigarettes, but he was exhausted.

"Krasnov, try our cigarettes." Zhou Sen tore off the wrapping paper, took one from inside, and handed it to Krasnov who got out of the car to breathe.

"Here we are, should I call you Vasim?"

"Vasim is my Russian name. In Ice City, everyone is used to calling me by my Chinese name, Zhou Sen." Zhou Sen said.

"Oh, I see, I'll call Master Sen." Krasnov nodded.

"Evna and the child, you have to explain well, what should be said and what should not be said, you can grasp it well." Zhou Sen reminded.

"I know, you can rest assured." Krasnov nodded.

"That Rudolph will follow you first and help me investigate and see if it can be used. If not, find an errand to send him away." Zhou Sen said, "Remember, don't reveal any secrets to him."


"Master Sen, when we get to Bingcheng, I will rely on you." Seeing Anna come down in a scarlet wool coat, Krasnov hurriedly said.

"It's easy to say, we are on our own, and I need some people to do things around me. You will follow me in the future, and I promise that it will not be worse than your life over there!" Zhou Sen also found Anna, and followed his words.

"The train is about to leave, are you two still chatting?" Anna stepped on calfskin boots and greeted the two of them.

"We just came out to smoke a cigarette, and we went up when we finished smoking, before we had time." Zhou Sen explained with a chuckle.


The whistle sounded.

The train started slowly, going south along the Binbei Line, and arrived at Bingcheng in about three hours.

The people on the train were drowsy, and Zhou Sen was also a little sleepy. The police officers on the train didn't dare to check their identities.

Ono had already opened up his joints.

Feeling the urge to urinate, Zhou Sen went to the toilet, and when he came back, he found that Anna was lying on his seat and fell asleep.

Zhou Sen could only take off his coat and cover her up, then walked across to Anna's original place and sat down.

The ground outside the window is already white, and the snow is still falling, but Ruixue does not see a good year. The life of the people in this black land is getting harder and harder every year.

While sighing, Zhou Sen could only say that he did what he was supposed to do to the best of his ability. As for the result, he really couldn't control it.

For him, Bingcheng is the tiger's den and wolf's den, while Khabarovsk is the most comfortable and happy place.

But he still wants to come back. There are not only people he cares about, but also the country and nation he loves so much.

Don't look at the things in the bones, but they have already been engraved in the imprint of the soul.

He may not talk about the righteousness of the nation, but he must have a bottom line in life. Besides, he also understands the general trend of the world, so how can he go against the trend?
Peshkov asked him to join the Communist International and become a special member of the CPSU, which he did not refuse.

However, he also made it clear that he has the right to choose to join the CCP in the future because he is a Chinese.

Maybe he's not so pure now, but one day, he will be.

It was getting dark, and after five o'clock, it was almost dark outside, and the train arrived in Bingcheng in an hour.

Zhou Sen suddenly felt a little flustered. This feeling was very similar to the "near-native feeling" mentioned in the book.

With a cry, Anna opened her eyes, straightened up and sat up.

"I'm asleep?"

"Well, I slept for about two hours." Zhou Sen raised his wrist and looked at his watch.

"This is your coat. Here it is." Anna took off the black wool coat she was wearing and handed it to Zhou Sen.

"It won't be long before we arrive at the station. We have more salutes. After a while, let's not say that we need to call two carriages to go back." Zhou Sen said, "I will take you to my house first, and then I will send you to the Krasnov family and Sherkin's house. No, it should also be considered my property.”

"Are you coming back tonight?"

"That's not what you should ask." Zhou Sen said.

"I knew that you must be going to the Ningxiang Pavilion. After being separated for so long, it would be a firewood." Anna chuckled.

Zhou Sen ignored her, and the woman went crazy, she could say anything.

"It's a pity, Natasha should like you..."

The train passed Sankeshu Station, and the familiar Bingcheng Station was about to arrive. Few people got off at Sankeshu Station. After staying for 3 minutes, the train started again, and the next stop was Bingcheng Station.

Bingcheng Station is a large station, and the parking time is more than 10 minutes. Not only a large number of passengers get off the bus, but also passengers get on the bus, which is very busy.

In the VIP waiting room, Saburo Shibuya paced nervously, and when he heard the news that the train was coming in, he immediately took the lead and ran to the platform.

The train slowly stopped at the edge of the platform.

As soon as the carriage door opened, Zhou Sen and others walked down with the other passengers. Bingcheng finally returned after an absence of more than half a year.

Go home.

Shibuya Saburo, who was wearing a high velvet hat, was recognized at a glance, but he didn't immediately go up to him. Today's protagonist is not him.

Although he also returned in triumph, the rescued Ando Morihou was the big shot, how dare he overstep.

So, after Ando Shenghou came down, he carried the suitcase, followed closely behind Ando by about one body step behind.

As soon as Shibuya Saburo saw Ando Morihou, he ran over excitedly, like a lover he hadn't seen for many years, full of tears: "Ando-kun, you have worked hard!"

Ando Morihou didn't know Shibuya Saburo, and Ono was still behind. Only Zhou Sen followed him a step, and hurriedly introduced: "Ando-kun, this is my teacher, Shibuya Saburo, deputy director of Bingcheng Police Department gentlemen."

"Shibuya-kun, I've heard Zhou Sen-kun mention you a long time ago, thank you so much!" Ando Morihou knew that he could be rescued because of this person in front of him.

"You are too polite!" Shibuya Saburo said excitedly, "Ando-kun, I have already arranged a reception banquet for you at the Yamato Hotel..."

"The reception banquet is skipped today. I've been on the train all day and I'm too tired. I want to rest earlier. How about changing it to tomorrow?" Ando Morihou said.

"Yes, everything will be done according to Ando-kun." Shibuya Saburo naturally nodded and agreed, but after tonight, it may not be his turn to organize the reception banquet tomorrow night, but he has already taken the lead. He was rescued by himself, and no one can take the credit for him. Whoever wants to do the wind banquet, let someone do it.

"Teacher, we are also tired, so we will go back first." Zhou Sen took the opportunity to say.

"Okay, thank you, what's the matter, come to the hall tomorrow, Ono, help me send Zhou Sen and the others back, and use the car from the police station." Saburo Shibuya told Ono.


Zhou Sen and Anna got into Ono's car, followed by another car carrying the Krass family and Rudolph.

Zhou Sen sent Anna to his home on Coats Street, and told Irina that he didn't take off the luggage in the car, so he sent Krasnov and the others to Gogol Street after they settled down. .

That's why Ono sent him to the sidewalk.

Ono probably knew where Zhou Sen was going, so he didn't ask much, and sent him directly to the back door of Ningxiang Pavilion, put him down and saluted, and drove away.

Zhou Sen carried the suitcase and came to the back door, took off his gloves, and knocked on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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