Chapter 216 Buying a Car

"Xiaorou, Xiaosen, why did you two come back together?" Zhou Sen and Jiang Rou walked into the yard one after the other.

Bai Yulan was surprised.

"I couldn't stay idle, so I went out for a walk, arrived at the new stage, and came back in Xiaorou's car along the way." Zhou Sen explained.

"Okay, since you're back, let's get ready for dinner." Bai Yulan greeted, and walked into the restaurant with a swaying figure.

Zhou Sen followed: "Yulan, shall we buy a car?"

"Why buy a car, don't we have a carriage?" Bai Yulan said, "The car not only needs to be driven, but also maintained. The most important thing is to consume gas. Isn't this gas easy to buy?"

"The car has high safety performance, and I know how to drive. In addition, you can also learn it. As for gasoline, it's not difficult for me." Zhou Sen said, "For your future travel safety, we must buy this car. "

"This car costs thousands of dollars, and that's not counting the later usage costs?" How could Bai Yulan not know the benefits of cars.

"If everyone settles accounts like this, who will sell the car to when it's produced?" Zhou Sen chuckled, "If you agree, I'll find someone to order two back."


"One for you, one for Xiaorou, both of you are my relatives, if someone wants to deal with me, it is very likely to attack you." Zhou Sen said.

"Okay, I think you are mainly for Xiaorou's safety." Bai Yulan gave Zhou Sen a white look.

"Xiaorou earned money for us, shouldn't I be rewarded?" Zhou Sen chuckled, he knew that Bai Yulan was not such a narrow-minded woman.

"By the way, I didn't tell you that kid Qin Lang is interested in Xiaorou, right?" Bai Yulan thought of something.

"At this stage, that kid is useless." Zhou Sen chuckled.

"You knew already?"

"He told me personally today, but I poured cold water on him mercilessly." Zhou Sen said, "Don't look at Xiaorou who looks weak, she is a very assertive girl, and what she wants from her other half It will never be too low, what is Qin Lang's background? Besides, she is now in the rising stage of her career, why would she consider getting married?"

"Actually, Qin Lang is not bad, it's the things he did in the past, but isn't he on the right track?"

"I admit that as long as Qin Lang is willing to marry, there are many women who want to marry him, and it's not like there are no good women, but she is not the type that Xiao Rou likes." Zhou Sen said.

"There are no absolutes in the world, so you won't object to the two of them, will you?"

"What am I against? As long as Qin Lang doesn't come here to hurt the tricks, pursue normally, fall in love, Xiao Rou can be happy, why should I be a villain?" Zhou Sen laughed, "You also think that I am too domineering, even if I am a real sister You can't do that either."

"The food is here, the food is here, let's wait..."


It's cold, but it's still comfortable to hide in the bed, and you can also make a villain by the way, Zhou Sen feels a little like "the king never goes to court early".

Bai Yulan seems to have gotten used to it. Women are much better than men in this regard, after all, they are practicing martial arts.

"Brother Sen, your female secretary, Anna, is here." Zhou Sen hasn't returned to his home on Cox Street for the past two days.

Naturally, he didn't go to see Anna anymore. In fact, he didn't want to go either. All that was left in that house were the memories of the original body, not his own.

"Okay, please go to the living room first, I'll come after I change my clothes." Zhou Sen ordered.

Anna actually didn't want to come. Seeing other people in pairs, happy and happy, her heart was naturally sour.

After all, after getting along for more than half a year, she failed to make Zhou Sen like her at all. Anna wondered if she was not beautiful enough or attractive enough.

"Anna is here, drink tea." Zhou Sen greeted casually, his secretary assistant, you don't need to be polite.

"Master Zhou, Ando Shenghou has been here. He came to say goodbye to you. You are not at home. I know that you don't want to have too much interaction with him, so I found an excuse to help you get over it, but he treats you I am very grateful, and invited you to go to Japan with me. He said that there is no gift for you before parting. He asked Kuroshima, the manager of Mitsui & Co., Ltd., if you have any difficulties, you can ask him for help. "Anna said as she took out a list and handed it over.

Zhou Sen stretched out his hand to take it. The stamped font on the business card read, Bingcheng Mitsui & Co., Ltd. on the top, and a person's name on the bottom: Kuroshima Yu.

"Thank you, did he say when he will leave the ice city?" Zhou Sen put it away and asked.

"I didn't say it, but it should be within two or three days." Anna said.

"Since he didn't say anything, I won't ask any more questions." Zhou Sen nodded, and Morihou Ando probably knew his identity, so he was afraid of causing trouble to him.

"Do you know that Shibuya-sensei is leaving?" Anna asked.

"Leaving, is it a promotion, or leaving Manchuria?" Zhou Sen frowned and asked.

"I don't know, but I probably won't leave Manchuria. If I leave, Mr. Shibuya's hard work in Manchuria these years will be in vain," Anna said.

"As long as the teacher is still in place, even if he is not in Bingcheng, he still has a chance to make a comeback," Zhou Sen said.

"The matter is still undecided. Before Mr. Shibuya decides to leave, he will definitely talk to you."

"Anna, if you have nothing to do, stay for lunch at noon, just help me check the report." Zhou Sen said.

"it is good."


Early the next morning, Zhou Sen came to the police station early. He had to hand in the report. He couldn't wait for Saburo Shibuya to leave and get a new boss. It would be difficult to explain all this.

Saburo Shibuya was very busy with work, even though Zhou Sen had the priority, he still had to wait for a quarter of an hour before he got the chance to enter the office.

"Zhou Senjun, didn't you let you rest at home for a few days, why did you come to work so soon?" Shibuya Saburo asked in surprise.

"Mr. Shibuya, the three-day vacation you gave me has already passed." Zhou Sen explained, "According to the rules, it's time for the students to come to sell their vacation and go to work."

"Oh, it's been three days so fast?" Saburo Shibuya was taken aback, obviously he didn't realize that three days passed so quickly, obviously he was quite busy these days, otherwise he wouldn't even remember the time.

"The students came here to sell their vacations, and secondly, they came to submit their latent work reports in Khabarovsk," Zhou Sen said.

"The report is finished?" Saburo Shibuya was slightly surprised.

"It's finished. I asked Anna to read it and correct it. Therefore, this report should belong to the two of us." Zhou Sen took out a kraft paper bag from his briefcase, and there was a thick pile of it inside. He stepped forward and handed over his hands respectfully.

Shibuya Saburo reached out and took it: "Thank you, you haven't had much rest these three days, are you rushing this report?"

"It's not too rushed. The content of the report is actually in the students' minds, and now they are just converting it into words." Zhou Sen explained.

"Well, did Anna tell you that my job might be transferred?" Shibuya Saburo asked.

Zhou Sen shook his head: "She never mentioned it to me."

"Oh, I didn't ask her to keep it a secret from you." Saburo Shibuya smiled slightly, and Zhou Sen realized that he was asking him a question on the surface, but he was actually testing Anna's loyalty to him.

He arranged for Anna to be by his side to monitor him. If he was with him, he should not be at ease.

If Zhou Sen answered wrong just now, I'm afraid that it won't be long before Anna is transferred from his side.

"I won't hide it from you. I'm going to be transferred back to Xinjing. I will continue to serve as the director of the Police Department and concurrently serve as the principal of the Xinjing Police Academy." Saburo Shibuya said, "My replacement is Matsuda Kikuo, he is a Kind elder, you will understand after getting along with him in the future."

"Yes, the student remembered."

"He is still in Kyoto. When he takes up his post, he will hand over. At least I will not leave until the end of the year." Saburo Shibuya said.

"Which department will the student join the Secret Service next?"

"Your old boss, Akiyama, will take over the post of Chief of the Special Affairs Section of the Police Agency. If you are not in a hurry to join the job, you can wait for him to arrive and listen to his arrangements." Shibuya Saburo said with a smile.

"Mr. Akiyama is going to work in the police department?" Zhou Sen was a little surprised, but this is also reasonable. The secret service department is a key department of the police department, and there must be a strong person in charge. Before that, Saburo Shibuya was concurrently in charge. .

Now that Shibuya Saburo is leaving, this position is naturally vacant. Akiyamanosuke is relatively close to Shibuya Saburo, so he should belong to his lineage.

There is nothing wrong with pushing Akiyama's help to the position of chief of the special affairs section.

For him, the deputy director of the police department is not his direct leader, but the chief of the secret service department. A familiar chief of the secret service department is not harmful to him.

"Then I'll report to Mr. Akiyama directly, is that okay?" Zhou Sen asked.

"You go to transfer the relationship first. For the time being, go to the inspection unit to be responsible for document inspection and news review. This is also the old job you did in the Nangang Police Station. After Akiyama takes office, you will adjust it." Shibuya Sanlang considered After a moment.

"Yes, the student has gone." Zhou Sen nodded.

Saburo Shibuya nodded. He did not tell Zhou Sen that there was a certain screening process for personnel returning from abroad.

This screening was also carried out secretly, by the Security Bureau.

Coming out of Shibuya Saburo's office, Anna who had been waiting for a long time came up to him: "How about it, where shall we go?"

"Go to the Secret Service Section to inspect the unit first, and return to our old business in Nangang Department." Zhou Sen said.

"It's quite an easy job, but it's more eye-catching." Anna chuckled, reviewing newspapers, books and other publications, of course, including entertainment performances such as movies and dramas.

Power is not small, and a slight slip of the pen can determine the livelihood and life and death of many people, especially in this era when thoughts and speech are strictly controlled.

"Let's just go through the motions, don't take it seriously." Zhou Sen said as he walked, "If you really want to make meritorious service and rewards, you still have to do it yourself."

"Do it alone, don't you think too much?"

"Our target is not these small-scale anti-Japanese elements in Manchukuo, but Soviet Russia. Next, we have to keep a low profile and try our best. The teacher is not here, so try not to be in the limelight." Zhou Sen said.

"I'll listen to you." Anna followed closely.

(End of this chapter)

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