Chapter 217 Meeting at the Lu Restaurant

North Sandao Street, Lu Restaurant.

Zhou Sen was wearing a long gown, holding a black umbrella in his hand, and wearing a top hat, with gray-brown sideburns covering his ears.

With light brown glasses, he looks like a teacher in school.

His disguise and make-up skills have integrated the directors of the two major spy schools, Nakano School in Japan and the Soviet Russian "Cheka", and also added some of his own ideas.

It can be said that it can be regarded as a school of its own, which is no worse than those instructors specially trained by Yimianpo, and even worse.

"Little shopkeeper, here I come again."

As soon as Xiao Hai heard this voice, he immediately recognized that the guest who came at noon the day before yesterday came again, and quickly greeted him: "Sir, you are here, what do you want to eat today?"

"Didn't your master tell you?" Zhou Sen chuckled.

"Ah?" Xiao Hai was a little puzzled, but he reacted quickly, and hurriedly greeted, "Please come inside."

"En." Zhou Sen nodded in agreement, opened the thick curtain, and walked into the single room inside, where he had lunch the day before yesterday.

"Are you still a pot of scented tea?"

Zhou Sen nodded, put the umbrella in the corner, took off his top hat and put it on the hanger, took off his scarf, and sat down.

After Xiaohai brought a pot of scented tea, he went out again.

dong dong...


A sturdy man with a slightly stooped figure walked in, wearing a gray cloth padded jacket and a dog fur felt hat.

On the feet are a pair of cotton shoes with holes, and the yellow cotton wool inside is exposed.

This is a beggar on the street, but he is not a beggar, but Salman, the deputy consul general of Soviet Russia in Ice City.

Salman is tall. If he doesn't pretend to be hunched over, his height is too conspicuous, and he will be recognized by others.

In order to be able to see Zhou Sen, he did his best regardless of his image.

It's just that the appearance is too funny, but fortunately he is also an old "Cheka", so there is no problem with makeup skills.

Zhou Sen didn't speak, and when Salman took off his outer cotton coat and felt hat, and was about to tear off the fake beard on his mouth, he made a noise and joked: "Don't tear it off, I'll have to stick it later." Come on, what a hassle."

"Comrade Wasim, we finally meet." Salman smiled, sat up slightly, looked at Zhou Sen with his blue eyes, and stretched out his right hand.

Zhou Sen naturally stretched out his right hand, shook hands with the other party, and then let go: "Mr. Salman, it's an honor to meet you."

"Comrade Vasim, I think it's better to call comrades everything, what do you think?" Salman looked at Zhou Sen and corrected him calmly.

"I just agreed to serve as a special intelligence officer of the Communist International, and did not join the Soviet Communist Party. Therefore, it is inappropriate to use the title 'comrade' between us." Zhou Sen explained that Peshkov mentioned to him that he joined the Soviet Communist Party. The idea of ​​the Communist Party, but he declined it. He would not join the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. If he wanted to join, he would also join the Communist Party of China.

The question of identity is important.

"Comrade is not a unique title. People with common goals and beliefs can be called comrades." Salman explained.

"I think that a title has formed a habit, and it is easy to say it inadvertently, which may bring unpredictable dangers and consequences. Mr. Salman, we are doing the work on the tip of the knife. We have to proceed with caution," Zhou Sen reminded.

"Well, I respect your habits, but in my heart, I already regard you as my comrade."

"Me too, otherwise, I wouldn't have called you." Zhou Sen nodded.

Salman asked: "At that time, you wanted to get in touch with us, didn't you?"

"Yes." Zhou Sen said, he couldn't deny this, besides, if he didn't admit it, people wouldn't be able to see it?

"The note you gave Sisonov was to remind us that the consulate's external communications were being monitored, wasn't it?"

"At that time, I happened to be transferred to the super high stock market. I witnessed the process of you being monitored around the clock. In order to gain your trust, I tried to pass the news to you through Sisonov." Zhou Sen said, "Afterwards, I will watch After receiving your response, Yuan Wenfu should have been killed by your people."

"Yes, we don't know how to contact you. Once Yuan Wenfu dies, you will know immediately. This is not only our response, but also an expression of our trust in you," Salman said.

"So, I planned to ask you out for a meeting, but I didn't expect the Japanese to react so quickly. They dared to attack you without confirmation, completely disregarding diplomatic rules." Zhou Sen said.

"If they talked about the rules, they wouldn't do so many things that everyone is angry with." Salman shrugged and said, "So, I guessed that there might be a net of heaven and earth waiting for me in the Modern Hotel. , If I really go, they dare not do anything to me, but you must be hard to get out, so I went to the Yamato Hotel halfway to help you lure the people from the special high class away."

"That's right. I heard their conversation in the room. I only escaped unharmed when I knew you had gone to the Yamato Hotel." Zhou Sen nodded.

"After that, we tried to get in touch with you again, but we didn't get any response from you. We also know that you were injured, and there were people around them, and your movements were restricted. So, when you went to the police academy for special training, I informed General Beshkov of the Intelligence Department of the Far Eastern Military Region about your situation, and at the same time sent Sisonov back, he is the only person who has met you face to face, only in this way can I win your trust."

"I didn't know the identity of Papa Anthony at the beginning. The reason I contacted you was that I didn't want to be coerced into being a traitor by the Japanese. This is something I can't accept. In Bingcheng, someone who can help me and can be trusted , and only you." Zhou Sen said frankly.

"Your idea is very wise and correct." Salman said, "Anthony, since you now know Anthony's identity and who he is working for, you are his adopted son, and you were appointed by him during his lifetime. Therefore, this important task has to be picked up by you, for Anthony, and for you and your country, our goals are the same."

"Yes, Japan is our common enemy. If we don't frustrate their desire to covet the Far East, the Far East won't be safe, and if we don't defeat Japan, we won't be able to truly regenerate our country and nation." Zhou Sen said.

"You should have come into contact with our beliefs and doctrines in Khabarovsk. We should be doing a noble cause that is beneficial to mankind and represents the future of all mankind!" Salman said.

"I don't deny this, I am a pragmatist, and my ideological realm may not reach your level, but I have a bottom line, I am not a traitor, and I have made sacrifices for my country and my nation Prepare." Zhou Sen thought about it carefully, and said solemnly.

These words are really not high-profile, in fact, he has been in this era for almost a year, and he has seen, heard, and thought about his true feelings.

One must have spiritual pursuits to be a human being, especially a person who has read books and opened up wisdom. As long as he is not blinded by desires and desires, he will always have spiritual pursuits, such as honoring his ancestors and leaving his ancestors name and so on.

"Wasim, if you want, I can be your party introduction!" Arman said excitedly after hearing this.

"Thank you for your kindness. I can work for you, but I haven't considered joining you yet. I need a deeper understanding." Zhou Sen declined.

"Haven't you learned enough in Khabarovsk for half a year?" Salman was a little disappointed, but he didn't delve into it. After all, Zhou Sen is already working for them. In time, he will take the initiative without saying anything. Application has been made.

"For me, it's not enough." Zhou Sen is a nationalist. The vast land in the Far East of Soviet Russia used to belong to China, but is now occupied by Soviet Russia. He can cooperate for the common enemy, but the country and national interests over ideology.

"Wasim, now we are negotiating with Japan, but we don't have enough control over the internal movements of Japan, especially the Kwantung Army. , we must prepare in advance, although we have signed a secret non-aggression pact with Germany in Europe, but no one knows how long this pact will last..."

"What do I need to do?"

"We hope that you can make friends within the Kwantung Army and provide us with the internal movements of the Kwantung Army at any time, and of course the plans of their intelligence department. This is also Anthony's past mission." Salman said.

"If I inquire about this information, how should I tell you?"

"The owner of this Shandong restaurant, Liang Yiming, code name: Old Gun, he is your contact person, and your information can be forwarded through him." Salman said.

"Yes." Zhou Sen nodded, not directly contacting the people in the consulate, to ensure his safety and not be exposed to the greatest extent.

"In addition, before this, we entrusted a comrade from the CCP to get in touch with you, but because you were not sure about your identity and attitude at the time, she just connected with you and did not reveal her identity." Saar Man said.

"The person you're talking about isn't Miss Jiangrou whose stage name is Xiao Xiangning?" Zhou Sen's eyes burst into a bright light.

Jiang Rou was actually an underground member of the Communist Party of China. He really didn't guess it. At most, he thought that Jiang Rou was also working in the Communist International, and it was very possible that she was a member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

You must know that in the underground work line in Bingcheng, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Comintern) and the Communist Party of China are parallel, and there is no intersection at all.

If there is an intersection, it is very dangerous. Once something goes wrong, both lines will be exposed.

"Yes, how do you know?"

"By chance, I found Shelkin's emergency contact point hidden in the steel pipe next to the bed, the 'Fu' Ji grocery store on Pao Team Street, and I found out that Jiang Rou had been there, she lived and worked outside the road, and Pao Team Street is in the port area, why did she go to this 'Fortune' grocery store, and it is also the same as Sherkin's emergency contact point, I don't believe this is a coincidence, so I suspect it."

"Wasim, it seems that Anthony is right. You were born to do this job. Such a keen sense of touch is really amazing!" Salman praised, "Since you already know Jiang Rou's identity, then Have her as your assistant, help you with some work, and cover your identity."

"You mean, let Jiang Rou do a job similar to Sheerkin's?"

"Yes, you have that Anna by your side, sometimes you can't do it, and Jiang Rou has a special relationship with you, no one will doubt that she can help you do things you can't do." Salman said.

"I'll think about it." Zhou Sen nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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