Chapter 224 Secret Funding
The location of the "orthopedic" hospital that Qin Lang found for Zhou Sen, Nan Wudao Street, was originally a small inn, with dining in the front hall and guest rooms in the backyard.

The guest room was later built as a tube building, but the yard is not small and the lighting is not bad. This is not because the boss has repaid his gambling debts.

Want to repay the debt.

This has little to do with Qin Lang.

The casino is now under his eldest brother, and the business is booming, but after all, he has managed the casino for many years, and some news and connections are there.

He doesn't necessarily care about the news that others don't know, besides, he has been staring at the casino that Qin Xiong took away from him.

"Brother Sen, this place is a bit dilapidated, but it's a big place. If you knock it down and rebuild it, it won't cost much..."

"Is he transferring it?" Zhou Sen came over and took a look. The location is good and the space is not small, but he is not satisfied with the buildings on the ground.

Hospitals are incomparable with hotels, and the building requirements are different.

Such a large piece of land, if it is knocked down and rebuilt, a pretty good community hospital can be built.

"how much is it?"

"Fifty thousand hayang." Qin Lang stretched out his hand and said, "This guy owes Dabi's gambling debt. If it wasn't for repaying the gambling debt, he would definitely not transfer it. This shop can still make money."

"If I buy it and knock it down and rebuild it, how much will it cost?" Zhou Sen asked.

"If you buy it and use all the removed materials, it will cost at least 20 yuan." Qin Lang said.

The 20 is not Ha Yang, but an old sheep.

Zhou Sen is not short of money. He is now looking for a bank loan. The bank is rushing to give him the loan, because he is a high-quality customer. Even if the loan is not paid, he still has high-quality assets in his hand. The bank is not afraid.

"You are in charge of this matter, and the land and hospital are written under Bai Yulan's name." Zhou Sen ordered.

"Does Boss Bai know?"

"What do you say?"


"Remove the existing materials and use what can be used. Don't throw away what can't be used. Find a place to pile it up. Find a professional architect for the design of the hospital, and hand over the construction..." Zhou Sen instructed.

"If this is done, it may not start until the spring of next year, and it will definitely not work now."

"Buy it and continue driving without losing money."

"Yes, yes, there are still several months left, it's not good to waste it..."


The weather was getting colder, and there were fewer pedestrians on the street. Shibuya Saburo's family of three also took the train to Xinjing.

His house was not sold or rented out, but kept for his future vacation in Bingcheng.

Although the political status of Bingcheng is not as good as that of Xinjing, it is indeed the most prosperous city in the Far East, not one of them.

If possible, Saburo Shibuya is willing to work and live here all his life, and there is also the Bingcheng Academy he founded by himself.

It was the place where Zhou Sen and the others stayed after returning from the special training at Yimianpo. It was a professional academy for training senior secret agents.

The crusade team went into the mountains twice in three days to encircle and suppress the anti-union team. Judging from the disclosed news, their life was indeed very difficult.

There was a lack of food, clothing and, of course, a severe shortage of medicine.

The "concentrated tribe" plan implemented by the Japanese is too powerful. It completely cut off the supply source of the anti-Japanese armed forces such as the Anti-Japanese Federation. This cut off their roots, forcing the troops to drill deep into the mountains.

The mountains are covered by heavy snow, they have no food and no clothes to keep out the cold. How can they survive such a cold winter?
Zhou Sen didn't know what to do. Even if he could get these things, he couldn't send them out, and he didn't know where to send them.

The surrounding area of ​​Ice City is very peaceful, except that some leaders of the Anti-League have been captured and will be sent to Ice City for trial.

For the rest, if caught, they were either killed on the spot, or they were sent to an unknown place. He didn't know whether it was Beiyin River or a bungalow.

Zhou Sen followed Yingshan to visit the special cell of the Security Bureau in Daoli Prison, as well as the secret prison Songhua School.

It was really a purgatory on earth, not a place for human beings to live in. It was the first time I went there, Zhou Sen couldn't hold back and vomited.

After coming out, it took a long time to slow down.

His reaction is also very normal. It is the first time for a normal person to go in to visit. It is like this for the first time.

After witnessing all kinds of tortures the Japanese inflicted on their compatriots, his heart was really like bloody gashs cut open by a knife.

He wished he could send these beasts to hell right now, but no, he couldn't do it right now.

Can only endure.

He will record the crimes of these people one by one, and sooner or later he will find them to liquidate the crimes they committed in China.


After the opening of "Sen" Ji's new store in Xiangfang District, Lao Dingfeng's business suddenly dropped by [-]%. rich.

But as long as it is a business, there will be competition, not to mention that many pastries of the two companies are comparable in style and taste.

no way.

One Xiangfang District cannot accommodate two pastry shops.

Lao Dingfeng is a time-honored brand, and "Sen" Ji is a rising star. The competition between the two is also beneficial to Lao Dingfeng.

At least it will force it to innovate and improve its quality. If they don't even have this idea, then don't do this business as soon as possible.

With the success of the new store in Xiangfang District, "Sen" Ji has covered the entire ice city market. The next step is to stabilize the business. Next year, depending on the situation, it will expand to surrounding counties with large populations.

Wherever the branch is opened, the information channel will be there, and it is not just about making money.

If it's just to make money, Zhou Sen can open the branch to big cities without sinking to the surrounding counties.

How can the consumption power of the county compare with big cities like Xinjing and Fengtian?
In a short period of time, Zhou Sen has been in the Special Affairs Division of the Police Department for a month, and the promotion order and letter of appointment have also come down.

Zhou Sen is written on the letter of appointment, the director of the stock.

Because he has the rank of police lieutenant now, and if he is a police officer in time at night, the sergeant can be the chief of the unit.

Of course, there are many officers with the rank of police sergeant, and only a small part of them can really be officials.

Zhou Sen is young, and he is not in the position of seniority, and the director of the company still sees him for his meritorious service.

Aoki assigned him a job, which was to check the mail and packages, mainly the mail and packages of public officials.

As long as there is doubt, you can check it. Of course, if it exceeds a certain level, you need to ask for instructions, and you can't check it if you want.

It is obviously an offending job to check one's own people. Aoki is the section chief, and Zhou Sen can't refuse the job he assigned.

In fact, he was quite happy to do this job, so he didn't have to investigate the "anti-Manchurian Anti-Japanese" case and arrest people.

Akiyamanosuke didn't give him any special care, probably because he didn't want people to know about their relationship.

Of course, Akiyamanosuke was also a man of the future, and he quickly pulled Lin Dakuan over as soon as he arrived. In this way, he gained a firm foothold in the secret service department.

And although Aoki was a little closer to Matsuda, Akiyama had the final say in the secret service department. Of course, Akiyama and Matsuda had a good relationship.

The Secret Service was relatively calm.

But in the other departments, the personnel affairs are like swords and shadows. Matsuda promoted a group of people to the top, and got rid of or assigned the group of people who did not follow him.

Of course, he had to worry about the face of Bai Enming, the head of the department. He tried his best not to move Bai Enming's people.

Those who moved were all Jin Guirong's people in the past, and there were also a small number of people he didn't like.

Jin Guirong is still the police chief of the capital, and his status is much higher than him, but the emperor is far away, what can Jin Guirong do?
This is not considered cleaning, it can only be regarded as the emperor and courtiers. When Matsuda came, he had to use a group of people, otherwise, he would no longer be a tool for stamping.

After this guy's personnel adjustment, he was finally going to start a fire, and this fire actually burned on the corruption of the police in Bingcheng.

This guy actually really wants to blow a "clean wind" in the police system of Bingcheng.

The policemen in Manchukuo generally don't have high salaries. They don't eat, card, take, or demand, and earn some extra money. They can't even support their wives and children.

If Matsuda wants to stop the trend of corruption and fraud, it is impossible to do so, and he doesn't even look at who the policemen under him are.

Of course, it doesn't rule out that this guy pretends to be clean on the surface, but he is more greedy than anyone else in his heart. He just uses this excuse to put his big head in his bowl.

From Zhou Sen's point of view, even if it's the latter, he must have a big appetite just seeing how fat he is.

Sure enough, all the money that was paid to Saburo Shibuya went into the pocket of the old boy Matsuda, and as long as it was handed in, an extra [-]% would be added.

This guy is really impolite, but his appearance is too ugly, but there is no way, who let him be in that position?
Zhou Sen couldn't avoid financial ruin and disaster, so he gave Matsuda Kikuo 10 yuan at one time, which made him satisfied.

Otherwise, this guy would really make trouble for "Sen" Ji and Ningxiang Pavilion, and it would be difficult for him to deal with it.

With such a greedy Deputy Director of the Police Department at the booth, everyone has no choice but to drive him away. Anyway, his term of office is not long, at most one year, and he will definitely leave. Just bear with it and pass.

Everyone has the final say on this police station.


"Xiao Mori, I asked Chang Bo to contact you about the matter you told me a few days ago, and there was news from there." In the evening, after dinner, while soaking her feet, Bai Yulan told Zhou Sen Said.

"How do you say it?" In winter, soaking your feet in hot water before going to bed is the most comfortable thing.

"There is a lack of everything, including clothing to keep out the cold, quilts, food, and medicine."

"Can we get these?"

"It's not a big problem, but how can I deliver it to them?" Bai Yulan knew that Zhou Sen would ask this question, and replied.

"It can't be delivered directly to them. We have to find other ways, such as being robbed or lost, so that we won't be suspected." Zhou Sen said, "Or, I will provide information and let them go by themselves. Rob."


"The crusade team and the police search team that went into the mountains also need to eat and drink. I can provide them with information on the route and time of supply delivery, it depends on whether they have the guts." Zhou Sen said with a smile.

"But, if the news is leaked, will it implicate us?"

"Only provide the information to people who are trustworthy, or we don't come forward and pass the information through a middleman, using false identities." Zhou Sen said.

"That's a way."

"This can't be done too frequently. If you do it once or twice occasionally, it won't arouse the alertness of the Japanese. If there are too many, you will definitely be suspicious. So, make a big one at a time, and all problems will be solved."

"Okay." Bai Yulan nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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